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StH #190 Preview Pages and Discussion.

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Well folks, here you go: the preview pages for Sonic the Hedgehog #190

Sonic #190 Previews

I must say, things are heating up in this story arc. The Suppression Squad are looking more impressive than I imagined, and certain other aspects aren't looking too bad either. Let's just hope that #191 and #192 don't turn into the disappointments I'm expecting. I mean, Knuckles and Julie-Su's relationship getting near the breaking point and a Metal Scourge? Well, look and discuss as you will.

Posts: 1402
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i didn't even know that they gave out that many preview pages. it's like reading half the comic.

Posts: 2016
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Whew, a few things I'm liking with this new issue.

- Scourge, taking what Sonic said seriously. Can't believe what he did with it.
- lol, Moebius.
- Rotor's injury, was wondering when that'd actually be a point again, didn't think it'd be his neck, though.
- The whole page with the other Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad members having a go at each other, particularly the dialogue.
- Also, lol, Sonic and Sal's trick.
- And one last thing, if Scourge did what I think he did, then, DAMN, he should be powerful.

Posts: 1567
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Applied himself...considering he got baked by the Master Emerald...

Omega level hedgehog?

Posts: 112
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"I am Scourge, King of of a bold new mobius, this is who I am!"


Posts: 1376
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I'm confused. What the hell did he do on his birthday (I dun have between like 140 and 169)-get cooked by the ME again? So what, he did it twice? He's now emerald green? Is he stronger than Sonic? I'm confused really really hard right now. I need to buy back issues now AUGH!

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

ian said something about him not being stronger, but the facts are that it took sonic AND shadow to take him down the first time. so it's a little hard to believe that he's not. but also, he only got baked by the ME the one time.

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Well, I personally think that Scourge didn't become more powerful after absorbing Master Emerald energy, it's just that he knew how to fight Sonic and Shadow. I mean, think about it: Scourge is essentially equal in abilities to Sonic, and has his same fighting style-only dirtier. Sonic and Shadow have always tied things up whenever they've fought it out, so it makes sense that Scourge would be able to do the same. Sure, you could argue that Shadow would be well-suited to fight him given experience with Sonic, but he'd never met Scourge and didn't know what to expect.

As for taking over Anti-Mobius, or Moebius if that's really what's intended, I really don't think that it would have been all that hard. The only problems the Anti-Freedom Fighters had in doing so before was that they weren't being properly motivated or controlled; they spent more time stabbing each other in the back and pulling pranks than doing anything really evil. His experiences on Mobius Prime with Sonic changed Scourge's views, so he was able to lay down the law and marshal his rebellious former allies into a considerable fighting force. After that, what's left to stop him from taking over Anti-Mobius? Just a kindly vet and a pacifistic Echidna, neither of which appears to have had any luck. Sure, there are potentially versions of Mobius Prime beings there who could have challenged Scourge, but obviously they were no more match for the Suppression Squad than the bad guys on Mobius Prime have been for the Knothole Freedom Fighters.

Rotor's injury seems a bit like overkill to me; he's never really embodied the Fighter in Freedom Fighter. He's an intellectual, not a warrior, and he's supposed to be on the Council of Acorn anyway, right? Still, I suppose they had to do something to keep him from getting involved in this, and to balance out the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad in numbers-though they could have had him and Bunnie just trade off their respective adversaries if they'd brought Anti-Bunnie back.

Posts: 207
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And Enerjak the 3rd wins! That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

As for Rotor's injury: the comic - all throughout its run - has had a tendency of forgetting, ignoring, or speedily resolving personal trauma. Deathly ill this issue? No worries - you'll be fully fit next issue! I've wanted to avoid that or work counter to that. Yeah, Sonic bounced back from his pummeling in STH#175 pretty quick, but Drs. Eggman and Quack point out Ring Magic probably came into play.

Rotor, on the other hand, isn't Sonic. He's an average joe. So when he caught half of Freedom HQ with his spine (STH#175), I wanted it to show. He's been on the mend since then. He was laid out in STH#177, he's back up and moving by STH#189, and will be brace-free (if still a bit stiff) soon.

If I've erred, it's been in the name of causality.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

so what exactly is your rule about going super ian? i thought you couldn't do it with the ME, but obviously scourge began to prove that wrong.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Yeah, Sonic bounced back from his pummeling in STH#175 pretty quick, but Drs. Eggman and Quack point out Ring Magic probably came into play.

Not to mention Sonic's indomitable spirit probably played a part as well.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

i thought you couldn't do it with the ME, but obviously scourge began to prove that wrong.

Didn't Knuckles do it prior?

That, and the comics seem to go along the lines of enough rings/chaos energy in any form can manage some kind of transformation.

Posts: 1567
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Yea, didn't Sonic and Tails go into Ultra forms in their drugged out rings battle with Ixis at Nate's place...sooooooooo long ago?

Posts: 1702
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Yea, didn't Sonic and Tails go into Ultra forms in their drugged out rings battle with Ixis at Nate's place...sooooooooo long ago?

Not only Sonic and Tails, but Ixis jumped a few levels as well.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Not only Sonic and Tails, but Ixis jumped a few levels as well.

Woo, it feels like Dragonball Z all over again!

Posts: 1702
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Sonic and Dragonball Z were separated at birth. They're fraternal twins, y'see.

Posts: 1044
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I guess that explains the super goings and the sometimes over the top villians! Also don't forget the endless hard fought battles!

Posts: 2016
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Ian broke the tradition by shortening things down! D:

Posts: 1702
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Very true, but I think that's the only difference now. Even Goku had a evil counterpart in the "Tree of Might" movie.

Posts: 356
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I was thinking that Ian was taking a slower more realistic approach to Rotor's injury. Also, I am getting the impression that the counsel is a part time job, and the members have time to presue other interest.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

can't wait to get 190 on wendsday lets hope they can get this sonicVS scourge ChaotixVS Egg legion thing resolrrd by 194, so thay san start doing a proper count down to STH #200 like the kind they did with the issues leading up to 50 or 75 heck even the issues leading up to 175 were pretty good.

Posts: 94
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Thanks for the compliments, Ian.

I will agree that there are some major similarities between Sonic and Dragonball Z, but then there are similarities between most sci-fi/fantasy series that are out these days. I like to think that Sonic's whole Super Transformation concept moves away from Dragonball Z in that at least the power to do it isn't limited to one species. Sure, in the games since the Genesis went out they've only let Hedgehogs do it, but we all remember the days when Knuckles and Tails could transform too. On top of that, Archie brings in more advanced forms that don't look just like the originals except that people have longer hair. Besides, the Super guys in Dragonball Z could only throw around major energy blasts; in Archie, they can warp reality itself to do all kinds of crazy things.

Well, I will admit that I get that now about Rotor's injury. I guess that I didn't expect them to bring it up again after all the drama of the Enerjak Reborn and Mogul's Escape arcs. But little elements like that do make the story. Still, speaking of little details, I'm wondering what's happened to a few of the more obscure faces back on Anti-Mobius. For example, is Kintobor dead, or did he just go into hiding somewhere? And how about ol' Anti-Knuckles, for that matter? And of course, we can't forget Anti-Bunnie, who is either dead or has left the Anti-Freedom Fighters-but which is it? Heck, I'm even wondering where Evil St. John is right now. That would probably make for an interesting story arc at some point in the future: somebody from Mobius Prime heads to Anti-Mobius to find out what happened to them all and finds them all working together in hopes of bringing down Scourge's regime. Not likely, but it's a nice idea.

Well, that's all for me again.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Well enerjak I think that anti-bunnie died in 151 when sonic sent her & alicia (anti-sally) into the drink, if i remmeber right the river was filled with somesort of man-er i mean mobian eating type of fish, as for evil saint john, he was most likely desposed of, anti-knux isn't all that important consediring he isn't really evil, unless you count his irish accent (I KID) and scourges version of kintobor is most likely rotting in a jail cell since scourge took over his zone. but thats just my hypothisis.

Posts: 2809
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But as you pointed out, Alicia fell into the water with Anti-Bunnie and she's still alive; AB could still be alive just as well.

Posts: 633
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Thats true, she could be, but i find it odd that she didn't invade freedom HQ with the rest of the suppresion squad. I guess if she is still alive its possible that she is in the dungeon like kintobor.
