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SX #31 & StH #186 Previews

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"Return of El Gran Gordo!": Who is that masked mass of meanness battling his way through the wrestling ring? Can it be? It is! The crazy Dr. Eggman is once again pretending to be masked wrestling sensation El Gran Gordo! But if that's really him, how can Dr. Eggman be robbing Station Square at the same time? It's up to Sonic to decipher this doppelganger of a mystery!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn ART: Tracy Yardley! and Terry Austin.

Body-slammin' cover by championship belt-wearing Spaz!

Shipping Date: March 19th, 2008
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: March 26th, 2008
On Sale on Newsstands: April 1st, 2008
Full color comic
$2.25 US.


"Mogul Rising": The nightmare has only just begun for Sonic's friends - especially when they learn he's become one of ancient villain Mammoth Mogul's many new followers! How can that be?! Is Sonic really involved in Moguls dastardly schemes, and if so, how? As if that weren't enough, the stakes rise even higher when the Chaos Emerald gets involved! It's a mind-blowing tale of turmoil and intrigue you won't want to miss!

SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART : Matt Herms & Jim Amash.

COVER: Tracy Yardley! & Jason Jensen.

Shipping Date: March 5th, 2008
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: March 12th, 2008
On Sale on Newsstands: March 26th, 2008
Full color comic
$2.25 US.

LOL! Gran Gordo's back! That's awesome! XD

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

This two issues look very interesting, especialy 186. I like the villains Enerjak and Finitevus, but Mammoth Mogul is one of my favorites as well. Nice representation that Mogul will have his friends in his control like puppets.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I am SICK AND TIRED of this.

Ok look. I'm a Mogul lover extrodinaire. He's fantastic, and I'm sure he'll just be plotting Sonic's moves and use each and every one of them to regain power (maybe he'll steal quills laced with residual ring energy and somehow get enough to equal some form of magic he can corrupt and use to give him some power again.)

But..the cover! COME ON! I'm sorry. I am utterly upset with that cover. Hell, you coulda gave me a silhouette of a mammoth face with the tusks, everyone on strings, and Sonic being held back. not crazy FIRES DOOM GIANT ELEPHANT CRUSH PUNY HEDGEHOG.

I just get upset over that sort of thing -.-..It still looks like a very good issue.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

186's cover...well it isn't the greatest...maybe they should have had Mogul clutching the side of one of the buildings from the nanite city as if he were Kong.

31...Sonic trying out Snooka Jimmy Fly?

Posts: 409
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I love the #186 cover. The art is very 3D and dynamic, and the coloring effects are very dramatic.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I don't like #186's cover either. It just isn't doing anything for me. Plus there's a good amount of unused space towards the bottom of the cover that looks odd in contrast to the relative business of the rest of the cover.

#31 is joygasmic though.

Posts: 8
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Just so everyone knows, Ian Flynn wrote issues 31 and 32 of Sonic X. I'm pencilling 31 and 32 of Sonic X, and Matt Herms is pencilling issues 185 and 186 of Sonic the Hedgehog.


Posts: 899
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So we're getting another artist? Sweet! Who's Matt Herms?

Don't get me wrong, Tracy, I LOVE your stuff, but one thing I love about this comic is the variety of artwork that it gives us. Good to see someone else getting a shot at the main stories for once.

Posts: 1567
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This would be Matt Herms.

Posts: 146
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Another Sonic comic fan joins the team, eh? Matt has some really good artwork. Sort of has a J Axer quality to it. Looking forward to seeing his work in the comic.

Posts: 2016
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Herms is doing 185 and 186?


Posts: 1402
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But..the cover! COME ON! I'm sorry. I am utterly upset with that cover. Hell, you coulda gave me a silhouette of a mammoth face with the tusks, everyone on strings, and Sonic being held back. not crazy FIRES DOOM GIANT ELEPHANT CRUSH PUNY HEDGEHOG.

agreed. the cover honestly looks horrible. the issue doesn't sound very interesting either.

Sonic X looks good though.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Well, #186 certainly looks like it'll be interesting. At least Mogul appears to be getting his groove back. The whole puppet master thing is rather cliche, but I suppose he has to do something to become a threat again. If Sonic is indeed brainwashed into joining him, and Knuckles becomes public target number one after the Enerjak Reborn arc as I imagine he will, then this will be an awesome opportunity for him to redeem himself by taking down Mogul (definitely a rematch that's been a long time in coming)!

Posts: 1
New Member

The contrast between neon orange and purple on #186 makes my eyes hurt. At the expense of my eye sight, I probably won't be buying this issue. Who's idea was it to have all those neon colors in the comic anyway? It's not attractive in the least. The coloring department should invest more time in eye relief.

Oh, and Sonic and Mighty are wearing the same expression.

Posts: 94
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Well of course they're wearing the same expression; both of them are heroes, and of course they have a look of defiant rage directed at ol' Mogul. Anyway, I have a new theory regarding Mina's involvement in the plot, and the fact that Mogul has "many new followers": what if Mogul is somehow using Mina's music to brainwash the citizens of the Kingdom of Acorn? It would explain her reinvolvement, as well as how he could have acquired a new army of minions from behind bars. The only question, of course, is how could he have gotten ahold of Mina's music? Who knows; we'll undoubtedly hear all about it.

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I personally wonder... whoever is in the Gran Gordo costume, I wonder if it's possible that he could become a reoccuring villain... that'd be so awesome.

Posts: 4336
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Leave your comments and queries for him here. Registration for the SNAFU Comics forum is free.

Gotta say, this is nifty. Guy's a good artist. Though his normal subject matter is a bit...beyond this board's rating (his comic is Sticky Floors).

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Yah right, Sonic has joined Mogul. I don't believe it unless, of course, he is brainwashed. Also, I agree with the theory that Mogual is using Mina's music to brainwash people. Until there is proof otherwise, I think that is what is happening.

Posts: 1694
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Oh, for the love of Primus, is everyone in the comic brainwashed?

Posts: 337
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Mammoth isn't even a Sega character, and yet the guy, no matter how times he's killed or imprisoned "for eternity" he always finds a way back. Almost like Nagus.

I wonder what current 'do's and 'don't's sega had handed down Ian lately.

I won't say why, because it would be a spoiler, but Mammoth's story reminds me of a story point in a recently released Sonic game.

Posts: 1694
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Mogul obviously racked up many continues.

Posts: 378
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If Mina is indeed going to brainwash Mobian citizens with her music while being controlled by Mogul, I wonder how Ash would react. Or maybe he'll just be brainwashed, too :insane . I wonder if it will just be Mogul, or if the Destructix, Bean, Bark, and Nack will join the fun. And as for Matt Herms being a penciler, I must say I am very glad as I am a fan his work.

Posts: 981
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Quote: SNAFU Forumer 1

Wow. This is the second forum I'm a regular member of where someone's done the art for the Archie Sonic Comics (first one being Jonathon H. Gray of Sonic HQ/Mobius Forum fame).

Congrats dude.

Quote: SNAFU Forumer 2

I think the Sonic HQ one could be more easily expected, considering the presumable nature of that forum.

This is pretty out of the blue, as far as I can tell.

Bolded for reference.

I am not liking the idea of this whole story. Once again, I'll blame the badly written synopsis; because it seems that the only way to figure out what's what is to read the issue.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

but Chao, isint that why all synopsis are badly written?
