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Sonic Universe #9 Preview / Discussion / Spoilers

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Posts: 200
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Oh Yay.

Gawd. Now I must draw Ray.

Like how Julie-Su seems to be scowling in every panel she's in.

Posts: 1100
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Oh Yes! Ray returns and Vec looks more slimmer than his bulky Tyson look.

I am intrigued!

Posts: 622
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Like how Julie-Su seems to be scowling in every panel she's in.

She's meeting with one enemy (a bigot whom she's physically fought because he refused to listen to echidnas) on the way to find another enemy (who nearly lead to the eradication of her people and used/traumatized her boyfriend). Why wouldn't she be scowling?

I don't really like how her dreads seem to have lost a lot of their hardware... though I do enjoy Vector grabbing Ray's entire head like that.

Posts: 200
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Why wouldn't she be scowling?

I know why she's scowling. I just liked that it was consistent in just about every panel of the scene.

It's kind of like the first issue of " Home ". I forget who penciled it (I want to say it was Ron Lim but I'm not 100% sure) but in the scene after Hershey and St. John got married (which Axer penciled) they were on a plane. They were sitting beside each other, yes, but they were also stone-faced. It didn't seem like two people who had just gotten married.

I think the same artist also penciled the issue where the two first got together (they were in the Tank-things). It looked like Hershey kissed him on the cheek.

Posts: 622
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I'm pretty sure that was Ron Lim. The kiss outside the anti-nanite-whatever-tanks...

Posts: 112
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Ray reminds me a lot of Tails.

Does he always stutter or is it just this one comic?

Posts: 2116
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He always stutters.

Posts: 520
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How can Ray fly? Is it because he was attached to that Power Gem for so long that he was able to just fly and what not...or is there some other way?

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Because he's supposed to be a flying squirrel. I guess Manny Galan didn't know about the wing flaps when he was first drawn or something.

So he flies with invisible patagium. >>

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Except for the jacket (which Archie added some time after Ray's comic debut), he's drawing Ray the same way that Ray was drawn in any official art I saw from SegaSonic the Hedgehog. I don't like the lack of wingflaps, either, but this is one time we can't blame Manny Galan.

Then again, the game's early publicity made Ray just a squirrel, rather than a flying one. I keep meaning to look up if something was missed in translation or maybe the species was tweaked somewhere along the line.

Posts: 1100
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Your both wrong!

The jacket is magic, which makes him fly!

Posts: 398
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In SegaSonic the Hedgehog Ray had patagium, but it was somewhat obscure.

Either way, I'm fine with how he looks now (though it's a bit odd that he lacks the flaps). I'm willing to agree with gammarallyson, it's a magic jacket that enables him to fly.

Posts: 5772
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Ray just has a better understanding of his ki then most Mobians.

Posts: 981
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I was pretty sure he was just copying Mario and grabbed a Super Leaf or something. >.> This is also the same series that has a rabbit that can fly with just flapping her ears.

Posts: 1100
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I was pretty sure he was just copying Mario and grabbed a Super Leaf or-


... Glad you agree! ^^;

Posts: 1195
Noble Member


... Glad you agree! ^^;

So a wizard did it?

Posts: 1100
Noble Member


... Glad you agree! ^^;

So a wizard did it?


Yes Neo... It was Merlin Prowler. He created the Jacket using the Golden Fleece.

[bops you and walks away] XD;

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Get back to work #27.

Posts: 1195
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Yes Neo... It was Merlin Prowler. He created the Jacket using the Golden Fleece.

[bops you and walks away] XD;

You DO realize it was an imfamous Simpson quote I said, right? Unless the Servbot is strictly because you are aware of it, in which case, bah on you. It's a funny quote, durn it.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Enjoyed the issue. It seemed like a pretty good set-up issue.

I really feel for Harry. He used to be one of my favorite minor characters back in the day, and it's sad to see that one of the "average joe" characters has become like this. Though I suppose any normal person would indeed be sick of putting up with getting involved with all the chaotic things the main characters get into.

Hoping Lien-Da's mention of the Twilight Cage and these ruins will lead into some Marauders/Nocturnus involvement in the comics (at least on the Knuckles side of things, anyway.)

Yardley's art was as good as ever.

Posts: 1100
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Get back to work #27.

Return to your post #35!

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

So....someone wanna give a run down on what happened?
