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Sonic Universe #31 Cover - Scourge Arc Part 3

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Posts: 981
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"Inside Job" Part Three:
Scourge the Hedgehog, evil doppelganger to Sonic, is half-way to his goal: put together a gang and bust out of Zone Jail! But first he'll need to win the loyalty of two of the most dangerous members of the Destructix. If he can survive that, the rest is easy: fighting an army of Zone Cops and rival inmates!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ARTIST: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash, Phil Felix and Steve Downer
COVER: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash & Matt Herms (After Spaz)
Shipping Date: 8/3/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 8/17/2011
Newsstands: Week of 8/23/2011
Comic, pgs, lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US

Haw! I was right that Al and Cal would be coming back soon, but I wasn't expecting that they would turn back into their original selves.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

While I don't care about them too much, it is good too see that their fate won't be that horrid one they were given in #59.

Note the cover mimicking StH #200.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Note the cover mimicking StH #200.

[html]<img src="" "" width=400 height=600 />[/html] [html]<img src="" "" width=400 height=600 />[/html]

Hah. I don't think I would have noticed that if you hadn't brought it up. Excellent.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

I too am glad that Al and Cal are back to normal instead of that weird look they had going on. I see Scourge will be back to being a thorn soon enough, can't keep a rebel down for long!

Posts: 99
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Posts: 69
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DAMNT SCOURGE!!! GET SHANKED IN PRISON ALREADY AND DIE!! But fiona should live and be awesome and return home.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

LOL gritty comics

the 90's, man... the 90's. It did something to all comics.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Very happy to see Al & Cal back. I thought the world had forgotten them.

... actually, they had.
