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Which comic characters do you hate?

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Myself, i can think of about three. Dr. Eggman, the dragon that tied up Dulcy in "Price of Flame 2", and that stupid teacher who gave Tails and Amy detention around the high 110's of the issues.

There's a link to that insanity here:
(sorry i had to put it like that but the link command is not working for me...)

I just HATE his look. It's like he's glad to see them there. Stupid jerk.

I can think of more to hate, but i will tell them later.

Who do you hate the most in the comic?

Posts: 48
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You're just begging for a stampede of Tommy haters, aren't you?


As for me, I'm nearly content now that Isaac has been dealt with. My most hated character has to be TATIANA, Antoine's tiger "girlfriend" in that one backstory during Patch's reign.
She's sooooo pointless/useless. I hope she is never mentioned again, except in passing to maybe say that she was shot by Fiona or something.

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Ah, his look is fine.

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wow. that's really not helping the topic much, but whatever.

the characters i hate are.............TOMMY. that's not much different than anyone else here. but i also basically don't like the whole Brain trust thing. it's pretty lame.

Posts: 2016
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Hated characters? *Sits on his porch, slowly loading the barrell of his shotgun, and now has a 'hillbilly' accent* Well, y'see, me pappy and me, we's always hated turtles. TOMMY! *BLAM!*

Okay, seriously. Hate is actually such a strong word, especially for using it in this context. They're only comic characters, so people shouldn't have to go so far as to 'hate' them. Dislike, sure, but hate? No.

Tommy Turtle. Of all the new characters which had stayed onboard the list of cast, he is the one who disappoints me most. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I just don't agree with this character.

Apart from that, I don't find any other characters intolerable, to be honest. When you have characters like the tiger chick who was meant to have been dating 'Twan, for me, that's okay, as that opens up a bit of Ant's past we haven't explored yet, and just they way she was presented was that she was a dominating woman, taking charge of the relationship, which Ant just couldn't do.

But, it's not just her who's appeared for, like, one issue and never appeared ever again. A lot more have made brief appearances and have never been shown again, but you can bet that almost each and everyone one of them had a purpose of being there, and that's what makes me tolerate them.

Oh, and lawls at that pic X3 Dub!

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I'm not sure exactly what you mean by hating them Do you mean characters that we wish were not in the book, or character that you "love to hate," like many good villains?

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both actually.

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I'm not very fond of Fiona Fox right now.

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St. John
Ok, he's redeemed himself a little bit in semi-recent issues, but back in the old days, say, when he first showed up in the Sally miniseries, I despised him. Not so much the fact that he was constantly flirting (and winning) Sally (while, BTW, she said "her heart belongs to Sonic" ) , but his blantant arrogance made him intolerable to my tastes. It's a good thing he found Hershey, in any case. Because once he became attracted to her and realized that there was something there worth pursueing, his character made a change for the better.

You know what's worse than a comic that regularly has lame stories. A character whose stories are lame, and that character making more appearances than he should. Seriously, he should have stayed dead after the death, because then, his life and death meant something. Now... bleh.

Ken Penders
Boy, am I glad they wrote thi--wait. Oops. My bad.

Posts: 504
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I hate:

1: Anyone who paired with Sonic on the daily basics. (Fiona fox took the cake on that one. Did'et she hate Sonic? And she seemed to appear from no where! Maybe I missed that issue. Well she chould be worse....She chould of 'get her freck on' with Bark, Bean or evern more worse - both of them!!! OH THE HORROR!!!)

2: Anyone who rise from the dead. (Mammoth mogul,anyonw? And did Sonic think Tommy was dead? or was it that part that Sonic found that Tommy was a robot?)

3: Anyone who wanted to kill Sonic on purpus.

It feel good to let something out your chest. Thank you for makeing this thread, Palin. :)

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Monkey Khan also reeks of poorly done stories and was nothing more then a personal fan character of the writer's. His character design is also ugly.

Posts: 2928
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Thats probably more to do with the fact that monkey's are ugly. Ooo Ooo Ah Ah! :crazy


Posts: 378
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Wow, this is a tough one... 😛 Ash the Mongoose! And why do I hate him?

A. He's an abusive jerk

B. He hates Sonic

C. He's possesive

D. He made Mina say that she loved him and not Sonic.

E. He's the writers' lame exuse to make *my favorite pairing that I can't mention because we cant discuss pairings here :"> (*, NEVER EVER happens.

So, to conclude, DIE ASH! *homicidial glare at Ash*

I also hate Sally Acorn. Not from SatAM, but from Archie. Why?

1. She kneed Nack where it hurts AND had TOTAL control over him in the first part of Songoose.

2. She slapped Sonic for wanting to save innocent lives

3. Mina put her own life in great danger to save Sally's after she had just taken Mina's crush away. And how does Sally repay her? By being jealous every time she sees Sonic and Mina near each other and hurriying Sonic away. Nope, not even a "thank you". Some princess...:rolleyes

I also hate other characters, like Fiona, but I don't have the time to elaborate.

Posts: 504
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Sally hade every right to kneed Nack's uh goodies.But seeing you like Nack so much of course your gonna defeand him. ;)

Other thean that, Sally is just self centered- point blank. She make 'princess' a bad name IMO. Why? I have no ideal. She just do. 0o

And you did point out that Mina saved Sally life. I forgot about that. But still Two girls are enough for Sonic.(Amy and Sally. Or did Mina appear first?) Not a frecking amry of them. But seeing that Sega Sonic is my style, That's just me.

Is it just me or is the comic turning into a Love trinagle from soap operas? I'll stop my rambling now. :)

Posts: 2016
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Ah, young Padawan, you obviously haven't been following the comic for very long.

Amy appeared sometime well into the early issues of the comic, (around #25 if I can remember right), while Mina made her debut around #90. My memory is a little hazy, on being an old man and such.

And it's not just you, but the comic was turned into a love-triangle Dynasty/Days of Our Lives/soapies I can't even name, years and years ago.

Welcome to the twisted world of Archie Sonic. =)

Posts: 1437
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Mina was first featured in issue #76, when Sonic stopped her from foolishly running into the newly rechristened Robotropolis to save her mother, if I recall correctly.

However, Mina was probably in development much earlier because a character who looked exactly like her appeared in issue #51, very briefly

Posts: 1446
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#52, I think it was. And Ken (or Karl, I can't remember who wrote the story) has said that the similarities between #52!Mina and Real!Mina are just coincidence.

Posts: 26
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Amen to that!!XD

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Hey I like Tommy, and I wish he had a bigger role right now, and same goes to Fiona, I like her alot more than sally(havent seen her in a while) I don't realy hate any of the characters I meen theres none that are bad enough to hate.

Posts: 136
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That teacher looked alot like my 8th grade social studies teacher.:lol

Posts: 16
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Okay...comic characters that I hate...Tommy, just because he's fricking lame...Mogul just becuase he's the basically, Mogul's the guy I just love to hate so to speak. Oh and by the much as you people don't like the archie's something to's still way better than Sonic X...or any of the newer Sega Sonic series...they just plain blow chunks!

Sonic X just gives me more reason to say "WTF is wrong with you, read a book, ppl!"

Posts: 504
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I like the games because i played his games then AOSTH thean SU, TEAN the comics.

Im sorry, But The writers of Archie try to be realistic buy putting in romance storys. Ok, i can live with that. But thean it became a soap opera and a Mina/Sally/Fiona/Amy/god who knows what else cat fight ALL FIGHTING FOR THE SAME HEGEHOG! And the large plot holes..PLEASE don't me started on that.

Plus, the only reasion i watch Sonic X is it's the only cartoon that focue on the video games more thean the comics. Yes, im crazy like that.

Thats why *I* hate the comics so much. You can say STH, SR, Sonic X, SA1 & SA2 suck. Thats *YOUR* option. *THIS* is mine. And if ANYONE who hate Sonics X you don't have to watch 'em.

And i read so much my mom worrys about me being anti social.

Crazy lady my mom is sometimes. ;)

Good night.

Posts: 80
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The character I dislike the most is probably Mogul. He doesn't look like anything; he just appears when he's not desired and says "I'm all-powerful, I do magic with my hands and I dont know exactly what I want". What is the meaning of his costumes and the rest, except for appearing much more square ?

Posts: 21
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I don't really like megaman, and...i HAAATE that INSECT guy...uh...ANTMAN!! thats IT.

Posts: 1355
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Uh, I just replied to 2 of misplaced posts of yours, helldude. This is the 3rd. Since I know you haven't read my replies by now, I won't give you an official warning yet. But I will if this continues.

Posts: 1402
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i honestly hate sally right now, she's borderline useless to anybody, and all's she's there to do is get back together with sonic. and that's. about. it.

i don't hate the character so much as i hate the way she's been written for the last couple of years. she's got basically no personality.

Posts: 67
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I also hate Sally Acorn. Not from SatAM, but from Archie. Why?

1. She kneed Nack where it hurts AND had TOTAL control over him in the first part of Songoose.

I find it strange when people hate a character partly because they hurt your favorite character. If I did, I would hate Shadow to oblivion. :( He killed all those poor Metal Sonics.:(

Anyway these are the characters i hate

Shadow (As King)
Anti Antonie
Tails (When he being a little sod)
Rotor (Ever since he got 'Old Man' Syndrome. Seriously, ever since 130 he looked like he went 20 years into the future.)
Amy Rose (I only liked her when she was younger.)
Ken Pend... oh wait i'm going off the list.

Posts: 2
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Ok. I got more characters i hate.

Future Lien-da (from M25YL v2 (With king shadow) for assisted attempted arrest)
King Shadow (for having no heart)
Sally (personal reasons)
Ash Mongoose (for all the reasons that Ultra Devil Chao listed)
Anti-Antoine (for actions taken during his run of Antoine's life)
Mogul/Naugus/Destructix (you know the drill)

that's about it for now.

Posts: 210
Estimable Member

So let's take a moment to think about this. Hate? Hate as in, if I saw this or that person walk down the street i'd scoot over and punch him/her in the face? Or do you all perhaps mean hate as in, "I wouldn't want to know/befriend that character?" I mean, I do grant that the thread title "Which comic characters do you rather dislike?" doesn't quite have the same impact, but perhaps instead of throwing out endless lists of characters that have somehow displeased you perhaps it might be a good idea to think about what facet of their character causes them to behave the way they do. I personally feel that the vast majority of the characters in the comic have surprisingly detailed/convincing reasons for being the way they are. And of course, sometimes they're just #&@^!)$# because they enjoy it. But those are exceptions, eh.

Posts: 58
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Im sorry, But The writers of Archie try to be realistic buy putting in romance storys. Ok, i can live with that. But thean it became a soap opera and a Mina/Sally/Fiona/Amy/god who knows what else cat fight ALL FIGHTING FOR THE SAME HEGEHOG!

Yeah, I agree. I do like romance they add. My caveat is the endless 4 way cat fight that needs to STOP!!


So let's take a moment to think about this. Hate? Hate as in, if I saw this or that person walk down the street i'd scoot over and punch him/her in the face? Or do you all perhaps mean hate as in, "I wouldn't want to know/befriend that character?"

I know what you mean there too!

My list however:
Metal Sonic:IMO,very useless
Snevily:he's stupid backstabber
Amy: Doesn't do it for me anymore.
Destructix: Something about them...

Posts: 1402
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Metal Sonic:IMO,very useless

i think it's the way he's used that makes him a less useful character, if they brought back the original metal sonic (the one that was evolving) then he might be better.





Snevily:he's stupid backstabber

from what little we've seen of him lately, yeah.


Amy: Doesn't do it for me anymore

doesn't do what for you anymore? :eek



but he's good at being evil, even for a vandal savage clone.


Destructix: Something about them

maybe it's because they're basically the fearsome sixsome now.

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Amy: Doesn't do it for me anymore

doesn't do what for you anymore?

Please get your mind out of the gutter!
I mean she used to be one of my favorites, but recently she's been lately a constant excuse for filler.

Posts: 2
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Well Tommy haters, good news.

He's dead.

Congratulations, you must really enjoy this, especially since he sacrificed himself for the future.

How sad...

Posts: 1402
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it was a joke dude, lighten up.

as far as the spoiler (refer to above post.) his death was handled extremely well and i think it was a good way to go.

Posts: 2116
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I've never seen the point of Monkey Khan of Tommy Turtle, except as Mary-Sues for their respective creators to play with. 🙁

I still have a strong dislike of Sally's self-centred attitude and tendency to overshadow any Sega character in the cast (Sonic included), but she's been taking more of a back seat recently.

The character I find a well-crafted villain I enjoy hating is Nack: mercenary, moral black hole and all 'round panto villain, whilst at the same time being one of the most dangerous characters out there because you can't trust him not to do anything to anyone if he's been paid enough.

Honourable mention in this category to King Max, for a brilliant reversal. It made such a change to have a group of rebels fight and sacrifice to claw their kingdom back with their bare hands, only to find that they've been fighting to restore a backward, reactionary old duffer who doesn't understand the first thing about the ideals they were placing in him.

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I still have a strong dislike of Sally's self-centred attitude and tendency to overshadow any Sega character in the cast (Sonic included), but she's been taking more of a back seat recently.

Thankfully, that is true.

Posts: 378
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So, Let me elaborate on why I hate Fiona.

Waitaminute. I can't, due the annoying "No relasionship talk" in this forum... Grrrrrr...:"> Well, Let's just say that she's my third most hated character...

Posts: 247
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Waitaminute. I can't, due the ever so helpful "No relasionship talk" in this forum...

Fix'd for truth. Seriously, the only thing relationship talk accomplishes in this board is a major headache.

Posts: 356
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I love to hate all the villains. Also, I agree about King Max, he is interesting and he is the reason I think there needs to be some major reforms.

Sometimes, it is not so much the character that bothers me as much as the characters' fans. For instance, the whole Mina thing was made worse(for me), because of some of her fans that acted like she was the best thing that ever happened in the Sonic universe.

Posts: 41
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How about I use dislike instead of hate. And the one I dislike most at the moment is Kage. I miss Stryker.

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i hate uncle chuck and his mustache

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I hate ROBOTICIZED uncle chuck and his ROBOT mustache!

Posts: 96
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Those early "badniks" from the early stories were definately unliked to me. Actually, any character that showed up for only a couple or a few issues weren't that good. Monkey Khan hasn't shown up since issue #92, i believe, i could be wrong. Those two zone guys: Al & Cal (now different names and are at war with each other,) were not that good too.

Posts: 356
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I have to respectfully disagree about Sally, I think she is one of the most unselfish characters in the comic. We are talking about a girl that let herself get married to an evil creature who she didn't love for "the good of the kingdom."

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Well, King Max isn't going to live forever, and they all knew Sonic to be dead at that point. I'd say she truly was acting for good of the Kingdom. Sacrifices have to be made in times of desperation.

Speaking of which, I really don't like King Max. He's always so grumpy (at least in the frozen time of around issue 65 where I'm stuck at)

St John has always done a great job of making me hate him.

As someone else mentioned, Nack is someone I love to hate. He's a brilliantly developed bad guy who's stood the test of time. Since the Triple Trouble special way back when, Nack has consistently reappeared and done dirty work in the most unpredictable of ways. Awesome character.

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1. Geoffrey St. John -- someone i've always considered a jerk because of his arrogance. for one thing, he was stubborn enough to believe that Sonic killed Sally during the Endgame saga.

2. Mina the Mongoose. ah, do i need a reason?

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2. Mina the Mongoose. ah, do i need a reason?

Yes, you do :nono

Serialy, what is the deal with all this "OMG, I h8 Mina, she has natrul Monguse sped, she sux OMG!" stuff? Is it just because *Censored by no relationship talk free speech ban*? Yeah that must be it! Well, I think *also censored*! So there...

And yes, I meant "serialy" and not "seriously" Watch South Park and you'll know why...

Posts: 6
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hey, i was being subtle. well, i could've mentioned the Mary Sue thing, but yeah, i was trying not to go too far. ^^;

Posts: 378
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Mary Sue? She has plenty of faults. Like being overly trying to please people. And being reckless. But whatever. I'm a horrible debater. And I'm getting off topic. So I'll shut up.

Posts: 462
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Mary Sues don't always have to be perfect save-the-day characters. Sometimes they look and act just like author (aka self-inserts), other times they are relatives/friends with the star and share many traits with them such as abilities, backstory, and general attitude (aka clones).
As to who I hate there's nobody gunning for that title now, tho I found Mammoth Mogul's uberpowers and big wordy speeches annoying. Max can be stubborn and bossy, Geoffrey underestimates others and wouldn't be the easiest person to spend a day with, but I don't HATE any of them.

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