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whats the best issue to start reading the sonic comics?

Posts: 1100
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Issue #1

Then gradually work you way from issues 2 to 203.

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i cant get the real old ones

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If you're a perfectionist, you should start with the Archive series of reprints that currently sell at Barnes & Noble and Borders. They cover the first 48 issues or so and are in affordable scaled down format. Each issue carries 4/5 stories and to date there are 11 volumes with 12 coming in October.

The problem, though, lies in the inconsistant nature of the comics. Knowing how things started when Blonde!Sally was living in a mole tunnel wont help you understand how Eggman's grape vine robot things are affecting today's continuity. Though the earlier comics introduce the mutliverse and Zonic, Evil-Sonic (now Scourge) and the Anti-Freedom Fighters and all.

I'm no expert, but I do know that there was a major retooling as of issue 50 when Robotnik dies and is later replaced with Eggman, from another dimension as there must always be a Robotnik.

If I recall the 50-100 era introduces a lot of important stuff about Knuckles' story (especially with his spin-off existing at this time), the non-Robotnik villains who filled his shoes while he was dead and some other cool stuff. Actual fans, fill in the blanks.

In regards to the latest "reboot", about issue 120 (3/4 years ago, so a lot of comics to catch up on) Sonic returned from a space adventure learning that 1 year had passed, Angel Island was occupied by evil forces and Sally and Sonic broke off their cutesie implied love. I started at this point, but got bored a little way in, as Archie is just not the Sonic of my childhood. Hope you manage to get into it. Say what you will about this forum and it's slowly dying userbase, we're still #1 for Archie!

Alternatively, if you wish to jump on the bandwagon and look things up for yourself Archiverse on Mobius Encyclopedia has an article for every single issue of the comic. Good for gaining large amounts of context in a short period of time.

Posts: 1044
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Knothole Village Forum! (Archie Sonic Comics, Fleetway Sonic the Comic, DiC Cartoons)

Clearly you should go for StC!

Posts: 520
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Start at the beginning of the Endgame arc, you can kind of skip the Tour of the World thing and after that you're kind of on your own, lol

Posts: 1446
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Start with Sonic #198 and Sonic Universe #1, as they are, in most respects, a good starting point for a new reader. If you like them, get some back issues from #160 on, as this is when Ian Flynn - the current writer - made his debut. If you really like the comic after that, get some of the older issues, and look at the Archives. Archives #1-#6 are mostly comedic stories with loose continuity, but #7 is where the stories start to get a bit more relevant.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i'm way more inclined to agree with craig, the archives would be a good way to catch up on alot of it, (not to mention they have some of the best stories from the olden days)

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

Start with Sonic #198 and Sonic Universe #1, as they are, in most respects, a good starting point for a new reader. If you like them, get some back issues from #160 on, as this is when Ian Flynn - the current writer - made his debut. If you really like the comic after that, get some of the older issues, and look at the Archives. Archives #1-#6 are mostly comedic stories with loose continuity, but #7 is where the stories start to get a bit more relevant.

I'd agree with this for someone new. Actually, I'd say Sonic #200 would be a pretty good place to start as well.

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thanks guys, ill pick up my first issue tommorow
