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Auras and astral projection.

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I've been practicing at seeing my aura, and a couple of days ago I was finally able to see colors within a minute. The aura around my left hand is blue, with yellow around the outside. My right hand has more red. I know what the different colors mean, but I don't know why they're different. I'm right-handed; maybe that could be it. *shrug* Red is supposed to mean "materialistic" or something like that.

I can now see my own aura pretty quickly, but I have trouble with other people's. If I try, I can tell that an aura is there, but I can't see any colors. I'd keep at it, but I'm afraid someone might notice me staring. ^^;

Now, as for astral projection, I've been practicing off and on for around a year now, but I still can't seem to totally break free. Occasionally, I'll wake up in the middle of the night on the astral plane, realize what just happened, and then snap all the way awake from w00tness. >< You have to stay calm to have a successful projection. I need to work on that.

So, is anyone else interested in this subject? I'm no expert, but I'm willing to trade knowledge 'n stuff.

Oh yeah, a couple of neat tidbits. There are yellow circles around religious leaders' heads (like Jesus) because it's a depiction of the golden aura specific to those who have reached "spiritual enlightenment", to sound corny. :p Also, have you ever been half-asleep, and suddenly you jolt awake? That's your astral self snapping back into place.

Anyway. Thoughts?

Posts: 1818
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Also, have you ever been half-asleep, and suddenly you jolt awake? That's your astral self snapping back into place.

Posts: 308
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That does sound interesting...

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with yellow around the outside

OMG< Shoe is a Super Saiyan!

Seriously though the idea of auras is definitely pretty cool and something I'd like to experience, but, uh, I have yet to 'master' it, if one actually can.

As for sleeping and jolting awake... sorta. I'm asleep, but then I suddenly just shift and awake because of it. Its weird, but I'm in a light sleep to begin with, something I don't think your body would be able to release an astral mental projection through anyway.

Unless of course Shoe's just the next telepathic like mutie. Are you Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, or Pyslocke? :p

Posts: 286
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I've done astral projection before. Sometimes, I can walk around my house when I'm meditating upstairs for instance. It did take a while to do though. You kinda need to meditate and clear your thoughts (which, quite frankly, is a task and a half).
I started learning that a year ago and every so often, I try it. I thought that different people had different ways of doing astral projection.

In terms of the aura, I can see a light, not colours, around people. Not sure if that is even the aura I'm seeing. And yes I have suddenly snapped awake all of a sudden. Interesting idea about why that is ShoeHedgie.

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Funny, I've never had any of these out of body experiences while in meditation. Of course I mainly do breathing exercise meditation stuff. But it seems to run in my family to see "auras", I don't experience it very often though. Usually when I do, the persons mannerisms are so obvious I wouldn't need to see any aura.


Posts: 1818
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Rico, you're too pissed-off all the time -- it clouds your Inner Eye.

Posts: 666
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Inner Eye? Have we been reading too much Harry Potter?

Madame Trelawney "The Inner Eye does not see upon command!"


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Meh, Rico, you're lucky that it runs in your family. That must mean your relatives accept that kind of stuff to an extent. My parents are very down-to-earth, and I'm scared they'd laugh at me and/or take me to a shrink if I told them I could see auras.

Unfortunately, though I've been practicing for around a year, I've never been able to have a complete projection. I've gotten as far as falling down into the bed, and that's about it. XD Shoe is jealous of Emerald.

Posts: 622
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Nope- nobody in my family can do any of this stuff. I wish I could, but I don't get how you can "practice" it. Do you just stare at someone and hope a colour pops up or what?
And I snap awake all the time, but I just thought that was... me waking up because I've fallen asleep somewhere I wasn't supposed to be sleeping.
It's a cool talent to have though.

Posts: 286
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It doesn't work all the time I do it. Only sometimes when it's quiet and I can focus. Usually, I imagine my astral self slowly float above me and I just take it from there.
But isn't it a weird feeling?

Feels good to be able to speak to people about this subject! Few people I know are interested in the spiritual side of things.

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AbiJay, it's not exactly a talent, though some people are better at this stuff than others. I seem to be catching on to the aura thing, but I've yet to have a successful projection. Practice is all it takes. Why don't you give it a try? :thumbsup

Yeah, astral projecting definitely is a weird feeling. It's like being underwater with no motor skills. O.o

I'm glad I found a place to talk about this, too. ^^ I've found that this subject isn't as rare as one might think. Lots of people have had experiences like this stuff, but no one ever talks about it because it's a bit on the weird side. :spin My, I love that emoticon.

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Not my fault all the lamers like to 'poke out' my 'inner eye'.


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Falling down in bed? Half asleep and my aura snaps back? Both of those happen to me often, and I'm not even trying.


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Half asleep and my aura snaps back?

You mean your astral form. Silly. :spin You're lucky if you don't even have to try. Imagine what you could accomplish with a bit of practice.

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Unfortunatly, I'm ADD, so that means--HEY!! Look!! Whatzat?!

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OMG liek this one time I was trippin on some really good acid at this guys partay, like it was soem good @#%$ rite, i think i got it from a dued named migel, newayz i started looking at my hand nd i could totaly see the auras they were red and green and purple and tehn my hand grew a mouth nd tryed to eat me so i got a butcher nife and cut it off rite but it was still there cuz of the auras n stuff rite tehn i woke up in teh hospital and the doctors tol me it was all a bad trip rite except for the part were i cut of my hand nd they showed me my hand that i cut of nd then i looked down and could stil see my hand cuz of the auras

creppy, rite? mebbe i'm pshycic.

All extremely blatant overly blunt sarcasm aside, I for one feel this is a bunch of new-age crap and I'm probably going to get flamed to hell for it. But until I see some proof that this actually exists and is not just hallucinations brought on by stress, tiredness, or angry ghosts [HINT-THE LAST ONE IS A JOKE] I'm going to keep on not beleiving perfectly happily. My life is weird enough without my hand glowing and walking around without my body, thank you very much.

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You are entitled to your own opinion. No one should flame you for that as long as you respect other people's opinion.

As far as how credible this is... IMO, you have your body and soul, and somehow they're bonded together (spiritual duct tape?). You can't really explain the concept of "soul" in scientific terms anyway. So, theoritically (:insane ), with practice, you could "losen" the bond between body and soul, which is what the above posts are talking about, in general. (correct me if I'm wrong....that is what we're talking about, right?) And auras...nope, still haven't figured that one out...:read

Posts: 286
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I thought that just in case anyone isn't all that clued up about astral projection then have a look at this.

Your not the first person to believe this, Wonderbat. I would think that in some cases, some people can't connect with their astral self as easily as others. We are all different. It might be a case that you can't. I, personally, believe it is real because I have had outer body experiences eg astral projection.

Meditation is a good way to start astral projection because you need to really concentrate and clear your mind. If so much as a single thought enters your mind, you lose the focus. I suppose the first step to being able to do it is belief and the willingness to give it a go.

But as Questern has said, you are entitled to your opinion.:thumbsup

Posts: 308
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What about deja vu? Is that a factor for this? If so then I'll freak out--I just had a major deja vu episode a few minutes ago. Seriously, I felt that I had experienced the same event before, and I remember almost every detail...

OMG, this is freaky.......

Posts: 4885
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I'm growing niave in my old age... the only thing in this thread I find truly impossible to believe, is the notion that Jimro has read the Harry Potter books.

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with practice, you could "losen" the bond between body and soul

Whoops, that would mean you were about to die. XD The astral form is entirely different from the actual soul.

The aura thing, I'm not quite sure what it is, either. It's some sort of energy emitted from things. Like the force. :p

Wonderbat, it is in fact very real. It's not just a bunch of "new-age" crap. Scientists have actually caused instant astral projections in people by stimulating parts of the brain. Unfortunately, all the websites I've found dealing with AP and auras are all decorated with stupid "new-age" stuff, destroying the subject's scientific credibility.

Deja-vu doesn't have anything to do with this, really. :p It's supposed to be something like one half of part of your brain firing before the other by accident, and when the late half catches up, you get the feeling that you've experienced the same event before. A totally outlandish theory is that you unconsciously astral project into the future during the night, and only remember it when you happen upon the same event in real life. XD That's just a bit ridiculous. As far as I know, it's impossible to project into any time other than the present.

Posts: 286
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But wouldn't that be cool?

Let's put it this way, people have claimed that when they have died in the middle of an operation or something, they have actually seen themselves on the bed. If what they say is true (because it is very hard to determine), then they have had an outer body experience in effect.

But, then again, astral projection is different. For a start, you don't die so you can all relax!:lol
I would ask why the thought of projecting your astral self is so hard to believe. But that's fine.
Really, you need to have a look and, like I said, have a willingness to try it.

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Let's put it this way, people have claimed that when they have died in the middle of an operation or something, they have actually seen themselves on the bed. If what they say is true (because it is very hard to determine), then they have had an outer body experience in effect.

There are different kinds of out o' body experiences. There is the near-death experience, which you're describing there, and there is the normal astral projection. There are others, like mental and ethereal projections, and I have no idea if I spelled that right. I don't know anything about the last two I listed, other than that mental projections are insanely hard to accomplish.

Posts: 1367
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Yeah, I know about this astral projection shizzle. My friend Aaron told me that his girlfriend (who is a total psycho) has done it more than once. He read up on it and tried it, and he said it almost happened, but not quite. I read all I could find about it and tried it multiple times. Like... tons and tons of times.

I think it's just a load of crap.

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Meh, some people just aren't willing to accept it because it's not "normal". Plus, it probably didn't work for you because you didn't really want it to. :cuckoo Oh well, suit yourself.

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I really did want to. I was all pumped.

..."Normal"? If you know me, you know that my view of "normal" is a bit out there, dear.

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with practice, you could "losen" the bond between body and soul

That doesn't sound right...

Posts: 286
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:lol It doesn't sound right does it.
More like an exorcism. But, some people can and some people can't astral project. Just the way it is I guess.

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Ummm I find it interesting but that's as far as it goes. I will not participate in it...:p

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Quote: with practice, you could "losen" the bond between body and soul

That doesn't sound right...

Of course it doesn't sound right because it wasn't a true statement. :p Didn't you read further? Questern just made a mistake. There's a distinct difference between the astral body and the actual soul.

Maybe I know more about this subject than I thought. O_o

Posts: 622
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I did read on, but that doesn't mean I can't say that it sounded freaky.

Posts: 308
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Alright already!! I get it!!! <hides under blanket>

Posts: 622
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Don't worry... ;p

Posts: 349
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Aren't these things dangerous? I don't want to sound like I'm bashing or being mean or anything but... if you allow your soul to escape from your body doesn't that leave you wide open for demon possession?
Not that I deny there is such a thing as aura projections, as a Christian obviously I believe in the existance of the soul, but the out of body experiance thing is...kinda freaky IMO.

Oh yeah, and about Craig's statement:

I'm growing niave in my old age... the only thing in this thread I find truly impossible to believe, is the notion that Jimro has read the Harry Potter books

Are you implying that because he's a Christian that he "shouldn't be reading the Harry Potter books because they have real spells and teach children witch craft and it's ok to be a witch?"
On the contrary. Not to go off topic or anything, I have thought about making a topic ABOUT this BUT, the Harry Potter books are VERY Christian. JK Rowling is a devout presbytarian, (however you spell that) and I would recommend reading "Looking for God in Harry Potter" if you don't believe just how Christian the books are. They aren't much different in fact, From LOTR and The Chronicles of Narnia in those aspects. I believe "God, the Devil and Harry Potter" explains it too but I'm not sure, I havn't read that book yet...not that I got the chance to finish reading "Looking for God in Harry Potter but..."
On a personal note, I'm only reading those books to argue for the books and not to dis them as teaching children witch craft and that they're very unchristian. I believe otherwise but regardless I simply find them harmless and a good read.

And now back to our regularily scheduled topic...

Posts: 308
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AJE: Thanks. ^_^

I'm a Christain, and I find the Harry Potter series entertaining. I hate it when people bash fantasy books and say "Oh, it encourages witchcraft". :razz I'd say they're jealous because they can't come up with something that will inspire millions of children to read 800+ page books.

:cookies for you.

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Astral projection has nothing to do with your soul.

The soul cannot be separated unless you die. Astral projection is simply the separation of your astral form from your physical body.

Here's something cool: Look at your hand. Relax your eyes and use your peripheal vision. A transparent outline will appear around your fingers. That's your astral form right there.

Posts: 3468
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These aura-viewing experiences all have a logical conclusion about how an eye works. See whe have "cones" and "rods" that detect colors on a different spectrum. Like color vs. black and white. It's why we can see in the dark, and our pupils grow, and such. Anyway, if you stare at a lightbulb and close your eyes, you see a negative. That's the cones "closing" after you close. What that means here is you will see an outline of things. Try it with...well, anything. A leaf. Stare at it and then blow it away. You'll see a negative of that leaf.

And the half asleep is called an alarm clock. 😛

actually I have experienced that one unexpectedly. It's as if I was suddenly terrified of something. Snap awake, instant alertness and such?

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The negative image thing is most certainly not what an aura is. A negative image would just make the person or object seem to flicker. An aura is an actual little halo of one or more colors around the person or object. It extends a few inches, can be more than one color, and it moves with the person.

Posts: 763
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I would quickly like to say I agree with Wesu.
On both accounts.


I think it's just a load of crap.

and I also agree with


..."Normal"? If you know me, you know that my view of "normal" is a bit out there, dear.

He's not normal. Nor am I ^.^ *is slapped for using those smileys AGAIN*

Posts: 3468
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Hmm. Never heard of this, then o.O

Flicker? No, it isn't a flicker. More like a few seconds.

Posts: 349
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Eh, I have heard of them but I'm kinda suspicious myself.
But if auras have nothing to do with your soul then where does the "glowing" come from? X3
Or are you talking about astral projection? But how can you project your aura and see where you are outside your body? I've heard of people doing THAT too..bringing themselves away from their body...but you would think that was your soul...

...I dun get it...

but as a christian I am a bit suspicious about "magic" and "aura"s and "astral projection" and pretty much anything out of the ordinary. I'm not saying it's impossible...but...I'm just doesn't seem right to me...

of course NOW you've got me curious...

Posts: 308
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Well, since auras have something to do with our souls :x , and Christians believe in souls...

I dunno. It depends on your point of view...

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Gwah...everyone is confused...

An aura is an energy field emitted by people and objects. With practice, you can actually see auras. Astral projection is the separation of your astral form from your physical body. The astral form is something everyone and everything has. It's just a plane that's slightly higher than the physical plane.

None of this has anything to do with your soul.

Christ... ><

Posts: 349
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And these auras energy fields are supposed to determine our personality?
So that would mean then, that if we died our bodies would cease to give off this aura then? Of course you said objects give off an aura also. Is it really an aura though? Or just the light around you where if you focus your eyes just right you can see it?
And if the Astral form isn't your soul or has anything to do with your soul..what's the difference? Do you cease to have an astral form when you die?

Gah I dunno...I can believe the aura thing but not the astral form thingy. How can you have a separate spritual entity within you aside from your soul?
Or maybe...
All living things have it...but only humans have a soul? O.o
I dunno anymore I think I'll just shut up :lol

Posts: 2928
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My aunt sees this too. Oddly enough its right. She used to be a real basket case that never ventured into contact with people. Yet she would say what aura they had and if it was someone I knew, she'd be right.

I have a little of that. I don't see auras though, I just get certain feelings around certain kinds of people.


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So that would mean then, that if we died our bodies would cease to give off this aura then? Of course you said objects give off an aura also. Is it really an aura though? Or just the light around you where if you focus your eyes just right you can see it?
And if the Astral form isn't your soul or has anything to do with your soul..what's the difference? Do you cease to have an astral form when you die?

Gah I dunno...I can believe the aura thing but not the astral form thingy. How can you have a separate spritual entity within you aside from your soul?

Yes. The aura turns white shortly before the person dies, and then goes away completely. The aura is a sort of energy field emitted from people and other things. I found an eye exercise on the internet somewhere that trains you to use your peripheal vision. After just a few minutes of this, I could see the astral outline of my hand almost immediately. After another week or two, I saw my hand's aura for the first time. It's like if you took Photoshop and airbrushed a wide faint fuzzy outline.

The astral form is just a part of you that exists on another plane. Not another entity, silly. XD There's physical, ethereal, astral, something, blah, blah, other stuff, but it's all you. I think there are like seven of 'em. O.o Astral is like two steps above physical. The absolute highest is where angels 'n actual souls 'n stuff are. The higher plane the entity is, the harder it is to see with physical eyes. And I think that only your soul exists after you die.

Glad Rico gets it. XD

Posts: 763
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Can I quickly ask you, what does it matter if you can or can't see them?

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Can I quickly ask you, what does it matter if you can or can't see them?

It doesn't matter. XD I was just interested to see if anyone else could.

Posts: 349
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Eh alright. I think I kinda get it now. So, would these different "dimentions" be light spectrums? Because I had a thoery that heaven and hell exist on the same plane but can only be seen by certain light spectrums...and hell is right below heaven. Ok so it's other people's theories combined X3
Now, to be clarified, this has nothing to do with magic, witchcraft, or any kind of "special powers" of sorts? can you be sure you're not just...seeing things?
I know I can get certain vibes from other people IRL just by telling how they look and stuff, usually I can figure out right away if I will get along with them or not. Although sometimes I'm wrong. There are people like one of my friends from college who, seemed to emit bad vibes from just the way she looked, but we turned out to be good friends. :
So maybe if you can't see auras you can feel them instead? :

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