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A Topic of Misplaced Faith. (History Channel? FoxNN? Slant?)

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Some of you may recall the two semi-flamewars that have erupted in Chat on whether or not Fox News Network (The cable one, damnit.) had just the same kind of slant CBS and other networks have often been accused of. (But to the right this time.)

After the second (this was offboard, FYI. You know who you are, Participants.) I decided maybe watching the daytime filler programs and the morning Fox and Friends news show (Which is still the best news show there is.) and finding THEM to be well-organized and balanced, maybe they're exceptions.

So as of last night, I actually watched some of the evening programming. Which brings me to the main point.

Bill O'Reily.

The "No-Spin" Zone.

I'm not sure if that's typical of him, but his very first three minutes convinced me Fox and Friends (You'll hear this name more, people. <3~) is the exception, not the rule. Quotes such as "those left-wing terrorists" and "They'll kill America" shook any belief I had that Fox and Friends wasn't unique.

After I got over the shock/mild interest at the interview of that Ann chick with that new book/amazement/amusement, I switched my TV over to Good Ol' History Channel. Because the History Channel is neutral politically, right? They just tell you about WW2 and such. Right?


Was a Columbine documentary. That's ok enough. It's interesting enough, and to be honest all I know about it was that it was a school shooting, so I watched.

This thing was the biggest and least-informed slam on the government policing tecniques I've ever seen. One interviewee literally said that the SWAT team was poorly trained because they did not "run into the building." Because what, they're scared of two teens with guns, right? Obviously it's not the bomb rumor, or the other reports, or the fact that they weren't ready to yet, right?

Nope. It's because they're stupid. Obviously.

I watched the rest of the program anyway because I wasn't quite emotionally ready to face Fox again...Not until 5, when Fox and Friends comes on.

Now, back to Fox.

You know, to a less-extreme extent, I agree with most (Emphasis most) of what O'Rielly said, but if I wanted my opinions spoonfed to me, I'd just copy/paste some arguement on the internet.

Why is it I apparently can't watch the news to find my OWN conclusions about a topic? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?

Why is it one cannot watch the news for opinion-free, fact-based, slant-less ("Those liberal terrorists" IS a slant, Mr. O'Reilly. Yes. Yes, it is.) news?

Back to History Channel.

I'm not talking to you for a week. Between that thing you did on religion ("Repent Sinners, for this is Proof"?) and THIS that you did (Because it's smart to run into an unsecure building before you're ready.), I'm going back to Discovery Channel...if I can find something besides American Chopper that is.

But aside from the three hours of Fox and Friends, the straightest news I've got was from the 8am run of last night's Daily Show.

So, now, Forumers, as you have listened to my rant...I give you...

A Topic of Misplaced Faith.

Please cheer me up.

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*runs off crying*

Posts: 4336
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Well, I hardly watch Fox News anymore myself. The time I watched Bill O'Reilly at night is spent watching Star Trek: TNG on G4.

I get all of my news from the Internet yeah.

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Ultra, you have no idea how much that explains.

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Posts: 91
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Ugggghhhh...Fox News. ~__~

Do you know that all news channels now are basically owned by mega corporations!? It's one big conspiracy, and they'll never show you the full truth. You'll never hear anything bad about Disney from ABC...wanna know why? Because Disney owns them. Oh yeah, Disney ALSO owns the History Channel. How odd. When the mega corporations do not own the news THEN maybe we'll get some good politically free opinions. Until then it's all about the $$$. It's not about news anymore, but it's about news "entertainment." Society doesn't need a 24 hour news station, because this is what happens.

Posts: 4336
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I remember the days when the news was shown in movie theaters.

Well technically I can't remember them. But I know OF them.

It'd be like the random news updates you get on the radio.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Actually, I disagree with not needing 24-hour news stations. I think they are very necessary. The problem isn't the idea. The problem is the execution due to the fact that (whether anyone likes it or not) money matters. While there is some blame to go around, there's still the fact that people rather watch say "American Idol" than the President. There's also the fact that too many people stay uninformed by choice. Of course, that screws over the rest of us and allows those that don't mind "hiding" or "covering up" stuff to do it.
