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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #228 "Genesis" Part Three Preview

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And all I can say is:

It sounds similar to DC's Zero Hour and Marvel's House of M like some indicated it might.

"Genesis" Part Three:
The most talked-about story in Sonic comic history continues as Sonic brings a curious new face into his adventures: Miles Prower, the boy genius! As Sonic and his friends continue the good fight against the evil Dr. Robotnik, the perils get more perilous, old memories begin to resurface, and the Death Egg orbits. Don't miss the penultimate issue to this anniversary special event!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ARTIST: Tracy Yardley!, Terry Austin, John Workman and Matt Herms
COVER: Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante
Shipping Date: 8/17/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 8/31/2011
Newsstands: Week of 9/6/2011
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Best cover so far, easily. Genesis ftw.

Awesome @ eyes hidden in the bush.

Posts: 1
New Member

Awesome cover! Now all we need is #229 spoofing the front cover of Sonic & Knuckles and this 4-part story arc will be an epic win in Sonic the Hedgehog Comic history!

Posts: 11
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that is exactly what i was thinking about for the cover of STH #229

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Hmm who could be hiding in the bushes? Whoever he is I bet he doesn't chuckle.

I think I will pick these issues up. Although I haven't read the comic in five years so I hope I dont get lost in all the drama. If I like it enough I may even keep going with it.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

It's not Knuckles, the Word of God, i.e., Ian, says so. Anyway, there is an Archie Sonic Wiki if you want to do any quick catch up.

Posts: 2232
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What cover =V

No seriously, S&K Had a logo, not really what you'd call a composable cover. Sonic 3 European cover however...

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CALLED IT!
GOING FOR BROKE! But I love thii cover, and I LOVE TAILS POSE and the way his tails are drawn, that is sickly awesome.

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paw cleavage

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CALLED IT!
GOING FOR BROKE! But I love thii cover, and I LOVE TAILS POSE and the way his tails are drawn, that is sickly awesome.

Would kinda seem unoriginal what with the last cover of the Death Egg Saga mini-series already being an adaption of it.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CALLED IT!
GOING FOR BROKE! But I love thii cover, and I LOVE TAILS POSE and the way his tails are drawn, that is sickly awesome.

Would kinda seem unoriginal what with the last cover of the Death Egg Saga mini-series already being an adaption of it.

o.O!! I forgot about Sonicquest!

Well, S3's cover is not EXACT (He's not standing there, holding up 3 fingers) so they could modify it a bit. Prolly have Sonic running down the mountain and Knux gliding beside him as the Death Egg looms overhead.

I do not want to see just the SK logo -.- That would be lame beyond lamerz :O.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

True but at the same time I'm anxious on how Spaz could pull that cover off in an interesting fashion and if anyone can do it it's Spaz!

Posts: 11
Active Member

i know. i don't even have sonic #225 yet & already i want to see the cover to #229
