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Was the Sonic X min...
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Was the Sonic X miniseries a success? What next for mini-s'?

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So, the first 4 issues of Sonic X are out, filling up the initial "Mini-Series" setup, but was it a success in sales? If Joe can answer, how does Archie tally up their sales for each month? Since the Archie line sells more in supermarkets and not comic stores [where all sales data comes from], how do they figure out the sales?

Do they do similarly to the video game market, where they get 60% of the sales, and determine the other 40% of retailers who don't release sales tracking [like Wal-Mart] via calculations?

If so, what could be next for Sonic Mini-Series stories? Anything you'd like to see resolved in the current storyline via a 3 or 4 part set of issues? Currently DC and Marvel just can't get enough spinoffs or seperate books [What with the DC reboot currently going on, and the Ultimate Marvel lines], and I'm sure all the Archie / Betty / Wacky Archie Hyjinks books all well enough too. Sonic seems to have a whole load of strings left dangling, and some talent who REALLY want to get some stories out there [Detoro? Ian Potto, hell, even Ghallagher wants to shine with the Dulcy Story!], but can't due to page shortage, that we might get to see some new talent stretch their legs a bit.

What do you want to see as a mini-series?

I'd love to see a 3-4 part issue of the Missing Year. Tell the story of Mina and Ash, How Fiona joined the FF, the events of the Evil-Antione, the take over of Angel Island. Plenty of stuff to go through.

I'd also love another Tails mini-series based on his adventures Tails Adventure and the battle with the BattleKuku. The island could easily be Downunda's Tasmania 😛

Posts: 83
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rlan wrote:

So, the first 4 issues of Sonic X are out, filling up the initial "Mini-Series" setup, but was it a success in sales? If Joe can answer, how does Archie tally up their sales for each month? Since the Archie line sells more in supermarkets and not comic stores [where all sales data comes from], how do they figure out the sales?

You are correct in assuming that it is more difficult to track Archie's sales because of the newstand distribution. It takes several months longer to assess sales than it does in the comics store direct market where everything is sold on a non-returnable basis, so whatever is shipped is considered sold. With newstand returns, it takes a while for the final numbers to be worked out.

The only thing I've heard so far is that #1 did very well. It may be a while before I hear anything about #2 on.

I would love to see more mini-series, but you should keep in mind the amount of time and work it is to deal with a licensed property. With Marvel and DC, they are creating multiple titles/projects (mostly) centered around characters they own. There isn't the additional layer of time/effort involved with approvals.

For example, when working on properties owned outside of a comic company, the owner of the property has the right to approve every step of the way. That means approval for each step: cover concept, cover pencils, cover inks, cover colors, plot outline, script, pencils, inks, lettering, coloring, and final package. Most licensors have a ten business day turnaround policy for approvals written into their contracts. Right there, you've added a possible extra 22 weeks to the process of creating a single issue. If the licensor requests any changes along the way, then the material has to be "corrected" and resubmitted for approval. That can add additional weeks to the process. This would not happen with Marvel on Spider-Man or DC on Batman because they don't have to answer to anyone outside of the company. They can afford to be much more nimble when dealing with properties they own than they or Archie can/could be with a property they do not own.

My point being that as much as I would love to see more mini-series, the reality is that it is very difficult to make that happen quickly or in great quantity.

Just another little peek behind the curtain.

--Joe Edkin

Posts: 89
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just thinking: i think you should have a shdow the hedgehog mini-seiries(i would not be able to read it i am in the uk but i have spoken to some american freinds)

Posts: 83
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pompousvampire wrote:

just thinking: i think you should have a shdow the hedgehog mini-seiries(i would not be able to read it i am in the uk but i have spoken to some american freinds

At this point in time, there are no plans for any mini-series. However, if you'd like to see Shadow get a mini-series, then I suggest you send a letter to Mike Pellerito, the Sonic editor at Archie comics. It's not something I have any control over.

--Joe Edkin
