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StH #160 Spoilers and Discussion

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Birthday Bash
Part One: Giving and Receiving.

Sonic and Elias discuss the Metal Sonic incident, but this is cut short by a surprise birthday party for Sonic, whcih is in turn cut short by the arrival of Bean and Bark, who attack the party, with great effect. Sonic theorizes that they accepted Robotnik's job offer because they had a grudge against Sonic, owing to Evil Sonic's antics.

Meanwhile, we cut to Evil Sonic and Rouge arguing about how best to steal the Master Emerald... until Locke shows up. Then, we cut back to Knothole. Fiona distracts Bean by throwing shiny keys out the window and then confronts Bark, as though she knows them. Bean chases the shiny keys out the window and sits there playing with them. And I quote: "Hey! Look! Shine Get!" Suddenly, someone casts a... ahem... "shadow" over Bean. Inside, Fiona briefly alludes to her "checkered past" when pressed by Sally, but they're interrupted by Shadow coming in with an unconcious Bean.

While Rouge deals with Locke, Evil Sonic goes for the emerald. Locke doesn't care: Rouge is the "bigger threat," but suddenly, Evil Sonic, standing atop the emerald, turns green (a la Knuckles).

Shadow tells Sonic that he's not here to fight, but to thank Sonic for saving Hope during the previous issue. But despite his gratitude, he's going to work for Eggman anyway. Speaking of Eggman's cronies, Bean has managed to... well... find the computer room (pity they didn't say it in the issue). And he's talking to Eggman, reporting his failure. Eggman announces he's sending something new.

One of Eggman's pods shows up. Included inside is... CROCTOBOT!

Am I the only one who's surprised by this?

Meanwhile, on Angel Island, Scourge is revealed to Rouge and Locke.

Sonic Rush
Part One

Blaze the cat is looking around for the "blue one" she saw in a dream, and her search takes her to Knothole. After being ambushed by some SWATbots, she is knocked out and dragged off. About an hour later, Rotor sees the surveillance cameras' footage of the SWATbots carrying someone away. Sonic rushes off, following their trail.

Eggman's robots examine her and find her reading strange, as though she's from another world. Suddenly, she wakes up and attacks the bots with flames. By the time Sonic arives, a flaming Blaze looks at him, saying only, "you."

2 pages of the book are devoted to four "Off Panel" strips.

Posts: 146
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Do you mean Octobot or Crocbot? Either way...


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Off-Panel: Ewwww.

Cool, getting into the fact that Fiona hasn't always been with the "angels" is nice. I wonder when that will actually be developed plot wise.

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Oh, and in case you were wondering, TR: Knuckles is a no-show.

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Thankies, but I figured as much from the story anyway ^_^

I'm not expecting Knux until #162. ;p

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What?! Bean doesen't get thrown in jail?! That's not fair, seeing as Nack always is.

Posts: 622
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What?! Bean doesen't get thrown in jail?! That's not fair, seeing as Nack always is.

It's a two-parter. It essentially ends in a cliffhanger. When exactly were they supposed to put Bean in jail while they're still under attack?

Posts: 4607
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Hey! Look!

I wonder if that was intentional. Prolly was.

ED: "Click link" isn't a funny punchline, TR. >:P

Posts: 428
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Now, this is the one where Ian starts writing, correct? I'm actually very interested in that development, as I may start reading the comic again with this one.

Nevermind, figured it for myself XP Found some sample pages online, Ian is writing this one, and it's a vast improvement; Yardley's art looks pretty good, too. I'll be picking this one up, methinks.

Leave it to Ian to add Bean and Bark to the lineup. He loves those guys.

Posts: 207
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I really want to save all my comments/answers until after the 22nd, but . . . I can't help this one!

WRT to the "Shinies Get!" line:


I wonder if that was intentional. Prolly was.

You better believe it was intentional =D

Posts: 1413
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So why exactly does Locke think that Rouge was a bigger threat? I mean he seen Scourge before.He knows he is Sonic evil twin and he knows how strong he his(being Sonic evil twin and all) shouldn't he attack him first?

Except for that nit pick it sound like a good read. Can't wait to see Croctobot in action.

Posts: 462
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Actually he hadn't seen Evil Sonic in his new Chaos-induced form before so he had no way of knowing what "Scourge" will be capable of. As for strength, the last time Locke butted heads with Evil Sonic he cleaned his clock pretty darn quickly. Locke attacked Rouge first because he knows she masterminded the earlier attempt to steal the Master Emerald (and who knows, maybe that saying about love scorned applies to men too). It wasn't until after Locke started brawling with Rouge that Evil Sonic leapt atop the gem and started absorbing it's powers.
So no nitpicks from where I'm standing, just a great read. Domo Arigoto, Ian The Potto.
EDIT: And props to Tracy for his (ArchieSonic) debut as well.

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ED: "Click link" isn't a funny punchline, TR. >:P

It wasn't supposed to be. ^_~ Just a reminder to not hotlink to other places other than your own moreso than the size. 😉

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I mean Tracy, you gave Sally a look simaliar to her ealier design, I liked.

And Ian the story was great, we find out Fiona was not always a freedom fighter and that she was knew Bean and Bark before this (Tails may have found his way to heart, by possibly sided with and accpeting her past), and it looks like Rouge is finally seeing the true nature of Evil Sonic aka Scrouge for the first time, and the nanites (not mentioned) have to work, I mean how else did Robotnik know of Sonic's b-day and the revamping of the old base.

But overall a very good debut Issiue Ian and Tracy, can't wait until the next one, keep it up.

God Bless.

Posts: 526
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Robotnik's been Sonic's main villan for years. You think he hasn't studied him enough to know when his own birthday is?

Thank God Ian's finally making Fiona an interesting character. She's been a cardboard cutout character with no intersting qualities for a long time.

Tracy's the best comic artist on Sonic since Spaz. I dare say I like his work even better than WB. (Although they are two different styles.)

Posts: 4607
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It's after the 23rd, Ian... what say you?

Posts: 207
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I say - thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and respond. There's alot of speculation, questions and general reaction out there that I can't respond to simple because it'll spoil things in the future.

I will say, though, that I've got that warm-n-fuzzy feeling inside that - by-and-large - the response has been very favorable.

Start counting down the days til S#161, folks. That's when things start getting really good =D

Posts: 108
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"Thank God Ian's finally making Fiona an interesting character. She's been a cardboard cutout character with no intersting qualities for a long time."

Kinda makes me wonder what Ian could do with Tommy Turtle, actually.

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Ignore him.

Posts: 308
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(at Sonic's birthday dinner)
Sonic: What's this?
Bernie: Turtle soup.
Sonic: ???
Tails: Hey, has anyone seen Tommy lately...?

Posts: 124
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I loved this issue. Ian has made Sonic FUN again, taken us out of that awful dredge of "angst" that the books been wallowing in. i generally dont like ignoring plot elements like the end to the Sonic/Anmti-Sonic/all the girls and Tails' hatred of Sonic, but this issue was just to enjoyable for me to care. And Tracey is a master storyteller, between here and Sonic X i've been GREATLY enjoying his work. immensly. though i am a bit hesitant on his Eggman and Robotnik. Sonic 160 was a success.

Tania's story too was nice, i dont know anything about the game, but the style she used is one that is foreign to Sonic's usual style and a welcome addition to the book.


Posts: 136
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Hey! On The Comics Continuum website there are 7 pages of the 160 issue. I'm wondering if these are prototype pages of the acctual thing. Well, on the second page, on the 3rd pannel sonic says "Let's call me sixteen from now till forever" on the website. But the actual comic has him saying "Let's call me a teen from now till forever." I thought this was pretty wild.:spin :read

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I'm guessing they changed it so they could be ambiguous about his exact age. After all, in the games, Sonic is eternally fifteen, so why should he be eternally sixteen in the comics?

Posts: 136
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Very true!
