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Sonic X #15 spoilers/discussion

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Posts: 1437
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"Bad Eggnog"

It's basically a simple little Christmas special, but it's pretty well done and it works.

Chris explains to Sonic & co about Santa Claus. Sonic doubts his existence, and runs to the North Pole to find no workshop. Chuck tells him that Santa's shop is invisible except on Christmas. Meanwhile, Dr Eggman is planning something.

At the Station Square Christmas celebration thingy, "Santa" is supposed to be a guest, but the Santa we see is clearly a diguised Eggman. He tells the world that he will only give out presents this year if Sonic is captured and delivered to him. After evading the mobs, Sonic decides to turn himself in to prove that Santa's a phony.

However, when he does this, the Santa is not Eggman, because Eggman appears via live broadcast even though "Santa" is right there with Sonic. Sonic gets taken to the north pole, where he unmasks "Santa," it's really Decoe and Bocoe. Sonic lets Eggman and the bots get away, because it's Christmas. The next morning, everyone gets gifts and Sonic finally believes.


The art in this issue was far better than the typical art. I would like to see more of this guy.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Doggoneit!! I was gonna do the review. Me, Shigamado, "official unofficial reviewer of Sonic X comics in the mobius forum".

Oh weel, maybe I'll still do one anyway. I have to wait till tomorrow night before I can read the comic though.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Dang. Looks like my bro's sick so he won't be working at the comic store tonight. Guess I'll have to pick up my copy on Saturday.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

The fact that the entire issue's art was just copied from screenshots of the show sickened me. That's the definition of laziness. =

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Wasn't something like that done with one of the 90-something issues of the regular comic?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

no not really, you're thinking ron lim. which looked like he tried to copy but did it unsuccessfully, making it unique.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

No, there was an issue in which the art was a mash-up of images from previous issues; it seems the artist at the time just copied characters from older panels and then tried to arrange them in a cohesive way. You could clearly see the differences in art styles from character to character (I think that one of the individuals was Ron Lim's Mina), not to mention that a lot of poses seemed out of place because they were now out of context.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Sonic issue #92.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

oh i remember that one ww it was such a terrible issue.. I am not a fan of the comics from 80 on until like Ian gained control... anyways... how have you been WW? i noticed you arent a member of DA anymore.. just wondering.. havent talked to ya in a while
