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Why I do not like Sonic Archives and Sonic Selects

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What do y'all think of these fancy pantsy new reprint thingermajigs?

I have 3 reasons why I think they suck donkey dongs:

3. They only reprint the main series.
At first, what with The Beginnings and the first 4 archives, it was fine, you know, just they early, humor-focused, shorter story-centered comics. But then it started in volume 5, issues 17 and 18 had those Sally back-ups that continued in Sonic In Your Face Special. Then ish 20 continued in the 3-issue Sally miniseries. Now you have the Mecha Madness storyline currently being reprinted, WITHOUT the Mecha Madness Special! Madness! this will continue to grow worse, with Sonic 56 being the epilogue of Knuckles 7-9, and Sonic 58 being chapter 4 of the Rob O' The Hedge storyline. Then practically all the Specials fit in with the Sonic series. This sucks! One my protest: "But now they're reprinting Sonic Select with the Specials" to thee i say Bah! what asinine formatting is this? Rubbish!

2. They are measly digest size
Pffft, digest size is codswallop. Little tiny sized pages, you need a telescope to read em! The format is shite! Who wants little tiny books? no one! we want nice shiny prestige format pages! Also, what's the deal with the measly "4-issues only per volume" lark? Infidels! Does Archie know how to print comics or not? We want big, 12-issue, Masterwork-style hardcover collections, with special features galore! House Ads and Letters Pages too! where be those?
Quick question: do these Archives reprint every single story, even the lil one-pagers? If not, one more thing to complain about!

1. They are driving down the price of back issues!
Some my think that's a good thing. Those people are nubs! My Sonic 0-3 and 1-9 are worth significantly less than in 2005! Feh! How will I pay for another quarter of college now? I kid, i kid. But srsly, the reprinted issues are worth half of what they were 2-3 years ago.

thus concludes Comix750's Rant of the Week.

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Wait, wait... You're complaining because a comic company is giving you the option of buying cheaper collections of the comics rather than deal with price gouging comic shops and drooling basement dwellers that think a semi-popular early nineties kid comic is worth a lot of money?

I may be on the outside of this comic... thingy. But still this seems unnecessary. What are they at, 200 or something? Is it better buy 200 comics to get the series or 50? Of course your last point seems to rat you out. I thought the point of keeping stuff from your childhood is sentimental, not ebay value.


(You should feel priviledged, I was bored enough to grant your topic a post.)

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Those people are nubs

The term is newbs, good sir!

Posts: 19
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no he is also correct...nubs, newbs, noobs, or n00bs are acceptable.

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Actually the Counterstrike/Halo crowd has shortened it to 'nubs', Swannie. It's even infected the MMO playerbase in the recent year. And of course is mocked by anonymous.


Posts: 4885
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The price on Archie!Sonic is a ticking time bomb, anyway. Comic fans have the foolish notion that the value of comics will just go up the longer it hasn't been out.

Time does not always make a price climb, hence why I can buy a copy of Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio for less than a happy meal.

The thing that dictates price is demand, and no one wants to read the crappy blonde Sally stories enough to pay $15 per issue, that's foolish. The act of reading the comics has nothing to do with the price, especially with Bittorrent allowing people to download an entire series at whim.

The reason anyone would want an original comic is to complete a collection, which is how Marvel/DC comics can get so high in price, as for example, Todd Macfarlane did a very very brief run on Spider-Man which at the time was unremarkable, but after he left Marvel and made his fame elsewhere, they became saught after artifacts which people needed to own.

So, that's one way an Archie can become a classic. If it has artwork from someone who's art is worth something. I'd say it worked with writers, too, but alas my Mark Millar written issues of StC are not worth the cover price these days. That said, classic stories like The Night Gwen Stacy Died get upped in value, too.

The other of course is collectability. Supply/demand. If there are a limited number of prestine copies of a comic and a large number of people who want them, the price will go up. Archie!Sonic's time for this audience was about 2001-2004 when Sonic's popularity and the internet's use were high enough to make Sonic merchandise quite collectable. Trust me, I bid on a Fang plushie which reached $550 and succeeded in acquiring a $200 Angel Chao, both of which are worth about a third of that cost now that Sonic's popularity is in the crapper.

Oh and before I forget, signed editions and variant covers gain value fairly quickly, too. I think the Directors Cut version of #50 is still somewhat saught after. But, yeah, the point is, comic value isn't as much of an investment as you'd assume it is.

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okay, okay, fine. I know they're bound to collapse on price soon enough, but i was just a little peeved because, you were right, "no one wants to read the crappy blonde Sally stories enough to pay $15 per issue, that's foolish" so i was planning on selling my 0-3 and 1-9, hoping to score some big bucks. But alas it seems that is not likely. And i don't just buy the comics for their value, obviously i wouldn't be a member of this board if i didn't like sonic. It's just i'm so close to completing my collection through 1999, and now it's gonna be like "so what? i have all the same issues as you but in digest format."

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That's why you should be glad the digest format is small and not as comfortable to read as the issues themselves, it means there'd still be people who would rather read the full issue.

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people like me!

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And cant beat the original comic feel or smell.

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Hey, I wish they had made more copies of the older issues, I really do, but we can only take what is given to us, which in this case were the digest books such as sonic archives and sonic select. It took them a long time to even start these books.

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"It took them a long time to even start these books"

i wonder how much longer into OHCs.....

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They won't put them into hardcovers because Archie doesn't feel that it would sell (which they probably wouldn't). It's the same reason Knuckles will never get his own series again. Besides, Hardcovers are overpriced.

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I saw those digests when they first came out. At first my reaction was "Great, the classic Sonic comics are finally getting reprinted!" I always hated the collector/value mentality of comics honestly--its one of the main things that keeps me from getting into the medium. I mean I read these things because I want to follow the story, but if I can't do that just because Issue #70 continues from some one-shot special that was never reprinted and now goes for $200, well forget that... I'll just go back to reading manga in those handsome tankoban formats.

That being said I have one problem with the Sonic Digests: THEY RECOLOR THE ARTWORK! I mean, they try to make it look more modern by adding shading and stuff, but the point is they really overdo it to the point where its honestly distracting. Also I don't like how they made text edits to update the stories. Sorry Archie, but I want to read the stories as written. I don't want you to change Boomer's name to Rotor so it'll match future canon, I want to read Boomer as Boomer.

Anyway, that's my piece.

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$200 eh? Wow, I didn't think that would go for that much geez.

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"That being said I have one problem with the Sonic Digests: THEY RECOLOR THE ARTWORK! I mean, they try to make it look more modern by adding shading and stuff, but the point is they really overdo it to the point where its honestly distracting. Also I don't like how they made text edits to update the stories. Sorry Archie, but I want to read the stories as written. I don't want you to change Boomer's name to Rotor so it'll match future canon, I want to read Boomer as Boomer"

wow i didn't know they did all that as well. BLEH down with the Archives!

Posts: 36
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Some Comics do. I was really thinking of more Marvel and DC stuff when I wrote that example. Seriously, Golden Age Captain America costs almost $100 per issue. Well forget following THAT, then (and since you can't understand the modern Marvel Universe without having read everything they've ever written, that means I just won't read Marvel)

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"Seriously, Golden Age Captain America costs almost $100 per issue."

well yeah that's cuz it's from 65 years ago AND it was one of the most popular comics of that time. hardly comparable to mid-90s Sonic comics. You check on eBay and see some Sonic comics going for like $50 and you think "wow those are rare and valuable!!" but really they're Buy-It-Now's overpriced by sellers which don't sell. You see the Sonic comics that actually sell on eBay and they're like $3-5 each. Golden Age Captain America you'd be lucky to see a dozen issues at any one time on eBay, they're so durn rare. And you said "costs almost $100 per issue" but actually it's more in the upper-hundreds, lower-thousands even. a $100 GA Cap would be an absolute BARGAIN.

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"Pffft, digest size is codswallop. Little tiny sized pages, you need a telescope to read em! The format is shite!"

LOL! You must be british. What the hell is a "Codswallop"?

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LOL! You must be an american. What the hell is a "shigamodo"?

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you couldn't do that for codswallop?

Posts: 633
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.............Dumbest Thread EVER!!! I mean really now this argument is pointless......I dont' give a Flanders (Yea I used a Simpsons character in place of a curse word...Wanna fight about it?!) Weather Comix likes the collections or not...I myself Like them..& I don't care what others think of that...The Fact of it is comix starting a thread like this is just pointless..I mean U could Start one over somthing everyone hates...Like MTV or New Jersey (no offense to citizens of NJ)

Legion Out!

Posts: 526
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I didn't even know I posted that much on Kotaku.

As far as a codswallop goes.......

What a load topped with a marble?! What?

Posts: 841
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Yeah I know.

It sounds so stupid that it isn't even used much over here

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".............Dumbest Thread EVER!!! I mean really now this argument is pointless......I dont' give a Flanders (Yea I used a Simpsons character in place of a curse word...Wanna fight about it?!) Weather Comix likes the collections or not...I myself Like them..& I don't care what others think of that...The Fact of it is comix starting a thread like this is just pointless.."

um okay thanks for the hostility. i started this thread to discuss the archives, as we had been doing until a few posts back. i was pointing out what i believed were flaws in the archives line big enough for me to take a stance against them, and then healthy discussion ensues with posters agreeing and disagreeing with me. you however just posted why you thought it was a dumb thread. Good job.

I simply fail to see how voicing my opinion on a subject clearly on-topic with the theme of this board can be "pointless". If I started a thread about how my shoes don't fit quite right, then sure, by all means that may be validly accused as "the most pointless thread ever". But this is not that thread. Look around this board, look at every single thread. They all have other peoples' opinions. All threads fall under 1 of 2 categories: Facts or Opinions. Either "Soniuc X #40 is the last issue" or something, which is news, a fact, or "Reviews of Sonic X #40" which is a review, an opinion piece. Even the fact-categorized threads contain opinions though, when people comment on the initial, leading post. "Sonic X is cancxelled now, finally!" or "Sonic X is cancelled? oh darn". those are the type of responses to nearly every thread. Opinions. You emphasized your lack of compassion form others' opinions. That is odd, since you are a member of a forum, the whole point of such is to discuss and share opinions. Though odd, it is fine. I can understand you being a bit stubborn, saying "my opinions are mine and i value them", oh sure that's fine. But then there is simply no need for you to post saying that since YOU don't care about someone's opinions, the entire thread should be locked. It simply makes no sense. If you don't care what i think, that's perfectly fine. Just don't post at all on this particular thread then.

and to shigamodo, i just used codswallop cuz it sounds funny

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" myself Like them..& I don't care what others think of that"

see you could have just posted "I respectfully disagree, Comix750" and that would have been an adequate response/post. Instead you verbally flail around spouting why you don't care about my opinon, ANYONE's opinion for that matter. If you don't care about what others think, why post on a forum? forums are meant for people with similar tastes in pop culture and whatnot to discuss matters of said pop culture. I posted why i think the Archives are a bad idea hoping to spark discussion on said topic. What may i ask is wrong with that? should i have just posted "Let's talk about the Archives, but everyone must maintain an indifferent opinion of Archives because Legionfan44 doesn't care "what others think of that""? What the heck have you been posting about thus far if you don't care for others' opinions? how can you spark discussion and gain knowledge?

Also, please do not clog up this thread with your no-doubt messily constructed replies. It is off topic, as were my last 2 posts but I felt i must respond to these allegations of my "pointless thread". Legionfan44, Shoot me off a PM instead or something if you want to further discuss this matter. I want to continue this discussion about the faults of the Archives line or why people DO like it. If, Legionfan44, you want to post elaborating why you DO like them, you are more than welcome to do so, I just don't want this thread to veer off topic.

Posts: 2928
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He is Legion. He is fail.

Sorry, I had to, I'll leave now.


Posts: 36
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Legionfan44: Do you know how excessively DUMB it is to reply to a topic just to say you don't like said topic?

It doesn't even matter. You're not God, you can't tell people what they should and shouldn't post. If you can't handle the fact that people will talk about things that don't interest you, then just stay in your room playing video games all day. Then you'll never have to talk to anyone about anything ever again. I bet you'll be happier that way.

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welll... thank you both for the support!

Posts: 19
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now back on topic...

I just recently bought a few of the archives to see for myself. I must say that I like them. The include every story and even pinups and bumper stickers!!! Someone said they changed text to update to present stories(like changing Boomer to Rotor), but I havent noticed anything different yet(Boomer is still Boomer). Some would also complain about the size, so far I have had no trouble reading them and the size is convenient. I have no opinion on the recoloring; It doesnt matter to me. Also as a bonus, later archives include profiles, maps, and one has "How I make the covers" by Spaz.

Overall these are great.
1. If you have no interest in the original comics and just want a cheap way to read old stories I would highly recommend these.
2. If you have the original comics, but want something to carry around that you dont care if it gets damaged, I recommend these.
3. If you are interested in collecting the comics, then go with that then see point 2.

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I think it was only in the "Sonic Firsts" and "Sonic: The Beginning" TPBs that they changed Boomer to Rotor (and fixed Sally's colouring up, etc.)

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i must say it's the size and recoloring that bugs me most. I flipped through one at Borders today and it was just not the same as the floppies.

Posts: 1446
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Gift horse, mouth. Just be glad they're being reprinted at all. It's very time-consuming and expensive to track down comics from fifteen years ago.

Posts: 4607
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Time does not always make a price climb, hence why I can buy a copy of Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio for less than a happy meal.

Happy Meals cost $15 where you live? Christ, I could get three meals from McDonald's for that price! Three ADULT meals even!

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an easier comparison would be early-90s (at least 15 years old) Valiant comics. You can easily find these for 25 cents each, whereas they originally sold for about $2-3

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Time does not always make a price climb, hence why I can buy a copy of Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio for less than a happy meal.

Happy Meals cost $15 where you live? Christ, I could get three meals from McDonald's for that price! Three ADULT meals even!

ADULT meals?....

**looks around nervously**

I'd ask what the prize inside was, but they may be illegal in most of the 50 states and I like my McDonalds to be strictly PG-13. HOTCHACHACHACHACHACHA!

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He's just mad because the last time he ordered an adult meal a certain fan stuck a Sally figure it in.

...wait for it.

With a removable diaper. *da dum pish*


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I didn't mean "adult" in the pornographic sense, albeit that'd be friggin' awesome and I actually probably WOULD buy three.

Posts: 4885
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Time does not always make a price climb, hence why I can buy a copy of Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio for less than a happy meal.

Happy Meals cost $15 where you live? Christ, I could get three meals from McDonald's for that price! Three ADULT meals even!

The hell you talking about, Shad? I could buy a copy of Jet Set Radio, in London, for £3 at my local Computer Exchange. Hence the "cheaper than Happy Meal" thing, the point is the price of JSR is cheaper than established price of Happy Meal, not that established price of Happy Meal is more than whatever you percieve the value of JSR to be.

Posts: 633
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He is Legion. He is fail.

Sorry, I had to, I'll leave now.


That...Thats the Nicest thing anyones ever said to me! But Seriously I was just Joking around..Sorry if I insulted you comix....But I can Fully Understand Why you could Dislike Archives & selects..I was meerly stating im myself enjoy them..and by the way Im guessing Cuadswallup is a british Idium...I love Idiums...Is thier a site that has British slang terms..I'd love to use some on my friends!

Posts: 4607
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eBay price for Jet Set Radio (because you're sure as hell not gonna find it anywhere else in America, thanks to the impersonal, malign, monopolistic overlord all-encompassing, benevolent, prominent company GameStop buying everyone else out) is $15. An average meal at McDonald's is $5. Do the math.

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ugh.......enough arguing over friggin JSR/happy meals!!!!!

it doesn't matter! it was just an analogy! we all understood what he meant. you are splitting hairs...

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"But Seriously I was just Joking around"

