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Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

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1. Axer by far. I hope the story he's doing comes soon.
2. Dub (why did he have to leave:( ?)
3. Ummmmmmmmmmm... Can I get back to you on that?

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I shall add Frank Strom among the worst ones. His introducing of Monkey Kahn was correctly written - though he is no use for the series - but awfully drawn !

Posts: 534
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1) Axer
2) Spaz
3) Best
No one comes close to J. Axer. Without any doubt!
Oh, and do you guys remember Dawn Best? I really liked her work, too!
And how about Spaz? He did #98, the Sa2 Adaption. MAN was that some good artwork!

Now, there was this one guy who I remember wanting to puke on whenever I saw his work...I'll remember the name later, but I remember that he sucked. a LOT. Around the 130's.
Ron Lim, I think that was the guy. Piece of total CRAP.

Posts: 146
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I thought Spaz was great pre-issue 100. I just plain don't like his style on the regular comic anymore. Though his Sonic X covers are FANTASTIC.

My fave now has to go to Tracy. His style is similar to another fave of mine, Art Mawhinney, but a lot less "cutesy." Definitely the art style I'd expect from a Sonic comic.

Second goes to Dubs. I miss the guy. His extremely cartoony style improved drastically throughout the RtAI arc. It's a shame he's gone now...

Third goes to Spaz for his work before issue 100 and on Sonic X.

Posts: 210
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Many people have mentioned many excellent pencillers, but I miss WB. A lot. He contributed so much to RtAI, as others have mentioned.

I remember Ron Lim did a pretty atrocious job pencilling in the back story some issues back. I'll never be able to get that horrific rendering of Knuckles out of my head.

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I miss WB too.:(

2:James Fry
3:Tracy Yardley

1:Ken Penders
2:Al Bigley
3:Ron Lim

These are just my opinions. Feel free to disagree!

Posts: 34
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Top 3:

1)Steven Butler
3)J. Axer

Bottom 3:

3)Ron Lim
2)Dave Manak
1)Many Hands

Posts: 273
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My top 3:

1) Steven Butler (He's a personal fave of mine)
2) J. Axer (Just gotta love his level of detail)
3) Spaz (His older cover art was the stuff of legends)

My bottom 3, no. 1 being the worst:

1) Ron Lim (I'm sure he can draw, but he CAN'T draw StH...)
2) Dave Manak (Not even good in Off-Panel)
3) Art Mawhinney (Art's older work was pretty good, but times and character designs have changed, Art, and you're still drawing like it's 1995.)

Posts: 128
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Top 3:
1. Spaz- Amazing detail, great covers, and for some reason, his version of Tails was lovable in a 10-year old sort of way!
2. Tracy Yardley!- His style actually makes the comic look like Sonic the Hedgehog! (1:3 head to body ratio, less realistic and more cartoony anatomy, etc.)
3. Jon Gray- What can I say? When I look at his work, I can't hide my joy! I laugh for so long, my face gets numb!
Bottom 2:
1. Ron Lim- His early issues make me understand what people mean when they say, "This artwork did something to my eyes!"
2. Many Hands- No comment.

Posts: 1402
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i think i did this allready once before but hell i'll do it again.
Best of the best:
1. Axer- what can i say? no one comes close when he's concerened.

2. Steven Butler- i miss this guy, while he wasn't the best, he definately shined among the crap we got in everyone else.

3. Spaz- well duh, he's gotta be on the list.

Honorable mention: Tracy yardley- the new comer on our block, while i'm not overly impressed by his style, he's always consistently average. which is something we definately didn't have before.

Artists who should've never been hired, nor get the credibility of being "Good".

1. Art mawhinney- he was (IMO) the worst thing this comic has seen, i'm saying he is because unlike people like Dave Manak and Many hands, Art was given a good atleast 30 stories. all were poorly drawn.

2. Dave Manak- I like Off-Panel, i really do. but when they give him a story that's important like Home part 2 and he makes amateur mistakes like turning Amy's cute hammer into Steel's hammer from DC then i get irked.

3. Ron Lim- he definately got better over time, but getting better from consistently poor work is only saying that you're now consistently below average. i liked the thanos and silver surfer stuff, but i had a good feeling that he was juggling one too many projects to give STH any attention at all.

Dishonorable mention: Many hands..... i won't even dignify him/her/it/them with a paragraph.

Posts: 189
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Top Best
1. Axer, again. He's just so detailed.
2. Fry/Butler. Adapted to Sonic to a semicomic style witout going wierd with it.
3. Dub. Everybody likes realistic but cartoony works just as well.

1. Many Hands
2. The guy who palagarized.
3. Ron Lim. Worst part is he was the main penciler for almost a third of the comic after 100#.

Posts: 34
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1. Spaz (fo sho, the best)
2. Axer-really detailed
3. Art Mawhinney, he keeps it new but old school.

Posts: 981
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3)James Fry-He does tend to rush his work sometimes, but he is still great.
2)Manny Galan. :D -His work was just so great, I can't find the right words to describe it.
1)Spaz -That dude is just scary good.

Posts: 9
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where can one find sonic art of axer and dub?

Posts: 1446
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In the comics.

Posts: 208
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Ok here are my favorite artists by order

1 Tracy Yardley

2 Spaz

3 Axer

Posts: 1100
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1)Jon "Money in the Lead" Gray (His splash pages form "Return to Angel Island" is STILL AMAZING)

2) Dawn Best (Realy. I'm suprised that no one has mentioned her? Axer is alright, but I find that he uses too much cross-hatching and lines in his detail.)

3)J Axer (Even though I complain about his usage of lines, his skill to enhance the 'Archie style' way of drawing Sonic & Co.

EDIT:Nevermind. Didn't know that there were peolpe who would put her on the "worst" list, kinda shocked!

1)Ron Lim (When he is NOT in a rush, he's preety good, but when in a rush, it's just UGLY!

2)Many Hands (If it's a 'flashback-type' story then it's alright, but other than that his style just feels dated from the current 'Adventure' look.

3) To be Contiuned (Pending)

Borderline: Tracy Yardley

His style is hot and cold for me. While the way he draws the models is perfect for THAT Archie style, his composition and facial details at times make me cringe.

Posts: 356
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Finally decided to put in my two cents on this. My favorites would probably be, in no real order, Spaz, Art, Manny Galan, and Steve Butler.

My least favorite would be Ron Lim.

Tracy Yardley can be great at times (Sonic #174), but at other times his art work can be strange.

Posts: 8
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My favorite, and I mean ALL TIME favorite is Jon Gray. I like Tracy alot, and I admire Spaz's artwork, too.

Posts: 1
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First post, yay!

I have been a long time reader of the Sonic comic, albeit sporadically -- the nearest reliable vendor is 50 miles away and I can never find a subscription form. My first issue was #129, sent to me by a friend (although I later snapped up a few older issues as well as that The Beginning book with issues #1-3).

In alphabetical order, my favorite artists are:
*J. Axer - very sharp, crisp lines, incredible attention to detail
*Steven Butler - great detailing on just about everything: hands, perspective, shading... Sally's chest and hips...
*Jon Gray - sometimes a little too cartoonish for my tastes, but I really like how he does facial expressions
*Tracy Yardley - also very good expression work

Least favorites, also in alphabetical order:
*Al Bigley - he makes the heads a bit TOO round
*Dave Manak - far from a talentless hack, but a bit too cartoony for anything other than Off-Panel
*Ron Lim - he HAS gotten better, yes, but he has the opposite problem from Bigley -- not ENOUGH roundness

Posts: 113
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There is one artist I don't like at all..I think they ruined the book for a while..I do not remember their name (sorry)..However their style was Anime like which I don't really see as appropriate for the comics..I understand a comic goes through changes but it just recked things for me. I'm pretty sure the book was in the early 100's.

I will find the name soon.

I've always loved Spazzes art work on the covers! It's one thing that drew me into collecting the comics.

Posts: 89
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1. Spaz-Has such a dynamic style, and when Havo and heroic age collabaorate, the result is magic!

2. Dub- Think his art is hilarious, love the "thought bubbles" he did for mace.

3. Ken Penders- I love his older art.

Sam Maxwell- His art in "Battle Royal" was downright laughable! I COULD DO BETTER! Seriously, the characters were soooooo off model.

Many Hands- Yuck.

Posts: 96
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1.) Spaz. No doubt about it. too bad he only does covers now.

2.) James Fry. Though I didn't like his anime artwork (sth #88-90, #94-95).

3.) Steven Butler. His was very good and average.


1.) Ron Lim. work seemed "cheap" and done in 5 minutes. like he was rushing.

2.) Dave Manak, when he was doing the main storyline. The side stories aren't bad.

Posts: 113
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Who was the artist who drew the comic when Knuckles had a baby brother..There was some sort of war happening too.

Posts: 2016
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That was good ol' Dubs, a member of these here forums.

Posts: 113
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Tonight I read #113 and I didn't like the artwork in it at all...The colouring and inking just looked like a non professional did it :/

Posts: 1446
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Whatchu talkin' bout? Many Hands is the best artist to have worked on the comic, and Cry of the Wolf is probably his finest work. Apart from SSS15's Naugus Games.

Posts: 113
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^ I've just seen better artists draw the comic. This book art work looks off perspective wise and it bugs me through out the whole comic..It kinda looks like they let a child draw the book...The cover if fantastic as always but the insides are not..This is just my opinion...It's fine if you don't agree with me but it's useless trying to change what I think as well because I really think this is one of the worst drawn comics I've seen in a long time for this series.

Posts: 622
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^ Sarcasm, dude. =P

Posts: 96
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to answet takut0's question, the artist in the story was Jon Gray.

Posts: 113
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^ Johnny, Thank you for your answer (^^)

Crazy: Sorry, I didn't mean my post to come off sounding really strong but I kinda couldn't detect any sarcasm (^^);;;;

Posts: 96
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yeah, no problem. :)

Posts: 419
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Is takut0 confusing me with Many Hands or did I read that wrong?


Posts: 1446
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Wait, you're not Many Hands?

My world, it is destroyed.

Posts: 419
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I am Dub. Ravager of lives. :thumbsup :crazy :thumbsup :crazy

Posts: 2398
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Only the ladies call him that now, Matt. ;)


Posts: 1055
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I am Dub. Ravager of lives.

Sonic: DX **facemelt**
Tails: Oh nos! Someone set us up the Dub!

Posts: 53
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too few of you put manny galan. SHAME!!!
art mawhinney, scott shaw, tracey yardley, and steven butler were o-kay on sonic...
spaz only did a few interiors, he's a cover guy primarily so i don't count him...
galan inked by pepoy= brilliance!!!

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