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Auras and astral projection.

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Nope. Nothing to do with magick or witchcraft. XD It's totally unrelated. Unfortunately, the whole aura and astral projection thing is hard to believe, and people who are already into such questionable acts as witchcraft are more likely to take it seriously, thus giving auras and APing questionable connotations.

Light spectrums? Not totally sure on that one, but it seems unlikely. I think it's more of like different dimensions, only not so. Different planes. Yeah. Not dimensions; planes. Like putting layers of clear plastic over a picture.

Some people can feel vibes and stuff. I can't. O.o It's an ability I wish I had. So I'm working on seeing the vibes, rather than feeling them. :p A person's aura tips you off right away to what kind of person he is, how he's feeling, if he's healthy or not, etc.

XD No, I'm not seeing things. If I was, then my experience seeing my hand's aura would be pretty different than other people's.

Posts: 1367
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Here's something cool: Look at your hand. Relax your eyes and use your peripheal vision. A transparent outline will appear around your fingers. That's your astral form right there.

Wow, I'm like, so totally convinced now!

Hey, look! My remote control has an astral form, too!! OH MY GOD! SO DOES MY PENCIL!!


If you can't tell, I'm being an ass. Seriously, take some science classes or something before you present all this astro sh-t like it's fact.

Posts: 1134
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Some thoughts.

Bear in mind that it's like 1:30 in the morning as I type this.

First off, Mau's whole thing about heaven and hell being on different "light spectrums" is, based on current scientific understanding, total bollocks. There's only one light spectrum: the spectrum of visible light, i.e. electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength around about the 10^-6 metres mark. There is, however, a wider spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that can't be detected by the eyes. Even if heaven and hell and all that jazz did somehow magically reflect other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation but let visible light pass through, we can detect the entire known spectrum artificially and even if they reflected some hitherto undiscovered wavelength, we'd still be able to sense them via our other senses. Say heaven and hell are in or on other planets, dimensions, realities, planes, whatever, and I might believe you, but they certainly aren't visible on different "light spectrums", unless by that, Mau, you mean something completely different to what you imply.

Okay, that whole paragraph was really a minor point that took way too long to explain.

Secondly, this whole seeing your hand's aura with your peripheral vision seems awfully similar to the phenomenom whereby if you look at something without focusing on it (or focus on something else), you'll see a fuzzy outline or a faint, transparent, translated, overlayed image of said object due to the two images sent to your brain being out of alignment. Besides, the peripheral vision isn't very good at detecting colour and shape due to the arrangement of rods and cones with in the eyes. What did you say this aura/astral outline (you seem to be using the terms interchangeably), that you see with your peripheral vision, looked like again, Shoe? "Like if you took Photoshop and airbrushed a wide faint fuzzy outline." And what aren't rods good at again? According to Wikipedia: "Peripheral vision is weak in humans, especially at distinguishing color and shape". I'll let the people draw their own conculsions.

That's not to say my mind is completely closed to such concepts as astral projection, just not that one particular facet that I refuted above. In researching this stuff, you'll have undoubtedly come across the concept of lucid dreaming, which is something Spon told me about and have briefly experienced on occasions using mnemonic induction. Admitedly, I don't really make a concerted effort in the setting up of dream signs, so I've only done it twice (and once was entirely by accident). For those that don't know, lucid dreaming is basically where you recognise that you're dreaming and thus gaining some degree of conscious (probably not the best word) control over the dream.

Funny that you should mention that with astral projection you mustn't get too excited if you realise you're doing it, otherwise you get jolted back to the material plane. Spon told me that a similar thing happens in lucid dreaming; i.e. if you get overexcited when you realise you're dreaming, you'll wake up. It makes me wonder if the two aren't somehow linked.

Posts: 349
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If you can't tell, I'm being an ass. Seriously, take some science classes or something before you present all this astro sh-t like it's fact.

Y'know...just because it's in a science text book, doesn't make it true. I HAVE taken science classes. Many of the principles of science are nothing more than theories. Perhaps Shoehedgie is merely seeing things, as Nuchos implied with the whole rods and cones thingamagiggy.
Of course, they have proved the periodic table of elements, and they have proved the revolution of the sun around the earth...but they havn't DISPROVEN the existance of spirits or anything of the like.
Let Shoehedgie believe as Shoehedgie wants. It's not hurting anyone and we don't need to bash other people for what they believe. It's ok to offer opinions but dude, bashing is just wrong. I've learned from experiance. :p
Obviously I do believe in the existance of heaven and hell, regardless of proof. Some of us don't need proof. But just because someone does doesn't mean anyone needs bashing.

Now Nuchtos, I'm glad you weren't a jerk about this, thank you. I respect your opinion, you were polite and respectful about it. I suppose you know more about the light spectrum than I was only a simple theory of mine that heaven and hell exist on different "light spectrums" but I suppose what I meant to say was in light that isn't visable by the human eye, whereas things like spirits may come into play, but who knows, maybe heaven and hell just exist on another dimention for all we know. You have brought up some major points, but perhaps it exists on a part of the light spectrum that is undetected or unseen even through aided assistance. People have said they've seen ghosts before, yes their mind simply could've played tricks on them, OR they could've seen into another dimention, possibly the afterlife. Is there proof for either of these? No. Simply my little hypothesis. Nothing more, nothing less.

I guess I mispoke about light spectrums, I figured people would know what I meant by saying that though. :lol

Posts: 2928
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and they have proved the revolution of the sun around the earth

pbthththth hehehe. o.o


Posts: 1367
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and they have proved the revolution of the sun around the earth

Well.... that explains a lot.

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but they havn't DISPROVEN the existance of spirits or anything of the like.

We don't have to.
Disproven isn't a word o.o

Posts: 349
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ERRR! I meant to say EARTH around the SUN! My bad! :nn;

And's not a word? Then what would you recommend I use instead of "disproven" to get my point acrossed.

Posts: 2928
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Well I'll be poked. It's not. It's used everywhere. Of course the correct form is one of those very awkward sounding ones.

"...but they haven't DISPROVED the existance of spirits..."


Posts: 349
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Oh yes. More horrers of the English language. :lol
Thanks though, Rico for telling me the correct form.

Posts: 322
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Okay. Here's the deal.

The ASTRAL FORM is just a part of you that's on a higher plane. You can see the outline if you stare at your hand long enough.

The AURA is a sort of energy field around objects and living things. It is most certainly NOT the afterimage created by staring at something long enough. An afterimage is always the opposite color, and it is the exact same size and shape as the original object or person, with hard edges, and it does not change shape once it is burned into your vision. An aura is a large fuzzy halo that can be any color(s), and it extends a couple of inches out from the original object or person, and the aura moves with the person or object.

THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING! I'm not using "aura" and "astral form" interchangeably! >< I was touching on two different subjects in one topic. Sorry if I confused everyone. :annoyed

Wesu, please don't bash this. I doubt you even tried looking at your hand.

Mau, thank you for understanding and helping out with the discussion.

Posts: 1567
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I tried to do it but something told me not to bother so I gave up and went to draw something...

So do different color auras mean anything?

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Wesu, please don't bash this.

As you wish. I'll take my business elsewhere. Oh, and...

I doubt you even tried looking at your hand.

I did. And I tried looking at my remote and my pencil. Same dealy happened.

Posts: 322
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So do different color auras mean anything?

You bet they do. :] Red means materialistic or something, green means healing, yellow means joyful or lighthearted, blue means...a thinker? Meh, that's about all I can remember. I do know that the brighter the colors, the healthier the person. If an aura is dull or murky, the person is probably not feeling all that great. And as I said before, a white aura means the person is fixin' to die. O.o

You can google for the colors, but be prepared for the sites you find to throw a bunch of weird new-agey crap atcha.

Posts: 2928
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There are a thousand lists for what the colors means. Most have the same baseline but some deviate from that... link Shoe's.

Most I've seen have something about red being passionate about stuff, you know anxious and worried and such.

Green I remember people saying is empathy, sensitive and usually sympathic.

Yellow is energy, bouncing around junk. Outgoing and such.

Blue is compassion and quietness. caring, loyal, and that crap.

Orange is creativity and warmth as well as ambition and pride.

Purple and a lotta times silver as well are spiritual aura colors.

Like I said this is just what I general get from people and sites around the net. I've seen sites that say white a angel or black is death or something but usually they aren't consistant.

Posts: 1567
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Oh because I saw a white aura when I tried it...>>

Posts: 2928
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I've never seen an aura. I just get feelings about people. :p


Posts: 349
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I guess that means tornadot's an angel. :lol

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Or he's going die. I know which I'm rooting for. o.o


Posts: 349
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I think the aura is only supposed to change white if it's right before you're going to die. I don't think it's something that goes on for weeks. it? O.o
Or maybe he's not doing it right :p

Posts: 21
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I think White was a kind of neutral color... I'm not sure though, don't take my word on it. XD (Haven't looked this sort of stuff up in years now.)

*scratches head* I think I was able to see auras fairly easily a few years back, but then I stopped trying, so now it's much more difficult...

... I think. *tossed off a cliff*

Posts: 286
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A white aura could symbolise a pure soul! Or maybe not, Emerald Hedgehog. You are most likely stepping into the stereotypical again. XD

Ruby makes sense about white being neutral. Gotta read up on this really.

Posts: 349
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I doubt Tornadot's pure of heart. When it comes to human beings there's no such thing. All humans are somewhat evil. I'm guessing also that White would mean neutral.

Posts: 286
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Humans are all evil? Even you? :p

Posts: 1567
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Oh darn so I'm going to buy the farm soon...

Posts: 4336
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Here's an easier way to know if you're about to die.

Look in a mirror.

If the Grim Reaper is right behind you, you're about to die. (shot)

Posts: 286
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Here we go! Have a look.

White is neutrality!

Posts: 2928
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I could give you sites that say its death and sites that say it purity too. Just because its on the net doesn't mean its true. Case in point.


Posts: 349
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And...your link isn't working Rico :lol

Posts: 2928
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The point was still there. My 'a' and 'l' keys must have stopped function for a moment is all. Nothing to see here peons. Move Along. o.o


Posts: 1567
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Tried it again and it's still I'm doomed.

Posts: 403
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Also, have you ever been half-asleep, and suddenly you jolt awake? That's your astral self snapping back into place.


As far as how credible this is... IMO, you have your body and soul, and somehow they're bonded together (spiritual duct tape?). You can't really explain the concept of "soul" in scientific terms anyway.

Soul is a plot device word as far as I'm concered.

Mind/conciousness are not be be confused with anything other than a complex electrical pattern in your brain.

When you wake up suddenly, the electrics "flare" giving you a very shut but powerful adreneline rush. As you are laying down, your sense of balance is off-key and is given a little surge from the electrical flare.


Posts: 349
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Yes, but how can you prove that you don't have a soul?

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How can you prove that you do?

Posts: 403
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I was going to say the exact - EXACT DOWN TO THE CAPITALIZATION - phrase.

Posts: 349
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I justify my reasoning by this: It's all on what you want to believe. :p

Posts: 403
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At least we can agree to disagree... this one person at my school is an honest-to-God Wiccan. Before I knew this we were having a nice little talk and I said "You know what I think sounds a little crazy? Auras. Astral projection, stuff like that."

He threw his stack of papers of his desk in a frenzy and screamed "IT'S NOT CRAZY YOU ****FACE, IT'S TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT!"

Needless to say, he was disciplined. I learned later of his religion. I'm not sure if I should be mad at him for flipping out or feel bad for alienating him like that. O_o

Posts: 1818
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I'm not sure if I should be mad at him for flipping out or feel bad for alienating him like that.
I'd laugh, because there's no better way to alienate people from ever wanting to associate with followers of your religion than to flip out at them for believing or not believing in something.

Posts: 349
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Ok, I'm at loss as to why he'd flip out over something like that. What exactly did your What did you do? I'm confused...x.x

Posts: 530
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Let's see... I've been able to see auras on occasion, but I have no idea whether or not its my mind playing tricks on me. O_o

My aura's blue, if you care.

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