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Why No Amy Rose in M20YL Theories

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Posts: 337
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I know that there's no way that the Archie comics, should, or could, draw up the possible futures of every Sonic character in existence, but given Amy's particular relationship with Sonic, it's a mystery she hasn't popped up.

I can imagine a few sadists who'd love to say it was because she was locked up for trying to attack Sally on her wedding day with Sonic or locked up when she went nuts when Sonic didn't marry her, but such immature jeering aside, I do have my own theories.

1) In the original timeline since we don't know when Eggman went down or Sonic got married, after Sonic and Sal got hitched, Amy with no other purpose left besides: threw herself into more and more dangerous missions and battles, not so much seeking death but because her combat talents was the only thing she had left, and eventually the law of averages gave her to the reaper.

2) In the King Shadow timeline, Shadow at one point early on tried to eliminate Sonic as a threat to his police-state utopia, but Amy, always the devoted, attacked Shadow in Sonic's defense, and paid the final price for her unacquainted love.

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but given Amy's particular relationship with Sonic, it's a mystery she hasn't popped up.

Not particularity, given that many of his friends of over a decade by the current timeline, not to mention Angel Island-related characters (given that's where 25YL has generally taken place) didn't pop up either. =/

But as for Amy, maybe she's happily living in Mercia - and Sega just doesn't allow the possibility that she'd gotten over Sonic in the future shown.

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Amy probably didn't show up in the original timeline for the reason Cham Lea mentioned (Sega won't allow her to get over Sonic). We can't be entirely sure Amy won't show up in the new timeline, though. It's been hinted that characters that didn't have a shown future in the original timeline will be featured. In particular Bunnie was mentioned, true, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the Freedom Fighters were given a nod in one way or another.

I believe she's alive and just living elsewhere in the world for the record.

Posts: 77
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Well, perhaps, and this my thought on it, since Tails is projected to be with Mina in the future and Soinc has Sally, maybe Amy possibly ended up with Ash, hmm that's something to think about.

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Assume accelerated aging didn't killer as a chaos energy side effect, or attempts to reverse regressed her out of existence.

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I think what's done is done as far as the Ring of Acorn goes. It was a convenient excuse to get the old Amy up to new Amy specs and probably won't be visited in any kind of significant detail again. That's explain why it was only a one use thing while the Sword and Crown were used repeatedly and seemed to have come out of nowhere.

But ... since she only needed to age 4 years to get her up to Sega specs I didn't see why they just didn't say she hit puberty over the summer, or something.

Posts: 1446
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I'm hoping Bunnie and Ant show up. Considering that M:25YL is meant to be based on the future we glimpsed in the old 'In Your Face' special, I'll be curious to see if we get a bearded Antoine and a deroboticized Bunnie.

Posts: 5772
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Assume accelerated aging didn't killer as a chaos energy side effect, or attempts to reverse regressed her out of existence.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Posts: 337
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Assume accelerated aging didn't killer as a chaos energy side effect, or attempts to reverse regressed her out of existence.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

That made no sense.

Posts: 356
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I guess people are focusing more on other things in the story, thats all, so that is why there are no Amy Rose theories. I admit I am not fond of Amy, I have somewhat of a dislike of her, but I go with the theory that she went to live in Mercia with her relatives after the war with Robotnic was finally settled if she really couldn't stand seeing Sonic and Sally together(I do think Sega should allow Amy to get over Sonic), because I am not that mean spirted.

Posts: 1402
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sega won't let amy get over sonic, that's the whole point to her character. i don't think there's some sort of grand scheme as to why amy isn't in these stories, quite a few people aren't if you haven't noticed. Preferably i'd love to see a legitimate villain in M30yl besides lien-da (she hasn't been very threatening since KTE) or shadow before we get to the full cast of characters.

Posts: 200
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sega won't let amy get over sonic

Then don't let her get over him in the games.

I do feel bad about how this is handled in the comics. Amy seems to just be " there " in the same sense that Shadow is just " there ". They both served a specific purpose in the games universe when it came to interacting with Sonic but by time they got over to the comics side there were already characters in the comic that covered their duties. It's because of that and because SEGA doesn't really allow for much to do done with their characters these days in terms of development that they haven't really found their footing.

They decided to utilize Amy more so they made her a Freedom Fighter so she can go on missions, too, but when there's already like 10 characters spread across two Teams all playing second fiddle to Sonic anyway it's hard for her to get in some face time. In fact, the only time she really did that I remembered was when she went on that solo mission with Sonic to Moebius. Amy really does need something else going for her besides being a Freedom Fighter. I do hope her proposed Sonic Universe arch comes to light sometime soon. She really needs it.

Preferably i'd love to see a legitimate villain

You're going to have to define that for me. I thought being an Immortal Overlord (Shadow) who forced even his enemies to believe what he believes or staging Coup V.2.0 (Lien-Da) qualified.

Posts: 5772
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I do hope her proposed Sonic Universe arch comes to light sometime soon.


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last i checked she's not exactly what you'd call over him in the games. granted the last one i played was chronicles. The immortal overlord shadow was cool and overall wasn't really bad, but they didn't really explain why shadow became evil again, that's not exactly his attitude currently.

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lulz squirrel.

last i checked she's not exactly what you'd call over him in the games.

They're actually moving in the opposite direction with Sonic tolerating / spending more time with her, but that wasn't what I meant. It's perfectly fine and dandy for Sega to have Amy that way in the games because that's their thing that they write. In the comics where the majority of the cast from the games is more fleshed out it makes her seem one dimensional.

Amy's been around just as long as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and even the rest of the nearly comic exclusive original Freedom Fighters but we've seen virtually nothing about her past and little in terms of development. Again that's acceptable in the games because very few characters have a concerted past but in the comics where we've seen or at least know of the main character's parents, family, and other relations it seems kind of strange.

The immortal overlord shadow was cool and overall wasn't really bad, but they didn't really explain why shadow became evil again

Oh! Oh! That one I did see in Ask Ian when I was looking for the Amy SU thing earlier (I didn't find that btw). Apparently he was just so deep in his rabbit hole about protecting everyone that he had no hope of climbing out of it. His viewpoint became corrupted, essentially. Anyone who didn't agree that he was protecting everyone and Mobius (or tried to fix things as they were) was captured by the Chaotix and flogged by Lien-Da who thoroughly enjoyed her job thank you very much.

Posts: 1402
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i'm not arguing that amy's one dimensional, hell i agree, but a focal point to her character is that she's in love with sonic. btw thanks for the shadow answer, i had no clue. and while that makes sense and all, i really don't think that ian should've had to explain that one. that should've been in the story, i don't like reading a comic then having to go on ian's board to get a huge disscussion of the subtext of what he was trying to say. because most of the time it feels like we're not getting half the story if we don't look at his topics. case in point, nack's flunkies. i would've had no clue that they were killed by nack just because of that one line. it wasn't obvious in even the slightest and i was a little upset when i read that little arguement a while back.

Posts: 622
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I don't agree. We know Shadow has always been an end-justifies-the-means kind of guy. We know he's not always above brutal methods if necessary. We know he's arrogant. And he flat out SAID in 25YL that he didn't want all the "good" he'd accomplished to be undone, so we know he didn't think of his actions as bad. That plus the fact that everyone's worshiping statues of Maria everywhere should make it pretty obvious that he went to extreme measures to maintain what he thought was ultimately good for all of society, even if some individuals suffered. He didn't randomly "turn evil again," he took his job as a protector to extremes and ended up corrupted by it. In his mind, he was always doing the right thing.

If you know anything about the character, the subtext is easy to pick up. Why would you assume that Shadow got some kind of mind-control device bored into his head by Zombie Kragok a decade prior when facts adding to a simple explanation are right there when you bother to think about it? You don't need some elaborate backstory spelled out for you. You just need to understand the character to see how taking one path could lead to this destination.

Posts: 1402
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you're right, but at the same time like i said the way his character is developing *atleast to me* is that he's becoming more good guy than anti-hero. in his last two appearances (1st being the end to the scourge arc, 2nd being SU) he hasn't acted antagonistic towards sonic, he's been downright friendly. whereas in M25yl he acted antagonistically and ***** slapped sonic. granted yes throughout the course of 25 years he could've been warped as you said. i'll probably dig out the issues in the next few days for a refresher. what i said about the ask ian thing remains though, it isn't an all the time thing, but there's been more than one time where something was explained outside of the comic where i got a completely different signal.

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that should've been in the story, i don't like reading a comic then having to go on ian's board to get a huge disscussion of the subtext of what he was trying to say.

When I think of wordy explanations in a story I think of the first part of Sonic Adventure 2.5 (124) ... or Ken Pender's last story that expanded on that wall of text in the beginning of Sonic Adventure 2.5. While there were some plot points that I do think need to be elaborated on I don't want to end up reading a novel with pictures every month.

i would've had no clue that they were killed by nack just because of that one line.

It seemed pretty heavily implied that Nack poisoned them.

He sure wasn't baking them no cake ... unless the poison was in the cake.

We know he's arrogant.

We also know he's naive almost to the point of being ignorant. Shadow's simplistic views on the world in any given situation has nearly lead him into trouble more times then I cared to count. Arrogance + Ignorance is an awful combination that usually equals some kind of disaster. It was just unfortunate for Mobius that Shadow also had the strength behind him to get ahead rather then

you're right, but at the same time like i said the way his character is developing *atleast to me* is that he's becoming more good guy than anti-hero.

Shadow always wanted to do the right thing. He just didn't know what the right thing was until recently.

in his last two appearances (1st being the end to the scourge arc, 2nd being SU) he hasn't acted antagonistic towards sonic, he's been downright friendly. whereas in M25yl he acted antagonistically and ***** slapped sonic.

Always, always, always keep in mind that M:XYL is just one (or two) possible future(s). Just because Shadow turns into a tyrannical King or some newer characters exist doesn't mean that it'll all come to light in the main timeline. King Shadow may have taken a different path then the Shadow in the main timeine. He may not have been thoroughly changed through the kindness of others.

And to be fair Sonic and Tails are friends and Tails punched his lights out when he thought Sonic deserved it and Sonic and Sally are friends and Sally slapped the mess out of him when she thought Sonic deserved it. Given his track record of being wailed on by friend and foe alike it's not too far fetched to believe a friend or former friend would go to town on him at any given moment. Sonic's got that aura that makes beating him senseless justifiable apparently ...

... and a great healing factor. He so totally needs it.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

Quote/It seemed pretty heavily implied that Nack poisoned them.

He sure wasn't baking them no cake ... unless the poison was in the cake. /Quote

you know that because ian said it. if he never said anything you couldn't have known.

Quote/Always, always, always keep in mind that M:XYL is just one (or two) possible future(s). Just because Shadow turns into a tyrannical King or some newer characters exist doesn't mean that it'll all come to light in the main timeline. King Shadow may have taken a different path then the Shadow in the main timeine. He may not have been thoroughly changed through the kindness of others./Quote

i'm very, VERY aware that it's a possible future.

this whole debate is pretty stupid actually. i had said that i wanted to see some other villain than shadow and you felt the need to make this more than it had to be. so if you want to keep it going then go ahead, i don't feel a need to as it seems like we aren't even sharing opinions, more like i'm being lectured. i don't like being talked down to, so adios.

Posts: 200
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Fine. Fine. I'll stop.

Geeze ... I didn't even start it this time. I was just supporting another's post. o_O

you know that because ian said it. if he never said anything you couldn't have known.

The scan's over on the main site. He all but just flat out said that he poisoned them.

Posts: 94
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Amy's absence is a mystery, but not one I find particularly worrying. It's entirely possible that after Robotnik finally went down she went back to Mercia to live with Rob, or went to some entirely different location. Her friendship with Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters aside, she seems like the type of individual who, seeing her affections not returned by Sonic, would have set out on some other mission in life. We might well ask why Mighty, Ray, Charmy, Saffron, Bunnie, and Antoine have no role in the future storyline. The most likely answer is that they have grown apart in some ways, likely leaving their former homes to seek new purposes in life. I even wrote a story where Amy leaves Mobius Prime to join the war on Mobius Underground-but again, just my idea of what could happen. In all likelihood, a trip to the future Mobius in search of her would yield the image of her married to some new or less important character and raising a family, or perhaps still seeking purpose in life.
