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What are the POLICIES of the Eggman Empire?

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Posts: 337
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Okay, we know Robotnik is evil. We know he CONQUERED the lands he now rules. But since he can't turn people into robots anymore (WHICH TOTALLY SUCKS!), what policies does he exactly impose on the people his armies have conquered? His factories appear to be still run by robots. He still runs a nearly solo-act except for the odd relative. He says people are too scared to oppose his rule, but what ARE those rules?

While the single digit archie issue Robotnik was a goof and an idiot, at least he had POLICIES he informed in his empire (see Robotnik's Rules in one of the early archie comics).

So exactly how is Eggman being in control different from these people for how they lived before?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

from what we've seen in Home i think when he actually captures people he finds annoying or bothersome, it seems like he would try to have them killed. not that this could be explicitly stated in the book though.

Posts: 133
Estimable Member

Mess with Robotnik, and it's off to the Egg Grapes with you!

Actually AW, you bring up a good seems like he has no set way of dealing with his enemies, except total destruction and secret projects.

Posts: 5772
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He says people are too scared to oppose his rule, but what ARE those rules?


Posts: 51
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hmm. didnt eggman try to assassinate mina mongoose cuz she wrote a song ripping on him or something?

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Assassinating Mina was for two things: he hated her music and he knew it would be a major blow to Kingdom of Acorn morale.

The Empire's rules beforehand were your standard Saturday morning cartoon villain rules: no laughing, no smiling, no having fun, no music, etc. Robotnik Prime got darker before the U.A. incident, though, and Robotnik 2 (aka Eggman) is even more evil than his Mobius Prime counterpart. Likely, the same rules still apply, but now there are a million others and they'd all be enforced lethally if he actually had anyone living under his thumb.

Without the Roboticizer, he's stuck either executing his enemies or sticking them in the Egg Grapes, although that second option seems to be wearing out fast. I mean let's face it: he hasn't been able to keep anyone in there long enough to eliminate them except the Arachne. The Angel Islanders got sucked into the Zone of Silence, A.D.A.M. let Mogul and Naugus (I assume Naugus since they got out together) out, Finitevus sprang the Destructix, and the natives of Knothole were freed by the Triple Threat, Amy, and NICOLE. The only reason the Arachne got iced was because the writers decided that they'd played out the whole "Spider Ninja" schtick and it was time to drop it.

True, the Egg Grapes are pretty dangerous, and it sounds like he has some plans to use them against Enerjak, but I just don't see anything major coming out of it. Anyway, to get back on topic, the Empire's rules are basically quite simple: if you're not a mindless robotic lackey, then you're an enemy of the state and will be eliminated with extreme prejudice. Of course, the Freedom Fighters and their friends have been on that list for years, and they're still alive and kicking.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

But then again, that's just because the focus of the comic books has just been on the antics of a certain blue hedgehog and pretty much anyone closely associated with him, be it friend or enemy (and anyone closely associated with them too, like Knuckles's connection to the BoG). We rarely get what happens to others who Sonic has only met once or never met before. We hear the story of Sonic finding his mother and Muttski deroboticized, and the efforts spent trying to return his father back to normal. We don't hear about the Mobian child who, upon hearing the news of Robians coming back home completely normal, waited days and nights for the his roboticized mother and father, who would never return home since their destruction in an accident in one of Robotnik's factories. We see a dear, er, deer couple rescued by Nate Morgan during the siege of Mobotropolis; we don't see the death of a young, bright-eyed college student just because she was just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, trying to help evacuate the city. We see E.V.E. suck a planet dry of metal. We don't see billions and billions of lives destroyed, millenia of culture, knowledge, ingenuity, wisdom... all go down the drain in "about the time it takes to eat a meal", just because Robotnik didn't get something right in her logic subroutines.

We only see the Egg Grapes as a failure because the the only times we see it are when they ARE failures, and THAT'S only because of some deus ex machina figure comes in and springs them out. Perhaps they DO work. Perhaps there have been thousands upon thousands of Mobians, normal run-of-the-mill Mobians with no superpowers or weapons or unusually exceptional intelligence or any friends with that sort of thing, who've been captured, shoved in there, and had the souls sucked out of them. Perhaps it was a bloody success in the other parts of Mobius. It's all this hidden, implicit stuff that would normally make us cringe and think "God, this is just totally twisted." Instead, we just tune it out, for the sake of entertainment (which in itself is somewhat twisted).

But then again, perhaps I'm reading too much into a comic book meant for kids. xP

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

Oh, wait...That was all mostly said. Never mind.

Posts: 337
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Okay, let me try this again. Robotnik has said to Sonic he effectively controls everything except Knotehole, and thus why no one came to their aid when he trashed the place, and told Sonic to search forever and to never find help after knotehole was dead.

But I'm just saying, without the robotocizer, and besides a ban on Mina's music, what are those people he's conquered doing differently from before?

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

They're doing what he says, or he blows them up. Knothole ring a bell? XD

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Eggman thinks the world should bow to him as ruler, is entirely self-serving in his campaign, favours robots and mechanics over people and their natural homes, takes whatever resource he wants, and destroys anyone who disagrees. Therefore most people probably wouldn't like him as ruler. Therefore they disagree with him. Therefore he attempts to destroy them.

Seriously, did Eggman ever strike you as a benevolent ruler?
