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SPOILERS: On Sonic 183 (Read last post)

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I just want to say, on Sonic smashing the weapon that could have put down the chaos energy over loaded mad dog now running across the planet: IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!!!!!! Sonic has it in his stupid head that Knuckles can't be doing this of his own free will, or maybe just some well placed insults will pull him back to his senses!

I know Knuckles has the 'franchise character shield of invincibility.' But seriously, Sonic needs a reality check. This is ENERJAK! ENERJAK! The most powerful flesh and blood entity in existence who Mammoth only beat because he had the Sword of Acorns to cheat! Which Ian decided to have destroyed to clean out the closet!

I wish something would have knocked Sonic through a wall just then and asked them if they needed to hit him again to knock the stupid out of his head!

Posts: 1127
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Weapons never win in Sonic. Super Sonic however, always does. I fail to see the problem. :crazy

Posts: 28
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How'd you get the issue already? Is it out now?

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Yes it's out on comic stands. If you stop to take a look, at Dr. Fin, it's clear that while Super Sonic wasn't part of his original plan, it's pretty clear that he's DELIGHTED to have Super Sonic show!

Also, I think IF Sonic de-chaos powered Knux he thinks "Okay Knux, you're back to yourself now so-" POW!

"You blue quilled idiot! You took it away! The one chance to finally FIX this messed up world and you TOOK IT AWAY! You can't stand the idea of people not needing you! You're SCARED of a world without suffering! Without evil! Cause then you wouldn't be much of a hero!"

Posts: 108
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...Okay, so you're pissed off at Sonic wanting to find an alternative to Plan A, which is "Kill off Knuckles, who might not even be in a right state of mind due to the infusion of Chaos Energy because he's definetly not acting like himself right now."

And here I thought loyalty to one's friends was a heroic virtue even in this day and age. But I guess true heroism nowadays is measured by one's willingness to slay potentially dangerous people at the slightest provocation.

...Besides, it's KNUCKLES. You really think Sega would've allowed Archie to kill him off?

Posts: 5772
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What? No proper review of the ish?

Posts: 1694
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...Besides, it's KNUCKLES. You really think Sega would've allowed Archie to kill him off?

It wouldn't be the first time. I'm sure he's got several more lives left.

Posts: 218
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So is Finitevus glad because Sonic is now under his spell too or what? Seriously, unless the entire hex was loaded into Knuckles during his initial transformation, I don't see how Sonic is going to be immune.

As for the back story, can anyone confirm whether the Brotherhood is officially dead now or not? Also, in regard to Finitevus' original plan, I truly wish he had used Lien-da for the new Enerjak. Her being hard to control just makes it so much more desirable to have her as an all but unstoppable demi-god. I think she would have truly been the most frightening, sadistic, world-ending force since the original Dr Robotnik.

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I think she would have truly been the most frightening, sadistic, world-ending force since the original Dr Robotnik.

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Any mods want to edit the title? I'm putting the review here...

Anywho as the first 3 pages have illustrated, Locke and Julie bicker about the fact that Locke wants to knock off his own blood. Sonic however wants to see just what Locke has cookin', which no doubt ticks off Julie-Su. Locke whips out a warp ring but they are only greeted by the Destructix...with Scourge and Fiona...battle royal 2?

Anywho, Eggman is gloating as Knux is being sapped of his energy while Snively introduces Eggman to bubble Dimitri. Seems like Dimitri has decided to join the good doctor in hopes of turning Enerjak back to regular Knuckles. Eggman reassures him that all is well...that is until the energy levels fly off the charts as Enerjak has awakened and he is NOT pleased. AT ALL. A huge chaotic explosion tears through the city while Dimitri cries like a lunatic. Eggman prepares for battle though one has to wonder how fruitless that is... (Read: VERY)

Meanwhile the battle between Sonic's group and Scourge' not going well for our heroes. Of course they are outnumbered and overpowered but just when things look down, Archy shows up from his pout fest and lays down the law...or, allowing the others to make quick feet for the weapon.

Archy rejoins them in the structure and tells Locke that using the weapon is a NO GO, seeing as he's to be blamed for this anyways. While they bicker, Sonic recovers the weapon,a funky looky wrench kind of thing...the Destructix arrive to administer more beatdowns, only to watch Sonic smash the tool (Begs the question of why did Fini keep it around? Back up plan I figure). Scourge seems pretty ticked Sonic beat him to it. Locke loses it but Sonic tells him he has his own plan...bonus points to if you can figure out what it is!

Eggman is preparing for round two with Enerjak, even though his forces are just NO match for the demigod. Of course the Egg Fleet is launched and...missiles are fired. Knux easily sends them back, destroying the entire Egg Fleet in the process...we all saw that one coming. Eggman looks pretty defeated and agrees its time to head for the bunkers.

After that impressive attack, Knux feels drained (Eh?) so he heads back to Fini for a little hands on lovin'...or to just get repowered. Before he can get recharged, Sonic invades the show, knocking Fini down and landing on the Master Emerald. Oh wait, does Sonic know of its dark power? Too late now as Super Sonic intends to beat the living snot/evil out of Enerjak!

Oh yea...side story..

Fini catches Scourge charging up a warp ring just in case, the plan goes south (Scourge obviously reads the previews and you should too!). Fini decides to explain the reasons behind his plans...which first go into the origins of the Floating Isle...and the Guardians and Dark Legion. It's clear here that Fini thinks both groups have done nothing for the echidnas except bicker, fight and kill each other. Seems his service with the DL was only a ruse to get what he needed. He took apart Dimitri to learn more while also learning what he could from the exhausted Brotherhood. Afterwards, he tossed them in the Twilight Zone, ironic considering they did the same to the DL on many that's where the old men have been. He wanted to use a descendent of Dimitri to create Enerjak and first considered Lien-Da (!!) then settled on Remington. Scourge points out that Fini is using Knux but Fini reasons that Knux had the strongest connection and only needed convincing . Fini then goes back on his ranting mode about the evils of the world and Scourge leaves him to his devices.

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There is another dark point. While Dr. Fin was surprised by Sonic's actions, he was also delighted. Maybe because the evil doctor remembers a basic rule: when the elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers.

Posts: 1402
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There is another dark point. While Dr. Fin was surprised by Sonic's actions, he was also delighted. Maybe because the evil doctor remembers a basic rule: when the elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers.

thank you for the review torn. on another point, Alex if you are going to make a spoiler topic, actually do a review, don't lord over us because you know what happens and we don't. just some constructive criticism

Posts: 218
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Cute Toby... you know dang well what I meant by the first Dr. R.:nn;

Thank you also to tornadot for contemplating the very horror that would've been Lien-da unleashed. If only it had happened.|I

Regardless, anyone care to wager if we'll see Super Scourge appear any time soon? The teaser at the end of the back up got me thinking.:idea

Posts: 1376
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So they're in the Twilight Zone? So they're not dead? Sp Spectre is alive. YES!

Posts: 89
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So they're in the Twilight Zone? So they're not dead? Sp Spectre is alive. YES!

Add to that the fact that time passes slower than molasses in there(How do you think Menniker looked the same when we next saw him instead of looking like Granddaddy Legion?), and the Brotherhood may as well take a vacation for a while, doing nothing... maybe spectre could get them out.

Spectre could take on the Destructicx single-handedly and win. He's just that badass.

Posts: 1402
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when spectre does a pushup, he doesn't push himself up, he pushes mobius down. *shot*

Posts: 1127
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That explains why he got whooped and put in the twilight zone.

Posts: 462
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Destroying the weapon that could end a planet-shattering threat is retarded.

Except in this comic & universe where, as Toby says, Super Sonic always wins anyway. :thumbsup

There's probably a Law of Physics about it and everything...

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To note, Mammoth kicked Super Sonic and Hyper Knux's rears, it was Turbo Tails who saved the day. So no, Super Sonic just -almost- always wins.

Posts: 1446
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And we already from from the #184 previews Spoilers (Select To Read): that Super Sonic doesn't win.

Posts: 82
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I'm just making a guess here, but I think as of Sonic #181 ol Dr. Fin, might have found someone even more powerful then Knuckles to become the new Enerjak somewhere down the road. And it's not going to be Sonic as the next Enerjak, but I'm almost sure that maybe Tails is going to to be the next Enerjak. I mean who says that Enerjak has to be an Echidna, all of the time, why can't Enerjak be a Fox or even a Hedgehog for once in the STH comic book?

Which means they are going most likely make a brand new Enerjak outfit and mask (Maybe the new mask will have straps instead of that old helmet mask for a teenage looking I would say around maybe 16 or so) for Tails. Plus I for one would kind of like to see Tails as a villain in a upcoming story arc!

Because it seem's like they always use Sonic and Knuckles most of time to be the good guy turned bad guy as far back as I can remember.

Posts: 218
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If Enerjak were to be a hedgehog, fox, or anything else, then it wouldn't be Enerjak. This is a tale from Echidna mythology where they believe their ancestors obsession with technology resulted in an individual who represented just how strong they were, but also brought out the worst of their society's own moral and ethical standing. Most of the echidnas realized this was a wake-up call to themselves, and if a new Enerjak was to appear and be anything but an echidna, then it would completely destroy any meaning and/or significance of a lesson learned centuries ago.

Besides, this looks like this may be the last major nod to the Knuckles series for quite some time. Do you really want to rob us of the key element that helped start it?

Posts: 356
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In fairness to Sonic, it is a complex problem; stopping Enerjak without harming Knux as much as possible. We'll see if it was a wise decision.

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Indeed. There is another dark point. While Dr. Fin was surprised by Sonic's actions, he was also delighted. Maybe because the evil doctor remembers a basic rule: when the elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers. While I think after the 'revolution' story, I think they've burned through Sonic vs. Tails for a while.

Imagine Dr. Fin though playing on Sonic's weaknesses.

Dr. Eggman at destruction of Knotehole: You're not fast enough to beat me.

Tails attacking Sonic during the revolution: Sonic The Hedgehog was just too slow!

And of course, Sonic spin dashing right where Enerjak was a milisecond before after Enerjak had just stripped Floating Island of all traces of civilization.

Posts: 114
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i was looking over the mobius 25 years later comics.. and i remember sonic and knuckles talking about how knuckles got overloaded with chaos energy..again.. and how he was taking it upon himself to change the world to the way he visioned.. as well as taking down eggman.. but it was up to sonic to use a "device" to rid him of his godly like powers but it went off prematurely and well.. it cost him his eye.. could this possibly be pointing in that direction.. i thought it might be since knux is trying to reshape the world and stuff.. but i could be wrong.. just pondering..

Posts: 462
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It could be a deliberate reference to that.

Though with the device smashed, time's taing a different track now.

Posts: 1402
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the fact that julie su wasn't de-Cyborgised changes it, as well as knux wearing the enerjak armor. so while it does give a nod to 25 issues later it still doesn't let it take over continuity.

Posts: 1376
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No Toby. Spectre didn't get whooped. There's no nod to that. What really happened was that he saw his sons getting smacked, and went over to help them. Pwned everyone, and stood as the lone echidna of the Brotherhood, commanding Chaos energy, But then Fin came down and fired some garbled magic (that's what I call Fin's Magic now} and Spectre didn't know Fin sealed off the Emeralds power, so he got hit (dirty FIn, just dirty) and Spectre flew in the gaping supersize portal that just appeared out of left pocketverse. All the other Brotherhood got up and dove to save Spectre, cause they love him so damn much and know that without him, they're just old men who'd fuddle with their dreads and make diamonds within them like T-hawk!


Posts: 133
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Spectre's really just that awesome. He's also what, 190-plus? I figure they have kids every 25 years or so. For someone to be that old and still be awesome is just...well...awesome. I like the word awesome.

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Fiona. Personally, I was rather disappointed in her first engagement as a villain. No interaction with Sonic, and her only line sounds like a ret-con of any involvement with the Freedom Fighters whatsoever. People who haven't read anything before 180 wouldn't even know she'd betrayed them the last time she appeared. XD

Aside from that, awesome issue...kinda funny to see some new facial expression from Dr. Fin, too. The shocked face when Enerjak returns is just weird. XD

Posts: 2116
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I have my own theory on Fiona, but it'd take a while to type out. Bear with me... 🙂

Posts: 80
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I love how Finitevus' eyes bulge out when Sonic Spindashes him. :crazy

Posts: 208
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I got my Sonic issue 183, whoa the story is getting very good specialy the backstory of Finitevus motives, I liked his explanation about the Guardians and the Dark legion (by the way the page with all the guardians and the Grandmasters looked very cool, also I now could see what happened to Moritori Rex, also I liked the page with Finitevus with Remington,the face of finitevus really looked excited to start molding remington into a Grandmaster and Remington looked so cute and weak in that page. This issue got me satisfied and curious what will happen next.

Posts: 2116
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Seeing it confirmed that Fin really does have his own agenda was a nice twist - particularly with that slightly messianic overtone.

I'm definitely wondering what Scourge is up to now - especially since we know that he's got essentially Sonic's mindset when it comes to authority.

I wonder if he's going to concede to Fiona that she had a point, whether that wouldn't be evil enough for him, or whether he knew but just had too much of an agenda of his own to be bothered...

Posts: 133
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The only issue with that is that he still assisted the Destructix in trying to destroy the weapon. Unless he was bluffing, of course. Just as Sonic wanted to see it so he could destroy it, Scourge could have wanted to see it so he could steal it and eliminate Enerjak. It would certainly fulfill the whole "anti" thing, wouldn't it? XD

Also, felt this had to be done.

Posts: 94
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I read the issue for the first time yesterday, and it is the bomb! The back story, I will admit, was kind of disappointing: I was actually hoping to learn about Spectre's unique origins. When are we going to learn why he's so drastically different from the other Guardians? Still, it was nice to finally find out what happened to the Brotherhood, as well as to Moritori.

Enerjak overwhelming Robotnik's forces is no surprise, and I was pleasantly surprised to see him destroy the Egg Fleet. That particular plot element has been in play for quite a few issues, and it's about time that it came to an end-and it also has the bonus of demonstrating that Enerjak is a vastly superior villain to Dr. Eggman. Of course, the fact that Knuckles was left so weakened by the Egg Grapes makes it sound like Robotnik got a ton of energy from him, so his "next big project" will undoubtedly still be feasible-once Mammoth Mogul's umpteenth return blows over, anyway. Dimitri is one sorry Echidna: first Dr. Finitevus, then the Freedom Fighters, and now Robotnik; the guy needs to find an ally who can help him recover as a villain, or else he needs to be put out of his-and our-misery.

Scourge's actions involving the Warp Ring are intriguing. I have two theories: one, he's being honest and realizes that if Enerjak is defeated he's going to want to get as far away as possible, hopefully with Fiona in tow. Two, we may soon be seeing the debut of Super Scourge, who we read about in a bio 20 or so issues back but so far haven't seen.

Posts: 72
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Does anyone else think that might be Super Scourge on the cover of #184? Considering Super Sonic's eyes are usually red, and on the cover he has green eyes. Don't ask me how he got Sonic's shoes.

Also the reference to Perfect Chaos before Sonic transforms may be some sort of foreshadowing to absorbing the negative power of the Master Emerald. This may trigger some sort of effect in Scourge to act as a hero, since they are opposites.

Scourge seems likely to escape with Fiona to the anti-verse, where she will become the new anti-Fiona. The new costume seems to suggest something.

Posts: 899
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Wouldn't he still have the scars on his chest, though? Might just be a coloring error.

Posts: 72
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Yeah, you're probably right. I was thinking along the lines that it would restore him somehow, but now I'm just looking far too ahead.

Posts: 1694
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Scourge seems likely to escape with Fiona to the anti-verse, where she will become the new anti-Fiona. The new costume seems to suggest something.

But how could there be an Anti-Fiona without a Fiona Prime?

Posts: 1127
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Anti Fiona will take the real Fiona's place, and be sweet and charming, and get together with Sonic oh noez!

Posts: 77
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Well to me this issiue was fairly good.

Cause it seems to me that everyone, with the execption of Locke, understands that there is a better way to defeat Enerjak and save Knuckles without destorying Knuckles along with Enerjak.

The Eggman situation was something I expected, I mean with him being protrayed as a cocky s.o.b., having Enerjak/Knuckles destoryed just about 90% of his city and forces, I believe when you notice the look on his face as he, along Dimitri and Snivley escape to his bunker that pehaps he relaizes that his cockiness can only get so far.

Now as far as Scourge goes, while reading both stories, it seems to me that maybe Scourge is starting to see what Fiona was talking about at the begining of this saga, when she told him that she just doesn't trust Dr. Finitevus and his motives and that the fact the she is just creeped out by him.

One thing I did like was Archimedes being the one to explain to Locke that Knuckles change into Enerjak was their fault not Knuckles, not just because of Locke's chaos experiments that gave Knuckles his power, but because they put the fate of Mobius of his shoulders, which in turn make them as guilty as Finitevus for making Knuckles the new Enerjak.

And finally I like how Sonic decides instead of using the weapon he chooses to defeat Enerjak and save Knuckles the same way he did with Perfect Chaos, and that's beat the evil out of him.

Now as far as the backup story it shows me that Scourge is possibly going to save his own butt in the Enerjak plan goes south.

But the back story is a great insight into how the Enerjak thing first came about, and the fact that Fintevus was going first going to use Lien-da to be the new Enerjak, but didn't cause she seemed to be uncontrolble, and that instead with Remington, but finally figured that since Knuckles had the strongest link to the chaos force, he decided to go with him by convincing/lying to him.

And that though him, all will be cleansed in a wave of emerald fire.

Overall, this was good leading issiue into next issiue's climax.


Posts: 1446
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Just once I'd like to see you score something lower than 9/10.
