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Who are your favorite characters

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Who are your top 5 or 10 favorite characters from Archie, SatAM, SU, AoSth. In order if poss. mine are mostly in order.

1) Sonic
2) Shadow
3) Sally
4) Tails
5) Knuckles
6) Espio
7) Snivley
8) Bunnie Rabbot
9) Chaos
10) Metal Sonic

Posts: 2915
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1) Knuckles
2) Sonic
3) Sally
4) Robotnik (the original, not "Eggman/Robo-Robotnik"
5) The Mechas (Sonic and Knuckles) my favorite (and first) special

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Here's my favourite characters.

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1.) Bunnie
2.) Nicole
3.) Tails
4.) Sally
5.) Knuckles
6.) Snivley
7.) EVE
8.) Dimitri
9.) Julie-Su
10.) Mammoth Mogul

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5) Dulcy = Sweet, major fighter, and her inability to land was funny ^_~

4) Vector = Loyal, direct & loud-spoken, fighter and his ability to stick with his friends when he thinks they're wrong & taking the "jokes" at his expense

3) Julie-Su = Tough on the outside, mellow on the inside, sarcastic, & major fighter

2) Sally = Diplomatic; the smart one when it comes to everything except herself, which I find makes her interesting; major fighter

1) Knuckles = Tough, stubborn, direct, & major fighter

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1) Remington
2) Elias
3) Sally
4) Antoine
5) Bunnie
6) King Max
7) Knuckles when dealing with family problems
8) Dimitri at the end
9) Geoffrey (and Hershey...)
10) Espio

A top of the worst characters is missing.

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#1)Dr. Robotnik(Issue #75-current): Because I just dig his sexy look!
#2)Snively: He's got brains and just can't decide whose side he's on!
#3)Antoine: He could always put a smile on my face. That was before he was rplaced by his evil copycat!
#4)Remington: One of the most kick assiest characters to have ever graced the pages of this comic!
#5)Original Robotnik:Insanely evil.
#6)Coconuts(AOSTH):He just reminds me of myself, and I don't know why!
#7)Crabmeat:The Snively before there was a Snively!
#8) Knuckles:Tough attitude, and really admires kittens!
#9)Shadow:I may not like him as much as his Sega counterpart, but he is still one badass dude!
#10)Metal Sonic:Just when you least expect it Metal Sonic sneeks in another story, just because the writers are running out of ideas!

Posts: 356
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Here are my top five favorite characters, in no real order:

1.Sonic, though there are times I wish his attitude would change.

2.Sally, I admire her because she is smart and brave.

3.Tails, cute kid, that is all I have to say.

4.Bunnie, I think she is really brave too, for what she has had to deal with.

5.Elias, I guess, because he does have a charm to him.

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1) Antoine D'Coolette
2) Bunnie Rabbot
3) Sonic the Hedgehog
4) Big the Cat
5) Mina the Mongoose
6) Knuckles the Echidna
7) Sally Acorn
8 )Manic the Hedgehog
9) Shadow the Hedgehog
10)Scratch & Grounder

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1. Julie-Su
2. Antoine
3. Remington
4. Bunnie
5. Knuckles

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1.Bunnie Rabbot

...who the heck is this sonic guy I keep hearing about anyway??:lol

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(Top Tier)

*Sonic: Can't help but sympathize with him, considering he's the main character. Although lately, some of his choices disagree with me...

*Sally: She seems to be what defines this as the Archie universe for me, and not just the video game universe. Although I liked her a lot more before she got all angsty.

*Tails: He's such a cute little fox. I can also relate a lot to his problem of not being taken seriously.

(Mid-Top Tier)

*Knuckles: Especially when I was reading his series; kind of for the same reasons as Sonic.

*Rouge: Maybe more for the games, as I haven't seen her as much in the comic, but she's just an interesting character. She's kind of a bad guy, but she has her good moments, as well. She reminds me of Harlequin from Chrono Cross, except maybe not quite as deep.

*Julie Su: A good counterpart to Knuckles. Her backstory is interesting, as well.

(Lower-Top Tier)

*Vector: I like the character design, mostly, although I like his personality, as well.

*Nack the Weasel: I always find myself rooting for him, when he makes an appearance. Probably also mostly due to the design.

*Bunny: Just a cool southern bell, who can kick some butt. I especially liked her in the issue where she went to Sand Blast City (that's the one with the rabbit with the eye-patch, right?) and also the one where she fought Rouge.

Can't quite make it to 9. I also couldn't bring myself to numbering the characters; deciding the tiers was hard enough.

I also liked that taxi driver dingo in the Knuckles series...

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1. Mina the Mongoose

2. Amy Rose

3. Shadow the Hedgehog: Yes he's dark, but I feel that Shadow was in a way needed, especially in the Sonic Team universe where everything was so bright and cheerful. It IMO lacked a balance. He's IMO, more deep than people give him credit for, and while I would want to get into it, it'd take too long to do. Also, why do SatAM and Archie fans complain so much about him when their favoraite characters have gone through a series of "angst" themselves?

4. Sally Acorn (That's right, I said Sally): With Sally I think people, (and previously myself when dealing with her) are victims of their own idealism, and so, she wasn't very popular as a result. I'll quote myself on the SatAM board:

"I think its a lot of the so-called "fans" who don't know who Sally is.They blurt out about how they want characters who are deep and and aren't hallow, but aren't willing to accept the consequences of having that; There all talk. All they allow themselves to see see on Sally's part, is her words or other shallow means of communication... The concept of understanding Sally's psyche and behavior (that isn't conciously trying to prove a point) completely passes them. The fans don't admit this to others and sometimes themselves, but most of them didn't really care that much about Sally being a "deep" character. They just wanted some feminist idol, not considering or accepting the fact that there was more to her than that... In both the comics AND cartoon. You never hear about people talking about her flaws and admiration of her depth. All we get from them are either praises about their "feminist warrior princess" or complaints about her detractable characteristics. Not only that, they go a step further and complain about the REAL Sally fans who can accept her depth as a character"

I think that Sally is a strong character, who (despite being potrayed as OOC by Ken this issue) really loves her people. She may have her weak points, but no ones perfect, and I don't understand WHY fans are complaining about the flaws now, since

A. They'd probably do the same thing if not worse in her situation


B. these flaws have only only been here since the earlier parts of the comic.

5. Sonic the Hedgehog

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1) Julie-su
2) knuckles
3) sally
4) shadow
5) sonic

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I'm changing mine:

1) Metal Sonic
2) Sonic the Hedgehog
3) Shadow the Hedgehog
4) Sally Acorn
5) Miles 'Tails' Prower
6) Knuckles the Echinda
7) Chaos
8) Nack the Weasel
9) Espio the Chameleon
10) Manic the Hedgehog (M:25yl Sonic's Son)

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Mine are:

7. Amy Rose

6. Antione and Tails

5. Knuckles

4. Sonic

3. Bunnie Rabbot

2. Princess Sally

and my #1 favoite is
Rouge the Bat!

Posts: 462
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10. Nic. She's tough and plays by her own rules, yet shows a loyalty to friends that most villains/antiheros lack.
9. Cream/Cheese. I find their innocence and belief in teamwork refreshing.
8. Bark/Bean. They had such interesting personalities and fighting styles but are sadly overlooked.
7. Mina. So much fun to draw. Maybe that's why she has one of the biggest wardrobes in ArchieSonic.
6. Vector. He's real mouthy and always cracks me up. And he's got good taste in music.
5. Nack. Mad love for the cowboy/mercenary wolf-weasel dude.
4. Knuckles. Very determined, slighly gullible, and a strong fighter. Works for me.
3. Bunnie. Inspirational story about overcoming physical handicaps and she's got a great heart.
2. Big. Cute fisherman (er, fishercat?) with a gentle laidback personality.
1. Antoine. Hee hee. I'll take blonds over brains any day! :huggles Antoine plushie:

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Mine are in no order.

5.Scratch and Grounder(I think that's there names sorry If it ain't).
7.Big The Cat
8.Amy Rose

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1. Tails
2. Antoine
3. Amy
4. Sally
5. Knuckles
6. Bunny
7. Robotnik
8. Fiona
9. Shadow
10. Sonic :annoyed

Posts: 5
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1. Elias Acorn (Major <3)
2. Fiona Fox
3. Mina Mongoose
4. Sally Acorn
5. Tails Prower

I <3 sideline characters...

Posts: 1358
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4.Metal Sonic

Posts: 1195
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Oh, heck...
The list. Only 4 because that's all I can remember...

4.) Jeremiah - Yes, it's strange to love a character who only made like 12 appearances and just disappeared, but I absolutely loved his calm personality and enjoyed his character design. He was simply adorable.
3.) Knuckles - I just love his personality and sense of duty, gullibility and all. Plus, whenever he has some sort of comic relief in the comic, it usually ends up hilarious.
2.) Big the Cat - Wish he was the comic more, or the games for that matter,
1.) I don't think I even have to explain who my favorite character is. My durn username is already a big clear, evidence.

Posts: 1567
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1. Elias Acorn: Even though he was a wuss of a prince, I still liked the potential. Especially when he tagged along on a mission and talked down Geoff...which was a win for my book. Plus he looks pretty cool.

2. Mina: Even though she was in that bad love triangle, I still loved her character. She was the only one who seemed to have a realistic backstory and she certainly had plenty to be angsty about but she isn't. Plus her design rules too...

3. Knuckles: I think I rest my case...I still wish he had his own comic book...

4. Monkey Kahn: Shut up! No smart answers from any of you!

5. Julie Su: Anyone who can shut up Vector by KOing him into a river is okay by me.

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3. Knuckles: I think I rest my case...I still wish he had his own comic book...

He did...way back in 1997-2000 ish, anyways.

Posts: 409
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I think when Torn said "I still wish he had his own comic book," he meant to say "I wish he still had his own comic book."

And, I agree that there would be plenty of fresh story material/ideas that could be used in his own series.

Posts: 1195
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Funny, I didn't see that word, "still" before...

Posts: 409
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He said "still" the first time, I think he just needed to rearrange it after "he." Ah well. I can't blame you. XD

Posts: 1567
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XD...I think we are all guilty of reading too fast. I do it too often myself...:p

Posts: 91
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1. The oldschool Enerjak/Dimitri!!! None of that floating ball thing....blah!
2. Knuckles the Echidna
3. Dr. Finitevus (So...evil.)
4. Sonic the Hedgehog (I really like Karl Boller's version of him most of the time, and the old SatAM.)
5. Julie-Su (Especially in the old Knuckles Comics.)
6. Charmy the Bee (COMIC VERSION only!)
7. Mighty the Armadillo
8. Vector the Crocodile
9. Espio the Chamelion
10. Bunnie Rabbot (She's a southern girl like myself!)

Posts: 31
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1) Sally Acorn
2) Sonic
3) Knuckles
4) Ant
5) Bunnie
6) Tails
7) Rotor
8) The original Dr. Robotnik
9) Snively
10) Rouge the Bat

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5. Rotor
4. Knuckles
3. Tails
2. Sally
1. Sonic (even though some of his decisions do bother me sometimes...)

Posts: 8
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I'm changing, I'm in a very serious state of Sonic fadness. May I just say that Sega chars are included, but since most Sonic Universes are in this forum...

1. Metal Sonic (Archie, Sega)
2. Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM, Archie)
3. Sally Acorn (SatAM)
4. Snivley Kintobor (SatAM)
5. Shadow the Hedgehog (Archie, Sega) Kick his butt, Metal Sonic!

Posts: 1402
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2. Cream

she's not in the comic.

1. Knux- i loved penders' version of him, what with the in depth backstory, clearly detailed fights (kragok, and enerjak.) and overall good nature.

2. Dmitri/Enerjak- before he went all soft on us, he was a badass villain who would sacrifice anything for his cause.

3. Sonic- the portrayal(sp?) of him recently doesn't suit him, but at times he shows his carefree nature. my favorite scene was with him in #125 running at the quantum dial knowing he probably wouldn't survive, that's what a real hero is.

4. Julie-su- Overall, she is a badass with a soft heart who
(like knuckles) doesn't get enough pagetime anymore.

5.Rob o the hedge- don't know why, i just like characters that aren't payed attention to often. favorite story was when he traveled with amy back to knothole. (Axer's art hit an all time high in that issue IMHO)

Posts: 48
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1: Tommy--!! Wait, no. Isaac--!! No... Oh yeah! Bunnie!! Totally awesome design. Great personality/accent (when utilized). The strongest (my opinion-don't get cranky) and most loyal Freedom Fighter.

2: Bomb - I loved the cover to 102. He's so psycho! Can't wait for Bean to appear in 160 and add another crazy explosion character to the mix.

3: Flying Frog - I don't know why. I had to pick a frog, though (Froggy doesn't count). Plus, he always looks deranged. Big plus. I hope he gets deroboticized.

4: Hershey - Sexy ninja computer hacking kitten. LOVED her in Endgame. Too bad she got mixed up with Geoff and the loser squad. Ah, well, she's still cool.

5: Lumina! Even though she only appeared in, like, a quarter of an issue, I love her. Her design rocks, and she could have so much potential. I hope she returns (games or otherwise).

Honorable Mention:
6: Uma Arachnie
7: Lien-Da
8: Ray
9: Fiona
10: Stu

Posts: 378
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Hmm.. let me see...

1. Nack the Weasel
2. Mina Mongoose
3. Evil Sonic
4. Drago the Wolf
5. Shadow

Characters I hate:

Posts: 407
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Let's see here. Okay so starting with ten.

10. Knuckles. Though as the story is developing it's very likely he'll move up. =D
9.Charmy. I just think he's a cutie.
8.Nack. I'd probably like him more if he were to appear more regularly in the series. He's one of the few villians I don't absolutely hate. =P
7. Bunnie. I like how she's changed too. I like the new outfit in the comic. I also like how she's a more regular freedom fighter too. She's overall cool.
6.Mina. I like how much she seems to have grown up. She finally ditched her crush with Sonic and went on with her life. I like her design and personality too.
5. Ash(Mina's boyfriend). I really don't know why. I just like him from the issue where he and Sonic tried to beat each other at darts and both lost horribly. That's the best I could come up with.
4. Big. I don't know. I think he's cute and could have potential if they used him more. I'm sure those of you who saw the adaptation of SA1 in the comic saw how he helped fight Silver Sonic 2 and moved what appeared to be a huge boulder when that building collapsed on the robot and Sonic. I think he could be a good character.
3. Sonic. He's the star for one thing! I also think his character is getting interesting too. Issue 125 as one poster said, was also an excellent example of the kind of Hero Sonic is. He'll do ANYTHING, even die, to protect the ones he loves. I like that trait.
2. Shadow. I like Archie's Shadow because there's no confusion. He did survive the fall from ARK! I just like him in the comic.
1. Right now it's Tails. He's cute and his story has gotten my interest as of late. Especially with that "Chosen one" deal where he used the Ultimate power to restore everything instead of rule it! He's just a cool fox all around and I like how he's developing as a character. ^_^

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1. Rotor
2. Sonic
3. Robotnik
4. Various Robotnik creations (all his inventions/bots)
5. The other Freedom Fighters as a whole

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Fiona (though lately I've been kinda hating her...the most mind numbingly irritating love interest to date, and she always stresses the word "boyfriend")
Bunnie:grr :grr

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LOL just had to post cause I've seen you on DA XD Seems there's no love for Sally around here anymore :x

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You could use the edit button instead of double-posting, though.

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1. Metal Sonic - Cool, Smart Robot with a Shadow like feel to him.

2. Tails - Intellegent and adorable.

3. Knuckles - Sly, likable character.

4. Shadow - an intresting story (I liked him in birthday bash).

5. Espio - A secretive ninja. nuff said.
