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Sonic solicitations for March 2007

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"Rouge Goes Rogue!": Can it be true? Has Rouge the Bat really returned to a life of crime? After being accused of stealing a moon emerald, Rouge goes to Knuckles seeking refuge but can Knuckles trust that she's telling the truth, especially with the Master Emerald to protect? And with so many questions in the air, how should Sonic and Agent Topaz react? It's the twisty-est, turny-est Sonic X saga yet! SCRIPT: Joe Edkin. ART: David Hutchison (pencils) and Terry Austin (inks). Maximum security cover by Spaz!
Shipping March 21st, 2007
On sale DCD April 4th, 2007
On sale Newsstand April 10th, 2007

"Round Up!" Wait until you see who just got engaged! But don't celebrate just yet... there's trouble afoot, and now the engagement party has become a seek and capture party for the Freedom Fighters! Along the way, old foes will return, fractured friendship will be restored, and both new alliances and new rivalries will form! All this, plus a virtual "who's who" of characters from Sonic's epic mythology! SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley (pencils) and Jim Amash (inks). Hail, hail the gang's all here cover by Tracy Yardley and Jim Amash.
Shipping March 7th, 2007
On sale DCD March 21st, 2007
On sale Newsstand March 27th, 2007

The #173 cover is rather dull, but the one for Sonic X is funny. :lol

And someone's getting engaged in Knothole? Oh dear, there'll be no stopping the shippers now! :(

Posts: 1437
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Who will get engaged: top five possibilities

5) Antoine and Bunnie
4) Bunnie and Antoine
3) D'Coolette and Rabbot
2) Ant and Bun
1) Mina and Ash

Posts: 1402
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who knows, maybe they'll throw a fastball and get Knux and Julie-su. (i'd be pretty surprised if it's anyone besides ant and bun. :lol )

i'd want a pair way less obvious than bunnie and antoine though.

Posts: 247
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The cover and the description thereof for StH #173 don't match at all.

Posts: 247
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Sonic the Hedgehog's cover rarely DOES match the story.
I have to say once again though, I love the Sonic X covers.

Posts: 1437
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Yeah, I know. But that isn't what I said. The cover does not match the description of the cover.


Hail, hail the gang's all here cover by Tracy Yardley and Jim Amash.

The cover clearly shows Sonic alone and is signed "Spaz."

Posts: 247
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Ohh, I see. My mistake, Dirk.

Posts: 899
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173 sounds very meh, and the cover doesn't really help. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

LOVE the Sonic X cover, however. Kinda funny.

Posts: 58
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I wonder whose getting engaged? Probably someone we will supsect to be so.

But, honestly, the cover for 173 is very bland and boring.

Sonic X cover however is funny.I'm happy about the story line too.I've been dying to see Rouge put in the light she is in the show!

Posts: 114
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hmm.. -looks at sonic the hedgehog cover- when has there ever been blacktop in knothole or any other sonic location besides station square and such? what with the yellow traffic lines and such... very odd... and its not a robotropolis esque area hence the sunny skies and no overcast weather and smog clouds/pollution

Posts: 247
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EDIT: Wait, you're right. Nevermind.

Posts: 114
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hehe... exactly, hmmm Is this the Ass Hattery you speak of so much of this archie? eh... WW?

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The cover does not match the description of the cover.

Maybe they've done a fake cover because the real one has spoilers or something.

Posts: 173
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If #173's cover is real, then could it be Sonic and one of his many love interests get's engaged? Just because a couple get's engaged dosen't mean that the two of them will for certain get married later on -- things happen, you know. Whatever. What I really want to say is that I really like the cover of #173...There's a sense of peace that's rarely found in the covers; normally covers are used to highlight the dramatic tension between characters. And it says Spaz on the cover but the Sonic really reminds me of Tracey's Sonic -- could this have been a collaboration?

Posts: 1413
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Man, that #173 cover looks boring. The one from SX looks pretty fun. As for who get engage is either Ant and Bunnie or Knuckles and Juli-Su.

Posts: 2016
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I've said it time and time again: I don't like Spaz's covers! u.u;

Although, for the story, if Ant and Bunnie do tie the knot, I do have one thing to say about that: About damned time, ya'll.

Posts: 378
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Antoine and Bunnie? Maybe. Ash and Mina? Nope. Ian recently said that there are no plans for Ash or Mina. And they plan around 10 issues ahead give or take a few, last I heard. And as for the cover not matching the description? The story discription's always off, and I guess it decribes a cover either that they were going to use but scrapped, or a cover that they will use, and the one we see is the scrapped one.
But meh, I'm not reading these any more anyway, the reasons too numerous to describe.

Posts: 247
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The same thing was said about issue 150's cover, remember? "Oh, it must not be the real one. The real one's gonna be so much better."
And issue 160? Same deal.

Posts: 1195
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Yeah, for now, I vote on #173 being either a fake cover or just placed there to not reveal any sense of spoilers or suspense or whatever held inside.

That said, I love Sonic X's cover. Great shadowing.

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It Bunnie and Antione engaged, that's who it is. Cause right now, I wouldn't of any two, would you? ;)

Posts: 84
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ant and bunnie are the obvious choice to be engaged, but maybe even sonic and fiona? i know that right now their relationship is probably rocky with sonic realizing that something's up with fiona, but it would be something unexpected nonetheless, or perhaps a plan to oust fiona's secrets...

i'd rather ant and bunnie though. 127 issues after their relationship began... yea i guess it's time for them to move forward already

Posts: 108
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Count me as someone else who thinks the Sonic comic is getting the short end of the stick in terms of cover design. The covers are just so bland from time to time.

Posts: 273
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After the recent Bunnie and Antoine back-up story...I expected them to get engaged. The dialogue in that story kind of hinted at it. And of all the current relationships in the book, Bunnie and Antoine's is by far the one most likely to end in marraige.

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No Doubt it Erinaceus :)

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ant and bunnie are the obvious choice to be engaged, but maybe even sonic and fiona?

Naw, seeing what recently been in the book lately, I THINK NOT!

Why? Because I see the whole Sonic loves Fiona thing as filler/lame suspense move. Plus even if it is them we all should darn well that it going to stay this way because of good old M:25YL. Oh, don't even get me started on M:25YL!

Posts: 247
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M25YL is a possible future. POSSIBLE. We've already seen that it takes nothing at all for it to change, thanks to issues 166 and 167.

Posts: 5772
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M:25YL is pretty much superfluous. More like a "What if..?", really.

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NO ONE ever said it was definite but not a single soul marked it in stone that it was possible either.

Just like most stuff, we will continue to speculate until we know.

Believe me, I'm practically walking on suunshine with the possibly of it not being definite. I don't like the idea of Sonic being king or of him being married to Sally. Uck!

Anyway, I don't think it's impossible. Archie has creating many useless arc's before, IMO they've been creating a useless comic book series for 65 years now.


Posts: 5772
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NO ONE ever said it was definite but not a single soul marked it in stone that it was possible either.

One person did. But he's been shut down and shut out ever since.

Posts: 58
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One person did. But he's been shut down and shut out ever since.

Who? Prove it is them and I'll shut up about this topic.

Posts: 247
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Ken Penders.

Posts: 1437
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Ken Penders said it was a canon definite future. Justin Gabrie said it was a "possible" future, and Mike Pellerito reaffirmed Justin's view.

Posts: 1402
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karl bollers was in on that too, that's why they had that big "argument" at ken's board.

Posts: 5772
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Of course. Ken Penders wanted the future he's been hinting at since before Endgame set in stone forever. Karl and some of the readers balked, the argument being that Ken was being too controlling over what could and should be allowed to occur as the comic progressed, the core of this having mainly to do with the Sonic/Sally/Mina fiasco. The compromise that it be relegated and referred to as an alternate future was later reached, but the damage was done.

Now here's something that just occurred to me: Ken was the one who first gave us a glimpse into Sonic and Sally's future. He then later writes Endgame, where Sally was fated to die before Sega had him change gears at the last minute. Why the contradiction? Did he or did he not once believe that the future would be irrevocably changed when Sally died? So why all the hubbub, bub?

Posts: 1583
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That could be based on changing attitudes over time.

While I've pretty much kept the same fave characters over time, my choices in terms of their relationships has changed over time though.

Though it wasn't just the infamous love triangle that was the issue, it was some other things done or "restricted" momentarily that were probably far more annoying in the long run. We got at least one new character that would've been an old character instead out of that stuff too.

Posts: 1402
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Now here's something that just occurred to me: Ken was the one who first gave us a glimpse into Sonic and Sally's future. He then later writes Endgame, where Sally was fated to die before Sega had him change gears at the last minute. Why the contradiction? Did he or did he not once believe that the future would be irrevocably changed when Sally died? So why all the hubbub, bub?

i agree with true red, ironically i was reading some articles about J.K Rowling and The deathly hollows today and she was saying that she had the last chapter in the series written for a long time, but over time she had to change it because she had to make some allterations to it so it would fit the story.

i'm guessing the same thing with ken, plans just change i guess. although he was probably delighted to hear that sally was being kept alive so his plans would resume.

Posts: 356
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I agree that it was a matter of plans changing and trying to please everyone too, that M25YL turned out the way it did. My relationship choices have not changed, "Endgame" and everything that has happend since then has only made me want Sonic and Sally to work out even more(I hope I have not broken the relationship rule).

Posts: 13
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Hmm.. interesting thoughts about KP and the Endgame story. It seems he hasn't backed down from the future he wants, before and after End Game. Does anyone know when Sega requested the story turnaround for EndGame? was it during the 3 issues, or before?

Is M25YL a recent Super Special? I suppose I should pick it up and find out what all the talk is about.

Posts: 1437
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The request for the story turnaround happened quite late in the development process for Endgame. When you consider that these stories are written months beforehand, it's tough to say exactly when. It's likely that Sega made their decision sometime before the release of issue 47, which would be quite late in the process.

As for M25yl, there actually haven't been any recent super specials, or any specials at all in the last several years. Ken originally wanted "Knuckles: 20 Years Later" to run as a Super Special but the Super Special series got canceled. Instead, some story elements (such as Lara-Su, the daughter of Knuckles and Julie-Su) were worked into a story arc called "Reunification that ran sometime in the 90's (issue-wise, not year-wise). After a few years, Ken's "masterpiece" that he had wanted to tell for years finally got a chance. However, it was changed. It became "Mobius, 25 Years Later" and instead of running in a special, it was put into backup stories that ran for a year, starting with issue 131 and ending in 144.

Many people on the forums were critical of the slow and dull plot, but a lot of fans on the whole seemed to like it according to what the editor said. It ended on a cliffhanger. Ken was asked to write a follow-up before he left the book. Ken told us that this follow up would be his last story, but it did not run. Instead, a heavily rewritten version by Ian Flynn ran as the main story in issues 166 and 167. This version was partially based on the Penders version but Penders was not credited.

As for me, I think the original M25yl was kind of silly and melodramatic, largely boring with a few high points. The follow-up was a better because it was a bit more light and action-oriented,

Posts: 58
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WHOA!!!!:eek Tons of people reacted to that one! Okay, I'll shut up now!

Posts: 207
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Ken told us that this follow up would be his last story, but it did not run. Instead, a heavily rewritten version by Ian Flynn ran as the main story in issues 166 and 167. This version was partially based on the Penders version but Penders was not credited.

Small correction to the above: the printed version of M25YL was not based at all on the original Penders-script. For good or for ill, "Tempus Fugit" and "Tempus Aeternus" all fall upon me.

Posts: 1583
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"Reunification that ran sometime in the 90's (issue-wise, not year-wise).

Actually, Runification ran from #106-109. The Knuckles-obsessed fan remembers "important" stuff like that. ;D

Posts: 13
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Thanks for all that input on M25YL everyone. I picked up 167 and read the end of M25YL, (bad place to start, I know, but I was unable to find the others.) I liked what I read, I'm going to try and hunt the rest.

Posts: 2116
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That arc was a very very different kettle of fish to the rest of M25YL (there're reaasons why I''ll never apologise for referring to it as Echidnas: 25 Freakn' Issues Later aka As the Master Emerald Turns).

It has the pace of molasses, and that's just scratching the surface.
