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Can anyone truly de...
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Can anyone truly deserve to die?

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I'll let someone else start the arguements, for me, I believe certain people can simply serve the world best by leavingit. See Hitler, or Stalin, or any other number of crackpot dictators, for just one example.

What do you think? Can someone truly deserve to be killed? Is there a line where a murder is not a tragedy?

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...I'm not touching that one with an 80 foot pole.

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**declares jihad on the tiny island nation of Fiji simply because of its rhyming syallables.** >8(


Posts: 1758
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Yes, with the qualification that "deserve" is so very subjective and opinion based that it is impossible to judge in a fair way. How can you say what anyone deserves?

However, if the question is, if killing somebody would save many others and there is a reason to consider saving the others more important (like, I wouldn't kill Einstein to save 5 politicians), then yes I consider it justified if it's really the only way. But rarely is it the only way.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

All life which can be taxed is sacred and must be preserved, no matter the cost, infact, the more the cost the better the tax. Keep all taxable citizens alive! Hell, let's get some 14 year olds to start supporting some newborns and get them all the taxable goodies that lil'babies deserve. No reason why that $20 a week pocket money should go anywhere but the economy. More souls! More money! More, more, more!

Now as for those jailbirds, they're just costing us our tax money, they can die. To the chair. Corpses don't need cable!

Posts: 2398
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How can you say what anyone deserves?

Because I can. o.o


Posts: 489
Reputable Member

theres just too many people on this planet that we're all going to kill each other anyway so why worry about it?

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

I really don't find the question as to whether or not someone 'deserves' to die (mind you, a lot probably do), but I believe that there are simply better alternatives most of the time. (For instance, it wouldn't have been wise to keep Hitler alive were we able to capture him half-way through the World War with his forces still at a powerful number)

I mean, seriously, forced labor camps for criminals, anybody? Killing a man who's accused for killing half-a-dozen people isn't winning by any standard I can perceive. That man needs to work, and HARD, to make up for (as much as he can) the crime he has commited.

You know what I think that ideal prison sentence for a man convicted of murder is? Five years. No joke. But that man would have to WORK every day of those five years, and I mean, grueling, back-breaking stuff. (Not literally, mind you) Think a Pre-Civil War slave plantation.

Of course, my arguement might be incredibly flawed; I wouldn't know what kind of feasible job a man like that could have without escaping within his first year, or what kind of pay-out he'd actually have. I'd have to do a heck of a lot of research for me to actually back that with anything past an internet messageboard discussion.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Taking a much broader look at things, yes, all people deserve to die.

Well, maybe deserve is a little bit of a harsh sounding word for it, but I certainly would not wish to live forever. We are all given our time in life to achieve what we manage to, but if all men lived forever, there would be no need - and eventually a need not to - procreate, and so we would tend to stagnate as a species. Great for everlasting peace, but kind of boring after a while. Through death being a part of existence, in some sense, we are given the encouragement to actually do something with ourselves.

There's also an argument that without an end to our life, there would be a lack of moral judgement that could be made about individuals ultimately - if you live forever, then you eventually you would do or achieve everything - you would have as much time as you wished to correct any mistakes you may have made, or repent of any sins you may have committed. By having a finite time to live, you do not have the same opportunity to repent if you sin - your actions have more meaning in a moral sense. A lot of this relates to an eventual final judgement, however, and so I'm not sure if I would agree with it, or even consider it that relevant.

In terms of whether I believe any person is so evil that they deserve to be killed, I tend to think not - largely due to killing someone avoids the possibility that they may, in the future, provide some benefit to help balance the harm that they have caused. That and every person is also someone's child, and usually have other friends and relatives. Those people generally don't need the grief of seeing someone close to them killed, no matter how evil they may have been.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

No person or group of people possesses the moral or ethical authority to decide whether, how or when another person "deserves" to die. This is why capital punishment is absurd.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I do. :3


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Why? Who made you the supreme arbiter of right and wrong?

Posts: 170
Estimable Member


That is all.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I did of course. It's better I do it than some religious psychopath bent on forcing everyone to think the same way.


Posts: 1758
Noble Member

If morality and ethics are not absolute, doesn't that suggest that deciding that one does have the ability to judge isn't necessarily immoral by their standards?

Saying that they do not have that right is an opinion, and can only be factual if you impose moral absolutism. Note that I myself brought up the question of how anyone could have such a right. Playing multiple sides is fun.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I still want some people to die. o.o


Posts: 955
Noble Member

Wanting and doing are two different things. :3

Death wishes? By all means. Throw them out by the dozen, for all I care. But do not take what you cannot give back.

**vanishes from MG for another year or so**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage
