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Sonic Universe #14 Spoilers/Discussion/Preview

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"Journey into the East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights": Having endured a fierce battle with the Spider Ninjas last issue, Sonic and his friends must now face Bat Ninjas! While ambushes threaten around every corner, the intrepid heroes proceed on their journey to the temple under the firm resolves of Sally and Monkey Khan. Are these deadly skirmishes any match for the political chess games and machinations of war that lurk beneath the surface? The big picture gets even bigger in this issue that ties into this month's SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #211.
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley
Shipping Date: March 10th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: March 17th, 2010
Newsstands: March 30th, 2010
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

Posts: 520
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bats hiss?

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Posts: 520
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We start off where the preview pages left us, and our heroes having arrived at the Yagyu base, which looks like a pile of rocks but is actually an old temple. Kahn suspects another ambush but Sonic isn't worried, is he ever. They enter the temple to find the leader of the Yagyu ninjas, Regional Boss. What? Is that really his name? He's amused at how confident our heroes sound and pokes fun at Kahn by wondering if he's tricked more saps into being wiped out, which obviously ticks off Kahn. Sally calms him down and he offers to broker piece between the free people and the Yagyu but Boss has a few things they need to take care of. He's willing to meet with Kahn and Sally but he doesn't feel comfortable with Sonic there (Smart man) and isn't in the mood to discuss things in front of children, aka Tails. Tails is NOT happy about this but Sonic ushers him out while Tails tries to point out how not a kid he is! Boss meanwhile explains that before all this bride business, the Yagyu were the top assassins, masters of the blade until they got slapped into being good little boys and had to resort to thievery to keep the treasury stocked...well this won't end well, especially with him eying that sword like that.

Sonic meanwhile tries to calm Tails down, who is still incredulous at being called a kid. He points out that Boss knew who Sonic was but c'mon, it's Sonic! Sonic points out that the Boss is a massive jerk and that Tails has done more in his sleep that that lowlife could ever do...speaking of lowlifes, one happens to show up, poking fun at Tails for his hopeless crush. Yep, it's Fiona! She tells them that if they can catch her, she'll explain why she's here. She then speeds off into the bamboo forest. We know it's a trap, they know it's a trap but they follow anyways!

Fiona easily leaps through the forest while Sonic and Tails struggle to keep up. Fiona continues to tease by pulling back a bamboo stalk, which smacks Tails good in the face. She then does it to Sonic, who is less than pleased and goes uber buzz saw. Fiona escapes into the clear with Sonic right behind and then we become witness to the quickest beaning of the nerf bat you'll ever see as Sonic goes from cutting through bamboo, to being caught by Simian's bare hand (BARE) and slammed into the dirt. After some of us utter the flattest what you'll ever hear, Fiona lets Sonic know that she's working with the Destructix again, probably until her boytoy is out of the pokey. Tails flies into the rescue but is knocked flat by Predator Hawk. Sonic is tired of fighting these losers and spins away, only to get slammed into the dirt by Flying Frog. Seems like these guys have been eating their Wheaties.

Meanwhile Sally continues to bargain with Boss but he still isn't interested in having another bride, at all. Obviously she wasn't listening to his little speech. He does point out the only benefit to having Regina around is that the other clans won't tear them to shreds. Sure they might be being used for evil but, he could care less. Kahn finally speaks up, offering a better solution. They reject the Iron Dominion and go back to their old ways. Boss points out that the other clans would destroy them but Kahn points out that they would no longer be a clan and less of a threat. Boss doesn't want to be considered free people but Kahn points out he's more of a protector and less of a king. Boss sees the possibilities and agrees to the plan, the Yagyu are done with the Iron Dominion.

While they leave, Sally wonders if they just agreed to let a band of criminals go and have fun but Kahn points out that the Yagyu will be split up into smaller groups, each one with an opposing goal. They'll be too busy warring with each other to cause trouble for everyone else. Sally and Kahn share a touching and a bit of a super sweet moment...I'll spare you the details. Kahn points out that the other two clans might be the hardest to talk to (Of course) but before they can go any further, they happen upon Sonic and Tails, who have their hands full with the Destructix!

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

His name isn't "Regional Boss". That's what he is.

He's a regional boss of that particular faction of Yagyu ninjas. Read his text more carefully. He explains that briefly along with the fact that he'll spread the news to the other Yagyu factions which is exactly what Khan is banking on to cause disagreement among them.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Yea, I kind of figured that after a bit but since we don't have a name, I'll stick with Boss for now.

I see your point about the Yagyu being made up of a bunch of different factions. A second reading is sometimes needed on things.

Posts: 77
Estimable Member

Pretty Good Contunation of this tie-in arc, now first of all to get it out of the way, all Kahn did was kiss Sally on the hand, surprising her and making her blush, nothing else.

Basically the Yagyu clan leader wants to go back to old ways, so MK comes up with a suloution to works out for both sides, and get the Yagyu away from the ID and the IQ.

Meanwhile Tails and Sonic are dealing with the returning Fiona and the Destrucix, who I guess in the own way, want to discuss something.

Overall good issue.

If your a fan of Fiona, you'll want to get this issue.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i wouldn't have known that if you didn't tell me. thank you.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Guys, remind me again why we need two or more threads for every one issue? Wouldn't it be easier to keep all relative discussion confined to one thread for each issue as they're revealed? The current way of doing things just seems so... sloppy.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Agreed, but is there a way to merge all those issues into one pretty pink bow thread?

Unless you would be so kind to create one for us?

[looks at PSX] Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Not all issues in one thread, but what I meant was for every issue have all relevant discussion in a single thread:

1) Cover Art/Solicit for issue #xxx is released? NEW THREAD GET!


3) Official Preview is out? POST IN THREAD! Option: edit OP w/ link to post containing preview scans in thread.


5) Got the issue and want to post impressions? POST IN THREAD! Option: edit OP subject with spoiler warning?


Since Archie tends to release cover art/solicits for both StH and SU at the same time, this means making two new threads at the same time.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Ah, I see. One thread for spoilers, discussions on Sonic Comics. So let's just deem this post as the new "Sonic Comic Discussion/Spoiler Thread since it's the most recent, and someone can just post links to the other past Discussion/Spoiler threads.

Cool? Alright!

EDIT: Curd just realized something. Would the Sonic Universe and Archie Sonic  comics Discussion/Spoilers topics need to have TWO different threads?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Ah, I see. One thread for spoilers, discussions for each issue.


Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Yeah that's what I meant to say. Thanks! ^^;

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

No biggie. I'll remember to do that.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Don't mind me, just merging topics.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

The way we always used to do it back when I was still active here was to have one thread for solicits, which would remain free of spoilers, and one thread for issue summaries, impressions and discussion.

It was a decent system in theory because not everyone gets the issue at the same time, so those who really wanted to continue speculating could do so in the solicitation thread without having to see spoilers in the other thread.

But it was rather sloppy, and few people really took advantage of that option. Most discussion immediately migrates over to the spoiler thread as soon as it exists, so perhaps one thread per issue really is better after all.
