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Sonic X 21, Sonic The Hedgehog 177, Sonic Archive 4 Preview

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After being trapped on Earth all this time Sonic, Tails, Amy and the others may have finally stumbled upon a way to get back to their home world. Will the daring plan pay off or just put Sonic and friends in a mind-bending dilemma of universe-al proportions?!
SCRIPT: Mike Bullock. ART: David Hutchison (pencils) & Terry Austin (inks). Cosmic cover by space-spanning Spaz!

Shipping June 13th, 2007
On sale DCD June 20th, 2007
On sale Newsstand July 3rd, 2007
32-page, full color comic
$2.25 US

From :


"Home, New Home":

Sonic has saved the day yet again! Or has he? With Dr. Eggman's Egg Fleet bombarding the city from the outside, the jury's still out! To make matters worse, a group of escaped convicts is on the loose on the inside! What's a hedgehog gotta' do to get a happy ending around here? Perhaps the brilliant Nicole has the answer!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley. Bombastic cover by fantastic Spaz!

Shipping June 27th, 2007
On sale DCD July 5th, 2007
On sale Newsstand July 17th, 2007
32-page, full color comic $2.25 US


The thrilling new series that lets fans relive classic Sonic stories continues! Volume 4 presents issues #13 through #16 of Sonic's ongoing comic book series in a special 5 x 7 & inch edition. Each story is meticulously restored and printed on high-grade paper-so you can feel like you're zipping right alongside the cobalt champion as he saves Knothole Village! This action-packed edition features the first appearance of mega-fan-favorite Knuckles the Echidna! Stories include: "This Island Hedgehog" and "Space in your Face" (issue #13), "Tails' Taste of Power" and "Girls Just Wanna' Have Fun" (issue #14), "Rockin' the Bot," "What's the Big Idea?" and "Animal Magnetism" (issue #15), "Sonic Under Glass" and "The Man from H.E.D.G.E.H.O.G" (issue #16).
SCRIPTS: Mike Gallagher, Angelo DeCesare, Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders. ART: Dave Manak & Art Mawhinney. Colossal cover by Spaz!

Shipping June 6th, 2007
On sale DCD June 13th, 2007
On sale Newsstand June 26th, 2007
112-page, full color paperback $7.49 US

Posts: 308
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1 ) How many Sonic stories have the title "Sub-Sonic"?
2 ) The cover's nice, but how does it tie in with the story...?

Posts: 173
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...Does their daring plan involve the selling of action figures, or is that merely an advertisement?

Posts: 899
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This cover is rivaling the Elvis Eggman and Painter Eggman covers for me right now.

Posts: 128
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Two things.
1: The discription of Sonic the Hedgehog #177 is pretty veague, no?
2: Doesn't Knuckles look funny with that weird smile of his on Sonic Archives #4? :D

Posts: 2016
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I still can't wrap my head around the Sonic the Hedgehog covers which Yardly keeps doing.

It's just not working for me.

Posts: 1127
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Perhaps in Sonic X, Sonic and friends go dimension hopping, but instead of getting back to thier world, they end up in a world where they're nothing but media icons?

Posts: 1402
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and the award for worst cover ever goes to.........the one the only Tracy Yardley!!!!!!

but #177 seems like it might be ok. very vague. no doubt about that.

Posts: 146
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Sonic X 21: Spaz continues to shine on Sonic X while churning out dull, boring StH covers. Pretty vague description...though it would certainly be entertaining seeing someone like Verti-cal and Horizont-al show up in the comic (hey, Sonic X is set in a separate universe, I don't see why not :p ). And we finally have ourselves a third writer on the comic. I thought the name sounded familiar, but then I realized I was thinking of Mike Pollock. :p

Sonic 177: Worst cover ever? A little harsh there, wouldn't you say? I'd say it's decent, if not a little simplistic. Then again, Tracy's a busy guy, pulling cover duty and interior art. What's this about a city? I guess we'll have to read 175/6 to put the pieces together.

SA 4: Knuckles = O_o

Posts: 1127
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True, but we've already been told that characters from Archie Sonic won't be appearing in the comic anytime soon.

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"Home, New Home":

Sonic has saved the day yet again! Or has he? With Dr. Eggman's Egg Fleet bombarding the city from the outside, the jury's still out! To make matters worse, a group of escaped convicts is on the loose on the inside! What's a hedgehog gotta' do to get a happy ending around here? Perhaps the brilliant Nicole has the answer!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley. Bombastic cover by fantastic Spaz!

Home New Home?

Sounds like Sonic, Bunnie, Antione, Sally, Tails, Amy as well as everyone else may have relocated to Station Square it seems, that's the only city that would make sense, don't ya think ;)

Posts: 462
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Knothole's been a "city" for 3 years now. *double-check* Yeah, it's really been about that. I think they're still there, but may hafta move em out soon. Station Square is a good idea tho. Fits with Amy having an apartment there in some games. And I like Yardley!s cover. Not the best ever but blows the heck outta anything I'd do ^^; Plus it has robots. You can't go wrong with robots. (well ok, Issac in GBU. But still! It's a flippin' EggRobo attack)
C&P my comments from BumbleKing
177: 10 to 1 the escapees are Bark, Bean, & Nack. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Nicole's safety among others.
A4: Huzzah for Knux, Pilot! Ant, Bunnie stories, an Cyndi Lauper refrences. Good times. (This is the first set wherein I own all the comics but I'll gets it anyways. Support ArchieSonic an all that. Some frown at owning doubles but oh well. I can think of worse ways to spend money)
X21: Can't make any predicts about it. The cover is cute, title is a bit overplayed buy whatcha gonna do? I know a cover shot is not a gaurantee but I'm really pulling for Big to reappear. I like him, he's silly!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

SX21: Cosmo! *disregards everything else on the cover*

Sth177: Sonic looks like he's gone otaku pervert on that robot. o_o;

SA4: is... is Knuckles CHARGIN HIZ LAZAR?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I don't get that cover for 177. I mean I will admit I am a bit a fan of Spaz's covers but Tracey seems to go about the wrong way doing them. It seems less like a cover and more like an actual page that belongs in the book. Perhaps it's just nitpicking...

And what happened to Knux?!

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I need to get those Archives. Anyway, I don't see what people's problem is with Tracy's cover art. I think he does a superb job on both interior and exterior decorating. BTW, that design of the Egg Robo looks awfully familiar where have I see it before?

Posts: 1758
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I'm digging that very SegaSonic Eggbot design with a checkered wheel.

Posts: 26
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The more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that Nicole will destroy the egg fleet, killing herself in the process.

Posts: 1402
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The more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that Nicole will destroy the egg fleet, killing herself in the process.

yeah maybe. anything is possible really, she's gotta die sooner or later.

one question though: why have people been talking about nicole dying in the last couple of months? i mean i know the in your face thing still stands, but did ian say something like "nicole might die in the next couple of months?"

Posts: 1567
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Didn't he say he was going to thin out the ranks a little? I don't recall him saying which characters were safe.

Posts: 173
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Just to support Yardley, I think his covers are about a thousand times better than the recent stuff Spazz has put out for StH Covers (Exception being #175's gruesome peice.) And the #176 (Yardley) cover is probably going to go down in history as one of my favorite covers.

But, on the subject of #177's story, "Home, New Home."...I think that the story title is a direct Refrence to "Home" from the early #130 issues,afre the Lost in Space arc. If I were to venture out and speculate, I'd say that it's Ian's subtle little way of saying he's going to do the "Home" type of storyline right this time. : ) I'm quite excited.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


i mean i know the in your face thing still stands, but did ian say something like "nicole might die in the next couple of months?"


in your face thing still stands


still stands

How? Sure there's still the whole "Nicole would eventually have to die" scenario but there's also the "de-roboticized Bunnie" and "final battle with Robotnik" to consider. PIME TARADOX, those things can't happen anymore due to ye olde plot progression screwing with continuity.

It'd be easier to relegate IYF to the same hell that M:25YL and the Reunification 'bad future' is in (alternate timelines), and leave the future not be set in stone so that Ian can have some leeway in what he can do with the characters.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

yeah i guess. i thought i read somewhere that the IYF thing was still going to play out.

i really don't know what to believe anymore, ian has said so many things that people have misinterpreted.

Posts: 5772
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And now you know why he's more tight-lipped about future developments.

Posts: 526
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Holy poop-flavored popsicles!! I just realized who Mike Pullock is! I've met him before at my bro's comic store. He had a signing at the store for his creation; "Lions, Tigers and Bears" (If you are a fan of the Sonic comics, you would LOVE this book! Highly recommended.) Very cool guy. Now I can't wait to see how he does on Sonic X #21.

Posts: 12
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**BTW, that design of the Egg Robo looks awfully familiar where have I see it before?**

I believe that is very close to the design of "Robo-Robotnik" From the Sonic the Hedgehog Anime. At least thats all I can think of where Ive seen it before.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

Oh my gawd! The writer for Sonic X #21 is THAT Mike Pullock!? I can't beleive I did'nt even realize that! Just another reason to be glad I'm a Sonic X reader! =D

Posts: 2809
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**BTW, that design of the Egg Robo looks awfully familiar where have I see it before?**

I believe that is very close to the design of "Robo-Robotnik" From the Sonic the Hedgehog Anime. At least thats all I can think of where Ive seen it before.

Hmm, yeah, it does, but now that I look at it again, it doesn't look that familiar.

Posts: 58
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S177: Eww... its so...retro...

And the Sonic X cover! Action Figures?!?


*cackles insanely*
