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What Sonic character would you like to see again in the future?

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Whether it be in Sonic The Hedgehog or Sonic Universe, which character(s) would you like to see again (and why, if you'd like to put in)?
mine are:

1.) Geoffrey St. John - Though he was in one previous issue, I think he should return to possibly become Sonic's rival again.
2.) The Brotherhood of Guardians - I think they've been in the Twilight Zone long enough. Other than characters mentioning them & the recaps, they haven't officially have been seen for what, about nearly nine years in the series?
3.) Zonic (Zone Cop) - a brief appearance in #197, he should come back along with a couple alternate reality stories (well, I guess that's why we have Sonic Universe then.
4.) Tommy Turtle - no, just kidding! He was just like Nate Morgan, both showed up for awhile, then had similar fates.

Posts: 200
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Hmm ... let's see now.

1. Dulcy the Dragon - Those GUN soldiers may as well have shot the ol' girl back in 106-107 because that's the last time she's done anything notable After that story she got one last backstory that seemed to have been held over for years before it was published and faded from the Freedom Fighter's ranks. In retrospect she may have been good for fighting the Egg Phoenix if she were allowed to come on this trip.

2. Rob o' the Hedge - Always seems to be present in most stories that focus on Amy after his initial appearance. Not really much about him, though, unless I missed a few issues back reading. I had to do a double take when someone mentioned that he's the King of Mercia. He is, but it's never really served any purpose because he never really acted like a King.

3. Muttiski - I'm serious. He's my favorite completely useless character. I don't think Muttiski's been seen anywhere during Ian's run in the comics (which would mean in at least 40 issues). He's been confirmed to have survived the destruction of Knothole, though, and a few other times in the Ask Ian sessions as just laying around the house. I thought that Sonic getting the translator-thing installed would have made for some interesting dialogue if nothing else. Crazy dog.

4. Big the Cat - According to this he was supposed to be moved to Knothole City following the year jump but it never actually happened. I faintly remember his current location being reconfirmed as The Mysterious Cat Country? In any case it'll be nice to see the big, lovable, goof again. I think the last time he was seen was during the big battle scene in Sonic 125. Might've showed up in " Home " but finding a character in there would be like playing Where's Waldo. It's been even longer since he had any lines.

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Oh and also:

Jack Rabbit and The Sand Blast City Freedom Fighters - There should be a storyline or return of him. He was only shown in 3 issues. I liked him as an obsessed villain. He should make a good comeback or at least join the Destructix.

Posts: 633
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Sonic wise

Dulcy the Dragon-she's a cool character she needs more "Air" time, pardon the pun

Monkey Khan, seriously havn't seen the guy for over 100 issues, I know he's just a third tier character but if Rob o' the hedge can come back, so can he.

The Downunda FF: Its been to long sense weve seen them, or sense theve had a back story

Big the Cat & Froggy: Just Cause he's a fun character.

Knuckles wise

Ebony hare: Bugs bunny mafia style, sure he's a minor villan but still pretty cool

Spectere: Out of all the Guardians this Guy is the coolest Hopefully at least he'll make it out of the twilight zone Eventually.

Thunderhwak: my 2nd fav guardian.

Tikal & Chaos" The SA series characters need more comic apperances!

thats pretty much all I'd like to see

Posts: 1446
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I second the return of Muttski - even just one panel a year with him sleeping on Sonic's bed would make me happy.

Posts: 2116
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I agree with the Admin account - there're too many loose ends or throwaway characters that I feel need fleshing out. We've never seen Rob actually doing his job, we've never seen Muttski's connection with Sonic- or even Sonic's translator itself - taken any further (Sonic having to consider things from someone else's perspective and not being able to just shut it out? I'd read that), and we need more Dulcy.

I know I've said this before, but I want to see the resolution of that abusive relationship he was in. Apologies if I'm coming across as too politically correct (without going into detail, I have a personal bias), but we got to see Hershey get over Drago, get her self esteem back and actually sort her life out - Dulcy was just left hanging in the same situation, and that bothers me...

Posts: 136
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I wouldn't mind seeing Dr. Finitevus again! Weird dude but cool.

Posts: 356
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Right now I would like to see more of Max. I'd imagine it must be hard for him going from being powerful to being irrelvent. The last time he was seen, if I remember right, he was angry that Elias and Sally went aganist his wishes and had the conusel formed. Plus, Max seems to have gone back to a King Saul attitude that he has towards Sonic at times, as far as being suspicious of Sonic. Eventually, I think Max should probably be killed off, but for now he still can be interesting and he has some unfinished bussiness. I would like to see Max say he is sorry to certain people.

Posts: 82
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More then anything or anyone, I would like to see Knuckles father's return from his so called death?

Posts: 2809
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Sorry, rattrap, no "so called" about it. He's as dead as a door nail; the only thing you might see of him is in the Chaos Force with the rest of the Guardians that have passed on to the big Haven in the sky.

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yeah, they should've had an off-panel about another reaction from knuckles to his father's death, saying something like, "Free? I'm free! Whew! No more pressure from him!," or something. nah, jk.

Posts: 82
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I'm sorry, but that's what Ian wants you people to think that Knuckles father is dead. In fact with in a couple of years Lockie will return because there's a lot of people out there that want to see him return, so don't believe anything Ian says? Because personally I don't like or trust Ian, I mean he really doesn't know which direction, he wants to take on the Sonic comics and he has most of you people fooled into thinking that he's a good writer. Truthfully if he spent more time on the story itself and less on the hype behind the story then he wouldn't be as disappointing as he has been for the last year and a half!

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Yep, most people like Ian, and just because you don't like Ian, and you are certainly entitled to that opinion, rattrap, does not mean Ian is "fooling" anyone. Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Posts: 200
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Like him or not I can understand why Ian got rid of Locke and the majority of the Brotherhood / Dark Legion. Having a huge cast of echinda characters was great back when Knuckles had his own comic but now that he shares rent with Sonic and the others they don't have the time or space to flesh these characters' stories out. Locke was one of the few I hated to see go but he had a very good run and a respectable death. I felt he did all that he could for Knuckles.

And I don't know ... Knuckles always seemed closer to Lara-Le then Locke in my opinion. For not having seen her since he was a toddler when he first met her he managed to maintain a pretty strong bond with her throughout the years. Locke seemed to be more his mentor then his parent.

Posts: 398
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You really need to see this webpage, Rattrap, it might just teach you something.

This had me cracking up. Nice one Toby.

Like him or not I can understand why Ian got rid of Locke and the majority of the Brotherhood / Dark Legion. Having a huge cast of echinda characters was great back when Knuckles had his own comic but now that he shares rent with Sonic and the others they don't have the time or space to flesh these characters' stories out. Locke was one of the few I hated to see go but he had a very good run and a respectable death. I felt he did all that he could for Knuckles.

And I don't know ... Knuckles always seemed closer to Lara-Le then Locke in my opinion. For not having seen her since he was a toddler when he first met her he managed to maintain a pretty strong bond with her throughout the years. Locke seemed to be more his mentor then his parent.

I agree with a lot of what you said. Not to mention, there still are a large number of echidnas, they just aren't seen as often as they used to be. We already see quite a few in the DEL as a matter of fact. To add onto that, I felt that most of those killed were characters that didn't really add much or were repetitive. Let's face it, most of the echidnas were just Knuckles clones with slight variations. As for those who were important to Knuckles' story and for those we really got to know, they did stick around and are still present in the cast today. Even some obscure echidnas/dingoes are still around (like Komi-ko). Even the Brotherhood are still kind of around, just in the Twilight Zone. Locke is still present too, he'll probably be seen someday in the Chaos force. I personally don't think what Ian did with the echidnas was that unfair or unjust.

Locke never really did feel especially close to Knux (not as much as Lara-le). As for him and the rest of the Brotherhood being his mentors, Archimedes does a fine enough job I think.

Posts: 200
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I don't remember the last time Komi-Ko had any dialogue. I do remember her being slapped in the background of some Albion shots since the Enerjak saga. Not sure if that's better or worst then the case of Saffron who's been on the front lines with the Freedom Fighters / Chaotix since the 130 - 140s but hasn't had any meaningful dialogue. If not for digging deep and doing some serious backreading people might not know who she is or how she got drafted onto the Chaotix.

Even the Brotherhood are still kind of around, just in the Twilight Zone.

It seems like he's done with them for now but left the option of bringing them back (either by himself or another writer) open.

Posts: 398
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Well yeah, but the point is Komi-Ko is still there. She never really had any importance other than being Remington's date anyway. But for some sticklers, she's at least still around.

As for Saffron, she's a character I'd like to see get some attention. Like you've said, she's seriously lacking development. Most of her lines haven't helped develop her much at all, and she doesn't usually say or do much. I think Ian has a chance to develop her more now that Charmy is having some slight problems (after being Egg Graped). I'd like to see her be more than just a face in the background who looks like Charmy in drag.

As for the Brotherhood, I think that was so they'd be kind of out of the way. I think Ian has been done with them, and like I said, right now they'd be redundant of Archimedes. If they're needed, or serve can serve another purpose, then Ian or another writer could easily bring them back.
