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Transcript of Ken's chat, 22 Feb

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I tried to make it more readable by putting questions with their answers, as well as follow-up comments. For the raw transcript of the chat, see

Ken Penders Chat transcript: 22 Feb 2006
Edited by Dirk Amoeba

KenPenders: Okay, let's get this show on the road. All others can catch up with the transcripts later

Dirk_Amoeba: Ken, do you mind if I post excerpts from this chat on the Mobius Forum?
KenPenders: Not at all, Dirk
White_Wolf: okay

KenPenders: For starters, let me get the one question out of the way that a lot of people have asked me
KenPenders: Yes, I feel fine these days and I'm really happy with the work I'm currently doing
KenPenders: and I'll get to your questions real soon, but please allow me to say a few things first
KenPenders: There's nobody really the bad guy in any of this. Mike P has his responsibilities to take care of and people to answer to, so he has to do what's necessary on his end
KenPenders: I was growing more unhappy with the last few stories simply because Mike had his agenda and I had mine and they were a bit incompatible when all was said and done
KenPenders: I didn't have the freedom I thought I initially I was going to have and I had to rewrite more than I expected because of this
KenPenders: I also had other projects I really was more excited about than Sonic, so it seemed like the perfect time to call it a day
KenPenders: Mike had left the door open for me to stay involved with the series, but I felt it was better to cut the cord completely at this time
EthanEmerald: =(
KenPenders: So now one of the things I'm working on is - of a all things - a Christian comic book, telling the life story of a Catholic saint. Beyond that, I'm actually getting involved in a number of Hollywood projects
Dirk_Amoeba: It must have been a hard decision, Ken. (Hello, Dan!)
KenPenders: I'm also finally getting around to serious work on a LOST ONES graphic novel.

DanDrazen: Which saint? Or would that violate the sanctity of the confessional?
KenPenders: Regarding the Hollywood projects, I can talk peripherally about them but not in detail just yet. To Dan: Saint Emily De Rodat.
KenPenders: I initially was only supposed to pencil the project, but they liked my inks enough to assign me full art chores and now they want me to rewrite the script, so I must be doing something right.

KenPenders: I'm also FINALLY getting around to a redesign of this website as Bob can attest to with the help of my son Steve. One of the things that will be up soon is the pre-production art for the SONIC film i had in the works.
White_Wolf: sweet!
Dirk_Amoeba: Thatwas one of my questions
EthanEmerald: And, question coming your way: Is that Sonic production STILL in the works?

KenPenders: I'll also be displacing some of the storyboards from that project as well as the ALIEN RACERS series which I also worked on.

Lynn: Ken does a comic artist have to experiment and make alot of diffrent types of comics before they make a series out of it?

KenPenders: I'm currently working up samples for a mainstream animated series as they asked me to submit with the idea of bringing me on board as a storyboard artist.

White_Wolf: okay, can i get back to asking about Enerjak again? i'm curious to know what plans may be in store for Dimitri
KenPenders: Regarding any plans for future Sonic stories, I have no idea what Ian, Mike, Joe or anyone else are up to, nor do I care to speculate. That's their job now.

EthanEmerald: Question for Ken: Although you're not writing for SONIC anymore, is a SHADOW series or even a miniseries possible? You're an excellent writer of Shadow, and I think you should seriously consider asking Mr. Pellerito about it.
KenPenders: With regards to the topic of whether or not I would ever write another Sonic and/or Knuckles story again, I would never say never. It all just depends on the circumstances.
Dirk_Amoeba: I'd love to see you writing more Knuckles, Ken
Dirk_Amoeba: And I'm sure he's featured in the upcoming M25yl story

EthanEmerald: Was the topic of reborning the Knuckles series ever mentioned to Mike?
EthanEmerald: And I'm sure that everyone agrees that there are plenty of Knuckles plots that are waiting to be explored. I'm sad to see that you didn't have the chance to finish explaining what happened to the Brotherhood, and the fates of all other echidnas.
White_Wolf: not to mention where Dimitri actually is

KenPenders: I really have no plans to solicit any work from Archie at this point. For one thing, I'm on the verge of signing a contract regarding a major animation project, and I want to see how that goes first. I've spent over two years just getting to this point with regards to this project.
KenPenders: My life is more being a lot of irons in the fire and waiting to see which one or more gets off the ground.
KenPenders: For example, I'm helping a friend get his film project off the ground, which can be accessed at the website
KenPenders: As you can see, I've been working with Uma Thurman's stunt double from the KILL BILL films as she's slated to star.

White_Wolf: I have a good question you might be able to answer for me involving making films, Ken
White_Wolf: i had ideas for up to 9 sequals to a film called the Little Fox, or Vuk, and i was wondering how you think i should approach the creators on making them a reality
KenPenders: First of all, who owns the original films and when were they released?
White_Wolf: it was Pannoniafilm
White_Wolf: it was an old cartoon from the 1980s i believe
DanDrazen: WW: My brother wanted to do an English translation of the book that became "Kiki's Delivery Service." I suggested he contact the original publisher to see if someone didjn't already have the English language rights to the book. That was the last I heard of the idea so I guess he didn't luck out.
White_Wolf: so Ken, is it harder than it sounds to get people to accept your ideas, like my sequal stories?
White_Wolf: i mean is it hard for anyone to get ideas going?
KenPenders: People won't talk to you about sequel stories unless you own the rights. Simple as that
White_Wolf: you mean i'd have to own the rights to the first film?
KenPenders: To WW: yes.

KenPenders: The only other project I haven't mentioned is a screenplay being considered at one of the major studios.

KenPenders: Getting back to the comic book project I'm working on, it actually has been more fun than I expected and some of the best art I've ever done.
KenPenders: I hope to be able to post some pages real soon on the website.

KenPenders: As far as my plans for Knuckles, unless I were to revisit that with Archie at some point, my attitude is the same as saying what I'd do with SONIC. It's not fair to Ian and the gang.

KenPenders: Okay, I'm taking questions, so everybody please be patient and I'll do my best to answer everyone

Sonic915: What was your favorite Sonic or Knuckles comic you wrote?
KenPenders: My favorite Knuckles story was in SONIC #143 called "Father's Day", my second favorite is a toss-up. As far as my favorite Sonic story goes, that's a tough one as I have a lot that qualify for different reasons

Dirk_Amoeba: It scares me a little that Knuckles, which has been your thing all along, has now passed out of your hands. Not that I mistrust Ian

Rlan: An Old Question you may not know anything about: Looking back at "Crocbot", was his lack-of-legs a bit of an in-joke? I ask because the cover for Tails issue #3 has Crocbot in a tank, the same model which was used for Endgame.

EthanEmerald: I have to leave in a minute or two, so I have a request. Would you share with us a little bit of info about M25YL? When will it run? Will it have a happy ending? How long is it in length? (If anyone has questions about M25YL, please ask them with me!)
KenPenders: I don't know yet what issue Mike is running the two-parter I wrote, but I don't think you'll ever see my original ending for the entire series
EthanEmerald: You had to change the ending? Was it for good or bad? It's not going to be a cliffhanger like Sonic #144's story, is it?
KenPenders: The M:25YL 2-parter was 11 pages in length for each part and projected to run as the main story in successive issues

Dirk_Amoeba: M25yl: two main stories or two back stories?

Agent_M: How did your political veiwpoints inspire your creatively regarding the comic. For instance: Did feminism play a key role with any of the charachters like Sally, Bunnie or Julie-su?
KenPenders: Julie-Su was definitely inspired by my wanting to create a female character equal to the boys on any level.
Dirk_Amoeba: Silly question: Was Julie-Su's name inspired by Juliet? The two characters share some superficial similarities.

Sonic915: What was your favorite Sonic Super Special you wrote?

DanDrazen: I'm wondering how disruptive it was when the DC marketing deal kicked in and two pages of story had to go bye-bye every issue.
KenPenders: It's hard for me to evaluate the DC deal because I was always given a finite number of pages in recent months to write my stories. It was Mike who had the harder job of trying to make the pieces fit.
JE: Dan: As far as I understand it, the DC deal did not have an impact on the number of story pages. It had an impact on house pages (i.e. house ads and letters pages.)
KenPenders: To JE: That's not quite true. If you'll notice, untill recently, SONIC issues featured up to 25 pages of story and art, sometimes 26. Now it's a regulated 22 pages a month.

White_Wolf: okay Ken, you might not know the answer to this question, but in the previews of #162 and #163, the story is going to deal with "Anonymous" so, is Drago going to be in those stories, since thats who he is currently working for?
KenPenders: I don't know who Anonymous is eventually going to be unveiled as. Originally, i was going to reveal it was Robotnik's ancestor from SONIC #146- #149, but Mike scotched that once Joe factored in Professor Gerald in one of his stories
Dirk_Amoeba: But what Joe says in Sonic X doesn't affect StH, does it?
JE: Oops. Ken just gave away the plot of Sonic X # 29!
KenPenders: Dirk, the concern with SONIC X was making sure it had it's own distinct identity. The other concern was that its popularity didn't adversely affect the flagship series.
Dirk_Amoeba: Ah, I see what you mean. And I agree with Mike, that is quite important.
White_Wolf: well is the "Wuff" going to be in those two stories?
White_Wolf: Ken, involving the Anonumous story, i was just wondering if Drago, as well as Sleuth and the Foursome will appear in that story, since Anonymous is who they were working for, cuurently
White_Wolf: so Ken, do you know if #162 and #163 will feature the Gulag escapees, by any chance?
KenPenders: regarding future Sonic storylines, you'll have to ask Ian or Joe or whomever else is involved. I've turned a page and have no answers beyond what I've done.

EthanEmerald: Do you THINK (Just guessing on your part, Ken) that the Doctor from GBU will ever appear again, if he's not going to be Anonymous? (From previews of Sonic #162-#163, it looks like Finitevus is going to be Anonymous.)
KenPenders: Chances are the Doctor from GBU will never appear again, but Ian or someone else could prove me wrong.

Sonic915: What were plans going to be like for Knuckles comic around issue #50?
KenPenders: SONIC #100 contains a much shorter version of what would have been KNUCKLES #50

Agent_M: Mr. Penders, what would you say to those who wonder why you didn't seek a more traditional female throughout Knux's adventures when making the leading lady of Knuckles: Julie-su?
KenPenders: Well, for one thing, I don't know what a traditional female is as I've never lived with one. My mother was a working mother before that was an accepted part of our culture and any female I've ever known always had a strong sense of identity.

DanDrazen: I wonder whether Shadow (and even Knuckles for that matter) aren't in the same league as Lobo at DC: a great character, just not able to carry a title on his own.
KenPenders: KNUCKLES did carry his own title. His problem was something called STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE, which snapped up shelf space in the stores that Knuckles used to occupy.
Dirk_Amoeba: TPM just ruined everything we all loved, didn't it? Honestly, the whole Saga flows better without it. But I suppose I'm digressing a bit.
DanDrazen: Seems to me that it was opportunism that dictated which title filled the slot; there couldn't have been a real correlation between the decision to ax Knuckles and TPM. Or is that one of those internal things we're not supposed to know about?
KenPenders: What the Knuckles situation came down to was economics. Dark Horse was willing to pay for more shelf space, plus the retailers felt Star Wars was a more commercial viability than Knuckles. Translation: they felt they could sell more copies of the former than the latter.

Sonic915: Did you think that after End Game the Sonic comic was gonna get cancelled like the cartoon?
KenPenders: When I was planning the ENDGAME saga, it was taken as a given it would be a miracle if the series lasted beyond that. Once we knew we'd keep going after ENDGAME, I was faced with the decision of staying with Sonic or taking over Knuckles.
KenPenders: The thing was, with KNUCKLES, I was guaranteed i would be the sole writer whereas I wasn't given that with Sonic.

Agent_M: As a writer, what sort of things do you think Archie looks for in potential writers? What sort of limitations should an aspiring writer expect when writing this series
KenPenders: You'd have to ask Mike at this point what Archie's looking for in writers. I know that may not be what you want to hear, but that's the reality. I'm more interested in turning out the projects I want to do as opposed to working on someone else's take.

Dirk_Amoeba: It's my opinion that the comic's problems really got started when your Knuckles stories and Karl's Sonic stories were combined into one book, which couldn't accomodate them. Any comments on that, Ken?

Agent_M: Where were you headed with the dreaded issue of the various relationships in the comic? And how about the relationship between Sonic and Tails? Would their current problem with Fiona have resulted in a distance between the two? How did Mike react to the idea?
KenPenders: Where I was going with the relationships was essentially a return to the status quo, but it was going to be a rocky road to get there due to all the nonsense Karl perpetrated towards the end of his run. His biggest mistake was llowing Sonic and Sally to get engaged, which was the beginning of the pile-up.
KenPenders: Mike likes conflict, as it gets readers agitated. Which is not necessarily a bad thing as sales usually go up as a result.
Agent_M: Does Archie seem to agree with a return to status quos with relationships? It seemed like Bunnie and Antoine for instance were quickly reunited.
KenPenders: I reunited Bunnie and Antoine because the readers REALLY WANTED IT. That was my valentine to them.
Sonic915: I liked it when Antoine wanted Sally not Bunnie *sigh*
DanDrazen: Nice to know about Bunnie-Antoine; their trial separation never worked because nothing meaningful happened to either of them.
Agent_M: Ah, so I suppose its up in the open. and Sonic915 I felt humor over Antoines attempts to woo Sal-gal. With Bunnie they seemed affectionate and all but they really didn't show much of a dynamic to me outside of endgame. Well enough about Bunnie and Ant, how about charachters shown to a lesser degree like Fiona and Mina. Any idea what would've happened with them?

Lynn: I guess Ken, you answered the question I had, before up top by you trying out all these art projects...and seeing where it leads too. I'm experimenting with diffrent types of charectors now and challengeing myself

Sonic915: Besides yourself who do you think wrote the best stories for the SONIC comic?
Sonic915: I liked your stories the most.
Sonic915: The only comics I read are Sonic or old Knuckles.
Hiro0015: Yeah, I've never had interest in other comic series... I've followed Sonic since #38... Ken, I loved your Knuckles stories, and it's hard to see you go
Sonic915: Penders was always my favorite penciler.

Sonic915: Do you still wish you were writing stories for the Sonic comics?
KenPenders: That's a hard question to answer, Sonic915, because you don't just walk away from something you've worked on for twelve plus years without feeling something.

Lynn: I can't think of a Sonic question...
KenPenders: You don't have to ask just Sonic questions, gang.
Lynn: I just wasn't sure if comic artist questions were a seperate category. Being a comic artist myself I see comics different but that's just me.
KenPenders: I do know that if my other project does get off the ground, I suspect most in Sonic fandom will be very interested for obvious reasons.
KenPenders: You can ask comic art questions, Lynn. I won't mind. 🙂
DanDrazen: That's why we're here, for the Sonic stuff. Peter Beagel may regret being identified with having written "The Last Unicorn" but that's his legacy.
KenPenders: I understand, Dan, and I'm not trying to run away from my Sonic legacy. if anything, I'm proud of what I've done.
KenPenders: And i suspect if Archie and I could come to terms, I could be talked into doing something again. But I can't wait around from them to decide what they want.
Lynn: Not for learning about being a comic artist from a professional when you have the chance? Okay Ken here it is do you have to experiment with lots of types of comics before you get a series started?
KenPenders: Lynn, what an artist has to do is learn to how to be comfortable drawing anything, not necessarily a particular series.
KenPenders: Someone may want to draw SONIC, but they better be prepared to draw Archie or The X's or whatever if that's what they're being offered the chance to draw.
Lynn: Thanks Ken I apprciate the advice 🙂
Lynn: I've sold some of my artwork but praise is more important
KenPenders: Good for you, Lynn. But while praise is good, good constructive criticism is even better.
Lynn: True Ken, If you have praise all time you'll never see your mistakes. I need to push myself beyond my comfort zone. I've done some comics and people didn't like my charector but I had to express some anger at the time. But still the person was right. It will take awhile to figure out
Lynn: Ken, If someone sees something wrong with your charector do you have to redo the charector like, edit the charector? Take your time answering
KenPenders: Lynn, it all depends on what the criticism of the character is, as there's no definitive answer to your question.
Lynn: With my charector she was a heroine type but came across too aggressive I want her to be more assertive but that I'll have to read up on what assertive is. She was protesting against a company about a sterotype. That's neat your doing a catholic comic 🙂
Lynn: I hope I can write all the answers you gave me Ken. I hope this chat is saved somewhere but you answered my questions thanks for taking the time too. I apprciate it 🙂
KenPenders: You're welcome, Lynn.

Dirk_Amoeba: Ken, who is Ian Droid from SSS#7?
KenPenders: Ian Droid was my character from the Lost Ones, which for the purpose of the Sonic book I was going to allow Archie to use as an alternate version of Robotnik until the big reveal in SONIC #75.

White_Wolf: well Ken, whatever happened to Dimitri becoming Enerjak again? i heard that was supposed to happen around #100 and we're way past that mark

Sonic915: Were you the one who painted SSS #2 Brave New World?
KenPenders: Spaz did a pencil drawing from my layout for the cover of SSS#2, which I then rendered using an air-brush. The original piece currently hangs on my wall.
Dirk_Amoeba: SSS#2's cover is cool. I was just admiring it yesterday.

Spite: Can you tell us what Coconuts involvemnt in the current Sonic storyline was going to be (assuming he isn't in #159, which I haven't read yet)?
KenPenders: I was going to reintroduce Coconuts and Crabmeat in SONIC #157 through #159. This is not telling tales as the scripts have been written for some time and originally incorporated elements from the Shadow game.
KenPenders: The problem was that Sega was never able to supply us with sufficient info to adapt the game properly.

Agent_M: How would you have handled Sally being a NIL (and possibly out of action because she was expected to rule) while returning dynamics to the status quo regarding Sally and Sonic? And what do you say to those who felt Elias reclaiming the throne was OOC?

Sonic915: After you got up to Sonic #75 how much longer did you think the series was going to last?

White_Wolf: Ken, how should we ask other writers about future Sonic stories? by posting messages at the board, addressed to them?
Dirk_Amoeba: WW, you know Ian has a board, right? And Joe frequents a bunch.
White_Wolf: no, i didn't know that Dirk
White_Wolf: how do you get to it?
Hiro0015: And both Ian and Joe frequently post on the MoFo...
KenPenders: To WW: that's for you guys to figure out. Ian, Joe and anyone else have always been welcome on my board. Even Karl. Where Karl abused that courtesy was by creating a controversy he knew had been addressed off-line. If he didn't like it, he should have addressed it with Justin, not make it into a public spectacle.
Spite: I've seen Joe post on the Sonic Anime Forums too. 😛
Dirk_Amoeba: Ian's board:

Agent_M: Which series do you think SEGA values more? This one or the new Sonic X series. There's talk that staff just wants to be rid of the comic so they can focus energy to Sonic X. What's your take?
KenPenders: SEGA values Sonic, period, no matter which version. He is their flagship character.

Sonic915: My buddy Knux1033 says he used to IM you but I don't know if this is true, is it?
KenPenders: I've spoken with lots of people online, so I may have talked with him.

Sonic915: In Sonic #71 did you have to change the way Sonic looked simply because SEGA did?
KenPenders: Sonic was changed at the directive of SEGA for Sonic #71.
Sonic915: Was that the only time you had to change him?
Alantar: On that topic, why was Evil Sonic's look changed without explanation after he didn't have green eyes back in the Sonic Underground crossover? Just an oversight?
KenPenders: Probably an oversight.
KenPenders: The only thing we were able to refuse was incorporating SONIC UNDERGROUND into our continuity.
Agent_M: are the comics forced to conform to the Sonic Team storyline? If so to what degree?
Sonic915: If you had to change Sonic then why not Robotnik around issue #40?
KenPenders: SONIC X must conform to the series, but the original series pretty much has a freer course to chart.

Dirk_Amoeba: Can you tell us anything about the animated series you're working on?
KenPenders: The problem with working in Hollywood is that one can only talk about a project around the fringes until it actually goes into production, and even then it's sometimes difficult to talk about.
KenPenders: There's a lot of politics, money and egos involved so that if you say the wrong thing prematurely the whole project could be scuttled as a result.

Agent_M: Were there ever any thoughts of Julian making a serious comeback? Was Mina to be reduced to a singing career and left? What about Snively will we learn or should we have expected to learn anything of him?
KenPenders: The one thing I will say about my plans for Sonic was that i had planned to kill off Snively, only he was going to die a hero in redemption for his sins.

Sonic915: When you were still doing SONIC comics did you think SEGA was too involved?
KenPenders: The only time I felt SEGA was too involved was years ago, but I've enjoyed a great working relationship with them the past several years.
Sonic915: Around what issue?
Agent_M: Oh and has SEGA ever try providing ideas for stories?

Agent_M: Would you/ have you preffered working with the SatAM cast as the main cast, or the ones from recent Sonic Team games?
KenPenders: Agent M, that's a question I'll answer once Ian is solidly established on the book. It's really too soon for me to say at this point what I would have done.
KenPenders: I really, really do wish Ian and Joe all the best.

Dirk_Amoeba: Ken, I'm sure you'll still read the books. But will you join the discussion on your board?
KenPenders: Only when I feel I can add something to the discussion without impacting anyone else, Dirk.

Sonic915: Even though your not working on the SONIC comics anymore does any of the other writers ask you for some ideas?

KenPenders: Oh, this isn't Gospel yet, but I have it on good authority that reps from Sega may have a booth at the San Diego Comic-Con.
KenPenders: NOTHING IS ETCHED IN STONE YET. However, I do know they want to celebrate Sonic's 15th birthday in a public venue.
DanDrazen: One of the stories about the San Diego Con that I heard on the news last summer is that it's considered to be geek central and that's where the studios test-fly/market their ideas and projects.
KenPenders: You got that right, Dan. Beyond a doubt.
KenPenders: I'm going to be at San Diego Comic-Con again this year. I'll probably be promoting my work on SONIC, but more likely to promote the project i'm working on.
KenPenders: I'll still discuss Sonic, so don't be shy around me.
KenPenders: If any fans make it to San Diego, i'll be happy to talk to them about all things Sonic and other topics as well.

Agent_M: How strongly do you relate to Sonic and Knuckles as charachters? Do you find yourself a little like or totally different from what sort of charachters you've written for and created.
KenPenders: I relate to Knuckles a lot more than i do with Sonic only because I've had greater control.

Sonic915: Was TAILS 3-mini series something to see if people wanted Tails to have is own Comic book like knuckles?

Spite: Will you ever shed any light on the canned Sonic Anime special that never saw print? Like, story-wise and stuff. We've seen the character art already.
Spite: I mean *manga...
KenPenders: Patrick and I are willing to do that Special still, but i agree with Patrick that the whole concept was undermined to some extent by Justin when he encouraged the artists to look more manga-like.

Dirk_Amoeba: Why was a new Metal Sonic created in StH # 157 only to be KO'd in the first few pages and play absolutely no role in the story arc? Was it the remanant of a discarded subplot, or what?
KenPenders: Metal Sonic wasn' even part of the original version of the story, then was incorporated in at editorial request, then further changes had to be made at the last minute in order to meet the deadlines. It was a frustrating experience to say the least.
Spite: That's what I thought. Issue #158 was damned confusing, I figured it suffered from editing.

Sonic915: When did you realize the KNUCKLES comic was going down hill and what did you do to try and bring it back up?
KenPenders: I don't think the Knuckles comic was ever going downhill, though issues #30 through #32 may seem that way. i just wasn't my best doing those issues because I had just learned the cancellation of the series prior to writing and drawing those issues.

Dirk_Amoeba: In your opinon, did Romy Chacon's treatment of the Chosen One plot reflect what you had been building toward?
KenPenders: No comment on the Romy stuff. As for the Chosen One plotline, I was never given the opportunity to resolve that one properly, so I never worked it out where I was going with it.
KenPenders: I do remember we were trying to build on the Knuckles/tails relationship we had established earlier.

Sonic915: If KNUCKLES comics got up to #50 would you have somehow got KNUCKLES to think his dad is dead again somehow?
KenPenders: Locke was never slated to die until the storyline in "Father's Day". At this point, i consider his story as complete as you're likely to see.

Spite: Do you know why Tommy the turtle has been forced on us? It seems nobody likes him at all. At least, I've never heard anybody say they like him. How do you feel about the character, did you feel challenged at trying to make him fit in?
KenPenders: I never minded Tommy. Mike wanted to use him and I figured "why not?"

Brian: Why did you do the Tails/FIona deal

Sonic915: It seems to me the Sonic/Knuckles relationship is alot closer in the games then in the comics.

Brian: why break up Sonic and Sally, they were great togehter.
Spite: Karl broke them up, remember?
Brian: However, I want to know why. And Ken would you have done the same or not
KenPenders: I would not have gotten Sonic and Sally engaged for a variety of reasons, most of all because they're too young for such a step.

KenPenders: I'll say this: the biggest surprise for me was how much attention was paid to my leaving the book, especially within the industry press. i just didn't think it warranted the headlines.
RDB: "Industry press"?
KenPenders: Ron, as in "comics industry" such as and the Comic Shop News

KenPenders: One major thought I'd like to share before this comes to a close: I've always appreciated the fans, even when they criticized whatever I've done.
Dirk_Amoeba: Ken, I've been harsh on you as long as I've been in the online Sonic community, both on your stories and on other matters.
Dirk_Amoeba: But I want you to know that I love the greater part of your work and I'm glad you've been so close with your fans.
KenPenders: Getting back to my thoughts on the fans, as anyone who has ever met me knows I've never talked down to them or thought i so above them. i always made time for as many as I could. What i resent are those who would make the claim otherwise, as i don't understand what they have to gain by saying that.

Brian: Ken what gave you the idea in ENDGAME to try and Kill Sally and how much trouble did yout get in when it was found out, and did anyone warn not too.

Sonic915: Where do you think the SONIC comic is gonna go without you?

Sonic915: Is the Q&A over?
KenPenders: Just about, Sonic915. I have to get back to work in a minute or so.
Sonic915: thanks for your time Mr. Penders
RDB: "back to work"? What are your typical hours?
KenPenders: Ron, it's 7:02PM PST, so it's early for me. i tend to do my best work in the evening hours, as this has never been a 9-to-5 gig.

Brian: When did you decide to bring Ant and Bunnie back together.
Brian: Why put Rouge with Evil Sonic?
KenPenders: Why not put Rouge with Evil SOnic? i thought that would be a fun pairing.
Brian: But what made you finally bring Antione and Bunnie back together?
Dirk_Amoeba: As he mentioned earlier, lots of fans wanted it badly.
KenPenders: I brought Ant and Bunnie together for the majority of the fans. Simple as that.
KenPenders: Dan had complained in a recent review at the time that there were no happy endings in SONIC, so I wanted to give him one.

Brian: How much trouble Ken, did you get when you tried to kill Sally off in "EndGame".
KenPenders: If SEgA hadn't decided they wanted to try something with Sally at the time of ENDGAME, she wouldn't be around today.
Dirk_Amoeba: This comic's history is as fascinating as the stories themselves
KenPenders: You have no idea, Dirk. Not by a long shot.
Brian: What did they (Sega) want to try with her. Cause I'm glad she's still around

KenPenders: ANyway, guys, this lasted longer than i had planned. The time really flew for me.
KenPenders: I'm calling it a night, guys. Any further questions can be posted on my messae board or e-mailed to me.
BobR: Yes, it is getting late. Let's thank Ken for his time and answering the questions put to him. 😉
KenPenders: I'm sure someone will post a transcript.
Dirk_Amoeba: see you, Ken. Thanks for everything!
foxxyfiona: Thank you for your time.
DanDrazen: Yes, thanks for the session.
Brian: Thank you Ken. I'll e-mail you more questions. God Bless.
KenPenders: Take it easy, everyone. It was fun. And I'm outta here.
Spite: Thanks for yoru time. Seeya Ken.
Dirk_Amoeba: Later, all.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Thanks for that, Dirk. I'm glad you were in the chat so we ended up with some decent questions instead of the "I WANT TO WORK FOR SONIC" and "omg wat iz happening in teh comic next" stuff that seemed rather heavy this time round.:ohbrother
