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Sonic X 8 Review: Big the Cat's greatest moment (Spoilers)

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NeoRemington, I think you'll wanna pick up this issue.

"Wicked Sweet Shuttle Shenanigans: Part 1"
(That title is too kiddy even for me!)

Big the Cat is fishing with Froggy in Paris for some reason. Chris Sonic and co., as well as Agents Rouge and Topaz (who are VERY POORLY searching for Dr. Eggman)have arrived at a Paris Amusment park where Chris' dad plans to reveal a new space shuttle hi company paid for. Topaz and Rouge can't seem to find Eggman despite the fact that Bokkun is flying around, screaming on a huge sugar rush, and Eggman is six feet in front of them. Chris' dad tells him that he's going to unviel his new space shuttle tomorrow. Dr. Eggman already knows of this, which is why he's there.

Meanwhile Topaz and Rouge are told by Captain Westwood (the guy who lied to Sonic and the prez last issue) to return to HQ they know something not quite right so Rouge tells Topaz to stay and she'll take the heat. Behind them Emrl is following, but is starting to realize they have no info to give him on his identity.

The next day Mr. Thorndike and wife reveal the new space shuttle. Right on cue, eggman presses a remote and all of the rides at the park go haywire and attack the crowd. Eggman makes his way to the shuttle, but is topped by Big who has been tailing him. Eggman shoves him aside and makes a run for it. Big then uses his fishing pole, and yanks Eggman back. Eggman asks how Big is going to stop him from getting the shuttle. BIG REPLIES BY PUNCHING EGGMAN DEAD IN THE FACE AND BREAKS HIS NOSE! Ouch!

Sonic and co. have managed to stop most of the rampaging rides and notice Big chasing Eggman into a hall of mirrrors.
Everyone follows suit including Emrl. Emrl sees Eggman and remembers that he's his master. When Emrl sees Sonic about to attack Eggman, a big laser gun pops out of his chest and is aimed for Sonic.

To be continued.

The Good:
Joe Edkin has officialy made Big the Cat cool. I never expected him to punch Eggman square in the nose like that.
That is now my second favorite Sonic X comic moment. Just behind the "Chao with chainsaws" moment in Sonic X #6.

The story, while generic, is good. The humour is decent as well. I love the gaint mime robots yelling with blank word balloons. (Although Joe should have not used a caption to explain the joke, It was easy to get.)

Bokkun's mad sugar rush was cute, and I like the trenchcoats on the robots because it just wouldn't fool anybody. (Which in turn, makes it funny.) It doesn't work for the Thing or the Ninja Turtles and it wouldn't work for them.

The cover by Spaz was one of the best! I like how it tells a small story in just one picture.

The bad: Someone at Archie PLEASE fire Time Smith the 3rd!! The man cannot draw worth a (Errmm.. kids forum) darn! This is by far his worst issue yet, and he's had two months off!! He almost put me off the book after the first few issues. He looks like he wasn't even pencilling and went straight to inking it. There is a scene where Chris' mom and dad don't even have thier face drawn in! Why is Ella looking so ticked off when the cake comes out? There are even some slightly humurous scenes that could've been augmented more (that means "made better" kids)with a better artist, but alas we got Tim "Worse than Lim" Smith. Ugh!

The ugly: As stated before, most of Tim's art.

Bokkun. Nothing uglier than a kid robot on a mad sugar rush. Although I have yet to actually see a kid robot on a sugar rush in real life, (but first mankind had to figure out how to make them eat human food and use it as fuel) I'm sure it would not be pleasant.

OVERALL 8/10 Worth it just for Big punching Eggman

Quote of the issue

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Wow, this seems like a doozy of an ish. I got mine in the mail yesterday, but a corner of the bag was ripped and the corner of the book was shredded to pieces as well so I'm gonna take it to the post office and see if they can't send it back and get me a new one.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Heheh. I like to refer to Tim Smith as the Dave Manak of Sonic X.

Sounds like an good issue though, can't wait for it.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Big the Cat punches Eggman in the nose!? AWESOME. Then again, since this is Big's big debut, I should probably go out and buy this issue. Ahahahaha.

Posts: 78
Trusted Member

Whoa, go Big!! Heh.
Gotta pick up this issue for sure. I'm liking the Sonic X comic so far.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Heheh. I like to refer to Tim Smith as the Dave Manak of Sonic X.

Manak had his moments. He wasn't all bad.

However, I'm starting to really dislike Tim Smith 3's work. It looks more like Many Hands.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

His work in issues one through four looked very much like Manak's work too me. I have yet to recieve issue 8, so I can't say anything about that.

Posts: 13
Active Member

Yeah, the artwork was pretty crude in this issue. It's just that "little" bit off model for everyone, which just makes it look poorer than it is. Another problem is the huge overuse of blank backgrounds with a gradient.

The problem I have with this issue is Eggman's reasoning for getting the shuttle. Considering that in the games, Eggman has been able to get out of the atmosphere with The Death Egg and the Ark, I don't see why he needs to steal something like this. He's smart enough to figure it out on his own! He did in Sonic X Season 3 where EVERYONE happens to be able to get a Space Shuttle 😛

Posts: 526
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Yea, I was thinking the same thing. Eggman could make his own spaceship no prob. Also, I know Big is...well....big, but in this issue, he looks almost a foot or two taller than Eggman! That's much bigger than Big normally is.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Whoa! Big actually punches Eggman? Big being in an issue alone is enough for me, but sluggin Eggman? This issue is a must! X3 I hope they make Big more interesting in this series. I really do like the big guy. I was deeply disappointed with how little he was used in the regular Sonic comic. That's me though. =/

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Considering that in the games, Eggman has been able to get out of the atmosphere with The Death Egg and the Ark, I don't see why he needs to steal something like this. He's smart enough to figure it out on his own! He did in Sonic X Season 3 where EVERYONE happens to be able to get a Space Shuttle 😛

That's true, but in X the Death Egg isn't necessarily canon and the Ark hasn't happened yet (perhaps stealing the shuttle is what makes it possible).

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

I do occasionaly look into Sonic X once in a blue moon. WhoaWhoaWHOA?! Big actually did something cool?! Gotta look into that issue! .____.

Ewwwww...Many Hands. *shudders*
