Did anyone notice that megaman said s*** and dodged the censor. I think a punishment is needed.
I didn't bypass the censor...
The very first post. He said s*** without censoring it.
simple @#%$pumpering by the athiestic liberal right.
It looks censored to me. Really censored.
Maybe the censor screwed up?
Stair, you might have javascript turned off or something. The second censor that catches words attached to other words runs on that.
It's censored on mine.
I guess my javascript works too.
But yeah, to add to the topic...no hatin' on anybody, that goes for everyone really. It's ridiculous regardless of religion or lack thereof when there are better things to do. And frankly it goes against the belief of most religions, Christianity in general included, to rag on people who don't share the same beliefs.
Proselyte, yes. Help, yes. But not hate.