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When did you first come across this comic?

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Posts: 13
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How and what year did you begin to get into this comic? For me it was around 2006 at barnes and noble i saw it sitting around aand just read away.

Posts: 1055
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Issue 0 of the starter mini-series back in 1993, probably got it from some grocery store... It's pretty much what got me to ask for a Genesis for my birthday that year! ¦D

Posts: 1100
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Sonic #40. I was at a convenience store where I say the cover of Sonic and Nack (riding off onto the sunset), yet Super Sonic Special #5 was the first Sonic comic I ever bought.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

1st sonic comic I bought was #76 back in 1999....however I didn't start buying the comic monthly till issue #90 (due to the fact most of the Adventure tie-in issues, or most issues from 2000 for that matter sold out fairly quickly at my local book store.)

Posts: 1191
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Been buying this comic since about #90, probably in like 2000 or 2001. Insane how long that's been...

Posts: 899
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I think my parents bought me issue #27 when I was a kid to shut me up in a grocery store. I was such a brat. lol

But I didn't really begin reading until #47. Took me years before I bought a ton of old issues at the comic shop and found out how that Fiona story ended.

Posts: 1758
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0 reprint in a truly awesome Sonic 1& 2 guide that included maps and lots of cool things.

Posts: 1702
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Ooh, boy. Let's see, the earliest issue I can remember getting was #15, so 1994.

Good heavens, I feel old.

Posts: 11
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my first comic was Knuckles' Chaotix back when it was released in 1995 (i was 8 yrs old). now here we are 15 yrs later, Sonic just turned 19 yrs old & i own every single Sonic comic. all of them, all the specials, mini-series, sonic super specials, & all 32 issues of Knuckles (but not the Sonic X series)

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

First one was #0 of the original mini series. I bought all of them, then begged mah momma' for a subscription. some 15-ish years later I still renew every twelve issues, and have every single issue released. Except for Sonic X. Which I regret. ;_;

Posts: 122
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Sonic #37 or Sonic #38 in a drug store (that has long since gone out of business)

Posts: 2
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A kid i was babysitting brought his issues out and i read them out loud, while doing the voices (My Antoine is simply filled with disdain). After that, i started to read them on my own.

It was a few weeks ago, i have gotten through most of the issues since.
Posts: 1446
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#10, back in... 1994 I reckon. I would have been six. I'm twenty-three now. Wow.

Posts: 356
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In a Kroger, sometime in 1995 in think(soon after Sonic Sat a.m. was canceled). I am not sure of the number of the issue(probably in the 30s).

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Issue 75 was my first full issue. That was the first issue in my subscription, after reading random panels and pages online for a while.

Posts: 5772
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I was vaguely aware that a comic book existed for Sonic. Might have seen it once or twice at random somewhere, never paid two minds about it despite being rather fixated on anything Sonic. They were the early issues, and they gave off a AoStH vibe despite seemingly having characters from the SatAM show, or as I knew it, "the good one". One time, whilst browsing the aisles of a convenience store (Thrifty, long before it became Rite-Aid) I chanced upon the cover of Sonic #78:

HOLEEEEE (expletive deleted), I thought to myself. What the hell was this? Who are all these characters I've never seen before (being familiar only with the animated Sonics of Saturday Morning and syndicated television)? Why is this cover art so damn appealing and-- whoah! The inside art's pretty cool and stylized too. I thumbed my way through the pages. The story was on the crux of adapting the Sonic Adventure arc, the new game I was already frothing at the mouth for. I took the book to checkout and devoured it when I got home.

I've been following the book (vaguely these days) ever since.

Posts: 1
New Member

1993. Issue 0. I remember because it was at eckards(a rite aid now) in the 4 pack. I thought I would've had to pay like 6 bucks. But I got issues 0-3 for a buck 50. Best day ever

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

I've read it since #2 that was sold in a combo pack in a quick-stop store.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Haha comics at quick stop.   Why did that get a chuckle?  Did you buy your first sonic video at an RST video?

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

My dad got me issue number 3 of the original mini-series and i started subscribing after that. My subscription went up until issude #78 when I became "too old" for comics. I became young enough for comics again around Issue #127 and I've been subscribing ever since. : )

Posts: 7
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I think I started picking through it at the Walden's Bookstore in Paradise Valley Mall around issue 21 or so, but didn't start getting it until the chrome colored 25th issue with the Sonic CD crossover in 1995. I already had a Sega Genesis at the time and my best friend and I were looking to the comic as filler when ABC killed off SatAM. I honestly think 1996-1998 were when some of my biggest memories of the comic were made. The launch of the Knuckles series, all the specials and super specials, and not least of all, the Death Egg Saga. Sadly though, there was a huge gap from issue 69 through 99 when first the comic store near where I lived moved, then I moved to Texas in 2000. However, I've been reading ever since I rediscovered the series at issue 98 while killing time at the local HEB Grocery store and have subscribed since 2007. I'm loving these trade paperbacks that come out every few months.

Posts: 136
Estimable Member

I first came across the comic at my local grocery store back in late 2000 (I later found out it was #88). I saw from a distance the comic sitting on a magazine rack and I was shocked to find something Sonic related at my grocery store. At the time, I really didn't know much about comic books and didn't think they were for me. It wasn't until about a year later that I finally decided to go check it out. I ended up picking up #102 and I've been collecting ever since only missing a few issues due to the grocery store dropping the book around #156. I subscribed in time to pick up #160 and haven't missed an issue since.

Posts: 4
Active Member

For me it was a trip to Toys R Us with my father that lead me to the comic. Yes, back in 92 at the age of 10 & 1/2 I was in the aisle of the game section when I spotted issue #0 of the mini-series. It may seem strange to hear that, but back then there was a rack filled with comics for buying, and I knew right then that I wanted to buy it. Strangely, I didn't go back until Jan. and by then #2 was there, making #1 the first of several issues on my "missing" list. In time before Ebay existed, finding issues was impossible to do, as I couldn't go anywhere on my own.

As the years went by, I was able to find it easier to get the comic at our local grocery store, but they wouldn't always have the most recent, thereby my list grew longer and longer. Finally, what happened after buying #30 became my last straw: I found at that the comic was up to 33 and since I couldn't find 31 or 32 in the racks, I noticed that my list grew to 13 missing issues. I told myself I had it and told my dad I needed a subscription. I never bought from the store after that, which would be ironic to me years later. my subscription to the comic ended at 81 (right when they had the lead-in to SA1), but because of the confusion out of Sega unifying the 3 continuities of Japan, US, & Europe into Japan's (as in "Wait, this isn't happening on Mobius, but on Earth? Why is that possible? How is that possible"), I felt burned out and didn't want to renew. To make a long story short, I never played SA1 except as a demo and at present I never will because of it (instead choosing to own & play SA2 years afterward on GC), but it was because I saw 84, 85, & 86 at the same store in my neighboring town that I bought and subscribed to the comic again as well as leading me to begin my quest on Ebay to find the missing issues. I collected Sonic comics & nothing else (not Mario, Donald Duck, Popeye, Superman, Spider-Man, or even Star Wars EU), and I was determined to make my collection "Complete".

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I first come across the comic back in 2002. My first issue was #108. I soon fell in love with the characters and the storyline. And the Archie Sonic canon quickly became my favorite Sonic storyline. I like the comics more then the games.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

This forum actually. I was always a fan of StC, and actually came across this forum looking for StC archives, got interested in the Archie series and read some of it. Occasionally I'll try and keep up with what is going on =V

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I remember picking up issue 60 when I first visited Florida. Like Crim I was a fan of StC, pretty big fan actually, so to see another Sonic comic was pretty awesome. In fact I distinctly remember thinking that the Archie comic was better than StC because it had a single, longer 20 something page story compared to StC's 7, 5, 5, 5 page format for their four comic strips which I just found more engaging and interesting.

Ordered a few year collections from the Archie website and found them to be pretty awesome, but I'm not a massive fan interested in the comic anymore, sad to say.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Issue 12, way back when. Was wandering through a newsagents when I spotted it tucked away between a Spider-Man and something else.
