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What could've been (STH: One Year Later)

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As I posted on the news page, Sonic #154 was Karl Bollers' last story on Sonic. However, what I didn't put there was that he sent me an overview of what he wanted to do with many characters. I plan on posting it in full on Sonic HQ when I get around to finishing my other comic-related updates. I definitely don't consider it too big a deal since basically most things mentioned either have happened or won't be happening (hence my topic title). I always think it's interesting to see what ends up on the cutting room floor, and I decided to give a preview because teasers are so much fun and I've been bursting to talk about it. Since the whole thing was split up into Protagonists/Antagonists with subheadings underneath, I picked one character under each subheading and posted their profile. I'm also noting which characters I didn't select under each subheading so that you can get some of an idea of how much other stuff is missing. The entire rest of this post is quoting from Karl's "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: One Year Later..." (though formatted slightly differently) unless it's in brackets--those are my comments.



Primary Characters
Sonic The Hedgehog - The Hero

Lives with his parents in Knothole City; currently the field leader for the Knothole Special Forces Team (consisting of Tails, Amy Rose, Bunnie Rabbot, and Fiona Fox) in the war against Doctor Robotnik a.k.a. Eggman and other enemies of freedom; Sonic's team is assigned missions by his ex-girlfriend, Princess Sally, which makes for awkward situations. The two are at odds because Sonic chose the life of an adventurer rather than be her royal consort, but it doesn't interfere with their professional relationship. Much. As issues progress, Sonic will find two new potential love interests in the form of teammates Fiona and Amy. Problem is, he has no interest in Fiona and Amy is an annoyance...isn't she? A recurring dream he's having would suggest otherwise...

[Other primary characters: Tails, Knuckles, Amy]

1st Tier Characters
The Chaotix - Knuckles' Friends & Team:
Espio The Chameleon - Straight Man; Dark, Gruff Ninja-Type
Vector The Crocodile - Loudmouth, De Facto Leader, Decision Maker, Job Taker
Charmy Bee -Scatterbrained Team "Mascot," Little Guy Who Goes A Long Way
Mighty The Armadillo - The Muscle; Asks-Questions-Later-Type
Ray The Squirrel - Cheery, Upbeat Newbie; Most Agile; Agency Secretary

Currently freelance operatives for the Kingdom of Acorn in the war against Robotnik; because none of them are echidnas, they don't believe that Knuckles is 'The Avatar'; to them, he is just their best friend who, they are thankful, was able to cheat death; when Knuckles' leaves on his pilgrimage to the far east, the Chaotix remain in Knothole City with Julie-Su where they opt out of being incorporated into the Knothole Special Forces Team and decide to instead open a detective agency (as established in KNUCKLES CHAOTIX, SONIC HEROES and SONIC X); it is in the period during Knuckles' absence that the "Chaotix Connection," would ideally occur; after Knuckles liberates Angel Island, the Chaotix will relocate their detective agency to that location [Just to clarify, Angel Island wasn't going to be liberated after RtAI though it is slightly detailed when it would've happened storyline-wise in the overview--just not in what I've posted]

[Other 1st tier characters: Sally, Julie-Su]

2nd Tier Characters
Antoine D'Coolette - Bunnie's Former Boyfriend; Sonic's Former Rival

Currently serving as head of King Max and Queen Alicia's security detail on the royal tour; the war against Robotnik greatly changed Antoine's personality, making him into a darker character; only Dr. Quack knows how Antoine got his scar (it wasn't in battle-he slipped on a banana peel while in the kitchen and fell into a nearby cutlery rack); Antoine doesn't know that there is another reason why he is chosen for the tour-one that dates back to issue #60's "The Ultimatum," where Max tells Sally that the Source has advised that she marry Antoine-Max never stated why; the new manifestation of the Source, located in an underground grotto in the eastern mountains, holds the key; it will be revealed that the Source knew even back then that the future war would make Antoine darker and that's why it instructed Max to choose him as Sally's mate-he represents the loss of innocence; the Source was hoping that Sally would fully bond with it and fallen under its sway; as future king and queen, they would have been its puppets; the Source still intends for this to occur; Antoine is taken to the grotto and immerses himself in the Source at Max's behest; the Source offers him power beyond his imagining, enticing him by telling him that he can finally be respected by everyone and win back Bunnie; poor Antoine accepts the Sword's offer, is possessed by its will, and becomes a villain; the Source will refuse to release Antoine from its grip until Sally fully bonds with the Source and accepts the Sword as her own in "Ultimatum II"

[Other 2nd tier characters: Bunnie, Fiona, Mina, Jules/Bernadette, Uncle Chuck, King Max/Queen Alicia, Nicole, Rouge, Shadow]

3rd Tier Characters
Locke & Lara-Le - Knuckles' Parents

When Angel Island was invaded by Robotnik's forces Locke was the last of the Brotherhood left standing (the others are missing at best and presumed dead at worst) and the Master Emerald was entrusted to his care; meanwhile, the pregnant Lara-Le went into hiding with her current husband, Wynmacher, and other free echidnas under the protection of the Dark Legion; it was there that she gave birth to a baby boy named Kneecaps the Echidna; when Haven's location is discovered by General Von Stryker and the Dingoes, Locke entrusts the Master Emerald to the Dark Legion before being captured and subsequently tortured to reveal its location; in the "Return To Angel Island" arc he is eventually liberated by Knuckles, Sonic, the Chaotix, and the Dark Legion; Lara-Le mistakenly believes Hunter's energy-spear to have killed Wynmacher, Moritori Rex, Saffron, and Remington, when it has actually teleported them to Megaopolis; Lara-Le is once again without a companion, and in an ironic twist of fate, Locke offers to help her raise Kneecaps-even though they aren't romantically attached, perhaps now they have a second chance at raising a son properly

[Other 3rd tier characters: Rotor, Elias/Meg, Ash, Hope, Big/Froggy, Station Square President/Secretary, Dulcy, Geoffrey/Hershey, Downunda FFs, Dr. Quack, Rosie, Monkey Khan, Rob/Merry Menagerie, Wolfpack, Muttski, Rory/Snaggle/Sasha]

Game Protagonists Who Have Yet To Debut
Bark The Polarbear - Bean's Partner

An extremely strong "gentle giant"-type; Bark keeps Bean from destroying nearby landscapes

[Other game protagonists: Cream/Cheese, Vanilla, Bean, E-123 Omega, Omochao]


Primary Villain
Dr. Eggman a.k.a. Robotnik - Principle Threat

Currently resides within his science fortress located in New Megaopolis, the capital of the Eggman Empire; during Sonic's one-year absence, Eggman declared war on both the Kingdom of Acorn and Station Square; without his primary nemesis around to foil his schemes, Eggman has been able to fortify his robotic/technological arsenal in order to capture such prized territories as Angel Island and Sandblast City; the Mobians living in his territories are oppressed by his Shadow-Bots; Eggman will use any means possible to crush his enemies and conquer the entire planet; his name is at the top of the Kingdom of Acorn's and Station Square's most wanted list; the sad truth is that Eggman has no one to love and no one to love him back-not even his artificial "children"; Eggman hates Sonic as much as he fears Shadow-he knows that Sonic won't stop until he's imprisoned for his crimes while Shadow has no qualms about killing him outright; he considers his creations, A.D.A.M. and M, to be his children-artificial heirs who will someday inherit his empire; in the "Black Hog Down" arc, Eggman will kidnap his niece, Hope Kintobor, in order to lure Shadow into a trap; Eggman will also find a new nemesis in the form of Skarkus, an enigmatic robot that wants him dead almost as much as Shadow and a new rival in the form of Coconuts

[Other: just Robotnik/Eggman here folks ;p]

1st Tier Villains
Metal Sonic - Sonic's Sentient Robot Duplicate

Version 1 sacrificed life to save Tails at the end of issue #87; in the upcoming "Metal Madness" arc in issue #150, a new version of Metal Sonic-created by Nate Morgan- will appear to wreak destruction on Knothole City and New Megaopolis along with Metal Knuckles, Metal Amy Rose, and the Tails Doll; because Sonic, Tails, and Amy are missing (and Knuckles left Knothole City weeks ago), all of Knothole will mistakenly believe that these are roboticized versions of the heroes; at full chaos energy power, he becomes the Metal Overlord and can morph into any character (as of SONIC HEROES)

[Other 1st tier villains: Ixis Naugus, Source of All, Mammoth Mogul, The Strand, Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll, Metal Amy Rose]

2nd Tier Villains
The Skarkus Robot a.k.a. Snively - Robotnik's Nephew and Foe; Shadow's Ally

This villainous, "new" anti-hero will arrive on the scene during the "Black Hog Down" arc to attack Eggman's science fortress and aid Shadow; the two will become allies more out of a hatred for Eggman and a desire for his destruction rather than out of any common goals; Snively hates his uncle because he left him for dead during the Xorda attack on New Megaopolis in "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha"; for months, no one-not even the readers-will suspect that the 15-foot tall Skarkus is not really a robot, but is instead Snively inside a sophisticated (albeit glitch-filled) battle suit; readers will learn Skarkus' true identity before Shadow does, and much of the humor that follows will be Snively trying to keep Shadow duped by not blowing his cover

[Other 2nd tier villains: Coconuts/Nate, Nack a.k.a. Fang, Lien-Da/Dark Legion, A.D.A.M., Mecha a.k.a. M, Heavy/Bomb, Caterkiller]

3rd Tier Characters
Evil Sonic - Sonic's Alternate Reality Dark Version

Banished from the Anti-Mobius, currently resides in a prison cell in the No Zone under the watch of Zonic the Zone Cop; in an upcoming arc called "Evil May Care," Evil escapes from prison after being denied parole and travels to Mobius Prime; once there, he finds himself in battle with Sonic; Evil manages to get a jump on Sonic and imprisons him in a solitary area; he gets rid of his sunglasses and leatherjacket, goes back to Knothole City, and decides to temporarily replace Sonic in order to avoid being recaptured by Zonic; while pretending to be Sonic, Evil causes havoc in Mina and Ash's love life, kisses Amy, and tries to put the moves on Fiona despite the fact that it hurts Tails; however, he finds that he deeply enjoys the way Jules and Bernie treat him; when a threat rears its head, Evil is forced to be a hero, and in so doing, finds that he enjoys the role; as a matter of fact, Evil enjoys it so much, he decides to take over for Sonic permanently...and the only way to do that is by getting rid of Sonic [After reading this, I'm thinking that scene where Tails saw Evil Sonic & Bunnie was an alteration of an Evil Sonic & Fiona scene; and if that's true, that would partially explain why there were so many editorial note errors in #152-3 concerning what was said to have happened with Amy & Fiona in Sonic #150-#151 but didn't]

[Other 3rd tier characters: Col. Mange (I assume that they changed this to Gen Kage)/Dingoes, Moritori Rex, Croctobot, Iron Queen, Void, Gala-Na, Anti FFs, Jack Rabbit]

Game [Antagonists] Who Have Yet To Debut
The Battlebird Armada - Tails' Foes

Hi-tech airborne army led by The Great Battlekukku XV; ravage and pillage areas; similar in appearance to Bean; Battlekukku XV's son (unnamed) is second in command; first appeared in TAILS' ADVENTURE and are primarily his adversaries

[Other game antagonists: King Boom Boo, Bokkun]

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Game [Antagonists] Who Have Yet To Debut
The Battlebird Armada - Tails' Foes
Hi-tech airborne army led by The Great Battlekukku XV; ravage and pillage areas; similar in appearance to Bean; Battlekukku XV's son (unnamed) is second in command; first appeared in TAILS' ADVENTURE and are primarily his adversaries.

The fact that he didn't stick around for this to happen is criminal. And I don't even care about the comic for the most part, so that says something.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


As issues progress, Sonic will find two new potential love interests in the form of teammates Fiona and Amy.

I hope I'm not skirting the edge of the no-relationship-discussion rule, but I hope the Fiona angle is getting scrapped.


Amy is an annoyance...isn't she? A recurring dream he's having would suggest otherwise...

I rather like this idea. The single most defining feature of Amy is often ignored in the comic.


[Other primary characters: Tails, Knuckles, Amy]

Heck yes.


1st Tier Characters
The Chaotix - Knuckles' Friends & Team:

This sounds great. We need more Chaotix in the comic, so hopefully Ken will do something similar to this.


2nd Tier Characters
Antoine D'Coolette - Bunnie's Former Boyfriend; Sonic's Former Rival

While that does sound like a pretty cool storyline, it also sounds like we'd be losing the Antoine we knew permanently, which is something I have an awful lot of trouble dealing with. I'm honestly not sure whether I support the Bollers version or the Penders version.


[Other 3rd tier characters: Rotor, Elias/Meg, Ash, Hope, Big/Froggy, Station Square President/Secretary, Dulcy, Geoffrey/Hershey, Downunda FFs, Dr. Quack, Rosie, Monkey Khan, Rob/Merry Menagerie, Wolfpack, Muttski, Rory/Snaggle/Sasha]

... NO.


a new rival in the form of Coconuts

... YES.


in the upcoming "Metal Madness" arc in issue #150,

... and instead we got Evil Sonic. Doubleyou tee eff?


a new version of Metal Sonic-created by Nate Morgan-

Oh, please. Bringing back Nate? Making him evil? I don't think so.


The Skarkus Robot a.k.a. Snively - Robotnik's Nephew and Foe; Shadow's Ally

Now THAT'S what I wanted for Sniv. Not a random appearance and joining the Brain Trust.


[Other game antagonists: King Boom Boo, Bokkun]


I hope you post the full thing soon. I'm really gonna miss Karl, although I can't say I'm sorry to see Ian.

Hey, Ian! I dunno if you're reading this, but try to get some of these ideas into the comic!

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Yeah, Ian. ESPECIALLY the TAILS ADVENTURES subject. I'd love to see a TAILS ADVENTURES adaptation, even this late. I loved that game so much.


Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Wow, can't believe Karl is leaving the comic. Shame, I liked most of his stories and these ideas he had, well, some of them, really catches my interest.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I'm gonna miss Karl. If only we'd had some of these stories, instead of the inane drivel that Ken is pumping out...

It's about time Archie hired some new writers. Ian's a good start, but they need one or two more.

Posts: 124
Estimable Member

it's really almost depressing to read this, knowing what potential the comic almost met, and what complete sludge we are actually left with. Karl, i'll miss you, it was a pleasure having you around.


Posts: 1321
Noble Member

. . . . . no wonder he left most of his plans (mostly sonic) are not to my liking. expect the sonic heroes adaption that should be cool if done well. i am not going to say much but in m:25yl sonic not with amy or fiona but with sally, that all sry.:nn;

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


i am not going to say much but in m:25yl sonic not with amy or fiona but with sally, that all sry.:nn;

Mobius 25yl is a possible future. That's what Justin said, that's what Karl said, and that's what Mike said.

Now, with Ken at the book's helm, it looks like he'll be setting a bit more store by the 25yl future, but that doesn't mean it'll necessarily be the definitive future.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Tails Doll was going to be in 150?!

A part of my soul just died, there's no reason to exist in a world where that "SonicvShadowvMetal" and "Evil Sonic" arc took place instead.

*Hugs Tails Doll and dies*

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Is this suggesting that Nate was to come back as COCONUTS? That would really be interesting. What if Nate's digital life-data was saved into a remote server, somewhere, where it was redownloaded into a new body... COCONUTS?

Heh. Don't shoot me.

The BATTLEBIRD ARMADA! I can't say how much I love this idea, and how much I loved that game. I so want a Tails Adventures Adaptation. I'm wondering if Bean is related to the leader, too.


Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Is this suggesting that Nate was to come back as COCONUTS? That would really be interesting. What if Nate's digital life-data was saved into a remote server, somewhere, where it was redownloaded into a new body... COCONUTS?

I think it's more implying that Nate would be working with Coconuts. I may be wrong though.


The BATTLEBIRD ARMADA! I can't say how much I love this idea, and how much I loved that game. I so want a Tails Adventures Adaptation. I'm wondering if Bean is related to the leader, too.

Pethaps team Babylon would also be related to them...

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Hold on... so even Karl Bollers never planned to explain why Antione was such an ass? Simply that "the war made him darker"? Thanks a lot, Karl!

To be honest, I wouldn't consider any of these good ideas. What makes this so compelling is that he planned to introduce all the characters that have a cult following. Heh, I betcha WB had something to do with that.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Hold on... so even Karl Bollers never planned to explain why Antione was such an ass? Simply that "the war made him darker"? Thanks a lot, Karl!

I think I'd take that reason over him being replaced by Anti-Antoine.

Posts: 378
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Maybe he'll come back, like Axer. If Axer really is coming back...

Posts: 1583
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EE, what Dirk said. All the "/" are basically my form of saving space. Instead of going "Coconuts & Nate" I put "Coconuts/Nate." I figured since some others were obvious "ands" (i.e. Lien-Da/Dark Legion) that people would guess that they are all "ands." ^_~

Edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot. Dirk, you're not causing an issue with the relationship rule with your comment about Fiona. I already know when I post the full thing that some people are going to go crazy on the relationship issues. I'll worry about it then. ;p

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

Sonic/Amy? Chaotix Detective Agency? The Source of All as a malevolent force that possesses Antoine and then Sally? Tails Doll? Battlebird Armada? Void? Coconuts as a rival to Eggman? King Boom Boo?!

Come back to us, Karl! All is forgiven! :(

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I think there's a deeper reason why Karl quit. I think it's something that's being kept a secret ;)

Could it be from a rivalry between Karl and Ken?


Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Ken and Karl don't like each other? That's the most startling revelation ever! 😛
In all seriousness, I find these storylines are a mixed bag. Changing the Chaotix from second-tier FFs to a detective agency would've been a very smart move IMO and they'd seem for mare "in-character" to the second wave of second fans (i.e. the target audience that's more familiar with Sonic X and next-gen consoles than the old Knuckles comics/mini-series). Having more game characters appear could work out, provided they are given an actual reason to be there (the nit-picker in me is compelled to mention that Bark DID appear in the comics, during a flashback in Endgame. So he debuted, but didn't do anything important). Making the Source evil? It's an interesting plot, but it just doesn't click with me (Karl seems to be forgetting that Max and all the previous rulers bonded with the Source without becoming sinister puppets). And I think Sonic's lovelife is complicated enough without adding Fiona to the mix.

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Karl seems to be forgetting that Max and all the previous rulers bonded with the Source without becoming sinister puppets

Keep in mind that I only gave you piece of stuff before you make judgements on what was/wasn't forgotten in terms of continuity.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Ken and Karl don't like each other? That's the most startling revelation ever! 😛

Why does everyone seem to think they dislike each other? Perhaps they have creative differences, but why does everyone equate that with dislike?


Changing the Chaotix from second-tier FFs to a detective agency would've been a very smart move IMO and they'd seem for mare "in-character" to the second wave of second fans (i.e. the target audience that's more familiar with Sonic X and next-gen consoles than the old Knuckles comics/mini-series).

I probably could not have said it better myself.


And I think Sonic's lovelife is complicated enough without adding Fiona to the mix.

See above.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member


Karl seems to be forgetting that Max and all the previous rulers bonded with the Source without becoming sinister puppets

You know.. Considering that King Max probably would've consulted with the Source before hiring Julian as his Warlord, and apparantly wasn't told about the whole "Dr Robotnik" deal..

...I think it's safe to doubt the Source's true intentions now.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

I know Karl pinned my ears back a couple times during his tenure, but I'm still sorry to see him go. I hope it's to greener pastures.

That said, I'm glad he never got the opportunity to ramp up the mumbo-jumbo quotient of the book by making the Source an evil consciousness. Which would make the Source, what, a Sauron knock-off? Can't you just picture Antoine scuttling around the castle looking for his "preciousssss" Suh-wooooord?

And why would the Source, which you've got to figure is pretty darn powerful despite its having to communicate with past Acorn rulers through the medium of a puddle of goo, need a nebbish like Antoine anyway? To quote a line from Star Trek V: "What does God need with a starship?"

Well, at least we know what direction the comic isn't taking.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

well said :thumbsup . Sonic/Amy? no Karl, i am glad to see him go. hes left for good(hopefully) and take your crap ideas for sonic back too your hut. too bad for sonic/amy fans and i hear from something that a new writer for sth is trying too get sonic and sally back together. also i am glad that his other ideas will never come true. bye bye karl dont let the door hit you on the way out.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


well said :thumbsup . Sonic/Amy? no Karl, i am glad to see him go.

I hate to tell you this (well, no I don't) but that's probably going to happen anyway to some extent. Probably the extent where Amy has an unrequited interest in him, but I expect that to be stressed a lot in the future. This is just my conjecture, but as the comic has moved closer to the game in many ways and continues to do so, I think it's a safe assumption.


hes left for good(hopefully) and take your crap ideas for sonic back too your hut.

I think you're bashing Karl too much. His ideas weren't all bad. Some were, but not all. It's Skarkus I'm really gonna miss. Now that I know what he had planned for Sniv, one of my favorites, I'm even more disappointed with Sniv's unexplained reappearance and acceptance into the Freedom Fighters.


too bad for sonic/amy fans and i hear from something that a new writer for sth is trying too get sonic and sally back together.

The only new writer for Sonic that I know if is Ian Potto Flynn, and I don't think he's said anything of the sort.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member


I know Karl pinned my ears back a couple times during his tenure, but I'm still sorry to see him go. I hope it's to greener pastures.

He's done work for Marvel, so I hope they pick him up.


And why would the Source, which you've got to figure is pretty darn powerful despite its having to communicate with past Acorn rulers through the medium of a puddle of goo, need a nebbish like Antoine anyway?

According to Karl's notes, so it can force Sally into becoming its puppet- if she doesn't, it never lets her friend go.


take your crap ideas for sonic back too your hut.

Dude! We're losing the Battlebird Armada! :(

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

1) i think it was ian porto who said i think we can see sonic and sally back together sooner than we think. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) i said bad ideas for SONIC. the hut thing it was just insult to injury. and the reason i'am bashing him is MY veiw on what he was going to do with sonic. sorry if you dislike my opinion. ill stop bashing him now.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Having an opinion is fine. But expressing it in a way that puts down another person isn't. Just try to be a little more tactful in the future.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wouldn't you consider the mudslinging: "M25YL is not canon" *DELETE* "Karl is stupid!" "Oh and Karl's penname is: xxxx" would be dislike?

Posts: 462
Honorable Member

I'd use a much stronger word than "dislike" to describe that...

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Karl seems to be forgetting that Max and all the previous rulers bonded with the Source without becoming sinister puppets

What Lonewolf said. I also think however it has to do with just with the fact Sally said no. I mean the source has had influence over mobius for who knows how long and most of the rulers agreed with it without question. Sally so far is the only one to say no to it and after having power for so long, do you think it will let a little girl taking it a way?

...That said, I'm glad he never got the opportunity to ramp up the mumbo-jumbo quotient of the book by making the Source an evil consciousness...

And why would the Source, which you've got to figure is pretty darn powerful despite its having to communicate with past Acorn rulers through the medium of a puddle of goo, need a nebbish like Antoine anyway? To quote a line from Star Trek V: "What does God need with a starship?"

Aren't you prosuming the source is a true god? The fact it needs to bond with anyone (Ant, Sal, the royals, etc) should say otherwise. If anything it sounds like Karl was trying get ride of the "mumbo-jumbo quotient" (or distil(sp?)) it at least) by making the source more... well "human" pron to the same urges/needs/desires.

Posts: 218
Estimable Member

Like a few of you out there, the fact that Karl's leaving is a mixed bag to me. I'm not sorry to hear about the change made to explain Antione's attitude, as I happen to like zone traveling when it doesn't involve Zonic. :razz While there is no Heros story line, I'm glad the Chaotix are not a detective agency as I have no idea how Mighty, Ray or Julie-su would fit into it in terms of who's in charge and Mighty is my favorite of the Chaotix. I still wish the Chaotix would see more action with the main group though as they are freedom fighters nonetheless. No Metal Sonic troopers, Metal Amy, Metal Knuckles, Nate or Skarkus just makes me want to cry right now.:( On a final note: about Tails Doll, Bark, Bean, and the Battlebird Armada? Who or what are they and how do you people know about them?:?

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Tails Doll: EVIL possessed doll that resembles Tails. It has a mysterious glowing red crystal with a needle sticking out of its head. Appeared in Sonic R.

Bean: Also known as Bean the Dynamite. Bean is a green duck, possibly one of the BattleBird Armada. Bean's main weapons are his bombs. Bean appeared in Sonic the Fighters.

Bark: A powerful polar bear. Bark is a friend of Bean. Bark is a white, muscular polar bear, who also appeared in Fighters, along with a cameo in Sonic #50.

BattleBird Armada: Also known as the RoboDucks from TAILS ADVENTURES. They are green, a few are blue. They are all bionic, just like Bunnie Rabbot is bionic. These ducks are mysterious. They are rivals of Tails. Let me tell you, these bionic ducks LOVE bombs.

I hope that helps.


Posts: 1
New Member

Nate was supposed to be working for Coconuts. He gets amnesia or something, which is why he would have been bad.

And Scratch and Grounder were supposed to come back as Coconuts' lackeys. :D

Posts: 1583
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Topic starter

Ah, so you've been told about some of it too. I was wondering if anyone else had. 😉

In case anyone was wondering, you can read the overview in full and get a much better idea than what you currently have on some things.

I have some more updates to finish. ;p

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Aw, we could'a had a Bunnie origin story.

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I know though we'll probably get one of those eventually for Bunnie. Maybe if people can convince Archie to stop featuring Tommy everywhere it'd happen sooner. ;p

The only thing that bothered me was the Master Geode because I think Archie has enough gems. But the stuff on the Source, the Chaotix, Station Square, Snively, Shadow, and others (including giving me a story synopsis that I actually would've liked Evil Sonic for) more than made up for it. ;p

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

So when are you planning to post the rest of the stuff, True Red? =)

Posts: 80
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the sad truth is that Eggman has no one to love and no one to love him back

HOW TOUCHING !! (...and believable)

Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Some of these ideas sound interesting. There are others that I don't know what to think of, especially about the source. Overall, there were some stories of Karl's that I liked, and that I didn't like. One good thing about him leaving is that I might get some things I wanted in the comic to happen, though they might have happened eventually.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I managed to read more of this on the Sonic HQ site and I just cried a river. Man, a lot of these stories have so much potential and I'm excited to see them, but who knows what'll happen now Bollers is out. He actually seems to have done something I've been waiting for them to do: focus on the older characters then make new ones.

Heck, there's not even a mention of Tommy Turtle in there.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member


making the source more... well "human" pron to the same urges/needs/desires.

That's the last thing this comic needs: the Source with an urge/need/desire for pron!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

But pron is... well, pron! Who could resist? They greatly offend me! }:O

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

sorry for skipping two pages of reading but when i saw true red's post i nearly screamed.

KARL!!!!!!! WHY GOD? WHY?!!!
i was hoping he'd come back and save the comic from certain penders related destruction.

but after reading #154 i knew that wouldn't happen.

Way to go ken. woo. yay awesome.:fist

Posts: 1583
Noble Member
Topic starter


So when are you planning to post the rest of the stuff, True Red? =)

I posted all that I have on Sonic HQ now (link). I know there's more stuff in terms of plans, but I can't say I'd ever get more than this or how much of that was saved. For the most part we can fill in some blanks anyway. So, enjoy that this stuff isn't happening or scream that this isn't happening. It's up to you. Personally, I'm with the screamers because it seemed to be striking that balance of maturity yet still silly that I'd want. ;p


Heck, there's not even a mention of Tommy Turtle in there.

Karl might've been forced to add Tommy if he stayed though because the Romy stories that Archie refused to swallow basically added Tommy to the group. I think Ken has given Tommy a larger role than necessary because the business with the nanities obviously isn't Romy's doing.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member

Here's a way of dealing with Tommy Turtle..

"Hey, where'd Tommy go?"

"Oh, we figured the Substitute Freedom Fighters needed a tech expert of their own, so we sent him."

"...And where are those guys?"

"Somewhere in Limbo.."
