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Sonic the Hedgehog #182 & Sonic X #27 Previews

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Man-o-man, I hope you guys like Ian's writing, because that's all you're getting for a while!

Be forwarned: huge Sonic X spoilers in the preview.

"Fallen Angel": New Mobotropolis is rocked by the rampaging Enerjak, and even the combined might of Sonic and Shadow may not be enough to withstand his attack! Will this latest onslaught cause Shadow to go too far, and how will the odds change when Eggman throws down into the battle? "Albions Shameful Secret": The tragic origin of the mysterious villain Dr. Finitevus is revealed and it just could spell the doom of our hero! SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley (pencils) & Jim Amash (inks). All-bets-are-off cover by Tracy Yardley & Ben Hunzeker!
Shipping Date: November 14th, 2007
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: November 21st, 2007
On Sale on Newsstands: December 4th, 2007
32-page, full color comic
$2.25 US.

"Conquest is Like a Box of Chocolates": Evil genius Dr. Eggman continues to enjoy his "retirement" from villainy while relishing his secret new career as the mighty luchador, El Gran Gordo! With Eggy preoccupied in the ring, the door is left open for a new evil to arise, and once-faithful sidekick Bokkun seizes the opportunity to be an even evil-er evil genius. Hes helped on his quest by a massive sugar rush that renders him unstoppable impervious to all including Sonic! Sometimes only an evil genius can stop a fellow evil genius, but who can lure him from his glamour of the stretchy-pants wrestling ring? The answer is just a pin or at least a tie or technical fall away! Dont miss the raucous conclusion everyone will be talking about! SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: James Fry (pencils) & Terry Austin (inks). Body slammin cover by Spaz!
Shipping Date: November 28th, 2007
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: December 5th, 2007
On Sale on Newsstands: December 18th, 2007
32-page, full color comic
$2.25 US.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

maybe im going to far.. but I believe that Finitevus has been one of the greatest changes to the comic.. His character is unkown.. and light shall finally be shed on him.. though this is they key element that could make or break a character.. but with ian manning the helm of the comics this shouldnt be a problem Im still curious as to seeing Fini in action.. i still can imagine rising the undead to fight for him but meh.. that is not so likely.. but umm yeah great cover i suppose... Yardley's art is good but.. i just was hoping for something... fresh..its good but..idk..

Posts: 1402
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ooooo i can't wait. finitevus' origin should be cool.

also, sonic x sounds great.

Posts: 356
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Of course, it looks like Ian is the only writer now Toby, no matter what anyone thinks. This issue has potential to be interesting.

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OMG, a Sonic X comic with a story spanning over more than one issue? Certainly about damn time they did that again.

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I'm stoked about it too! Bokkun playing villain with handlebar mustache and cape will be quite hilarious as well. XD

Posts: 2016
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Honest to whatever diety is out there, I AM SO PLEASED WITH #182's cover.

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I noticed someone moments ago.

Posts: 1402
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i really want to read both of them. also get caught up on sonic x a little. Eggman as a pro wrestler? awesome

Posts: 2016
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If you can call Mexican professional wrestling, sure.

Posts: 218
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I'm betting he was a former Knight of Albion who almost caused their downfall by betraying them and joining the Order of Ixis. This would at least explain his extensive knowledge of the mystical arts combined with his impressive technical skills.

Posts: 1567
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Yea I guess Enerjak causing utter destruction would be enough to draw out Shadow. So why Sonic and Shadow and no Tails? I mean surely Turbo Tails would be more than enough to help defeat Enerjak, right?

Screw it, December can't come soon enough.

Posts: 114
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I have been reading the Thriller Bark Arc of One Piece so I guess thats why i am obsessed with zombies now.

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Sweet! And I thought #181 was going to be big! So, we're actually going to be able to read about Finitevus' origins-and they're connected to Albion! I was wondering when we'd hear from that place again! I'm also glad to hear that Shadow isn't idle during the new Enerjak's rampage: at least he may help Sonic take on Enerjak if he won't actually be taking him on in a final one-on-one fight.

Anyone who wants to discuss Finitevus' origin, look over at the Dr. Finitevus thread; I know that #182 is the issue where we'll hear about it, but that thread was started before this one did. Note: I'm not trying to sound territorial just because I started the Dr. Finitevus thread, I just want to keep things straight.

Posts: 128
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Albion, huh? This should be interesting.

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I'm betting he was a former Knight of Albion who almost caused their downfall by betraying them and joining the Order of Ixis.

Interesting theory, but I was under the impression that the KoA were a long time ago, like saying the Knights of the Round Table or something. After all, it seems that Mogul and the three who would become Naugus were all that were left for a long time.

Posts: 1583
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Tragic origin, huh?

I'm wondering if that means that there was a transformation that created Finitevus.

Posts: 5772
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Oh Gala-Na, you rascal. What have you done now?

Posts: 1694
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Man, why did they have to screw with Gala-Na's character and design?

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Funnily enough, Psxphile, that's exactly what I thought might have happened-Gala-Na at it again. Finitevus has clearly gone through some kind of transformation; how else do you explain his unique appearance? Of course, I'm still praying that he'll turn out to be Luger, and that somehow he ended up in Albion and that's how he became Finitevus. Huh, so much for my request that Finitevus' origins be kept in the thread that I started and named after him.

That Knights of Aurora idea sounds interesting; maybe Finitevus was a knight who learned some of the magic of the Order of Ixis and went bad. It sounds like a good explanation for his black energy, though I don't like the idea of all villains with somewhat mystical powers being linked by some common origin. Besides, I agree that the Knights of Aurora aren't likely to be around anymore; if they were, then why didn't Gala-Na send them after Chaos Knuckles instead of hiring the Weasels?

One thing I'm eager to read is Shadow's involvement in the whole Enerjak struggle. I hope that he teams up with Sonic for the final fight against Enerjak, instead of Sonic going solo just like he did against A.D.A.M. If Shadow's not going to fight Enerjak, then I want to see him battling Finitevus: black Hedgehog versus white Echidna would make this fan very happy. Besides, it almost hints at that sort of development on the cover: Sonic, Enerjak, Shadow, and Finitevus are all on it.

Posts: 218
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Personally, I'm surprised that I have to spell it all out to you.

Mogul started the OoI and the 3 mages that became Naugus were remnants of it too. Now since they are still alive, it would seem to me that their exposure to magic would have let them learn some spell to keep them alive for a long time, or at least just gain longevity through use of magic. If my theory about Finitevus is true, then when you combine ancient powers with the technology of the echidna society, you are going to have an individual who is not only a dangerous enemy in terms of raw power, but one that may very well be able to live forever. Like Mogul and the 3 mages, Finitevus may have gone into hiding and if the KoA thought the threat was gone, then there would be no further need for them.

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Geez, you don't have to act like I'm some kind of moron, fansinceissue10. I realize that Finitevus, if he is in fact some kind of Knight of Aurora gone Ixian mage, would probably have learned Mogul and Naugus' technique of keeping himself alive and young for so long-come to think of it, that could be a canon explanation for why he never showed up before the Return to Angel Island arc. Maybe the doc was in some kind of hibernation, keeping himself alive and young at the same time. Not to mention that his technology in combination with that magic would definitely give him an edge.

Still, I dislike the idea of Finitevus learning his powers from the Order of Ixis-Mammoth Mogul being revealed as the founder of that group was acceptable, but I just don't think that every villain with somewhat mystical abilities should be connected somehow. I mean, one affliation to an existing villain group is enough-Finitevus technically has two, since he's the current boss of the Destructix. Three would just be pushing it, and Archie should be able to do better than yet another student of the Ixian arts.

The Knights of Aurora may have lasted quite a while beyond the fall of the Order of Ixis, but I think that as they became more and more isolationist over the years the group might have disbanded and the city of Albion may just have relied on their secluded location for safety. Plus, a Knight of Aurora going corrupt because he learned the secrets of the Order of Ixis doesn't sound like a "tragic origin"-more likely, it has something to do with that holier than thou bigot Gala-Na. Finitevus might have been a scientist who stumbled onto great power, but the people of Albion rejected him because it made him into such an oddity.

Posts: 218
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Okay... I gave you my better theory. Now here's another one which isn't as good: Finitevus is in reality, the echidna who wore the body suit version of the chaos syphon that was used on Chaos Knuckles before he overloaded it. Sure it's a parody to Dimitri's initial change, but I did say it wasn't great. If you have any other theories that are better, I'm all ears.

By the way, my previous post wasn't a personal affront towards you, Hechidnat, merely an explanation for those who hadn't figured out where I was going yet. I was under the initial belief that what I first said would've made the implication obvious enough. Sorry.:(

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Aw, that's okay. I'm glad you were considering those readers who may not have understood that little detail, and I'm glad that we're not going to end up in a ten post or so thread brawl.

Funny that you should mention that Chaos Siphon thing with Chaos Knuckles; when I learned that Finitevus was from Albion, I figured the same thing might have happened. However, if that is the case, I'm not at all sure how that could have happened. Finitevus' energies only resemble Chaos power distantly, and I hope that they're something else-there are too many Chaos wielding characters in the series as it is. But if he did end up as Finitevus, then I'm depending on Archie for an explanation as to what happened.

I have a number of theories, most of which are covered in the Dr. Finitevus thread. My main one is that Finitevus is really Luger, the thought dead father of Julie-Su, Lien-Da, and Kragok for those who don't know. This was based on the fact that both of them have similar patches of their cheeks replaced with metal, and I figured that maybe Luger didn't get killed but instead disappeared and went through some transformation to become Finitevus-possibly a transformation similar to that which made my usernamesake, Spectre the Echidna, the kick butt monotreme he is today. Of course, the whole Albion deal has somewhat deflated that, but I'm still hopeful.

Posts: 1446
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Finitevus is Yanar!

Or not.

Posts: 1694
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That would be incredibly anti-climatic.

Posts: 218
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What was just mentioned about Finitevus' black Chaos energy reminded me of something. Perhaps there's some connection to the black emerald that Chaos from Sonic Adventure was imprisoned in?

Posts: 409
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Whatever happened to the black emerald, anyway? Eggman shattered it to release the water monster inside... were the shards gathered during Order from Chaos?

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I don't have a clue what might have happened to the Black Emerald, though it might well have been gathered by A.D.A.M.'s spire. As a matter of fact, I've theorized myself that there might be a connection between Finitevus' powers and the Emerald, but I don't see how-unless he created it or something.

Anyway, I have a theory regarding Shadow's behavior in #182. I think he's probably going to attack Enerjak out of his characteristic desire to prove himself superior to anyone who would dare challenge him. Of course, I doubt that even the Ultimate Lifeform can handle Knuckles' old arch-nemesis alone.

Edit: I concure with whoever said so; the idea that Finitevus is whatever idiot Gala-Na recruited to wear the Chaos Syphon suit while they were trying to drain Chaos Knuckles is rather lame, especially since Finitevus' powers only have a partial resemblance to Chaos energy and since that little plan didn't really work thanks to Charmy and Saffron.

Posts: 1376
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...What? Are those whales under the Finitivus section of the cover?

Posts: 622
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Egg Fleet. Unless there's a turret-back whale I'm unaware of.

And Spectre, usually when you say "I concure", someone else has to have expressed the same opinion. I don't see anyone else calling anything "lame." Besides, Charmy and Saffron just messed things up in order to get Knuckles free. If the thing had worked properly, I don't think the intention was to actually GIVE that power to someone else.

Posts: 1376
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Hey, its Eggman >> I dun put anything past teh man.

Posts: 981
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182 looks awesome. The cover looks great too. Although, Yardly's work made it look a bit wierd. Either that, or i'm just seeing things.

We also finally get to see Shadow after all the war from 175. I was wondering were he was all this time. Hopefully, we'll get a back story on that. Nothing too big, I hope.

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Anyway, I have a theory regarding Shadow's behavior in #182. I think he's probably going to attack Enerjak out of his characteristic desire to prove himself superior to anyone who would dare challenge him.

If anything, Shadow will fight Enerjak to prove that he's a hero as he found out in 171 that he was created to stop Black Doom and be a savior to the planet Mobius.

Posts: 1376
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o.O What Create--Ok dang it I'm back ordering those 30+ issues. I'm tired of finding things like that out.

>>In fact..::Goes and finds a Shadow the Hedgehog synopsis::

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You have a point, FMR; I guess I'm just not used to Shadow's new "selfless hero" role.

In response to CCM, when I say "I concure", I usually branch off of that onto my own thing. I agree with an opinion that's been expressed by someone else, and then I use that as a springboard to deliver my own. My apologies if anyone thought I was making assumptions as to their opinions being cohesive to mine, and sorry if I overuse the word "lame."

By the way, if Gala-Na and the Albion egomaniacs weren't transferring Chaos Knuckles' power to one of their own, what were they going to do with it? Create their own version of the Master Emerald? If so, then why the heck did they have Yanar wearing a suit and having that energy go through his body?

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No, Spectre, the Chaos Syphon was built to drain the enery of CEs and keep it stored in the device; when Dimitri became Enerjak, the Chaos Syphon he used just malfunctioned on him and transferred the power to him, it was never intended to drain the energy into the user.

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Which is WHY I was honestly thinking they were going to then destroy the device in some poor unsuspecting town and wipe it off the map.

Posts: 1583
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If so, then why the heck did they have Yanar wearing a suit and having that energy go through his body?

Why do you think Yanar was wearing the suit? o_O He wasn't.


when I say "I concure", I usually branch off of that onto my own thing. I agree with an opinion that's been expressed by someone else, and then I use that as a springboard to deliver my own.

The problem was the fact that it is unclear what opinion you were agreeing with when you said it. You were the first (and only person) in this entire thread to say something against the idea about the unnamed echidna from Sonic #94 who was wearing the suit being Finitevus. So to say that you concure with that idea being a bad one doesn't make sense.

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Oh, now it's all clearing up. I guess I should have realized that the Chaos Syphon was supposed to drain and store energy, not divert it to its holder-after all, Enerjak's first appearance was an accident. As for the Yanar thing, I heard somebody say on this site that he was the guy wearing the suit-apparently, they were misinformed.

Am I the only one who's ever voiced opposition to that? Now that I think about it, all I remember is that somebody said it would be anticlimactic, or something like that. I don't know everything, so I guess I just assumed they agreed with my opinion that having that be Finitevus' origin wasn't such a great idea. Forgive me for misunderstanding if that's the case, and also if I confused anyone by agreeing with an opinion I thought someone had but in fact didn't.

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Now that I think about it, all I remember is that somebody said it would be anticlimactic, or something like that.

Actually, that was in response to Finitevus = Yanar. 😉

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Exactly what I took it to mean, True Red; I didn't know-since I haven't yet read that issue-that Yanar wasn't the guy in the suit, but even if he had been the guy I don't think it matters. I've heard that Ian isn't going to bring back stuff from over 75 issues ago, and since that happened in #93 or so, I doubt that Finitevus' origins really have anything to do with the whole Chaos Knuckles fiasco.

Posts: 622
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I've heard that Ian isn't going to bring back stuff from over 75 issues ago

Yeah, well, a lot of people seem to have a habit of making things up and claiming that Ian said 'em. Don't put so much stock into what you've "heard."

Posts: 1127
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Liek, I herd that Ian is goin to revamp the comic in issue #200, and make it just liek teh games!! >.>

Posts: 1402
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Yeah, well, a lot of people seem to have a habit of making things up and claiming that Ian said 'em. Don't put so much stock into what you've "heard."

and here i thought that making the "what ian said" topic would've helped this problem.... so i'm going to pull a mike pellerito on everyone *shameless plug*

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Toby, I seriously doubt that Mr. Potto is going to make the comics just like the games. In order to do so, he would have to eliminate dozens of comic exclusive characters, or else move drastically away from what the comics have always been. Sure, they've thrown in the occasional game adaptation, but nothing on the level of that.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of stuff about what Ian's supposedly said. Not sure how much is true and how much is false, but I personally doubt that he will bring back anything as old as from over #75 issues ago-then again, he is the writer, and saying that he won't bring something back totally discredits my own theory that Dr. Finitevus is Luger. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

By the way, in the event that Shadow doesn't end up fighting in the final battle against Enerjak, who thinks he's going to be taking on Finitevus? It's been an idea that I've liked for a while now, and I wouldn't mind hearing what anyone else has to say.

Posts: 1446
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Dude. Get a sarcasm detector installed. Seriously.

Posts: 2809
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Dude. Get a sarcasm detector installed. Seriously.

For real, man. I hope you can take jokes and detect sarcasm better in real life or you're in trouble. I know some sarcasm on the net can be hard to catch, but when someone who usually uses good grammar and spelling, like Toby, makes a post with horrible grammar you can pretty much rest assure they're being sarcastic.

Posts: 462
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I personally doubt that he will bring back anything as old as from over #75 issues ago

Sir Connery was brought back after 100+ issues. Crocbot/Octobot and the Great Oak Slide were throwbacks to the olden days. Even Car-Heem's planet was the source of light blue emeralds. Ian knows alot of Archie Sonic backstory, it was seem a shame to leave it out entirely. I think he's got a good balance of old-and-new going right now so I don't worry.

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Yeah guys, I know I need to work on taking sarcasm; sometimes I just don't realize when people are using it on the net. No offense, Toby, but the tone I was getting from the post I replied to really didn't clue me in as to whether you were joking or being serious.

You've made a definite point, Miss Puar; guess I really didn't think about those guys, as usual. Come to think of it, a big long story arc deal like this is just the sort of opportunity for comic writers to bring back old plot elements so they can settle issues that were left hanging or just fill in plot holes from newer material. Ian has done a pretty good job balancing old and new-matter of fact, that's the basis of my whole Luger-is-Finitevus theory (well, that and their similar looking metallic cheekcs). I guess that preaching on about how Ian won't bring back a really old plot element while also preaching about how I think he's brought back a really old plot element makes me a hypocrite. :blush:

Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to #182: Shadow's getting involved in the battle with Enerjak, Finitevus' origins are finally made's enough to make a Sonic fan drool. By the way, did I bring up my question as to who thinks Shadow may end up fighting Finitevus? If I did, sorry for repeating myself; if not, then who else thinks that'd be cool?

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