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StH # 163 spoilers/...
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StH # 163 spoilers/discussion

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Okay, here goes!

The Darkest Storm
Part Two: Onset of the Squall.

First of all: Anonymous is NOT revealed.

Mammoth Mogul talks trash toward the Freedom Fighters for a bit while Merlin concludes that the Ancient Walkers are dead. Mogul then attacks and takes the Crown of Acorns.

Robotnik waits a bit and then re-enters the egg grape chamber to find that Ixis Naugus and the children of Uma Arachnis are within. Mecha attempts to attack him, but Naugus casts an ice spell to freeze her up. Then, Naugus escapes with the sword.

In Knothole jail, Nack taunts the Destructix, his former allies. However, the joke's on him as the Destructix are freed by Mogul. They pledge allegience to him once more. However, Naugus shows up with the Children of Arachnis. Mogul demands the sword from Naugus, Naugus demands the crown from Mogul. A battle is brewing: Naugus and the Arachnis kids versus Mogul and the Destructix. Suddenly, Sonic, Knucx, the Chaotix, the Freedom Fighters, Elias, Sir Connery and Merlin show up to take the artifacts back.

So, we stand on the brink of a battle: Naugus versus Mogul versus Knothole's forces. In the confusion, Nack escapes from jail. Then there's a cool fight scene page.

Meanwhile, A.D.A.M. has informed Robotnik that all occupied Egg Grapes were lost to the Zone of Silence. Furthermore, A.D.A.M. says that Mecha has been working with Anonymous and orchestrated the break-in to the Egg Grape chamber. He shows a video of Mecha discussing this with Anony, but as before Anony is blocked out. Mecha denies this and claims that A.D.A.M. is lying, which A.D.A.M. reminds her is impossible.

Robotnik orders Mecha to self-destruct. She does this. Robotnik has her remains disintegrated and her backup files permanently deleted. Also, he has "project Metal Snively" discontinued (A footnote says see Sonic #140). After all this is completye, A.D.A.M. informs Robotnik of the situation in Knothole, and Robotnik comes up with a "contingency plan."

Back in Knothole, Mogul is clearly besting Naugus, but the surprise comes when Mogul begins using Naugus's own magic attacks. Mogul is clearly the one with the upper hand. Suddenly, Naugus realizes the truth: That Mammoth Mogul was once Ixis Mogul, the founder ofthe Order of Ixis to which Naugus belongs. Naugus pledges loyalty to Mogul and Mogul gains the sword. With both the sword and the crown, Mogul has borught back the Order of Ixis. Mogul, Naugus, the children of Arachnis, and the Destructix have joined forces. To be continued.

Sonic Riders
Part One

Jet the Hawk is trying to escape Eggman's robots, but they catch him. Seems Jet was trying to steal a vapor accelerator to upgrade his airboard. When Robotnik questions him, Jet responds that times are tough since he quit "The Armada."

Robotnik remarks that Jet is as fast as Sonic, but Jet doens't know who that is. Robotnik has an idea: Hire Jet to get Sonic.

A little later, Jet, Storm the Albatross, and Wave the Swallow, attack Sonic and get the best of him. After they introduce themselves, we're left with a "To Be Conitnued."


Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Hmm interesting... I always wondered whether the Order of Ixis story would be be brought up again.

Strange that it seems to be heralded by Mammoth Mogul tho, tho I guess he did rule the planet at one point. Sonic and co are in for a real battle now they've joined forces.

Can't wait to read it for myself! :)

Posts: 218
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Do you think this means we might see Naugus get seperated back into the 3 beings that made up his hybrid form? And what going to become of Remington and all the other Mobians who are now not only drained of their life force(?), but lost in the Zone of Silence as well?!

IMHO, Ian is really outdoing himself beyond even MY wildest expectations. I haven't seen story writing of this quality for at least 4 years now (except for 125 and RTAI)!! I can't believe that I still have to wait at least a week before my store gets the issue:( !. Go Ian Go:thumbsup !!!

Posts: 899
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Woah, this sounds great. Don't know about the Riders story though, but I'll have to read it first. Since it looks like Anony will be revealed in 164, I now know to avoid that thread when it comes. Phew.

Posts: 5772
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"The Armada."

Harmless cameo, or future threat? And will Tails be the one to face them?

Never too late for a Game Gear adaptation, I suppose.

Posts: 1402
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Ixis mogul? that's a ball from left field.

it sounds really good. especially the naugus mogul fight. i always wondered who was stronger.

Posts: 85
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I thought this issue was great overall. Tensions are heating up, and many, MANY loose ends were tied or eliminated.

As for Anonymous, we DO have a few distinct clues in this issue.

First, toward the middle of the story, Anonymous says he's "ready in New Megaopolis" and can fully enjoy the battles in Knothole.

A few other things, but most of them we knew/assumed already.

...I have an idea of who it COULD be, but I'll post that in another topic.

Good issue overall. Can't wait for the conclusion!
(Though the end of the book says #164 comes in August... that's not cool...)

Posts: 207
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Small typo, AvianTalon. Have no fears - StH#164 is due out 7/12

Posts: 72
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Did Finitevus appear in this issue at all? He is on the cover.

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from what i hear no. But i'll bet he will be next issue.

*wink wink hint hint*

Posts: 378
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So, Nack stays in jail? Rats. Well, it could be worse. At least Nack doesen't have a plunger stuck to his head... *hints at WB's "Chip and Walter" Comic*

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Nack escaped from jail during the confusion.

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Just got it in the mail 30 mintues ago, and it just keeps getting better, and being a long-time fan and reader, I think I have good idea who it is behind all this, I will post that in another topic.

Just stay tuned!

Posts: 1413
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So Mongul was Ixis all along. Nice plot twist.

Posts: 1402
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i think you mean he was the founder of Ixis, not Ixis naugus.

your post wasn't very clear so i thought i'd try to clarify.

Posts: 980
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Sounds pretty wild - I can't wait to grab the copies I've managed to 'order' from teh local Comic mail order thing.
What a GREAT jump on point, heh heh...looking forward to being a regular reader more than ever. ^^;

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i think you mean he was the founder of Ixis, not Ixis naugus

Well actually I was refering to the fact that we never knew who the real Ixis was when he was first mention waaay back in Naugus origin story.

Posts: 1402
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oh, alright.

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Anyone else notice that the Order of Ixis in this issue was very similar to the Sith in Star Wars. I still liked it BTW, but i just thought the similarities were a little too obvious.

Posts: 1402
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i'm getting the issue tommorrow. but does it really have More star wars references?

Posts: 207
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I'm fairly certain there's a standing rule in the Sonic officies that says "No More Star Wars References." I'm still so bitter about the prequels I'm not too keen to touch the material anyway.

The Sith were a huge, multi-planet organization that - through back-stabbing and the Jedi - were reduced to almost nothing. The leading Sith at the time (Darth Bane, I think) declared there would only be two - master and apprentice - to start a continuing cycle of self-contained treachery.

The Order of Ixis was a sizable army of elemental technomages that got obliterated by Albion Knights of Aurora. The reason there were two Ixises (Ixii?) left was sheer luck - and three of them combined into one.

I assure you, the Sith have no bearing on the Ixis.

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So, what is it? Ixises? Ixes? Ixii? or jus Ixis?

Posts: 218
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The Albion Knights of Aurora? Does this have anything to do with your plans for the next appearance of the Albion echidnas? It would be interesting to see Mogul and Naugus mix it up with them actually and possibly see them brought to their knees. After what they tried to do to Knuckles last time, no matter how good their intentions, I wouldn't mind seeing Gala-na get taken down a peg or two. Also, does this have some link to Feist as well?

Posts: 207
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Whoa whoa whoa! We've got a topic for Q&A. Let's not divide my flighty attention span more than necessary XD

Posts: 889
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The sonic riders part was kind of weird but the main story line was very cool.I'm glad Ixis came back.

Posts: 108
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You know what's funny? In an RP with a friend, I once tied Mogul and the Order of Ixis by making him it's founder, and here it turns out that's exactly what happened. Heh, go fig.

Posts: 41
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Some interesting stuff developing in the comic it seems...

The Sonic Riders/Battlebird Armada connection is an obvious, but interesting, one. It is good to see Mogul acting like he should, and the Order of Ixis tie ins have some real potential. It is *good* to see a cohesive story arc (or two) emerging.

Posts: 378
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So, Nack's planning on poisining his old team mates to death O_O? Yowza... When I wanted him dangerous, I wanted him dangerous to Sonic + Friends (especially that brat Sally), not necessarily to his own former goons... But I'm not complaining- It's better then that wimpy "Ohh pleeze spare me great princess" Idiot we saw in my all-time least favorite story, Songoose where Mina gave up on Sonic for a jerk.

Posts: 80
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A good story, again (but let's forget this "Sonic Riders" stuff). It reaches an elementary target for a serial: make the readers wait for an entire month !

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It couldn't be Rotor, then again Ian did say this story was going to shake up and change the comic forever, but if it is, Why, what would Rotor gain from all this.

Posts: 41
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I found this issue to be highly interesting. I was quite WTF about Ixis Naugus being bested by Morgul the way he was, but their meeting was hillarious. I think I like the angle of Naugus being a puppet, but I want the Annonymous guy to hurry and reveal himself. I'm actually quite excited. Archie, plz don't dissappoint me.

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Why, what would Rotor gain from all this.

world domination. plain and simple.

Posts: 91
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You've made me a very happy Tigsie lately, Ian!


I'm glad M got the old heeve ho. I never really had a connection with her to begin with, but I still felt quite sorry for her in the end. *sniffles* She always reminded me of one of those villains you'd see in an early 90s animation like Captain Planet. Not to mention some other jokes I don't think I could get away with here. :^^;

I've kinda got the feeling that these issues lately have been a lot different from the ones in the past, and I finally figured out why! The main focus for once isn't so much on the heroes, but more along the villains! I was SO looking forward to seeing a villain besides Robotnik for a change. It looks like I got the mother load this issue! I still can't decide who Anonymous is...

As for the knew plot of the Albion Knights of Aurora, I smell some major new development in future issues. Hopefully! I've been dying for Knuckles to rub something threatening in Gala-Na's twisted face! ~__~ Perhaps, the Brotherhood took refuge there as well before RTAI? I'm quite interested to see their reaction when Knux shows up ALIVE again. In all this major irony I think the curse and the echidnas hold key to stopping the invincible Ixis Mogul now. Or some emeralds and a few power rings...

Where's my FINI?! Wait...he has some magical properties, too. I seriously wonder if he's got any major connections with Ixis league now...I always thought of him as going solo for awhile. I'm glad Enerjak didn't come nowhere near this issue. *glares evilly at the sword of acorn* ;__;

There is going to be some major PWNING next issue. I look forward to it!

Hey Ian! I thought you said there weren't going to be any new characters in the book for the next two years? Did Sega change your mind, or did I just totally look over something? Either way I'm glad we get to see the Babylon Rogues!!! I have yet to play the game! I think it was really cool that Tracy drew them in Sonic Riders style! It just FITS perfectly! ^___^ I sense no real plot except for an adaption, but this was only the introduction!

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She always reminded me of one of those villains you'd see in an early 90s animation like Captain Planet.

you know, seriously i was trying to figure out what she reminded me of. and that hits the nail on the head. she never fit in the comic artwise.

Posts: 85
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M was a good idea for the HOME arc... but she shoulda died there, and not come back. If there's anyone willing to vouch for Mecha, raise your hand (uh...raise your keyboard?) now!

Posts: 124
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i can't say i was ever very impressed by Mecha or ADAM.

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ADAM I can live with, he's essentially like the computer on Star Trek. Unless he turns out to be Anonymous, in which case he's NOT essentially like the computer on Star Trek.

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Personally, I am not buying the A.D.A.M.=Anonymous theory. I'm just willing to wait and see.

Posts: 899
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I got the issue today and loved it. Especially the art. Sonic and Co. all on the cliffside was cool, as was the final page with Ixis Mogul, Naugus and their cronies getting ready to attack. Can't wait to see what Eggy has up his sleeve and how anonymous may own all of their butts.

Don't know what to make of the Sonic Riders adaption, though the Egg Hammer being included was pretty cool.

Now I'm only left to wonder why Dr. Finitevus is on the cover. A red herring, or something else? I also noticed Rotor's absence from the whole issue.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


If there's anyone willing to vouch for Mecha, raise your hand (uh...raise your keyboard?) now!

I am. 😉 I liked her a lot because of her skill, devotion, and attitude. Besides, she filled a nice role of giving Robotnik someone to talk to besides a computer. I can see her going because Snively is going to take that role back.

Anyway, I finally read #162 & #163.

Artwise, I'm curious as to why Fiona's hair varies in length to be "Sally/Mina-length" to "Fiona-length" depending on the panel at times.

Storywise, I admit that the pacing is pretty good and the text boxes aren't too abundant. Only because of the "anonymous" aspect am I not as bothered by them as I would be under other circumstances.

But the best thing, thank you for using Mogul in a nice way. This Mammoth Mogul fan appreciates it immensely. 😀

I probably won't get #164 right away, but I am looking forward to it.


Now I'm only left to wonder why Dr. Finitevus is on the cover. A red herring, or something else?

Amy was on the cover for #162 and she wasn't in the issue at all. It's a collage meant to look cool. I don't think the covers necessarily represent an actual appearance.

Posts: 5772
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I don't think the covers necessarily represent an actual appearance.

Shouldn't they? One doesn't advertise Brangelina baby pix on the front cover only to serve the curious who bought the issue on the strength of the cover alone walls of text detailing the plight of the Norwegian two-toed nematoad and no hide or hair of the new messiah.

I'd consider that false advertising. Also, blasphemy.

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I get 7 issues on friday....AT LAST!!!

Bonus being that this issue should be one of them, so I can sit down Friday afternoon, snuggle up with a coffee an' my Sonic Plush...don't judge meh...and just waste a good couple hours immersing myself in this crazy l'il World. ^^;

I SO have to get regular orders down now - 5 or so issues for 5.25 is a deal too cool to turn down, lol.

I actually may have something to say here on these on Saturday, huzzah!!!
Cannae wait to see what's in store - and what issues I've been dealt, since they're all spare warehouse fresh backissues of the past year. :spin

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I'd consider that false advertising.

And we've been part of this fandom for how long? I think everyone should be used to that by now. ^_~

Posts: 5772
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That doesn't make it right. 😛

Posts: 1402
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think of it as amy being in that one cover that looked like the star wars movies. i don't think she was in that story. but i do get where you're coming from.

Posts: 5772
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As I recall a lot of people had issues with that cover (pun intended) because of the seemingly out-of-her-element Amy-Amy Rose.

Posts: 462
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[angst]First we need reasons for our covers. Now we need reasons for our issues, too? Where does it all end?[/angst]
