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Sonic Universe #7 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

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"What's Old is New Again": King Sonic has been evicted from his castle with only Lara-Su at his side! What's a deposed king to do? Gather up some Freedom Fighters, that's what! But who? And from where? This pulse-pounding tale allows readers to see some familiar faces as the Future Freedom Fighters assemble for the first time!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley
Shipping Date: August 19th, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: August 26th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: September 8th, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I suspect the 'mysterious shadows' are supposed to be the Buntoine kids but one of those shadows looks like it belongs to Rouge.

Posts: 1402
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i'm willing to believe that it's straight up bunny and antoine, with kids in tow. but you could be right.

Posts: 520
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yea, really does look like Rogue in the shadows but we'll see.

Shadow looks dressed to kill.

Posts: 200
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Assuming Bunnie and Antoine's kids are wearing what they wore on the cover of Issue 8 that'd be Bunnie and Antoine. Their son's wearing a long sleeved shirt on their organic arm and their daughter's shirt doesn't have tampered edges. Looks like that's a metallic joint on the (left) arm of the one standing to the left on Page 3, too.

Shadow looks dressed to kill.

Knowing him ...

Posts: 633
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Vector's Son Looks like a Reject 80's cartoon Character..LULZ!

But on a Serious note, I am looking Foward to the next issue of SU, I think Ian is better at writing Elseworld sonic stories like MYL then Penders was.

Posts: 200
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Just noticed. Unless he was renamed in the new timeline Argyle's name is spelled wrong on Page 2.

They got Lien-da right, though. Hit and a Miss.

Posts: 1446
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I think Ian is better at writing sonic stories then Penders was.


Posts: 633
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Got SU #7 cover...But also 1st sonic comic to have a negative affect on me in a lONG LONG Time...Oh its has a nice cover & theres a few good twists.....& some characters you want to see appear & two, although there technically one now get ready for a SPOILER!

The spoiler is ...TiKhaos....take from that what you willl....Its not exciting as it sounds, ecspecially when it just looks nasty.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member



Shame about Lien-da, though.

Posts: 200
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You know something went horribly wrong when the best compliment you can fish is that the Cover was cool.

Posts: 520
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lolz...more details needed

Posts: 1127
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From what I've heard on Bumbleking, the issue sounds awesome!
I mean, it's an alternate future what-if story, try to have some fun with it!

Or would you prefer another series of slumber parties and belching contests? =

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

From what I've heard on Bumbleking, the issue sounds awesome!
I mean, it's an alternate future what-if story, try to have some fun with it!

Or would you prefer another series of slumber parties and belching contests? =

If only I can do you nails, talk about boys and watch movies till morning, teeheehee!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

You know something went horribly wrong when the best compliment you can fish is that the Cover was cool.

Really? Issue seemed fine. It's everybody's reaction to the big "WTF!?" that's got me rolling my eyes. Even out-of-continuity stories aren't safe, I see.

Posts: 633
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Out of continuity or not, TIKHAOS just sounds silly,im not gonna say it was a bad issue, because it wasn't . I just thought it was kind of unsetteling to see Tikal & Chaos fussed, I mean She/it looked like a Chaos Powered LOOGIE! But I agree Shadow Was AWSOME! As for lin-da She's not dead, when shadow took off the arm band it reset her to Fit in with the New Time line that King sonic had made in one of the past MXYL stories that shadow used to make himself king...yea time travel hurts when you think about it, in short she just got...RESET...not killed. I would find it poeticly Ironic if she comes back at the end as a Good guy & puts the Final Blow to king shadow...that would be EPIC!

Posts: 1195
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Alright, I'm back to subscribing both the regular Archie Sonic and now SU issues, so I can finally speak my peace without silent reading and going "Whut i miss". SU#7 is a generally decent issue. I like Lara-Su, always have. And Lien-Da's fate garnered a "HO SNAP" comment from me; it was unexpected and chilling (Also question, since I missed out on a lot of issues in a year's time or so, why does Lien-Da need a device to render her able to remember the other M:25YL timeline yet Knuckles and Lara-Su don't need to? Is it because she lacks the chaos powers those two have?) Tikhaos was an interesting element (at the least, I feel sorry for Tikal) even though the name is just borderline laughable, and...and...I think that's about it.

I thought maybe there would be something I would find intriguing, but really, I don't really care about the Mobius: 30 years Later. I think the future story lines have run its course so many times throughout the comic that I've lost all interest for it. I also don't care for the future kids outside of Lara; the majority are just pale clones of their parents. Though Argyle I admit a vague interest because he seems to inherit some computer-savvy skills his old man generally isn't associated with. Plus, the return of Chaos? I loved Sonic Adventure (the game, not the comic), but I never cared for its added return.

Overall, good issue, not something I'll obsess over. If anything, I'm more intrigued on the Knuckles story coming after this story arc.

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(Also question, since I missed out on a lot of issues in a year's time or so, why does Lien-Da need a device to render her able to remember the other M:25YL timeline yet Knuckles and Lara-Su don't need to? Is it because she lacks the chaos powers those two have?)

Essentially, back in #145 (or was it #144?), Sonic hit the cosmic reset button for this timeline. By resetting everything, everybody would forget what happened in that timeline, save a select few who were lucky (placement wise) or planned ahead (the armbands).

Some who were close to the Tachyon(sp?) chamber (the area where Sonic basically activated the reset) remember some of the original M:25YL before Sonic reset everything. Those individuals include Sonic, Rotor, Knuckles and Lara-Su; all have varying degrees of memories of everything before the reset depending on how close to the center of the chamber they were at the time (example: Lara-Su only remembers the original M:25YL vaguely at best as she was outside the chamber, while Sonic pretty much remembers everything perfectly).

Some however, had armbands made so that they physically and mentally wouldn't really be affected by the reset. Individuals who had armbands made for themselves were Tails, Mina, Melody, Skye and Lien-Da. When Shadow supposedly ripped off Lien-Da's armband (I haven't actually read the issue yet), he basically forced her into the reset that she was originally able to avoid. She has now lost her memories of the original M:25YL, and has been forcibly readjusted as though it had never happened, and she has no recollections of it anymore.

As Ian put it over at Bumbleking:

3) It's already been established (albeit a bit obtusely) what happens when you get punted from the current time stream. Sonic wound up forgotten in the gutter because he'd been forgotten by time. So somewhere in the M30YL world, there is a Lien-Da that now perfectly fits with the time-line. Where she is, how she is, and all that jazz remains to be seen.

Posts: 356
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I am surprised about the combination of Tikal and Chao, because I didn't expect them to show up in this storyline. Not totally surprised about Lien-da because Ian did tease about it earlier. It is ironic because she is the one who brought back Shadow and it looks like she got burned for it. She could be back though at some point.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

lol so is Tikahos what people got in arms about? Hmmmm still unsure if I want to get the issue or not.

All this time traveling bit is giving me echoes of Chrono Cross and just how convoluted that can get.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Essentially, back in #145 (or was it #144?), Sonic hit the cosmic reset button for this timeline. By resetting everything, everybody would forget what happened in that timeline, save a select few who were lucky (placement wise) or planned ahead (the armbands).

Some who were close to the Tachyon(sp?) chamber (the area where Sonic basically activated the reset) remember some of the original M:25YL before Sonic reset everything. Those individuals include Sonic, Rotor, Knuckles and Lara-Su; all have varying degrees of memories of everything before the reset depending on how close to the center of the chamber they were at the time (example: Lara-Su only remembers the original M:25YL vaguely at best as she was outside the chamber, while Sonic pretty much remembers everything perfectly).

Some however, had armbands made so that they physically and mentally wouldn't really be affected by the reset. Individuals who had armbands made for themselves were Tails, Mina, Melody, Skye and Lien-Da.

I think I get what you mean. Thanks. Though now it raises another question. How on earth did they have the time to make arm bands? Did the ones with the memories of the first timeline created them, just slapped them to the others, and BAM! they instantly remember their time on the first M:25YL timeline? I ask because I'm a geek when it comes to fictional time traveling. I must know!

When Shadow supposedly ripped off Lien-Da's armband (I haven't actually read the issue yet), he basically forced her into the reset that she was originally able to avoid. She has now lost her memories of the original M:25YL, and has been forcibly readjusted as though it had never happened, and she has no recollections of it anymore.

Oh, this one I figured out, though initially, I thought she'd have been wiped from the time stream at first.

Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Or would you prefer another series of slumber parties and belching contests? =

I gotta admit: at this point I feel I enjoyed the original M:XYL more then this one.Three issues into this four issue arch it just seems like more questions then answers are being brought up. It's to the point that I just gave up trying to make sense of any of it.

I guess I just set my expectations too high or something. Most seemed to have enjoyed it even with the twist but I really don't care how this ends. I just want it to be over at this point so we can move on.

I think the future story lines have run its course so many times throughout the comic that I've lost all interest for it.

Yeah. I agree with you. The first two pages of this arch (with the newscast) could've made a great finale for the XYL.

I also don't care for the future kids outside of Lara; the majority are just pale clones of their parents. Though Argyle I admit a vague interest because he seems to inherit some computer-savvy skills his old man generally isn't associated with.

I feel like not enough is being done to make us care about the future Generation. Lara-Su is obviously the most fleshed out of the bunch but only because she's had about twenty issues to work out the kinks of her character. We know practically nothing about the rest of the kids and we probably won't until the inevitable sequel at the earliest.

Something Good. Something Good. I liked both Off Panels.

And yes; the cover was nice.

Posts: 398
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I think I get what you mean. Thanks. Though now it raises another question. How on earth did they have the time to make arm bands? Did the ones with the memories of the first timeline created them, just slapped them to the others, and BAM! they instantly remember their time on the first M:25YL timeline? I ask because I'm a geek when it comes to fictional time traveling. I must know!

I was hoping my explanation wouldn't be too complicated.

As for your for the above question, before Sonic reset everything, some people started noticing how unstable everything was getting. Presumably, since Tails is so smart, he caught on (or Rotor called and told him, I forget), and made armbands for his family in case something happened. That way, his family would make it through the shift unscathed and together. As for how Lien-Da got hers, at the end of the original M:25YL, she walked in on Rotor and Cobor as they were discussing how unstable everything was and what was going on. To ensure her safety, she forced the two of them to make her an armband. So all armbands were made in the original M:25YL so people could ensure their safety, and remember how everything used to be.

Oh, this one I figured out, though initially, I thought she'd have been wiped from the time stream at first.

Ah, just thought I'd throw it in there for everybodys benefit here, since there was some confusion in other places as to whether she got erased or not.

Anyway, I enjoyed this issue. The pencils were nice and the story was good too. We got a few twists and a bit of foreshadowing, either for the next sequel (it will probably happen eventually), or hints for what's to come in the actual/current timeline (like Ian did last time). Tikhaos didn't bug me, I liked her/it. I think it's a fun twist, and I'm curious how she/it came to be. And quite honestly, I personally think M:30YL is the most interesting and enjoyable future installment yet.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I was hoping my explanation wouldn't be too complicated.

As for your for the above question, before Sonic reset everything, some people started noticing how unstable everything was getting. Presumably, since Tails is so smart, he caught on (or Rotor called and told him, I forget), and made armbands for his family in case something happened. That way, his family would make it through the shift unscathed and together. As for how Lien-Da got hers, at the end of the original M:25YL, she walked in on Rotor and Cobor as they were discussing how unstable everything was and what was going on. To ensure her safety, she forced the two of them to make her an armband. So all armbands were made in the original M:25YL so people could ensure their safety, and remember how everything used to be.

Mucho Gracias for the answers. I need to catch up what I missed in the past two or so years (give or take a few issues I did read in-between).

I feel like not enough is being done to make us care about the future Generation. Lara-Su is obviously the most fleshed out of the bunch but only because she's had about twenty issues to work out the kinks of her character. We know practically nothing about the rest of the kids and we probably won't until the inevitable sequel at the earliest.

More or less. Ian seem to have at least attempted to give them personalities through their speech, but since we're really only seeing them come together here, the results aren't as smooth. Ken Pender's original M25YL may have been a borefest, but I do give him one thing: he at least gave enough time for the characters to have the designated personalities. We could always assume he'll flesh them out in future issues, but I would be lying if I said I wanted more stories centered on the future.

Frankly, as an artist, I'm more irked that they look like carbon copies of their parents. Come on, at least Lara has the best of both parents and she comes from a species where they all look more or less the same!

Posts: 622
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Frankly, as an artist, I'm more irked that they look like carbon copies of their parents. Come on, at least Lara has the best of both parents and she comes from a species where they all look more or less the same!

Belle and Jacques were at least supposed to have different colour schemes; frankly, I'm kinda annoyed with Jensen's work here. There are a lot of mistakes, and it's especially sad when there was finally some effort made to put some variation into the kids' designs that he goes and makes them copies of their parents. Even Sonic's kids had the opposite parent's eye colours at first, and then it suddenly changes again.

And even with Lara, it looks like he forgot that the tips of her hair were supposed to be purple.

Posts: 520
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So then what were the colors supposed to be?

Posts: 622
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Belle was supposed to be brown with blond hair and not have the purple around the eyes like Bunnie. Jacques was supposed to be that kinda yellow-tan with white and wearing dark blue with a light blue/white shirt.

Someone compared it to the way the Suppression Squad's colours were originally different than the concept sketches and then were changed later, so maybe that'll happen here, too. Otherwise it seems like a missed opportunity.

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I believe the next cover showed what their actual colors were supposed to be:

So it looks like he's mis-colored Melody too. Also, yeah, I hope Jensen fixes it by the next issue too (we'll see though).

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I don't know...if that is the color scheme, I honestly don't see too much of an improvement. Both Tails and Melody's kids still look like mini-versions of them. Bunnie and Antoine's kids have some slightly different varieties, so I can give it that (that cover of Bunnie's daughter actually has an Antoine-like face, which I like) , but it doesn't really help in the long run, especially since the kids are the same gender as their parents. Why not mix it up? (Not in THAT way, mind you)

Also, am I the only one questioning how Bunnie and Antoine even had kids? Did they managed to fix her robotic body parts despite SSS#11 stating they couldn't (then again, this future IS an AU), or some genetic cloning? Or is this one of those plots where I shouldn't question and just accept?

Posts: 520
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What I want to know is why both of their kids have mechanical limbs. Can such a thing be genetic or did they do this willingly, unwillingly or what not. Or maybe it was explained and I've never seen it.

Posts: 200
Estimable Member

The kid's cybernetics aren't explained.

Also, am I the only one questioning how Bunnie and Antoine even had kids?

They were vague on just how much of the downstairs plumbing is actually robotic on Bunnie. Even Ian skirted the issue on Ask Ian (it was asked during the Character Answer month). Maybe her reproductive tract survived the original robotization intact.

Or is this one of those plots where I shouldn't question and just accept?

Knowing how little has actually been explained this arch I'd say " Yes " and doubt that they'll cover it later.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Yea, that'd certainly go over well in the next Mobius: Whenever the heck we say so arc.

How babies are made.

Posts: 398
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Also, am I the only one questioning how Bunnie and Antoine even had kids? Did they managed to fix her robotic body parts despite SSS#11 stating they couldn't (then again, this future IS an AU), or some genetic cloning? Or is this one of those plots where I shouldn't question and just accept?

Here's what Ian said a while ago:

Q: What are your thoughts on the differences in Bunnie's roboticization between the show and the comic? Just her legs (like SatAM) makes sense, but if she eats and everything, her waist down being roboticized (like the comic) would make her die pretty quick, wouldn't it? No way to go potty! Not to mention having children...

A: I consider it a moot point since - in my mind - the robotization process kept all of the body's functions but made them into a highly advanced mechanical process. Or, if you want to go by Ben Hurst's original intention, the robot parts were just an exoskeleton of sorts. Either way, Bunnie can do what anyone else can - just in a different way.

Basically, she can give birth despite being roboticized. I don't think it will get touched on this time around.

What I want to know is why both of their kids have mechanical limbs. Can such a thing be genetic or did they do this willingly, unwillingly or what not. Or maybe it was explained and I've never seen it.

I'd guess that due to some birth defect (possibly a side effect of their mother having roboticized limbs) they were born without the limbs they're missing, and later had their new robotics installed so that they would have them.

Posts: 1573
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What I want to know is why both of their kids have mechanical limbs. Can such a thing be genetic or did they do this willingly, unwillingly or what not. Or maybe it was explained and I've never seen it.

Mobian automail perhaps?

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

If automail is assumed, they should be able to transform into some Super Sentai! I demand this!

Edit: Birth defect...or perhaps something like Cable had to deal with in Marvel? A sort of techno-organic virus that...can turn limbs (Or even the entire body) mechanical? Or...maybe I'll stop thinking about this before I go off on a tangent...

Posts: 1376
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All I hafta say is Skye is Taz, and that made me laugh hysterically.

Posts: 633
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Yea, that'd certainly go over well in the next Mobius: Whenever the heck we say so arc.

How babies are made.

If Transformers Can have kids, So can Half-Robotic Mobians!

But in the Archiesonicverse everyone Knows baby's come from the chaos stork! (lol)

Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Q: What are your thoughts on the differences in Bunnie's roboticization between the show and the comic? Just her legs (like SatAM) makes sense, but if she eats and everything, her waist down being roboticized (like the comic) would make her die pretty quick, wouldn't it? No way to go potty! Not to mention having children...

A: I consider it a moot point since - in my mind - the robotization process kept all of the body's functions but made them into a highly advanced mechanical process. Or, if you want to go by Ben Hurst's original intention, the robot parts were just an exoskeleton of sorts. Either way, Bunnie can do what anyone else can - just in a different way.

Yeah but if it's an exoskeleton... How would the babies cope when her womb can't swell up because the metals there?

Come to think of it what would happen if Bunnie started to gain weight? It's like she's stuck wearing extra tight jeans.

Basically, she can give birth despite being roboticized. I don't think it will get touched on this time around.

I'll guess I'll never know then

I'd guess that due to some birth defect (possibly a side effect of their mother having roboticized limbs) they were born without the limbs they're missing, and later had their new robotics installed so that they would have them.

That can't be right since Bunnie's missing limbs isn't due to a genetic defect.

Posts: 622
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That can't be right since Bunnie's missing limbs isn't due to a genetic defect.

Bsonic said birth defect; that doesn't necessarily mean genetic. If Bunnie had a physical problem carrying (as you brought up) it's possible the babies didn't develop properly and the limbs didn't grow or something.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I hope Ian doesn't go too deep into having to explain how certain people's plumbing works. He wouldn't want to deal with what Greg Weisman dealt with when he revealed how The Gargoyles go to the bathroom.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Okay so I read the issue and would really love an explanation for this Tikaos thing. Getting shades of a Chrono Cross scenario but need further info. I expect the next issue to provide it though.

Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Bsonic said birth defect; that doesn't necessarily mean genetic. If Bunnie had a physical problem carrying (as you brought up) it's possible the babies didn't develop properly and the limbs didn't grow or something.


Maybe. But the babies could probably have more problems than just missing limbs if they don't have enough space

Poor baby

And another thing; If it's exchanged with mechanical versions of body parts, does that mean she can pull it out and toss it around like in cyborg 3?
