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An Open Letter to Senator Obama

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To Senator Obama:

The New York Times carried a story on Saturday, October 4, 2008, that proved you had a significantly closer relationship with Bill Ayers than what you previously admitted. While the issue of your relationship is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about it.

The Chicago Sun reported on May 8, 2008, that FBI records showed that you had a significantly closer relationship with Tony Rezko than what you previously admitted. In the interview, you said that you only saw Mr. Rezko a couple of times a year. The FBI files showed that you saw him weekly. While the issue of your relationship is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about it.

Your speech in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008, about "race" contradicted your statement to Anderson Cooper on March 14 when you said that you never heard Reverend Wright make his negative statements about white America. While your attendance at Trinity Church for 20 years is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America on March 14.

In your 1st debate with John McCain, you said that you never said that you would meet with the leaders of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and North Korea without "preparations" at lower levels ... Joe Biden repeated your words in his debate with Sarah Palin ... while the video tape from your debate last February clearly shows that you answered "I would" to the question of meeting with those leaders within 12 months without "any" preconditions.

While your judgment about meeting with enemies of the USA without pre-conditions is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America in the debate with McCain.

On July 14, 2008, you said that you always knew that the surge would work while the video tapes of you from more than a year ago show that you stated that the surge would not work. While your judgment about military strategy as a potential commander-in-chief is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America on July 14.

You now claim that your reason for voting against funding for the troops was because the bill did not include a time line for withdrawal, while the video tapes of you from more than a year ago show that you voted against additional funding because you wanted our troops to be removed immediately ... not in 16 months after the 2008 election as you now claim. While your judgment about removing our troops unilaterally in 2007 is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about your previous position.

You claim to have a record of working with Republicans while the record shows that the only bill that you sponsored with a Republican was with Chuck Hagel regarding nuclear non-proliferation. The record shows that you vote 97% in concert with the Democrat party and that you have the most liberal voting record in the Senate. You joined Republicans only 13% of the time in your votes and those 13% were only after agreement from the Democrat party.

While it is of concern that you fail to include conservatives in your actions and that you are such a liberal, the greater concern is that you distorted the truth.

In the primary debates of last February, 2008, you claimed to have talked with a "Captain" of a platoon in Afghanistan "the other day" when in fact you had a discussion in 2003 with a Lieutenant who had just been deployed to Afghanistan. You lied in that debate.

In your debates last spring, you claimed to have been a professor of Constitutional law" when in fact you have never been a professor of Constitutional law. In this last debate, you were careful to say that you "taught a law class" and never mentioned being a "professor of "Constitutional law." You lied last spring.

You and Joe Biden both claimed that John McCain voted against additional funding for our troops when the actual records show the opposite. You distorted the truth.

You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted against funding for alternate energy sources 20 times when the record shows that John McCain specifically voted against funding for bio fuels, especially corn ... and he was right ... corn is too expensive at producing ethanol, and using corn to make ethanol increased the price of corn from $2 a bushel to $6 a bushel for food. You distorted the truth.

You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted like both of you for a tax increase on those making as little as $42,000 per year while the voting record clearly shows that John McCain did not vote as you and Joe Biden. You lied to America.

You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted with George W. Bush 90% of the time when you know that Democrats also vote 90% of the time with the President (including Joe Biden) because the vast majority of the votes are procedural. You are one of the few who has not voted 90% of the time with the president because you have been missing from the Senate since the day you got elected. While your absence from your job in the Senate is of concern, the greater concern is that you spin the facts.

You did not take an active role in the rescue plan. You claimed that the Senate did not need you while the real reason that you abstained was because of your close relationships with the executives of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide, and Acorn ... who all helped cause the financial problems of today ... and they all made major contributions to your campaign. While your relationship with these executives and your protection of them for your brief three years in the Senate (along with Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd) is of concern, the greater concern is that you are being deceitful.

You forgot to mention that you personally represented Tony Rezko and Acorn. Tony Rezko, a close associate to you, was convicted of fraud in Chicago real estate transactions that bilked millions of tax dollars from the Illinois government for renovation projects that you sponsored as a state senator ... and Acorn has been convicted of voter fraud, real estate sub prime loan intimidation, and illegal campaign contributions.

Tony Rezko has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to your political campaigns. You personally used your political positions to steer money to both Tony Rezko and Acorn and you used Acorn to register thousands of phony voters for Democrats and you. While your relationships with Rezko and Acorn are of concern, the greater concern is that you omitted important facts about your relationships with them to America.

During your campaign, you said: "typical white person." "They cling to their guns and religion." "They will say that I am black." You played the race card. You tried to label any criticism about you as racist. You divide America.

You claim that you will reduce taxes for 95% of America, but you forgot to tell America that those come with the removal of the Bush tax reductions.

You have requested close to $1 billion in earmarks and several million for Acorn. Your social programs will cost America $1 trillion per year and you claim that a reduction in military spending ($100 billion for Iraq) can pay for it. While your economic plan of adding 30% to the size of our federal government is of concern, the greater concern is that you are deceiving America.

The drain to America's economy by foreign supplied oil is $700 billion per year (5% of GDP) while the war in Iraq is $100 billion (less than 1% of GDP). You voted against any increases to oil exploration for the last three years and any expansion of nuclear facilities. Yet today, you say that you have always been for more oil and more nuclear. You are lying to America.

Mr. Obama, you claimed that you "changed" your mind about public financing for your campaign because of the money spent by Republican PACs in 2004. The truth is that the Democrat PACs in 2004, 2006, and 2008 spent twice as much as the Republican PACs (especially George Soros and You unequivocally said that you would take public financing should you win the nomination for the general election. You are lying to America.

Oh, Mr. Obama, Teddy Roosevelt said about a hundred years ago that we Americans should first look at the character of our leaders before anything else. Your character looks horrible.

The good Reverend, Martin Luther King Jr., dreamed of a day when people judged people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Mr. Obama, your character is ghastly...and that would be true no matter your skin color.

While you make good speeches, motivating speeches, your character does not match your rhetoric. You talk the talk, but do not walk the walk.

1. You lied to America. You lied many times. You distorted facts. You parsed your answers like a lawyer.

2. You distorted the record of John McCain in your words and in your advertisements.

3. You had associations with some very bad people for your personal political gains and then lied about those associations.

4. You divide America about race and about class.

Mr. Obama, at Harvard Law School, you learned that the end does not justify the means. You learned that perjury, false witness, dishonesty, distortion of truth are never tolerated in a court of law. Yet, your dishonesty is overwhelming. Your dishonesty is tremendously greater than the dishonesty that caused the impeachment and disbarment of Bill Clinton. Your dishonesty is tremendously greater than the dishonesty of Scooter Libby. You should be ashamed.

Mr. Obama, it is time for us Americans to put aside our differences on political issues and vote against you because of your dishonest character. It is time for all of us Americans to put aside our political issues and vote for America first. It is time for America to vote for honesty.

Senator Obama, you are dishonest.

Senator Obama, America cannot trust that you will put America first in your decisions about the future.

Senator Obama, you are not the "change" that America deserves. We cannot trust you.

Senator Obama, You are not ready and not fit to be commander-in-chief.

And for whatever reasons, the mainstream media will not give adequate coverage or research about your lies, distortions, word parsing, bad associations, race baiting, lack of operational leadership experience, and generally dishonest character. The media is diverting our attention from your relationships and ignoring the fact that you lied about those relationships. The fact that you lied is much more important than the relationships themselves ... just like with Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon ... Monica Lewinski and Watergate were not nearly as bad as the fact that those men lied about the events ... false witness ... perjury ... your relationships and bad judgments are bad on their own .... but your lies are even worse.

Senator Obama, in a democratic republic, we get what we deserve. And God help America if we deserve you.

Posts: 1100
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Mr Sonic. We are not Senator Obama...

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lol @ this thread

Posts: 4336
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I know. Wanted to post it here anyway.

*goes to post it elsewhere*

Posts: 1984
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wow you are certainly on the warpath

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2. You distorted the record of John McCain in your words and in your advertisements.

Didn't W do that too?

Posts: 419
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Why is this on a Sonic forum?

In the general discussion board at that? Isn't there a place already here where this stuff is supposed to go?

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Isn't there a place already here where this stuff is supposed to go?

Marble Garden.

Posts: 2438
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I'm moving this there, because I can.

Posts: 216
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I would go through the original post and point out everything wrong with it but it's pretty clear you're full of crap anyway so that'd be pointless.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Seconding citation.

Besides, McCain received more donations from Fannie Mae than Obama. McCain receiving $169,000, while Obama received only $16,000? Yeah.

And it's already been debunked millions of times that he never played an active role in whatever bullcrap ACORN was playing. He was a legal adviser, and made some speeches.

And about Wright? Obama never said he'd never heard him say anything wrong. In fact, one of his statements was that, had Wright not retired, he would have never returned to Trinity Church. Wright even SUGGESTED to Obama last year, last freakin' year, to cut ties with him should he ever get to the primaries. Wright openning up his mouth earlier this year sure as hell didn't help, obviously.

There's a bunch of garbage in your letter, dude, and you are so being sucked in by the bull that the right wing has been regurgitating that it sounds like you are repeating them. Did you look into any of this? This sounds like you just being angry than anything else. Hate mongering, really.

So, uh, stop.

Posts: 348
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This totally had no effect on my vote.

Posts: 1201
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<Deckman> i kind of feel sorry for ultra
<Deckman> if obama wins, he's going to have to live every day feeling that his leader is a terrible, lying, cheating human being
<Deckman> at the same time, i want him to know how it feels

Posts: 2191
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Only arrogant people quote themselves- SonicV2

Besides, do we need to remind 007 that McCain has strong ties to Keating 5? >_>

Posts: 620
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This totally had no effect on my vote.

Mine either.

Also, lulz @ Deckman

Posts: 419
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I avoid marble garden and political threads like they were the black plague itself, but this is so dumb you can't help but look at it and go WHA?!?! And just to make sure it wasn't any of my own personal bias showing through I even went and showed it to one of my staunchest republican friends here that I know who thought it was just bordering on garbage, misinformed idiocy, and borderline threatened rhetoric.

You may think its pretty darn awful, but given the last 8 years of endless suck and blow I'm damn sure hoping that with my vote the next 4 years are gonna be one long continuous orgasm of freaking awesome. And it's not only because we finally have the option of putting some coffee in our cream colored house either, sir. And that is all I have to say about this goofy magilla. 😛

Posts: 620
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I avoid marble garden and political threads like they were the black plague itself,

Why's it gotta be black?!? You are SO in it for race. GAWD, JONNY BOY, GAWWWD!!! </silly>

Posts: 1201
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Only arrogant people quote themselves- SonicV2

whoever sonicv2 is, he's right. my apologies. i'll quote someone else instead:

<rabrod> lol that topic
<rabrod> Obama: hmm i wonder what's going on at the mobius forum
<rabrod> Obama sees topic
<rabrod> Obama: oh no ;_;

Posts: 841
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i know a guy who stole a car clearly this makes me a car thief

Posts: 1818
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Ultra why don't you save your energy and just tell everyone to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Soon enough, they'll realize the inherent evil of Socialism and then they'll be as smart and enlightened and "Joe Six Pack American" as you are.

e: I know, it's been a while, I just came by to see if the dittoheads still post here. I had also hoped to see some Ron Paul lunacy, but I was disappointed.

Posts: 4607
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Mr. Cycle, welcome back. We've missed you.

Posts: 620
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I speak for a VERY majority of America, when I say to naysayers...

*ahem* *clears throat*


Posts: 419
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**in shock**

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

I speak for a VERY majority of America, when I say to naysayers...

*ahem* *clears throat*


Fixed. You were missing the essence of Ron!

Posts: 899
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TheCycle appears after disappearing. Suddenly this thread has value.

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

I bet the thread creator feels stupid.

Posts: 874
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Ultra's asinine open letter text here.

I was tired last night, so I didn't post my true feelings on the OP.

Those were my true feelings.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

The only thing I have to say to this is: just because Ultra posted this doesn't give everyone the right to poop on him. I'm not going to say anything else or do anything else, since every second here is sucking at my soul, but I'll let your consciences guide you.

My conscience is guiding me out of Marble Garden. ONLY reason I'm here is because I wanted to see any reactions to my moving the post, and I'm disappointed to see that I'm not a celebrity because of it.

Posts: 4607
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Yaaay Terg moved this thread out of view for everyone who wasn't actively looking for it yaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I tried to write a parody of this, but that made me actually read it. This is beyond parody.

Your attempts to cite lies are mostly examples of fighting over wording, exaggerating what he said, or the absurd non-controversy of ACORN.

Accusing ACORN of fraud is like accusing McDonald's of bioterrorism because an employee spits in the food.

You and Joe Biden claim that John McCain voted against funding for alternate energy sources 20 times when the record shows that John McCain specifically voted against funding for bio fuels, especially corn ... and he was right ... corn is too expensive at producing ethanol, and using corn to make ethanol increased the price of corn from $2 a bushel to $6 a bushel for food. You distorted the truth.

I disagree with Obama about corn ethanol (sugar ethanol and others are better), but since he supports it, and considers it part of a wide energy policy, wouldn't that mean he told the truth? This in the letter that accuses him of lying about being for more oil, just because he is against specific drilling? EPIC HYPOCRISY

And you said "especially" corn, so, if he voted against other types of biofuel, also truth.

Again, CITATION NEEDED. I know the sources of some of these arguments, and they are ridiculous. The ones I'm not familiar with probably are until cited.

Posts: 2438
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Thank you, SH, for humoring me. I found that it made my effort worth it.

Posts: 2191
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The only thing I have to say to this is: just because Ultra posted this doesn't give everyone the right to poop on him. I'm not going to say anything else or do anything else, since every second here is sucking at my soul, but I'll let your consciences guide you.

My conscience is guiding me out of Marble Garden. ONLY reason I'm here is because I wanted to see any reactions to my moving the post, and I'm disappointed to see that I'm not a celebrity because of it.

Nobody ever liked you in the first place

And I'm sure the reason people jump on Ultra is because he's taking old tired points that Faux News probably fed him. It's amazing that he doesn't think Obama is in Arabic Muslim right now.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

I bet the thread creator feels stupid.

doubtful. ultra is not a man to change his views just because the majority of the country (and this forum) disagrees with them.

ultra, i originally had a brief compulsion to obnoxiously rub obama's victory in your face, simply because i already dislike you so intensely. but now all i can do is say how sorry i am about everything you've been brought up to believe - not just on the election, but everything you've ever said in this subforum. i think it's pretty sad that you feel so horribly about the man who will be your president for four, or even eight, years - the tables have truly turned. may your god have mercy on your soul.

hi cyc!

Posts: 2398
Noble Member


Wot deck said in it's entirety. I bet it really sucks to be so miserable while the rest of the free world is dancing in the streets.


Posts: 489
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Hey, it's not my fault you guys didn't pencil in Dr. Fexusfan...

Posts: 2398
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True, a furry babbling strangely prophetic nonsense would be truely an awesome president.


Posts: 1758
Noble Member


Wot deck said in it's entirety. I bet it really sucks to be so miserable while the rest of the free world is dancing in the streets.


At the end of Star Wars I wonder what the people who supported Palpatine were doing. There must have been some of them.

Is there some kind of right-wing galactic movement in which Limbaugh the Hutt praises him and complains about the liberal rebels?

I hope that Ultra comes around on Obama, and he might, because virtually everything the republicans said about him is obviously not true after you've paid attention to his career. His campaign organization is a triumph of intellectualism, populism, and effectiveness, and I expect his administration would be similar.

Posts: 2398
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Vec... I can't breath. Damn you.


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Wot deck said in it's entirety. I bet it really sucks to be so miserable while the rest of the free world is dancing in the streets.


At the end of Star Wars I wonder what the people who supported Palpatine were doing. There must have been some of them.

Is there some kind of right-wing galactic movement in which Limbaugh the Hutt praises him and complains about the liberal rebels?

I hope that Ultra comes around on Obama, and he might, because virtually everything the republicans said about him is obviously not true after you've paid attention to his career. His campaign organization is a triumph of intellectualism, populism, and effectiveness, and I expect his administration would be similar.

Amen to that, dude. The VAST majority of the whole world (including myself) smiled upon America when Obama attained the presidency and Ultra, whether you like it or not, Obama is YOUR president and will remain YOUR president for at least the next 4 years (if you continue living in America, that is). Get over it. Obama is a true champion.

Posts: 68
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Hey no need to say that, which was extremely rude. If somebody had said Bush was MY president I'd be VERY insulted. Just cause he lives here doesn't mean he has to accept an opposing leader. Dissent is a positive, as I've been telling the right wingers for some time. Changing that attitude just because of who's in office is NOT cool.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Indeed. Bush was NOT my President. If Ultra wants to say Barack is not his president, cool. This IS America and we have the not like the leaders of it. Ultra gets to feel the depression and embarrassment I did for the last 8 years... for the NEXT 8 years.


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Hey no need to say that, which was extremely rude. If somebody had said Bush was MY president I'd be VERY insulted. Just cause he lives here doesn't mean he has to accept an opposing leader. Dissent is a positive, as I've been telling the right wingers for some time. Changing that attitude just because of who's in office is NOT cool.

I checked over my most recent post in this thread and it does have an aggressive tone to it. Sorry about that. Poise has never been one of my strong traits. Yeah, anyway, look. I realise Bush sucks epicly and that not everyone in America voted for him back in 2000 and 2004, but that doesn't change the FACT that he became the president of the US. Not just a fragment of the US, but the US in its ENTIRETY. It sucks, but that's just how it rolls. Same deal with Obama, though I can't see the same kind of suckage in him as I did with Bush. As for dissention being a positive, that depends on where that dissention is being directed at. For example, dissention against teaching evolution in public schools is bulls**t in my opinion, whereas dissention against the outlawing of same-sex marriages is fine by me. It's all a matter of differing perspectives.

Posts: 2398
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You have to accept the good with the bad. o.o


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You have to accept the good with the bad. o.o


What happens happens. The American people have every right to be pissed off at a man who was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of his own fellow citizens in a search for non-existent weapons of mass destruction and who left your economy extremely unstable, but ultimately his decisions and policies still AFFECTED you nonetheless (and even me, sitting an ocean away from you guys... albeit not as much). I have nothing further to say.

Posts: 83
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Am I the only one who suddenly really wants to have an in-depth discussion on the politics of Star Wars?

Also: woah @ Cyc. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Am I the only one who suddenly really wants to have an in-depth discussion on the politics of Star Wars?

Also: woah @ Cyc. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.

No. I'm thinking about how the story of Limbaugh the Hutt might be written.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I did not vote for Obama. I did not vote for McCain. I voted for Bob Barr, but regardless, I send my congratualtions to him. I didn't think he was the best candidate for the job, but nonetheless, I hope he can do this country justice.

To add to a point, although I honestly can't prove this point, seeing it is meerly opinion, EVERY politician is involved with a Shady group or two. That's how you progress through the world of politics, you make deals, you dirty your hands to rise higher. I have no proof of this, obviously, just meerly speculation, so don't attack me for just speculating please?

Posts: 955
Noble Member

I really don't want to get involved in this conversation, but I just had to mention that I actually did vote for Dr. Fexusfan for both state representatives for Illinois. 8D

And I feel no shame, for I didn't care for either candidate anyway. Carry on!

Oh, and welcome back, Cycle! It's been quite awhile 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4336
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ultra, i originally had a brief compulsion to obnoxiously rub obama's victory in your face, simply because i already dislike you so intensely. but now all i can do is say how sorry i am about everything you've been brought up to believe - not just on the election, but everything you've ever said in this subforum. i think it's pretty sad that you feel so horribly about the man who will be your president for four, or even eight, years - the tables have truly turned. may your god have mercy on your soul.

*shrugs* Election's over, life goes on.

I'll be more than happy for Obama to prove me wrong. I'd certainly be happy if he's actually tempered by the responsibilities and realities of the office he's going to hold for the next four years.

Unfortunately, the odds of that occurring seem low.

We'll just have to wait and see.

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