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Sonic X #19 Review - Funniest issue yet!!

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"Muerta! Las Vegas!"

Written by Joe "Back to the funny" Edkin

Pencilled By Tracy "triple duty" Yardley

Cover by Patrick "Hunka, hunka burnin' pencil lead!" Spaznetie

This may be my favorite issue yet. Joe's writing is spot on, and Tracey does some great poses with the characters that will probably be used for references on any other Sonic projects. I liked it so much that I'm not going to go into full spoiler mode. I want everyone to buy this issue to show how funny a Sonic X issue can be. Especially when it parodies itself. It follow the same, constant Sonic X pattern.

Eggman comes up with a wacky scheme. This one is so bad that it's doomed to failure even if he succeded!!

The Thorndykes go on a vacation and take Amy, Tails, and Sonic with them. (Thankfully, no Cream.)

Sonic gets bored and runs off by himself.

Eggman shows up and starts trashing the place with a giant robot. (A very ridiculous one at that!)

Amy and Tails give it thier best valiant effort. (Tails gets his own crowbar weapon.)

Sonic comes back in the nick of time and defeats Eggman.

The end.

Yes, this pattern has been used on the Sonic X anime a million times, but never quite this funny. In fact, even Sonic and Chris have noticed the patterns. Here are some of my favorite quotes.

Chris: "Just ONCE, I'd like to go on a vacation and not have it ruined by Doctor Eggman!!"

Sonic (Somewhere in Wisconson): "Well, I've been away from Chris and the others long enough, they're bound to have gotten into trouble by now."

Becco: "Why do the boss' plans always fail?"

Decco: "Perhaps because they are needlessly complicated?"

Preist (After a Vegas chapel is destoyed by Eggman while in the middle of a wedding): ".......take Bertha to be your wedded wife until one of you is crushed by a giant robot?"

It's stuff like this that is the reason why I prefer Joe on the Sonic X book over Ian. Ian knows Sonic and the videogame history inside and out, and is wonderfull on the regular Sonic book, but Joe has really studied the Sonic X anime and is really good at doing comedy in the book.

Man, Tracy really does a fantastic job on this ish. There are two Tails shots that are among my favorites. One, where he is yelling "Go!" and raising his arm is very cute, and another one has him whipping out a crowbar from his pur- uhhh, satchel, and giving a wicked grin. (Serously though, what's with his man-purse?!)There's also a great Sonic "keep on truckin'" looking shot wile he's running, and a nice, shot of Eggman and Amy looking at each other menicingly. There's even some good Chris art, and I hate him!

You also have to give Tracey some major credit for doing THREE ISSUES IN ONE MONTH!!

Overall 9/10 BUY IT!! LAUGH, DANG YOU!!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Hahah! Most excellent! I knew an issue that had Eggman dressed as Elvis on the cover would'nt disappoint with the laughs!
I'll give my thoughts on it when I recieve it.
EDIT: Here are some preview scans.

Posts: 526
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He doesn't dress as Elvis in the book, just on the cover, but it's still very funny inside.

Doesn't quite trump "I never promised you a Chao garden" but close.

I love the fact that he doesn't realize that stealing a dumptruck full of poker chips won't make him any richer.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I just got the issue, and it's hilarious! I'll go into more detail when I have the time to do a proper review.

One of my favorite parts however, was when Sonic states he HATES pinball, while having memories of Eggman trapping him inside a pinball machine XD
