"Consequences": Sonic is traversing the Cosmic Highway to the Multiverse with Scourge the Hedgehog in custody, but he doesn't get far before he learns that all the zones are in lockdown. What threat has caused such drastic measures, and can Sonic defeat it? Meanwhile, a hearing is underway to determine whether Princess Sally is guilty of treason. All this, plus a development of cataclysmic proportions that could well mark the beginning of the end as the countdown to issue #200 continues!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Tracy Yardley! and Matt Herms.
Cosmically cool cover by Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: February 4th, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: February 11th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: February 24th, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$2.25 US.
Seems the council is still not getting along with Sonic and co. I'm not really expecting Sally to get arrested though.
I can't wait for this one as the previews made me lol.
Rosemary sure knows how to rally everyone up! Also, Multiuniverse Lockdown Act? Am I the only one going "huh?" around here? But this might explain what happened to Zonic.
You know, the ol' Substitute Freedom Fighters are really starting to grill on me. Apparently since Larry and Cyril left the group-or since Sonic spent a year in space-they've all forgotten what it's like to be Freedom Fighters. Sure, they did give orders to press things against Dr. Robotnik, but if they really want to do that they should be sending an army, not a special forces unit. Besides, Scourge and the Anti-Freedom Fighters/Suppression Squad have proven to be major threats before, and they had to be stopped before they could launch their own assault against New Mobotropolis. What the Council needs to get through its collective skull is that Robotnik's current weakness is an opportunity to clean up the rest of the garbage on Mobius.
You know, the ol' Substitute Freedom Fighters are really starting to grill on me. Apparently since Larry and Cyril left the group-or since Sonic spent a year in space-they've all forgotten what it's like to be Freedom Fighters. Sure, they did give orders to press things against Dr. Robotnik, but if they really want to do that they should be sending an army, not a special forces unit. Besides, Scourge and the Anti-Freedom Fighters/Suppression Squad have proven to be major threats before, and they had to be stopped before they could launch their own assault against New Mobotropolis. What the Council needs to get through its collective skull is that Robotnik's current weakness is an opportunity to clean up the rest of the garbage on Mobius.
They don't have an army. They have some body guards, the Chaotix and the Freedom Fighters. Besides, the FFs and Chaotix are their strongest fighters. They figure now that Eggman is weak, they should take him down while they still have the chance. He has been terrorizing and enslaving them and their world for years. They didn't think that the SS presented as big a threat as Eggman, and wanted to take him down before he could rebuild his army and strengthen his defenses. Also, the Anti Freedom Fighters were never that big of a threat, they were more of a joke than anything. Just recently they presented themselves as more of a threat, but the council didn't know about them nearly at all, besides the accounts from Sonic and Sally. Don't get me wrong, I think taking out the SS was the right thing to do, but I think that some of the council has valid reason to want to focus on getting rid of the biggest threat to Mobius. Leaving Eggman alone to rebuild everything isn't that wise, they want to get rid of him before that happens, then help the rest of Mobius. It would be much easier.
Besides, only Rosemary and Hamlin have been very strong in their stances that often conflict with what the Freedom Fighters want to do. Rotor, Chuck, and Elias have all been on the side of the FFs most often, and Penelope and Dylan seem like they're somewhat in between.
I can't wait for this one as the previews made me lol.
Rosemary sure knows how to rally everyone up! Also, Multiuniverse Lockdown Act? Am I the only one going "huh?" around here? But this might explain what happened to Zonic.
I thought the preview was entertaining as well. I'll be curious to see what it's all about. Also, I'm hoping this will explain why Zonic hasn't tried to take Eggman out of a dimension he technically doesn't belong in. I have a little theory why, but I'll be curious to see if they say why.
well i'm glad to see one of my biggest questions will be answered, but the whole council thing is really annoying. to quote scourge "i'll spindash both planets in half! because i can!" yeah i think he would've registered as a bigger threat when they saw him go super. Robotnik really doesn't seem like a big deal when that happens.
I knew it! I knew the Council would end up causing more trouble than it was worth!
Honestly, how could Eggman be more dangerous than a Super Sonic from another universe?
I knew it! I knew the Council would end up causing more trouble than it was worth!
Honestly, how could Eggman be more dangerous than a Super Sonic from another universe?
Well, he's not Super all the time, but when he is, he probably could register as a bigger threat unless Eggman drained him like he did with Super Sonic in Unleashed.
He's only Super for a short while, and when that ends, he's super drained. I guess they didn't know that at the time, but they also weren't really expecting him to have Anarchy Beryll/Chaos Emeralds with him either. Although he has a lot of power, we don't know if he was just exaggerating when he said he could cut the planets in half. I wouldn't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility, but we don't know if he can for sure. Like I said before, I'm not saying they aren't a threat, just to the majority of the council, Eggman appears to be the bigger threat as he has been what they've known and been dealing with longer.
Well, considering how much trouble he caused the last few times he showed up, you'd think they'd have learned by now.
Sure, but "Trouble" vs. "Enslaved the entire planet for the last decade"? Which one do you really think the Council would see as a bigger threat?
the dude who can spindash a world in half.
I think we may have a CLUE as to who the traitor Silver talked about could be.
As for Rosemary, I believe part of her anger is out of motherly love and protection for her son.
As for the rest of the council, who knows.
But I think Sonic and Zonic will help clear things up.
MattManic7325 wrote:
Sure, but "Trouble" vs. "Enslaved the entire planet for the last decade"? Which one do you really think the Council would see as a bigger threat?
Thank you, this is what I've been getting to get at. The council registers Eggman as the bigger threat. Eggman will almost always be the bigger threat compared to the most of the other villains, unless they're on par with him or they have more power than him at the moment.
the dude who can spindash a world in half.
Yeah, but Scourge is a lot of talk, we don't know necessarily if he could do that. Besides, how was the council supposed to know he could do that? Scourge just said that at one point, with no real evidence to back it up, besides a lot of power. I'm not doubting that he's very powerful when super (which only lasts for a limited amount of time as it is), but we don't know for sure if that was fact, or Scourge just trying to brag/intimidate Sonic.
MattManic7325 wrote:
Sure, but "Trouble" vs. "Enslaved the entire planet for the last decade"? Which one do you really think the Council would see as a bigger threat?
Thank you, this is what I've been getting to get at. The council registers Eggman as the bigger threat. Eggman will almost always be the bigger threat compared to the most of the other villains, unless they're on par with him or they have more power than him at the moment.
the dude who can spindash a world in half.
Yeah, but Scourge is a lot of talk, we don't know necessarily if he could do that. Besides, how was the council supposed to know he could do that? Scourge just said that at one point, with no real evidence to back it up, besides a lot of power. I'm not doubting that he's very powerful when super (which only lasts for a limited amount of time as it is), but we don't know for sure if that was fact, or Scourge just trying to brag/intimidate Sonic.
True Scourge just be all talk, but as Sonic told him, he's nothing but a bully, and we all know some bullies are just talk and not action, but the council doesn't see that, well at least Hamlin doesn't, which makes me wonder about him, I mean Silver said there was traitor, I wonder.
From seeing the preview pages, I can see why Sally going aganist the counsel's wishes(though not really Elias')would techically be considered treason. Although, I wouldn't really consider it treason because Sally was doing what she consider the best interest of the country, it just conflicted with what most of the counsel thought. My guess as to what happens next is that Sonic and the FF's are going to break Sally out.
MattManic7325 wrote:
Sure, but "Trouble" vs. "Enslaved the entire planet for the last decade"? Which one do you really think the Council would see as a bigger threat?
Thank you, this is what I've been getting to get at. The council registers Eggman as the bigger threat. Eggman will almost always be the bigger threat compared to the most of the other villains, unless they're on par with him or they have more power than him at the moment.
the dude who can spindash a world in half.
Yeah, but Scourge is a lot of talk, we don't know necessarily if he could do that. Besides, how was the council supposed to know he could do that? Scourge just said that at one point, with no real evidence to back it up, besides a lot of power. I'm not doubting that he's very powerful when super (which only lasts for a limited amount of time as it is), but we don't know for sure if that was fact, or Scourge just trying to brag/intimidate Sonic.
True Scourge just be all talk, but as Sonic told him, he's nothing but a bully, and we all know some bullies are just talk and not action, but the council doesn't see that, well at least Hamlin doesn't, which makes me wonder about him, I mean Silver said there was traitor, I wonder.
Wow this is alot of quoting on my part, but scourge is the bigger threat than robotnik at that point, being super aside, he did take over his whole planet in a matter of weeks. something he fully intended on doing in mobius. that and remember how he wanted miles to drop bombs on the city? he was using more offensive tactics than Robotnik was. that and the fact that robotnik registered him as quite the threat because he took the time to launch a metal sonic and metal scourge at them. so WE know that atleast Robotnik thought he was a threat.
the council, for whatever reason didn't register that. but something tells me if sonic went rogue they'd be in alot more trouble then what they had originally anticipated. so basically the point i'm trying to make was that obviously scourge and the suppression squad was the biggest threat on mobius at the time, but the council, being not well informed about any other villain besides robotnik (they didn't even know who enerjak was until he was beating the crap out of everyone and changing the world i mean c'mon) wanted them to finish what the freedom fighters had started.
Scourge was able to take over Moebius because the planet was full of cowards who were afraid to fight. He couldn't even beat a Metal Sonic on his own.
Never mind that Scourge's past record wouldn't seem all that threatening, regardless of what he claimed to have since done (the council had no proof that he wasn't just bragging). To them, it may have just been a matter of weighing "dictator who recently blew our home off the map and nearly killed everyone" vs "punk who went around hitting on girls in Sonic's name." That, and Robotnik's suddenly at a huge disadvantage, his forces massively weakened. They may be eager to seize this opportunity at what they saw as a temporary sacrifice of a single base.
The three reserve Freedom Fighters on Council have been off the front lines for years. Rosemary hasn't been on Mobius for years. Elias has been hiding in a hole somewhere for the majority of his life. None of them have the insight that Rotor, Uncle Chuck, and the Freedom Fighters themselves have. They see Robotnik and only Robotnik and don't consider any of the other villains, sub bosses, or what have you that are terrorizing other parts of the planet or even other planets a serious threat. When and if they finally take down Robotnik they'll still have years of cleanup to do elsewhere because they simply neglected those areas. Not that they care. Their term will be over by then. Politicians ...
An Example. The Egg Fleet can't penetrate Mobotropolis' new defenses but Mammoth Mogul could dismiss NICOLE with a snap of his fingers and took the entire prison block with him when he escaped. Hm ...
I think we may have a CLUE as to who the traitor Silver talked about could be.
I haven't seen anything that derailed my guess yet. The evidence just seems to be building.
as Sonic told him, he's nothing but a bully
That's the pot calling the kettle black, I think.
you have a good point CCL, but i guess what i'm saying is that sure losing one base isn't that bad, but the suppression squad were also concentrating all their collective efforts on taking down the freedom fighters, so if the FF didn't initiate the attack, then the SS would. either that or the FF listen to the council, go try to take down robotnik, fight metal sonic/scourge and the suppression squad will take over mobotropolis. either way Scourge atleast in my eyes would be the bigger threat despite his track record.
Another thing I am wondering, do you think it is possible that Sonic and the Freedom Fighters will have to go rogue and totally break from the kingdom and counsel? It might be an interesting story, Sonic, the Freedom Fighters and their supporters being outcast. This story looks like it is becoming a good example of why polticians shouldn't try to run, or take too much control of a war.
you have a good point CCL, but i guess what i'm saying is that sure losing one base isn't that bad, but the suppression squad were also concentrating all their collective efforts on taking down the freedom fighters, so if the FF didn't initiate the attack, then the SS would. either that or the FF listen to the council, go try to take down robotnik, fight metal sonic/scourge and the suppression squad will take over mobotropolis. either way Scourge atleast in my eyes would be the bigger threat despite his track record.
One thing they probably consider is that Nicole could have defended the city while they were gone. She does have a defense system. I'll grant you Scourge snuck past her defenses once, but they might not have gotten away with it a second time. They also don't know that he got into the city at any point in time.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters could have taken out the Metals easily. The Suppression Squad showed that a little bit of actual team work was able to take care of the Metals fairly easily. They also have the Chaotix on their side, so that helps to put the odds in their favor even more, and the Council also considers them too.
Either way, Eggman still registers as the greater threat at the moment for the Council. They don't want to give him enough time to build his forces and defenses back up and possibly defeat them or enslave them again. He's had an iron grasp on a fair amount of the world for over a decade, and now that he's weakened they want to take advantage of this opportunity. They probably also consider this their greatest opportunity to do so. Scourge's track record is much smaller and less threatening compared to Eggman's.
Another thing I am wondering, do you think it is possible that Sonic and the Freedom Fighters will have to go rogue and totally break from the kingdom and counsel? It might be an interesting story, Sonic, the Freedom Fighters and their supporters being outcast.
I would, but I remember that the old team isn't as united as they used to be. Tails has shown that he'll side with his parents no matter how mindlessly irrational they're behaving. Rotor is a member of the Council. For him to leave would take away one of the few rational voters that the Council has. Sally's another who I couldn't imagine going deliberately against their wishes. Being the voice of reason more often then not in the group I can see her telling the other members of the group to tough it out ... even if she's doing so behind bars. Not too sure where Bunnie and Antoine stand on all this but I'm inclined to think that they'll side with Sally. Amy seems more likely to side with Sonic no matter what he chooses even if he chooses to go it alone.
Might be an interesting idea to splinter the team a bit further then just one member going rogue. I just wish I could say that there would be more people supporting Sonic (who'd likely be the first one out the door) then against the idea of leaving. He's just been having a hard time finding people to support him since coming back from space, basically, and the problem just seems to be getting worst with time. With the majority of the Freedom Fighters adjusting well to home and family life it seems like Sonic's the odd one out ...
Scourge's track record is much smaller and less threatening compared to Eggman's.
Scourge may or may or not me an actual threat, but just because he has a lot less years causing chaos that Robotnik's decades or so isn't that great a reason to underestimate him. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
one lllliiill question.
Who's Rosemary. Name keeps popping up and I must be missing an issue where she was prevalent. Is that Tails' mom?
Who's Rosemary. Name keeps popping up and I must be missing an issue where she was prevalent. Is that Tails' mom?
Yep. Rosemary Prower.
The issue where she was prevalent ... erm ... both of his parents showed up near the end of the Tossed in Space arch and helped Sonic get Home. They went back to the Bem Homeworld to save them in the late #160s / early #170s shortly before Fiona took a hike. Only remembered because Sonic seemed more concerned about where his girlfriend was then about the actual act of saving Tails' parents. Swell guy. Then there was " House of Cards " a few issues later which lead up to the formation of the Council.
This Issue looks interesting, & it looks like the Senate is becoming corrupt, Man I guess even Politicians on Moubies are Crooked! & What with the Zone lock down! (I wonder if it'll effect my planes to spend spring beak in the Special Zone?) I really can't wait to get this issue now!
arg too many characters with red hair. I know I should know better but whenever I see Elias and Rosemary next to each other my brain for a split second thinks that they are related.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
arg too many characters with red hair. I know I should know better but whenever I see Elias and Rosemary next to each other my brain for a split second thinks that they are related.
That's because Rosemary's coloured wrong.
Is she? Her color scheme matches the one from that cover she was on years ago (Sonic 129) ...
The only time I remember her not being colored like that was in that issue itself.
Edit: Looked around some more and saw she was colored with brown hair ... which makes her look like Meg.
hmmm interesting turn of events.
...didn't know the comic was coming out this soon either, lol.
The comic should be more readily advailible now so I'll do a brief writeup starting from where the preview left off.
Sally and Hamlin get into it. He lures Sally into admitting that she committed treason leading her to plead guilty. She then tells the Council that she won't directly lead the Freedom Fighters or Chaotix at all and will only do what the Council votes for her to do even in emergency situations then leaves it up to the vote. The Council votes to drop the charges (5 to Hamlin's 1). When Sally confronts Hamlin after he admits that he's bitter about being forgotten as a Reserve Freedom Fighter and ran for office to make a difference another way.
Zector ... *shudders* takes Sonic and Scourge to No-Zone where Scourge immediately begins to destroy said Zone. Sonic gets a chance to talk to Zonic very briefly in the middle of the chaos. The lockdown is for Eggman Nega to keep him away from Mobius though it doesn't effect all zones " for stability sakes ". He basically tells Sonic there's nothing he can do except enforce the lockdown leading Sonic to ask why Zonic will only take Scourge and not, say, Dr. Eggman. Zonic explains that Sonic Prime must fight a Robotnik and since the original Robotnik is dead Eggman will have to do. He goes on to say that Scourge's " mutation " makes him too dangerous to keep running loose. Sonic slows Scourge down enough for Zonic to slap a power suppressor on him so he can be taken into custody.
Then Zonic does ... nothing but send Sonic back home. Swell guy.
Now we cut to Robotropolis where Snively and his chat buddy (Regina) are having a live conversation. Eggman calls Snively down for a test leading Snively to pout, then worry, because Eggman called him " Colin " instead of his new name. He briefly wonders whether Eggman's losing it and whether or not its a sign he should move things along with Regina. It seems like they are planning something ...
What has Eggman called Snively down for? The unveiling of the Egg Phoenix, or course!
Regina, huh?
Now I'm definitely thinking that the Iron Queen's making a comeback.
Hearing that Regina's chat name is Latin for " Iron Queen ". Kind of blatant, eh?
A little too much so. I'm getting the nagging feeling that it's a red herring.
I've been speculating for quite a while that RF aka Regina was the Iron Queen over at bumbleking. A lot of evidence, and the name, tends to point towards it being her. The cover of #199 is another factor that makes me think RF is the Iron Queen. Time will tell, I'm leaning more heavily towards her, or a completely new character.
As for this issue, I liked it. It was definitely a good issue for a long term fan, and I liked a lot of the old canon that was brought back, as well as a few holes being filed and explained.
I thought it was one of the best issues we've had recently. I just wish we could have seen Dr. Nega (Eggman Nega). From the sounds of things though, Nega wasn't easily available for Ian to use.
*random* Color Rosemary's hair brown plz! *random*
Who is Zector? Have I forgotten who this character is?
The comic should be more readily advailible now so I'll do a brief writeup starting from where the preview left off.
Sally and Hamlin get into it. He lures Sally into admitting that she committed treason leading her to plead guilty. She then tells the Council that she won't directly lead the Freedom Fighters or Chaotix at all and will only do what the Council votes for her to do even in emergency situations then leaves it up to the vote. The Council votes to drop the charges (5 to Hamlin's 1). When Sally confronts Hamlin after he admits that he's bitter about being forgotten as a Reserve Freedom Fighter and ran for office to make a difference another way.
Zector ... *shudders* takes Sonic and Scourge to No-Zone where Scourge immediately begins to destroy said Zone. Sonic gets a chance to talk to Zonic very briefly in the middle of the chaos. The lockdown is for Eggman Nega to keep him away from Mobius though it doesn't effect all zones " for stability sakes ". He basically tells Sonic there's nothing he can do except enforce the lockdown leading Sonic to ask why Zonic will only take Scourge and not, say, Dr. Eggman. Zonic explains that Sonic Prime must fight a Robotnik and since the original Robotnik is dead Eggman will have to do. He goes on to say that Scourge's " mutation " makes him too dangerous to keep running loose. Sonic slows Scourge down enough for Zonic to slap a power suppressor on him so he can be taken into custody.
Then Zonic does ... nothing but send Sonic back home. Swell guy.
Now we cut to Robotropolis where Snively and his chat buddy (Regina) are having a live conversation. Eggman calls Snively down for a test leading Snively to pout, then worry, because Eggman called him " Colin " instead of his new name. He briefly wonders whether Eggman's losing it and whether or not its a sign he should move things along with Regina. It seems like they are planning something ...
What has Eggman called Snively down for? The unveiling of the Egg Phoenix, or course!
Just some minor corrections/clarifications/additions, when Sally leaves the vote up to them, the choice is for her to always wait for the council, or do what is right when she is needed. She mentions that she has always, and will always fight for the Kingdom of Acorn. Then of course, they vote to drop charges (save Hamlin).
As for Egman and Robotnik prime, Zonic mentions that they are basically the same man, same past history up until a point. Sonic Prime must fight a Robotnik for the stability of the multiverse, and Eggman fits the bill. That's why Eggman has been left without being stopped. As for Scourge, besides being to busy dealing with Nega, Zonic didn't come because Scourge's mutation from issue #160 has made him a wild card for the multiverse, he has more freedom than a lot of other people. As for Zonic and Sonic having to suppress Scourge, that's because Scourge was attacking the No Zone and the Zone Cops. He wanted to shut them down (so they can't capture him anymore) and then go back to harassing the Prime zone. The No Zone was already partially destroyed because of what Dr. Nega did to the zone, Scourge was making things worse. Thus why Sonic and Zonic slapped the Suppressor ring on him, and proceeded to take him to jail so that he'll be put away for a while.
Dr. Nega is the one who ruined the Cosmic Interstate/Highway and he's also been causing havoc in the No Zone and all over the multivere. That is why there is a lock down of the multiverse, to stop Nega from going to the Prime Zone and to try and prevent him from causing more trouble than he was.
As for Snively and Regina, they both sound and (in Snively's case) look infatuated with one another. We don't see Regina in this issue. Eggman calling Snively "Colin" (something he has never done before), makes Snively think about how much his uncle has been declining, mental health wise, as of recently. He also thinks how he and Regina could use this to accelerate and move up their plan (which he looks positively thrilled at).
That's about all I felt like adding, you guys can read the rest in the issue, including the "Sonic and the Black Knight" back-up in this issue.
I think it's someone new ... but will have a few older characters working under them (like Finny did).
*random* Color Rosemary's hair brown plz! *random*
It'd be too much to ask for having one of Tails' parents look vaguely like him?
Locke and Lara-Le had awesome character designs. You could usually pick them out in a crowd regardless of what they wore because of it. Bernie and Rosemary ... not so much so. Colored one way Rosemary looks too much like Sally. Colored another she looks too much like Meg. I think she's important enough to warrant making her fall in a vat of fur recoloring chemicals.
Maybe she'll come out looking like Fiona.
Who is Zector? Have I forgotten who this character is?
No-Zone Vector. No-Zone Espio also showed but I don't think he said anything.
Well Rosemary looks like an older design of Tails. Before everyone was made to look more like their game counterparts ya know? Thats why Tails looks so frekin different from his parents.
Yep. Yep.
Bernie used to be purple, but they changed her color to make her fur color look more like the newer version of Sonic. Locke's eye color seems to have been changed to match the newer version of Knuckles. Couldn't they do the same Rosemary? I say her because she seems to be stacking up to be more of a significant character then her husband and because she looks more like generic woodland mobian then ol' one eye.
I think we may have a clue as to who the traitor that Silver was talking about is.
And that would be Hamlin. Sure it may not make sense to some, but if you read this issiue, (and for those that don't have it, go to Youtube or other video sites, or even photobucket to read it) He is the only one that wants Sally to rot in Jail. And remember his finally remarks before he left the council room (cloaked in a dark shadow purple), he said he'd make sure she fought for the people correctly. And that makes one wonder about him and his status.
It looks like Ian maybe taking some ideas from Star Wars when it comes to certian council members. Don't you agree?
Stupid Question; who is regina and/ or the Iron queen?
A sorceress that was an adversary of Monkey Khan, a ruler of the Dragon Kingdom.
Rosas - no. Silver suspected Sonic, because Sonic was the only one who was powerful enough to do whatever it was that Silver is trying to prevent. It must have been pretty devastating. I can't see Hamlin putting it off.
Susy - oh my god, what a stupid question. Nah, she's a one-off character from issue #60. She rules over the area of Mobius that Monkey Khan is in (or at least where he was last we saw him).
I agree with Matt, no way Hamlin's the traitor. Not in my eyes. Matt provided a good reason, but another thing is that although Hamlin isn't very happy with Sally, he's still loyal to his people, and I just don't think I could ever see him being traitorous to New Mobotropolis and its citizens like that.
In regards to Susy's question:
Here's another picture of the Iron Queen since Matt's isn't working. I'll also throw in a close up of her, and a shaded in picture of her partner the Iron King. Credit for the first pic goes to Penguin God and for the second pic Dimitri the Echidna both over at Bumbleking.
As for who Regina F. (RF) is, it's a girl who Snively first met IMing over the Eggnet, and later they started communicating with one another in other ways. Snively got kicked out of the lab in #194 by Robotnik, and eventually went to go check on Eggman's sub-bosses, who have gone unchecked for a long time, because he had nothing better to do. He sent out a message to see if anyone would receive and respond to it. The only person who did was somebody from the "D. Kingdom" (believed to be the Dragon Kingdom), using the initials "DKA:RF". RF and Snively both related to one another, as they both complained about their bosses and lackeys being dumb and incompetent, as well as complaining about their local resistance. Later in #195, we discover that Snively has been e-mailing RF, and he reveals that RF is a "she". Finally, in this issue, we see that he's having a live chat with her, and they seem to be getting very lovey-dovey with one another. The screen that she is on is turned away from us, so we don't actually see her. When he bids her farewell (due to his uncle calling him), he calls her Regina. Snively later comments that due to his uncle Robotnik's deteriorating mental health, both himself and Regina could begin their plan a lot sooner than they originally thought (the plan most likely consisting of overthrowing Eggman and taking over the Eggman Empire).
Right now a lot of people are speculating that RF is the Iron Queen. Some reasons are: Regina standing for Queen in latin, RF discussing her boss (believed to be the Iron King), local resistance holding her back (Monkey Khan could be said resistance), the Iron King and Queen were both located in the Dragon Kingdom and because many people believe that the shadowy figure on #199 is RF, and said shadow looks a lot like how the Iron Queen used to look. These are the reasons that come to mind right now anyway. The second most popular theory for RF is her being a new character, but most people (myself included) are leaning towards Regina being the Iron Queen.
A possible theory for RF's last name (if RF is he Iron Queen) I saw floating around is that Regina's last name could be Ferrum, a Latin word for Iron.
I agree with Matt, no way Hamlin's the traitor. Not in my eyes. Matt provided a good reason, but another thing is that although Hamlin isn't very happy with Sally, he's still loyal to his people, and I just don't think I could ever see him being traitorous to New Mobotropolis and its citizens like that.
But isn't this simliar to Star Wars in a way, I mean with the council and all.
I think we may have a clue as to who the traitor that Silver was talking about is.
Hamlin may have come off as someone who wanted to do harm to the Freedom Fighters, but he's only doing his job. Sally admitted that she acted against the Council's orders (which she did) and that she only did so because she was doing what she thought was best for Mobotropolis. Though the Council would prefer to make every decision for the Freedom Fighters / Chaotix it isn't realistic to come running to them in the heat of a battle. Hamlin's bitter because he's almost never been actively involved in the fight against Robotnik / Eggman even though he wants to. Since he isn't a Core Freedom Fighter the only way he thought he could make a difference is through the Council. That might be part of the reason two other Reserve Freedom Fighters, a retired Freedom Fighter, the uncle of a Freedom Fighter, and a mother of a Freedom Fighter ran for Council. They not only want to help their people but they ultimately want to help the Freedom Fighters who worked so hard to get them up to this point.
They may seem a little tyrannical, yes, but their hearts are in the right place.
As for the traitor ... It seems certain that it is one of the Core Freedom Fighters. Without going too much off topic I would say that Silver was right in his original assumption but was thrown off by Rob o' Hedge's defense and Sonic's own heroism in the face of an invincible purple hedgehog. I haven't seen much evidence to incriminate anyone else but there seems to be a lot that incriminates Sonic. That's not to say that he's been plotting the demise of his friends and Kingdom at night, but he's certainly ... unhappy ... if nothing else.
It looks like Ian maybe taking some ideas from Star Wars when it comes to certain council members. Don't you agree?
I never watched Star Wars.
lol I never watched Star Wars. But I hope EVERY story ever created by man kind that happens to have a council in it isn't believed to be related to Star Wars.
I think we may have a clue as to who the traitor that Silver was talking about is.
Hamlin may have come off as someone who wanted to do harm to the Freedom Fighters, but he's only doing his job. Sally admitted that she acted against the Council's orders (which she did) and that she only did so because she was doing what she thought was best for Mobotropolis. Though the Council would prefer to make every decision for the Freedom Fighters / Chaotix it isn't realistic to come running to them in the heat of a battle. Hamlin's bitter because he's almost never been actively involved in the fight against Robotnik / Eggman even though he wants to. Since he isn't a Core Freedom Fighter the only way he thought he could make a difference is through the Council. That might be part of the reason two other Reserve Freedom Fighters, a retired Freedom Fighter, the uncle of a Freedom Fighter, and a mother of a Freedom Fighter ran for Council. They not only want to help their people but they ultimately want to help the Freedom Fighters who worked so hard to get them up to this point.
They may seem a little tyrannical, yes, but their hearts are in the right place.
As for the traitor ... It seems certain that it is one of the Core Freedom Fighters. Without going too much off topic I would say that Silver was right in his original assumption but was thrown off by Rob o' Hedge's defense and Sonic's own heroism in the face of an invincible purple hedgehog. I haven't seen much evidence to incriminate anyone else but there seems to be a lot that incriminates Sonic. That's not to say that he's been plotting the demise of his friends and Kingdom at night, but he's certainly ... unhappy ... if nothing else.
It looks like Ian maybe taking some ideas from Star Wars when it comes to certain council members. Don't you agree?
I never watched Star Wars.
Yes, but let's not forget, Ian's pulled the wrool over our eyes before.
Regina standing for Iron in latin
Maybe you got mixed up, but Regina's Latin for queen. =P
but if you read this issiue, (and for those that don't have it, go to Youtube or other video sites, or even photobucket to read it)
Yes, let's blatantly recommend illegal activities!
I really don't see a Star Wars parallel. It's not the first time a council at odds has appeared in this comic, for one thing (Mecha Madness, anyone?).
Bernie used to be purple, but they changed her color to make her fur color look more like the newer version of Sonic.
I always thought Bernie going from lilac to blue was just a longstanding mistake, like with Shadow and Gala-Na. She's starting to edge back towards a more purplish blue now, anyway.
Got this one today. Really liked it. I was kind of disappointed that Scourge was still able to fight and destroy. I know that the issue needed action, but still. I now consider this issue to be the end of the Moebius arc, lol. Didn't really care about Sally's trial, and didn't really remember enough of Hamlin to know if he was being OOC or not. Though I always did wonder about how the Substitute Freedom Fighter felt about almost never being on a mission, so I'm glad we got the perspective of one of them. I wonder how the rest feel. And I'm glad Zonic answered those long-lingering questions.
And the good old doctor's finally losing his mind, eh? Well, I guess living in that lonely, soulless environment with nothing but a conspiring nephew and the growing obsession to obliterate a blue hedgehog will eventually do that, heh. I enjoyed Snively's snide little remark about sending out an Egg Minnow or Egg Rabbit.