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Bush the unholy
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Bush the unholy

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Now, I don't think Bush is the AntiChrist but I wanted you guys to see this. And I just simply wanted to know your thoughts about this. The guy who made this could or could not be right.

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could or could not be right.

As opposed to...?
I suppose you don't know of the almight Maddox.
You should definitely read his articles, your life will be less worthless after doing so.

But onto the article, all I have to say can be summed up in one word:


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And that's pretty much all that can be said about this.

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Think of any public figure, and I can assure you that someone has called them the Antichrist at one point or another.

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That site seems about as credible as the Bible Code.

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Too many coincidences.

I'm leaning towards what Cyc said although I would not be surprised if that were true, imho.

Posts: 1818
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That site seems about as credible as the Bible Code.
Or the Bible itself for that matter. Ooooh, count it!

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Which translation? *rimshot*


Posts: 349
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I believe it could be possible either way. However, they left out something about the Anti-Christ.
The anti-christ is supposed to be loved by all.Is Bush loved by all? :lol I don't have to go far in this forum to think that this isn't the case in the least bit.
It makes sense on one hand but it makes no sense on the other hand. *shrugs* To be quite honest, if he is the anti-christ, we'll find out. If he's not, then apparently this person is wrong and needs psychotherapy. :lol
On a serious note, I'm not going to say either way on this because...who knows. :

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It makes sense on one hand

No. No it doesn't.

Posts: 349
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Well, it does seem like an aweful huge coincidence that all those dates and stuff add up to 666. But let's keep in mind that it probably is just a coincidence.
Of course if you don't believe in the Bible then of COURSE it's not going to make sense. :p

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Most of those numerical based arguments are stretching pretty hard in order to place significance on them. Given sufficient data, I could probably compile a similar argument for some other person being the anti-christ.

The whole nature of the statement is pre-supposing the answer the person wants - that Bush is the anti-christ. He provides no contrary evidence, tenuously links in evidence which is mostly circumstantial, heavily interpreted, or appears coincidental at best.

And this is also accepting a lot of importance on the evidence of affiliation with "666" being all that is needed to demonstrate someone is the anti-christ.

Hence the argument, in my opinion, fails. This does not mean that Bush is not the anti-christ, it just means that this argument is not sufficient to prove he is.

Posts: 1818
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This does not mean that Bush is not the anti-christ, it just means that this argument is not sufficient to prove he is.
You also forgot to mention that this all depends on the idea that there even is such a thing.

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Oh, Cyc made a jab at organized religion! ZING!
How very unexpected!

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Wasn't so much a jab at religion as it was exasperation that anyone could possibly find this to be anything other than retarded.

Posts: 349
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Weeeell. Once again it's all on what you want to believe. I'm fine if you don't believe it, but don't knock me for believing it myself. I believe there will be an antichrist. But I don't think it's going to be George W. Bush. We've all done bad things in the past I'm certain.
Besides, IF Bush is a Christian, but has done things in the past, it's kind of irrelevant, since one of the points of Christianity itself is to repent of your sins.
I am NOT saying to think he's the AntiChrist, or to believe in the Antichrist. My conclusion is, you never know. :p

Posts: 666
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Well, this is a funny thread simply because 1) you have to believe in the Bible to believe in an antichrist 2) you would have to not have read the bible enough to believe that Bush was the antichrist. The antichrist is described in detail quite well, and GWBush does not meet the biblical requirements.

So basically, one would have to be a very uninformed Christian....


Posts: 403
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The anti-christ would be KingBooPingo, loved by all or not.

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KingBooPingo is nowhere NEAR the Antichrist.
Annoying, yes.
The Friggin' Antichrist he ain't.

(I know it was a joke. Lay off me.)

Posts: 1583
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Can we cut it out with the insults of posters, particularly when the person in question probably won't see it ;p

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It's not funny when they can't see it anyway, its well... lame. Ask harley, any jokes about her I have I usually IM to her first. Well her or froggy. :D


Posts: 11
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Jimro, does the Bible even SAY who the Anti-Christ is supposed to come from?
My one grandmother says from Rome, the other grandmother says from the Middle East.
Who knows? Does the nationality of the Anti-Christ really matter?
I think in "Left Behind" the Anti Christ was either American or Irish...I can't remember. But Left Behind is a fictional movie based on the prophecies of the Bible.
*I* personally think the Rapture will happen AFTER or DURING the Tribulation. :p
And yes this does relate to the Anti Christ.
Is Bush the anti Christ? Who knows. :p

Posts: 403
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If he did see it, FLAME WARNING FOR ME OH GOD.

But right now, he's a memory we can chuckle about over some wine, kinda like when I laugh because I jumped off a house.

Posts: 2928
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Posters can turn into memories at anytime. Push the bosslady and she'll demonstrate. :D


Posts: 1583
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It's not a matter of whether he sees it, I saw it. And since you think it's funny, it is now an official warning.

Posts: 666
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Read through Revelations again, the Anti-Christ will control the remnent of the Roman empire, which makes sense as the EU and parts of the middle east and north Africa. Revelations was written before the split of the Roman empire so those that say the Anti-Christ will control the EU might want to review their history lessons.

Anyways, to answer exactly where the Anti-Christ comes from, I cannot tell you, prophecy is often very vague. However, the events and geography mentioned make any US leader the Anti-Christ highly improbable.


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I think that if there's going to be such8 a thing as an antichrist, he would have to be a pope. It makes sense when you consider the whole "Rome" dealy.

Posts: 11
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Wonderbat: I've wondered that myself


Anyways, to answer exactly where the Anti-Christ comes from, I cannot tell you, prophecy is often very vague. However, the events and geography mentioned make any US leader the Anti-Christ highly improbable.

Unless of course, the person was a decendent of the Holy Roman Empire. It's quite possible. What do you believe? That the Revolation already happened? o.O

Posts: 666
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My take on Revelation is to not get too caught up in it. Prophecy is of no private interpretation. However, there are those who believe that the events of Revelation are in the past, and many who believe they are yet to come.

As for being a descendant of the Roman Empire, that's rather confusing language considering that all democracies follow the roman model somewhat, and all dictatorships also follow the roman model. If you mean an individual, then the Roman Empire had no offspring as such, and Revelation does not specify where the "anti-christ" will come from. So I don't waste too much time speculating on it.

However, Babylon will be a key player in the politics of the "End of Days", and many take the rebuilding of Iraq (home of Babylon) to be a sign. However Rome was often referred to as "Babylon" by early Christians, so a rise in political power from Rome could also be the sign that they might be looking for. So either way it is supposition based on a book written nearly two millenia ago.

And yes, John Pall II was called the antichrist by some, and there are plenty of protestants who expect a Pope to be the antichrist. I believe that the pope theory is more a product of anti-Catholic doctrine than anything else.

If you want to explore these religious issues further, this is not really the forum for it, but these folks are a great resource.


Posts: 349
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Mmmm, I guess I can agree with you. It doesn't really matter where the Anti Christ is going to show up in my opinion, or who he, or she will be. (Though I'm assuming it'll be a Christ was male so that would make sense o.x)
I have had theories of the anti christ being the pope, but not because I'm anti-catholic. It's because everyone loves the pope, and who better to decieve someone than someone who knows the word of God, and someone everyone is going to love!? The anti christ will be someone everyone is going to love, and he's going to trick everyone, jews, atheists, everyone.
And uhm, sure, I'll take up your invite. ^^; As I agree, this REALLY isn't the MB for dicussing these issues. Not to mention, I've still got a lot to learn about the holy book myself. :
