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sonic satam season 4

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Has anyone ever thought baout the fourth season of satam? I mean we all talk about season three. But never talk about season 4. There was a planned season four starring Knuckles himself. But we all know what happen with season three. But does anyone one have their vision of Knuckles in satam season 4? Mine is that IT is Sonic and Knuckles happened, Then NAck the weasel shows up and the Chaotix. And the Freedom Fighters probaly won't get along. (this is a fact, Knuckles is in the last episode of Sonic satam season 3 and is in 4 as a main charater.)

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Didn't you already bring this up?

And someone being PLANNED for later use doesn't mean they actually appeared.

Posts: 0
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Dummy! I'm asking what you think what wolud happen after season 3. Cause Most people make their own Season 3 and make the last epsiode in Season 3. But Ben Husrt reveal Knuckles was going to be in Satam Season 4 and in the video game based on Satam. So I was wondering what do the fans of satam would plan for season 4 after the fanbased of Season 3. Duh! you need glasses or some 2th grade reading book cuz you can read. (Sorry for dissing ya. You thouht I meant something else.) Plus I've give you my verion of Season 4. So tell yours.

Posts: 1127
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Everyone but the game characters die. :crazy

Posts: 2398
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I normally don't do this sort of thing but short of issuing a warning, this time I feel kind so I'll just give a lesson.

Maybe like a 2th (sic) grade reading book.


Posts: 4607
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S+, huh? And to think I got a W-. D:

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I just remember they had S's and not F's when I was little. I guess because F's made the stupid kids feel stupid? I dunno.

I got an S in tying my shoes. I didn't care though because I wore Velcro. Pwn'd.


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Doesn't anyone have a Season 4?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

After the events of Season 3 and The Movie they all migrated to their home world which was boring and unlike Earth. Robotnik met with some floating planet who eats other planets and got turned into Eggman, who is boring and has crappy henchmen and colored purple.

Sonic died in the movie, but luckily Tails is a crappy leader, so they bring Sonic back to life in the final episode. Children across the world rejoice, but then cry when they realise that it's over and they had to put up with Wheelie... I mean... uh... Sonic-Mite for 2 seasons and didn't get enough Optimus Pri-- Sonic to compensate.

Or, maybe every season Sally wears more clothes, so now has a raincoat, sweater and a vest.

Or maybe rocks fall and everyone dies.

Oh and Knuckles was a Skrull.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Go. Hunt. Kill Skrulls.

Sorry, sorry. I'll go home now. And 'Kill Skuls'.


Posts: 1446
Noble Member

This is the most pointless thread ever.

Posts: 82
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U'm Troy, You do know by now. That there's not going to be a third or a fourth season of SATAM! So please stop trying to bring this issue up already?

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Come on, it is fun to talk about the show and what might have been or how we would have done things. There are some elements from Archie I would bring in. For the fourth season, I might have focused on the final defeat of Robotnic and covered what happend to Sonic's parents. My ideal final season would have focused on Sonic and the Freedom Fighters trying to rebuild their world and I would have some focus on romanic relationships(that is all I will say about that).

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Duh! you need glasses or some 2th grade reading book cuz you can read. (Sorry for dissing ya.

If you're going to make a lame attempt at insulting someone and then apologise for it, maybe you should, gee, I dunno, not do it in the first place. And as was mentioned on the topic of Grade 2, nice spelling and editing skills there.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member


(this is a fact, Knuckles is in the last episode of Sonic satam season 3 and is in 4 as a main charater.)

I assume you're speaking of the glowing eyes in the end of the last episode. They were never revealed as belonging to Knuckles. Furthermore, Ben Hurst "revealed" that the eyes actually belonged to Ixis Naugus. Nice try, though.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That would be season "3" the eyes would have been in. He's talking about season 4, which obviously exists even less than the proposed season "3".

If Season 3 was a plan, Season 4 was a vague idea.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


If Season 3 was a plan, Season 4 was a delusion.

There ya go, fix'd it.

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

So would that make Season 5 a drug trip or a hallucination?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

That's what would make it so awesome, Dubs.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

4th season ended when Son G... er, Sonic fought King... er, Dr. Robotnik and spindashed through his abdomen, avenging the deaths of a great many Freedom Fighters. But then Robotnik, just before dying, spat out an egg and launched it somewhere far away.

5th season was Sonic X.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

*docks five points off of Rico's test for missing an error, and gives those points back to Troy*

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I was being lenient on the lad, honey. But you can dock my points anytime.


Posts: 1402
Noble Member


So would that make Season 5 a drug trip or a hallucination?

you do know that you never catch the dragon right?

*a cookie to anyone who understands the south park reference.*

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I don't get it

I'm not shoeless, You're shoeless

Posts: 419
Honorable Member


I was being lenient on the lad, honey. But you can dock my points anytime.

Is this is the point where you dress up in a petticoat and powdered wig, call out a half-naked oily Jethro to chop you some wood, and gaze lovingly by the poolside as you sip pink lemonade and "catch a mighty right fine case of the vapors"?


Because if it is I am SO putting that up on You Tube like NOW. (lol vapors)

Also: SatAM Season 5 definately needs more cowbell.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Catch the Dragon xD! I was close one year.

And maybe Season 5 is like PCP...angel dust... heheheh (wayy too much Chapelle show right now)

Posts: 337
Reputable Member

I'd limit it to the archetype characters, since game adaptions won't work as well as they did in Sonic X. With Shadow appearing a few episodes near the climax.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

A fourth season of SatAM? Boy, do I wish! I would have loved to see the third season go through, and a fourth season would be even better! A pity SatAM didn't come at a better time-preferably one where the Power Rangers weren't around to crush it. Stupid Japanese based show; I wanted to see Knuckles on SatAM!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol Sonic is Japanese based as well :crazy
