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SU #4 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

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"The Ultimate Lifeform": The all-out battle-turned-alliance between Shadow and Rouge takes a new twist... and there may be no turning back! Transported from G.U.N.'s secret base to the surreal Special Zone, the reluctant allies meet the zone's mega-powerful master, Feist. What will Feist require of them? Can they successfully complete the challenge as well as their other missions and tasks for G.U.N.? What would failure mean to Shadow, who considers himself the "ultimate lifeform?" This action-packed issue co-stars Hope Kintobor and Omega, and features the first assembly of "Team Dark." It also paves the way for the next intriguing saga, which promises to bring back everyone's favorite red echidna!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: May 2Oth, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: May 27th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: June 9th, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

I love how the Sonic 3D special stages are used here. I also love how Feist keeps putting Shadow in his place, very fitting.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i like everything about this issue except the DBZ scanner. i wanted to yell out "his power level is over 5000!"

Posts: 1567
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...pretty darn cocky considering he's like a fly compared to Feist.

Posts: 2116
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I think he just found that out the hard way.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

i like everything about this issue except the DBZ scanner.

Rouge's scanner is from the games. I kinda like when they throw in the extra gear (like Knuckles' sunglasses and shovelclaws).

Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Rouge's Treasure Scope looks like a monocle. Gives her a cultured look. Hehe ... cultured.

Hope still seems to be drawn oddly. I just can't put my finger on why.

It also paves the way for the next intriguing saga, which promises to bring back everyone's favorite red echidna!

Sigh ... now I'm sad.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

she doesn't look very girlish...I know she is a tomboy but still.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Rouge's Treasure Scope looks like a monocle. Gives her a cultured look.

It kind of bothers me that the scope looks normal in that very first panel, but takes on a ridiculous-looking proportion in subsequent panels. By the end of the book it will have systematically taken over Rouge's entire head. D:

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Its over 9000!

This must be made as soon as this issue drops.

Posts: 3
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Seems real good to me.

Posts: 200
Estimable Member

No one did a full review of this here?

I would ... but I'm lazy as sin so I'll do a rundown.

The word of the day is Fail.

- Shadow and Rouge fail and are sent back to GUN HQ.
- Shadow gets visibility depressed after his failure (" For the 3rd time in 3 missions I wasn't good enough. ").
- Omega tries to console Shadow during a spar and fails.
- Shadow and Hope talk about their own personal fails.
- At some point Hope says " epic failure " for the lulz.
- Hope convinces Shadow to stop sulking about his fail and they have a moment.
- Maria is seen which is decidedly a fail.
- Shadow, Rouge, and Omega officially form Team Dark which probably won't fail.
- Fiest appears to challenge them again. Omega fails to get permission to kill it with fire.
- The challenge begins and Fiest says they're destined to fail.
- To ensure failure Fiest cheats and adds a trap as they near the Emerald.
- Shadow tries to get the Emerald ... and fails.
- Fiest starts gloating about their latest fail which causes Team Dark to initiate " Plan B ".
- Plan B is essentially Omega blasting Fiest while Shadow and Rouge steal the Emerald. Not a fail.
- Hope and Commander Tower congratulate them for not failing ... sort of. Kinda of. Not really.
- Tower makes some comments about GUN as a force to be reckoned with. Sounds like they'll be due for some fail.
- Now we cut to ... sigh ... 30 years later. You get the point.
- Knuckles and Julie-Su are going away somewhere. They leave Lara-Su in charge which means failure is imminent.

This issue is a strong finish to the arch. The Team's formation came pretty fast, true, but their personalities work together really well. Surprisingly Omega wasn't the only one entertaining us with his need to kill things with fire even though he had potential to be a show stealer. Shadow looking like a scolded puppy throughout the first half made me laugh in ways I shouldn't have. I don't know why ... but I really, really, like Fiest. There's got to be laws against people who have this much fun messing with people.

Speaking of Fail the Emerald in this comic is consistently colored wrong. According to Ian it's neither Green nor Yellow. It's actually the Red Chaos Emerald.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I was gonna do a full review but kinda got busy since it was a vacation week and all...

...but it sounds like a decent issue. Don't really like the idea of a Maria sighting, darnit Shadow, get over it.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

The emo issue # 4 featuring an emo Shadow?

That one line Hope had on "epic failure" was well played. I need a subscription!
