The wacky, failing schemes of Dr. Eggman AKA Sonic X #20
Speed Lines
Written by James "More than meets the eye" Mcdonough and Adam "Allspark" Patyk
Pencilled by David "EEPOPPORKAHAH" Hutchison
Cover that "transforms" all boundries by Spaz
STORY: We open with a splash page of Sonic saving the day again from a rampaging robot. Eggman is watching the action from a monitor and sobbing all over the place. Nothing he has done has stopped Sonic yet. Just then, he sees a report of Sam Speed in a high Speed police pursuit. As a trolly (well, there's no denying Station Square is San Fran now) is out of control. Sonic is on the scene as well, and this ticks off Sam as he sees Sonic as a rival and a glory hog. Sams crew warns him to slow down because he's pushing his car too hard, but Sam ignores them, and about a second later his tire comes off and he runs into a huge trash bin. Sam's embarrased and angry. Eggman sees this and decides to come up with his next wacky, failing scheme!
Sam blames his crew for the car wreck, but they reply back that he's been acting like a huge jerk ever since Sonic came on the scene and that he doesn't know how to work as a team with his crew. After his crew leaves, a huge blue truck with orange flames stops in front of him! Is it Optimus? Nope, it's Eggman hilariously dressed as the dad from Monster Garage. His attire includes a bandana, shades, hairy chest and arms, and a wife-beater shirt that don't quite fit. He introduces himself to Sam as "Robbie Nick" and offers to pimp Sam a new ride. One that will outrun a certain glor-errrr hedgehog.
In no time, the super car is ready. And just in time, as a fire has broken out and Sam decides to test run the car out to the scene. Sam zooms past Sonic on the way. Almost running him off the road. Sonic doesn't care about that. He just wants to make sure someone gets to the fire first. The fire (which Eggman had Bokkun set), is out on an oil refinery. "Robbie" informs Sam that the car can transform into a jet and it can shoot out huge amounts of water. Sam put out the fire before Sonic can get to the scene, but his soaked crew does not seem too happy.
Before Sam can gloat, he realizes he's no longer in control of his vehicle. At that time, Robbie Nick exposes himself (eww) as Dr. Eggman. He fires a missle from the car on Sonic. Sam warns Sonic in time for him and Sams crew to get out of the way. The explosion from the missle gets the attention of Knuckles on nearby Angel Island. Meanwhile Sonic is almost blasted away once again. Sam's car then transforms into, you guessed it, a giant robot. The robot is about to knock Sonic into orbit when Knuckles smashes into it's fist. Knux saves Sonic for a change "Me..rescued! How embarrassing!" just in time for Eggman to launch another barrage of missles. Sonic and Knuckles barley miss getting blasted as they are too busy arguing with each other. Sam informs his team on whats up and they relay the info to Chuck Thorndyke who's already hard at work on a solution.
Meanwhile Knux and Sonic are getting pummled by Eggmans Tranformer, cuz they can't seem to work together right. Chuck makes a negator signal that works through Sams watch. This gives Sam enough time to freeze up the robot for a sec. It's also enough time for Sonic and Knux to smash the limbs off the robot. Eggman says it back to the drawing board. In the end Sonic, Knuckles, and Sam admit they learned an important lesson about teamwork.
REVIEW: In case your wondering about the Transformer theme, the writers of this issue are the writers of the DreamWave Transformers books. Obviously this issue is also riding the coattails of hype from the new Transformers movie. (Works for me!) While this issue isn't hilarious, it is light hearted and fun. Eggmans "Robbie Nick" disguise made me laugh out loud, and there's some funny lines here and there.
However, if there's one thing I don't like it's when they take a moral, and instead of making it subtle, slap you in the face with it about a hundred times. The "Teamwork is important" moral was already there when Sam was chewed out by his crew. We didn't need a scene of Sonic and Knux not working together to bring the point home. Although they're friendly rivals, they fought together enough not to get in each others way. It was Sam's lesson to learn. Not Sonic or Knuckles. Also, the "everyone laughing" ending felt like it was out of a bad Saturday morning Cartoon. (Oh the irony!)
Overall: A little too preachy on the moral, but otherwise, a fun read. 8/10
Somethings missing here.....
Yea, I goofed. It's fixed.
Written by James "More than meets the eye" Mcdonough and Adam "Allspark" Patyk
Pencilled by David "EEPOPPORKAHAH" Hutchison
Cover that "transforms" all boundries by Spaz
I always liked how they would give such strange added middle names that, mostly, seem to work.
Not a fan of the Sonic X comics. It's a bit too childish. They sould be putting more effort where it's needed that's been taken away from this series. Other than that, some issues are worth reading.
Too childish? Childish. Who, pray tell, was the key demographic for the Sonic X television series? You know, I do beleive that it was children. Those same children who would be interested in the comic series based on the television show they like to watch.
Going even further, who was the demographic that the original comic series based on early concepts of the two animated series of the 90's aimed for? Children. And I do beleive that I speak for everyone when I say that those early issues of the original series were FAR more childish than the Sonic X comic could ever hope to be.
I can understand what you're getting at. Yes, Sonic X is'nt as epic, or serious, or "mature" if you will, and I use that term lightly, as the current Sonic the Hedgehog title.
But, why on earth would we want two different Sonic titles that offer up the same experience?
Many readers, including myself, love the Sonic X comic because of it's light hearted humor, the fact that it does'nt feel that it has to take itself too seriously, and yes, to an extent, it having a more familiar feel to the video games that it's based on. It's like reading a Sonic comic created alongside Sonic Adventure, in a way.
It's a good escape for people like me, who deals with enough emotional draining in real life, that don't want to sit down and read even more drama.
I'm not saying that my opinion is right and those who oppose me are wrong. Believe me, that's the last thing I'm trying to say. It just irks me when people look down on "childish" things as if they're bad, and not worth a look into. They're like Looney Tunes in an odd, twisted way. Sure, they appeal to children, but is it wrong to find yourself, a young adult enjoying a quick laugh?
If comic book fandom was like a college dorm, STH would be the Emo kid who likes to act all dramatical while listening to Evanscence and My Chemical Romance, while Sonic X is the fat guy who likes to party and carries a beer keggar around.
What the? I just saw an ad for Sonic Satam DVD set on G4.
They're like Looney Tunes in an odd, twisted way. Sure, they appeal to children, but is it wrong to find yourself, a young adult enjoying a quick laugh?
Loony Tunes was supposed to, and did, appeal to an adult audiance when it aired in the 1940's-70's.
I wouldn't really call the early years of the comic childish. It was affected by the horrible, slapstick 90's jokes that dread us when we look back at them.
Oh, no!
Get those jokes away from me!
O god Rotor's gonna bask Robotnik's face with a hammer XD!!! That always killed me, he'd have a hammer just to be str8 ghetto.
I'm notone who usualy likes SX comics because I don't feel that it has the same charm the show had. But you know what I actually LOOOOOOVED this issue! It seemed to almost capture the experience of watching a SX televison show! Coloe me impressed!
I think Shig's requested this image to be put up.
To be honest, I've never been interested in the Sonic X comics, but I gave in due to my love for 'The Transformers.'
The 'Robbie Nick' joke was enjoyable.
I just couldn't resist a story where Sonic battles a look-a-like of G1 Hot Rod.
Is it just me, or does this issue co-encide with the new 'Transformers' movie (No, I don't think Jazz should have died!) and that several 'Transformers' references have been made in the STH comics.
It was very intentional. As the writers for that ish were the same writers who used to write the Transformers comic.