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Sonic X Issue 17 Review. Contains spoilers.

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I'm in no way a great reviewer. In fact, I'm pretty lousy at it. But I figure I'll give it a shot.

Sonic X issue #17 Review

First, we start with the cover. It's very serene on top, with Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Bokkun in an open field, near a pot of gold. Busy and hilarious on the bottom, where we have Eggman, Decoe and Bocoe underground, digging for the gold in a cramped tunnel. The first four issue's covers for this series were rather bland, having nothing to do with the actual story, and there more for the eye candy. As of issue 5 though, Spaz has done nothing but beautiful, hilarious work. This cover is no different, I love it. Note the Ristar skeleton.
"March Madness"
Story: Ian Flyyn; Penciller: Steven Butler; Inker: Terry Austin; Colorist: Josh Ray; Lettering: John Workman; Editor: Mike Pellerito; Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick; Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater
The story starts out with Sonic doing what he does best, and what made him famous. He's running around at the speed of sound. Got some place to go, but I don't see no rainbow. He and Cheese are back to Chris Thorndyke's mansion, after a morning run. Sonic skids into the living room, making marks that are sure to make Ella the maid pop a casket. Cheese being a chao, was exposed to running type traits all morning, turns green because of Sonic. Good thing he did'nt change as far as physical appearances go though. Have you ever seen a hero speed type Chao? Those suckers have some kind of shaft growing on the top of thier fore heads, and in a Sonic comic that follows the Comic Code Authority, that's no good. Cheese turning green is a plot point you'll need to remember, because it's almost important.
Sonic, being the brilliant mind he is, quickly deducts that everyone in the house is wearing green. To be like Cheese, no less. He's so popular. But as we all know, including Chris, everyone wears green on St. Patrick's Day to bring good luck, or to make Leprechans appear. But mostly so your Uncle Louie can't pinch the dog snot out of ya, because that's how he gets his sick kicks. In this story, Amy is that Uncle Louie. She even produces razor sharp claws out of nowhere just for the occasion of giving Sonic a flirtish pinch. Sonic's scared of being pinched apparently, so he does'nt take to kindly to this turn of events.
Elsewhere, Bokkun is painting the tower base that was blown up in epsidode 13 of the Sonic X show, and issue 11 of the comic with the same title green, while our main man, the Eggman is pondering what all the hub-bub, Bub is about, and why the citizens of Station Square are preparing a parade in the honor of a green wearing little person. Decoe and Bocoe, the curious lil' robots that they are, have been reading into it, and are just about to explain to the good doctor about why anyone would celebrate a day for a red headed imp. Suddenly, outside the wind blows that bucket of green paint on Bokkun! That's an important plot point to remember later in the story.
While explaining the reasoning behind St. Patrick's Day to Eggman, they bring up the fact that if you catch a Leprechan, you get a choice to take either his pot of gold, or his breakfast cereal. Eggman, having plenty of cereal in the cabinets, is more interested in the gold, and how much money it's worth. Needless to say, it's quite a lot. Thus, Eggman's greatest scheme ever begins! They must catch a Leprechan, so they "launch the nets for great justice!"
Now, remember that plot point I told you you would need to remember? The one about the paint making Bokkun green? Yeah, now's the part where you need to remember that said plot point. Bokkun runs into the base, crying that the wind caused him to look like the Incredible Hulk. Eggman, who does'nt read comic books, instead mistakes him for a mischevious Leprechan, and orders Decoe and Bocoe to capture him! The paint obviously taking it's toll on his brain, Bokkun flees with a "Begorrah!" out of harms reach, and gets away. No worries though, Eggman is the man with the plan, and that plan will take effect in three pages from now.
Meanwhile, at the parade, the crowd looks as if it too was splattered with a giant bucket of green paint. But this is mostly due to the fact that the Ray's don't like to color background characters. Chris mentions that the news said it might rain today, which is important plot point, number three, which Doc Brown stating that with everyone wearing green, thier luck should hold out. Doc Brown is smart like that, he's awesome, and I wanna grow up to be just like him. Chris then states that if it does rain, maybe they'll get to see a rainbow, which is plot point, number four. Sonic, being so afraid of being pinched bought himself a green clover necklace charm in hopes that it would cause Amy to stop being a crazy pincher, and go back to being a crazy fangirl. He should have gotten some green shoes. That way, he could do that twirly tornado move he does in Sonic the Hedgehog for the XBox 360 and PS3. That'd be silly.
Bokkun flies from out of nowhere and snatches Cheese from Cream's hands, which if you remember, Cheese turning green was an important plot point. Thinking Cheese is a Leprechan, he demands to be stripped of his green outer coating, without realizing that with all that Leprechan gold, he'd be able to buy love no matter what color he is. Sonic snatches Bokkun, whom lets go of Cheese, who flies into his owners arms crying his little eyes out. That's not so much an important plot point though. Sonic demands to know what the dealio is, and is only answered by Bokkun's hystaric ramblings as he commands Sonic to protect him from the good doctor, who's a little more crazy than advertized this fine day. Just at that moment, three panels later, Eggman's newest robot bursts out of the Pot 'O Gold float! A giant robotic Leprechan, whom I've affectionately nicknamed O'Mally.
Eggman, from the cockpit inside O'Mally's head, orders his robotic Shamrocks to search out and capture any Leprechans in the area. Both Cheese and Bokkun, small, green, and full of magic flee the scene in a most panicish way. Sonic's got the whole thing figured out, and as Amy smashes the Shamrocks with her Piko Piko Hammer, Cream catches up to Cheese and has a touchy feely moment about always being there for him or her or it. Tails meanwhile, isn't doing a very good job of making sure Bokkun does'nt go crazy with the bombs, as he stuffs them inside one of the Leprechan balloons, which covers O'Mally, making him all wobbly. Then he demands chocolate coins. Oh, Bokkun. You're such a character. Eggman then shouts out the funniest thing I've ever heard while pulling the uninflated balloon off of himself and O'Mally.
"Stupid infernal blasted blankity blank balloon!"
I am at a loss for words. I love this comic even more, if that was even possible.
Sonic spin jumps into O'Mally's face, and is sure to say hello to good doctor Eggman as he does so. Then proceeds to take out the remaining Shamrocks. Remember important plot point number three? I thought you would. It starts raining, which does'nt please Sonic at all, considering rain is just airborne water.
Meanwhile, Cheese is back to normal, and is no longer green. This is because of the extended amount of time the little booger's been with Cream. Also, this means that Cheese is now fair pickings to be pinched. Little sucker better watch his back. The rain also washes the paint off of Bokkun. Said comments about Cheese now also apply to Bokkun.
The rain isn't making things easy for Sonic, for now our giant, metal friend O'Mally is quite slippery. With Sonic in the palm of his hand, Eggman plans to pull out every last spine off of Sonic's blue head like a four leaf clover. I'm not sure you're supposed to do that though. Would'nt pulling the petals off of a four leaf clover bring the opposite of good luck? Which is bad luck, by the way. The rain stops, and the sun starts shining, and would'nt you know it, a rainbow appears! Important plot point number four, you're a fricken life saver! Chris, not having done anything in this entire issue to justify him being a main character asks Eggman if he said he was looking for a Leprechan. Eggman, not knowing what the dealio in the realio is, exclaims that he is, and wants to know why Chris wants to know. Chris lets him know that Leprechans live on the other side of a rainbow, which Eggman did'nt know. He has Decoe and Bocoe do a fact check, which turn out to be true. In his excitement, Eggman throws Sonic aside and launches off into the horizon. High fives all around.
Bokkun wastes no time in mocking our heroes, and making a hasty exit. "SOON!" at a bar or resteraunt or something, the gang is celebrating thier victory with green sodas, which probobly translates into Mountain Dew. For some reason, a man who looks alot like Officer Albright is seen working as the waiter at the bar. Are times so hard for the police force that Albright's had to get a new job? I blame Sonic. Tails wonders if Eggman ever found any pot of gold, which Sonic highly doubts. Amy then notes that in the fight, Sonic lost his green lucky charm, and goes in for the pinch, to which Sonic runs because if we remember, he's scared of being pinched.
Elsewhere, O'Mally is digging a giant whole, as Eggman wonders who deep Leprechans live. Sonic then fares us well, and hopes we come back for Sonic X issue #18, "Rouge Goes Rogue". I know I'll be there, and you will too, if you know what's good fer ya. *shakes fist*

It's really neat when a comic such as this is done so well. Most comics based off of popular television shows at the time usually are'nt very well written, or pencilled, or really anything. Really seem like they're only there to make a quick buck. Sonic X on the other hand, is surprising in all those aspects. It's very clear that throughout the run of this book, the creatives really care about the series they're working on. This issue is'nt any different. Ian does a wonderful job making sure that the comic does'nt linger too long, but does'nt rush through itself too quickly. The characters are all spot on, charming, and fun. The series may have gotten off to a rocky start with issues 1 through 4, when the comic was just finding itself, but if this issue, and several before it is any indication, it's found what it's good at, and it does it well. While the Sonic the Hedgehog series is about deep plots, more intense action and a continuity spanning over 12 years, Sonic X is about comic action, sight gags, and just plain fun, and for that I love it. Steven Butler does a wonderful job on this issue, and really brings Ian's script to life. I hope to see more of his work for both titles in the coming future.

And with that, I say that "March Madness" is quite the issue. I found it very enjoyable, and hold it as a personal favorite, along with "I Never Promised You A Chao Garden" and "No Thanks For The Memories". Here's to hoping it upholds this grade of quality for many years to come.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Ah Toby, ya beat me to the punch. It's me own fault fer takin' so long before reviewin' oh well.

I'll still be adding moi own opinions, but since it be nearin' St. Patty's day, and this bein' a Saint Patrick's day story, I thought I'd do it in an Irish accent while eatin' a bowl of Lucky Charms swimming in a half-point o' Guiness.

There be some good and bad issues with good ol' Ian's Sonic X writin'. The laddie knows how to spin a good yarn, while usin' his great Sonic Adventure trivia knowledge. Such as Cheese turnin' green from Sonic's speed. In the SA games, if you be givin' the wee lads green crystals, it be incresin' thier speed skills now.
The characters were spot on with thier behavior with one little exception.

Cheese runnin' and cryin' to Cream, while it be a very sweet, emotional scene, was just a wee tad out of character. Cheese doesn't need Cream to protect her, cuz it's always the other way around. She be tendin' to use the wee creature loike a dog, and sickin' him onto her enemies. Anyone who played Sonic Adavnce 2, knowin' this to be the truth. Cheese is a tough, little scrapper and would make a fine Irishman.

If there be one good comparison between Ian's writing from Joe's, it's that while Ian be good at wroitin' a lighthearted story, Joe knows humor, and tends to wroite a much funnier tale than Ian can. Whoile both have the strentgh of wroitin' a good story, Ian brings the knowledge, and Joe brings the funny (especially when it comes to Eggman). That bein' enough commas for ya?

One example of a good missed joke is Sonics' bit 'o green. It bein' a necklace with a four leaf cover it be. What would be funnier is if he wuz seekin' out a bit o' green to keep from gettin' molested boi Amy, and took one of them automotive air fresheners that are shaped like green trees and wrapped around his toiny neck. Guiness may be Irish, but I think Amy really wanted to pinch his Hienekin.

Seein' the return o' Steven Butler makes this Irishman smoile. He does a good job of stayin' within the models of the show, while adding his own style. Much like Tracy did when he premiered on the book last year. No copied art here.

Overall, while it could've been funnier, it was a good read. I loved the giant robot leprichan, an Butler can draw a pretty good Bokkun.

Score 8/10

Second Looks:

On the cover you be seein' the remains of ol' Ristar on the left, but who's skeletal remains is that on the right? Well with it bein' entirely upside down, thar be only one mascot I know that would die in that pose laddies. That bein' Bonk.

While Vanilla be sportin' a lovely green hat, did anyone notice that it went missin' in one panel?

How did Eggman get to the end of a Rainbow since it's an optical illusion? Simple, he could have had his computer (or robots) calculate the tragectory on where the rainbow would end, from where he was looking. Unfortunatly, the poor lad probably dug at both ends before realizin' he'd been fooled.

P.S. just got Sonic X season 3 (that's 5&6 together in some countries) off of Amazon for $25 together. 4 discs total. A great deal since I can't find them in stores anymore.
