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Cops: Taking advantage of the law

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Posts: 349
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Do you recall any police officers who have been pulled over for a speeding ticket? How about talking on a cell phone? It seems to me that cops believe they are above the law, and that because they are law enforcers, they believe they are above the law and can do whatever they want. I've even heard of cases where the cops can go into a store or Dunken Donuts and get free food. No one's going to question whether or not a police officer is speeding or talking on the cell phone. I also believe that they like to take advantage of those who aren't cops. I still remember my first ticket that I got for having an over due inspection sticker. I believed I got it unjustly because I was on my way to get it inspected, and it was during the month of december, there weren't any inspection stickers anywhere, and I was on my way to get it inspected anyway. Personally I feel that I should've gotten let off with a warning. I swear those cops will nail you for just about anything. Don't they have something better to do like catch someone that's speeding or robbing the bank?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Do you recall any police officers who have been pulled over for a speeding ticket? How about talking on a cell phone?

I still remember my first ticket that I got for having an over due inspection sticker. I believed I got it unjustly because I was on my way to get it inspected, and it was during the month of december, there weren't any inspection stickers anywhere, and I was on my way to get it inspected anyway.
That's like saying I was unjustly ticketed for speeding a couple weeks ago because I was in the process of slowing down when he turned his lights on.

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I also believe that they like to take advantage of those who aren't cops.

Explain please.


I've even heard of cases where the cops can go into a store or Dunken Donuts and get free food.

WOW, It's almost as though some people respect those who keep their families from beign murdered in their sleep!

Posts: 3468
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Cop: This greaty offends me. }:O

Do you recall any police officers who have been pulled over for a speeding ticket? How about talking on a cell phone?
Yes, actually, I have. Do you recall all those police officers who lost their jobs on assault charges?

It seems to me that cops believe they are above the law, and that because they are law enforcers, they believe they are above the law and can do whatever they want. I've even heard of cases where the cops can go into a store or Dunken Donuts and get free food.

When the L.A. cops need coffee to go as fast as the CARS do...

Okay seriously: This is BS. I've seen signs for free donuts to police officers. Police and military discounts too. Also, since when is a Dunkin Donut's NOT a store? store OR a dunkin donuts?

No one's going to question whether or not a police officer is speeding or talking on the cell phone.
Okay, when the lights are on and they're speeding...yeeeah. Also, those "cell pohones" are called radios. Okay, so I have seen off-duty cops do stupid sh*t. I've seen cops be asked about it too.

I still remember my first ticket that I got for having an over due inspection sticker. I believed I got it unjustly because I was on my way to get it inspected, and it was during the month of december, there weren't any inspection stickers anywhere, and I was on my way to get it inspected anyway.
Cyc said it already.

Personally I feel that I should've gotten let off with a warning. I swear those cops will nail you for just about anything. Don't they have something better to do like catch someone that's speeding or robbing the bank?
Personally, the law doesn't. o.o
Just about anything illegal, yes.
And they'd be doing it too, if bank robberies happen as often as small things like your example.

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Personally I feel that I should've gotten let off with a warning.
So do those rapists and murderers.

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:annoyed Firstly, my offense isn't like the speeding ticket offense because obviously you have to slow down to pull over anyway, it doesn't relate that I'm fixing the problem right away. I got my inspection done the same damn day. Furthermore, I know a guy who plans to go into the police field who was BRAGGING about how cops abuse the laws and stuff.
You obviously don't know how small town cops are like. Some in cities can be like that as well. I got pulled over the other night for having a light out in my car, but thankfully he let me off on a warning. That was a miricle from God, I don't care what you say. :p
I suppose none of you are familiar with the term "police brutality" are you? Not that getting picked on for a late inspection, especially CONSIDERING it was my first offense EVER, COMPARES to that, but certianly you must've heard of cops like that.

Posts: 1583
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You obviously don't know how small town cops are like.

Most people here are from small towns, so that's a silly statement along with the fact that it has nothing to do with the point you're trying to make or the point others are making.


Furthermore, I know a guy who plans to go into the police field who was BRAGGING about how cops abuse the laws and stuff.

So? Someone who is not a police officer is making statements based on what they think a police officer does is as relevant as the silly comments I see/read about how teachers only have 6-7 hour days and don't do anything. People that are actually IN the profession know a lot more than those outside of it. When the guy you know is actually IN the profession, his stuff will hold more weight than it does now.


I suppose none of you are familiar with the term "police brutality" are you?

It has absolutely nothing to do with your post. It also is silly because basically for every cop that supposedly gets away with beating up someone, so do hundreds of kids in schools and thousands of adults that aren't police officers, particularly in domestic abuse and other assault cases.

You're ignoring the point that life isn't fair nor are you making a good case at all for police favoritism. Get some concrete facts or else it just looks like a rant created because of being upset that a police officer gave you a ticket. Sometimes, people get warnings, sometimes people get fines. It depends on the luck of the draw.

Posts: 1818
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Firstly, my offense isn't like the speeding ticket offense because obviously you have to slow down to pull over anyway, it doesn't relate that I'm fixing the problem right away.
You were overdue for an inspection, and if that's against the law, that's all that matters. For all the cop knew you were going shopping. The fact that you were "going to" get it inspected didn't change the fact that you were overdue. He's not "taking advantage of the law", he's doing his job. Get over it.

I suppose none of you are familiar with the term "police brutality" are you? Not that getting picked on for a late inspection, especially CONSIDERING it was my first offense EVER, COMPARES to that, but certianly you must've heard of cops like that.
I love how she calls it "police brutality" whenever she gets nailed for breaking a law she doesn't like.

Posts: 4336
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Okay, first things first; some cops will not chase those who are speeding anywhere between 7-10 miles (depends on the state) above the speed limit, because the ticketing won't be as substantial as those who are above 10 miles per hour over the limit. If a cop tried to nail EVERY person who speeds over the speed limit, there'd be a lot of tickets.

Now, to the defense of the cops.


I've even heard of cases where the cops can go into a store or Dunken Donuts and get free food.

At Backyard Burger, there's a 50% discount policy for firemen, police officers, and military officers in uniform. I've taken the orders for a few policemen; they're normal men and women like us, but they take risks others don't live with. As a result, they are compensated for such things.


Furthermore, I know a guy who plans to go into the police field who was BRAGGING about how cops abuse the laws and stuff.

You'd be surprised how someone's opinion can change once they're 'in the know'. Ask him again once he's been a cop for a few months.


I suppose none of you are familiar with the term "police brutality" are you? Not that getting picked on for a late inspection, especially CONSIDERING it was my first offense EVER, COMPARES to that, but certianly you must've heard of cops like that.

How does getting pulled over for an overdue tag make you think of police brutality? O.o

But in all seriousness, yes, there are some corrupt cops who commit brutality or partake in shady deals. More often than not, those who commit brutality are fined and/or fired.

If you don't want to get ticketed by a cop, read up on the laws for your local area or your state. As the old saying goes: "Ignorance of the law is not a defense."

Moral of the story: The 'fuzz' are not above the law; they just enforce it.

Posts: 349
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I love how she calls it "police brutality" whenever she gets nailed for breaking a law she doesn't like.

If you paid attention to what I was posting, I did NOT say it was police brutality.

Not that getting picked on for a late inspection, especially CONSIDERING it was my first offense EVER, COMPARES to that, but certianly you must've heard of cops like that.

PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL! *hits Cycle with the frying pan of gloom* :lol

I'll reply later. I wanna see if anyone actually agrees with me here because I'm begining to think I wasted my time making this discussion if it's just going to be a Mau versus the Mofo thing. :p

Posts: 1631
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Mau I think everyone agrees with you to a point, but it's the details they aren't happy with.

Yes, Police brutallity exists, yes cops DO sometimes take advantage of the law, all of this is true, but to then make a generalisation about ALL cops doing it is unfair.

There are many many cops that DO NOT do this.

Over here in England there have been frequent investigations into Racism in the Police forces, and it has been found that a number of officers are racist and have expressed very racist attitudes. Is it right, though, to now brand every cop in England as a Racist? No of course not, because those who were involved have been punished, and many cops were outraged at hearing the news.

And as for the ticket on the car inspection, as has already been mentioned, the facts of the case were that the car's inspection was overdue. If the policeman who pulled you over had been feeling linient, then it would be up to him wether to let you off with a warning or not, but the fact remains that the car was, at it's current state, illegal. If you had taken it the previous day, maybe you could have avoided the problem :p It's unfortunate, but those are the laws.


Posts: 349
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And as for the ticket on the car inspection, as has already been mentioned, the facts of the case were that the car's inspection was overdue. If the policeman who pulled you over had been feeling linient, then it would be up to him wether to let you off with a warning or not, but the fact remains that the car was, at it's current state, illegal. If you had taken it the previous day, maybe you could have avoided the problem It's unfortunate, but those are the laws.

I believe the previous day was a holiday. Remember, this was during the christmas season that it was up, and everyone knows that the holidays are busy times. You also have to take into consideration this was my first offense, and I was on my way to fix the problem. The cop was just being a jerk.

Not all cops are bad, but most cops I've seen or heard of are. I've had a lot of bad experiances with them. I've never been arrested, but I've had plenty of tickets. I had two parking tickets on campus, though one of them they wavered, I can't remember why. The other one was kind of unjustly given because, I may have parked in the wrong spot, but geez, it said Commuter AND Upperclassmen on the sign. >.> Not to mention it was late at night and I couldn't find a spot (though I was kind of lazy and didn't want to park all the way up by orvis..not that you have any idea what I'm talking about :p ). Now, I understand getting a ticket for my light out in wellsville, but that cop said I'd have the whole weekend to get it fixed. We went to the police station and they told us it needed to be fixed in 24 hours.
So far, the only cops I've heard of that are decent are the ASPCA. They help animals find new homes that are abused and arrest the jerks who abuse them.
More on this later, in the mean time, *passes out coffee and donuts* :p

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

To put it simply, the cops are simply doing their job. If you believe you're being unjustly treated, I'm sure you can file a complaint against the relevant officer/officers, and it will be dealt with accordingly. However, I expect you'll get much the same reaction from them as you're getting from us - you're essentially complaining because you've been caught and punished for being caught.

Look at this honestly: In all the incidents where you've been given a ticket, regardless of background details, were you or were you not violating some law or other? It doesn't really matter if it was your first or hundredth offence, it is still illegal. It also doesn't matter how petty you think the offence is, the law is still there to protect you and those around you, and neglecting responsibility could lead to a worse incident further down the line.

Blaming the cops for doing their job, and I doubt it thrills them particularly to go around punishing people for these kinds of things, is not about to gain sympathy for you, at least not from me. Yes, there may be some cops out there who abuse the power they've been given, but there are some checks put in place to prevent this from happening as much as possible. The vast majority of cops are honest, upstanding citizens who take their responsibilities seriously, so it would probably be best to cut them a bit of slack, and accept that you were in the wrong, and don't really have a leg to stand on.

Posts: 1583
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Not all cops are bad, but most cops I've seen or heard of are. I've had a lot of bad experiances with them.

Let me change those two sentences so that perhaps you'll see what many people are getting at:


Not all Blacks are bad, but most Blacks I've seen or heard of are. I've had a lot of bad experiances with them.

Most everyone can find at least one group of people that they've had bad experiences with based on a few people they've met that are part of the larger group. Those of us who know better, don't generalize the group as you're still doing.

However, based on what you keep posting, you just seem to not like taking responsibility for getting caught for doing something wrong. I live in NY, which I believe you're in, so I know plenty about the inspection rules and my parents have been caught on that before. The difference between your reaction and theirs is that they accept that they got caught and the consequences that come with it (in one instance they were actually going to have the inspection later in the afternoon), while you aren't.

Posts: 2928
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I dislike officers that pull over a car for a taillight out, brakelight out, or something like that see theres some kid driving and ticket away. That the kinda junk I'd pay a lawyer to stop, 16 year olds insurance is freaking high enough without that crap. Heck, unless you turn on all your lights and walk around the car a few times before you leave EVERY time you leave. You're going to drive with a light out occasionally. I've never been pulled over for that but I know people that have.

Tags, inspection stickers, etc. Hell you had plenty of time to get it changed, I believe theres a grace period here as well. I've been nailed for a tag before, because I was too busy playing galaxies every night to go get a new sticker. My fault, not the cops.

I do get mad if the cop lies, I had it happen once (Tonkawa in-town cops are jerks. Only 2 good ones and one already left.). I guess a small town judge would have rolled his eyes seeing that someone with no tickets on record got pulled over for 37 in a 35, so the cop jacked it up to 40 in a 35. Ticked me off, but theres nothing you can do. I said nothing YOU can do. I know where he buys his "stuff" and told 'em he was a narc. pwnd.

Basically there is some stuff that cops do thats troublesome, but I'll take a 60 buck un-needed ticket once in awhile if it means there's a place I can call 24/7 to get help with getting stranded, a traffic accident, someone trying to kill me, etc. Remember that while some cops are pricks, ALL cops will help you, its their job.

~Rico (My cousin IS a cop.)

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Mau I think everyone agrees with you to a point

Not me. I think she's absolutely off her rocker on this one.

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I sold my rocker. :[


Posts: 349
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Well...I think the main reason I don't trust cops isn't because of anything that happened to me. A close friend of mine who shall remain annoymous, was unjustly arrested. What happened was, someone got in my friend's face waving a metal baton around and threatened to beat my friend with it. Then they called the cops on my friend and he got arrested. Although unarmed by legal definition, my friend was arrested for illegal posession of a weapon, even though my friend was the one that was threatened. The worst part was, the cops treated the guy with the metal baton like a hero! Tell me that isn't police brutality? :">

Posts: 1818
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Mau I think everyone agrees with you to a point
Speak for yourself.

Tell me that isn't police brutality?
It's not police brutality unless they subjected him to cruel physical punishment.

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And I'm sure Mau isn't biased here because it was here friend that got "Brutalized" as she put it.

Had it been someone else I doubt she would care, and I doubt they got arrested for nothing more than being threatened.

Posts: 1818
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And I'm sure Mau isn't biased here because it was here friend that got "Brutalized" as she put it.
"Biased" is the new "stating an opinion as a fact". Say it again and I will cut you.

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Posts: 1583
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Cycle, cut it out. You know better than to threaten people, even if it's over the internet. ;p

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mau, take this legal advice! ^__^

*Laughs* Na, I'm kidding. I wont restate what everyone else said. Petty excuses, like "I've not eaten in 3 days!" or "I was going to put it back!" don't stop mama slapping your wrist when you take a cookie out of the jar, no matter how true it may have been.

It was 7, by the way. Whydya think I'm only 97lbs?!

As for your friend being "Brutalised", which as we've already established means "physical abuse" rather than "unjustly treated", you'll forgive me for not taking your word at face value, you're clearly bias and may not have the full facts recieved or displayed for us.

Police just do their jobs, sometimes it's unfair, sometimes it isn't. There aren't really exceptions, Drunk and Disorderly charges will exist even on New Years Eve, get out of line and they'll put you back *and cause 2 years of court cases for Rush's guitarist*.

Thankfully I've never dealt with the police since my pre-teens, so I cannot truly comment, but there's always 2 sides to every coin.

Ask yourself this: If you was doing a job where you had a choice of filing a charge, going through the hastle of dealing with the perp and then making all the appropriate paperwork and such; would YOU go out of your way for it?

I'm more worried about cops being LAZY. Hell knows I've lived in London for 21 years and can count the number of "Bobby's on the beat" with a single hand, and the majority of those were after we got bombed.

I can understand your personal bias, but as Red already pointed out, it's just the same as racism. You're taking a force which is designed to keep the peace, and does so pretty well (see: New Orleans; for examples of failure), a bad experience or two are no need to turn against the entire institution.

Especially when your PERSONAL experience was you being in the wrong and punished too hard. I'd understand if you was innocent or arrested. But come ON!

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Had it been someone else I doubt she would care, and I doubt they got arrested for nothing more than being threatened.

I have to get to class soon but I'll at least reply to this much for now before tackling everyone else's posts since this one seemed to come at me the most. Maybe I wouldn't care if it was someone else, but the fact remains this DID happen to a close friend of mine, he wouldn't hurt anyone. (Take this into consideration also, I KNOW him very well, so you think I'm not going to believe him?) I doubt they would've done something wrong, whether they've been arrested or not. The cops were just being biased jerks.
Oh and one other thing, I consider being brutal as a mental thing as well, but you have to remember too my friend was the one being threatened, yet he was the one who was arrested for no good reason. If you wanna call that unjustly treated fine. But I call it brutal AND unjust, and if you want to think I'm biased go ahead, I'll just laugh when a cop decides to arrest you simply because he's having a bad day. :p If you don't believe me fine. But what I state is the truth, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Posts: 4336
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Brutality: The state or quality of being ruthless, cruel, harsh, or unrelenting. A ruthless, cruel, harsh, or unrelenting act.

So no, that wasn't police brutality.

And just for the record, how many witnesses saw the event between your friend and Mr. Metal Baton? If it was simply a case of his word versus. Mr. Metal Baton, then the cops would probably trust the one who called them first. Nothing biased; merely a fact of life.

Unjust? Sure, why not. But brutal? Nah, not so much.


I'll just laugh when a cop decides to arrest you simply because he's having a bad day.

The only time a cop can arrest you is if you break the law.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I'll just laugh when a cop decides to arrest you simply because he's having a bad day.
And I'll just laugh at you.

Posts: 1367
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The only time a cop can arrest you is if you break the law.

I believe he was being sarcastic, son. :[

Posts: 4336
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I believe she was being sarcastic, son. :[


Posts: 1334
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What you consider and what the world consider is different things.

And uh, don't try to make your opinion fact. XP

Posts: 276
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Well, me and my skate team were grindin' this pipe thingy on a closed road, then some jerk comes out, sees us, runs back in and calls the cops.

Here comes the cop, over the speed limit, and stops right by us. Luckily we got the pipe thingy back before he saw us with that.

He loudly and offensively asks us. "Do you go to school? Can you read? Are you stupid." At this point, I realized that he was trying to provoke us and get us to say something stupid, so he'd have a good, valid reason for arrest.

I looked at the oldest one of us, who is like a brother to me. He just remained silent and answered all the questions.

In that brief run in with the town clowns, I learned a very valuable lesson:


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:lol @ Supershadow70 prefectly parodying this topic.
Unless of course he was being serious, in which case I have an :lol to hand out anyway.

Posts: 276
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@ Supershadow70 prefectly parodying this topic.

The Hell is that s'posed to mean?

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Whatever you want it to mean. ^_^

Posts: 1818
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I think he was serious. It's no use, Wonderbat. It's better to just join the emos now before it's too late. Come on, let's go listen to Korn on our iPods while whining about our unrequited love and taking black-and-white pictures of backalleys. You know you wanna.

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Nah, he's gotta be joking.
I know that now because I just noticed this little gem of a line that nobody would ever say seriously:


He just remained silent and answered all the questions.

FACT: That's impossible.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I have said stranger and even more contradictory things than that without even noticing.

Then again, I'm frequently under the influence of various substances.

Posts: 2928
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Like pudding, and I'm not saying what kind.


Posts: 1619
Noble Member

I think he was serious. It's no use, Wonderbat. It's better to just join the emos now before it's too late. Come on, let's go listen to Korn on our iPods while whining about our unrequited love and taking black-and-white pictures of backalleys. You know you wanna.

But I don't have an Ipod....and I don't really like KorN.

....Does listening to Metallica count? 😮

I do get mad if the cop lies,

Only an incompetent cop lies.

I remember last summer that my sister was accused of something she didn't do, and the policeman threatened to put her into jail if she didn't confess to it. It was for illegal dumping of a pizza and wings in front of a pizza place.

According to the police officer (who just so happened to be friends with the pizza place's owner) she threw it out of the passenger seat window while taking a right turn in order to avoid hitting the pile that someone had already left there. And strangely enough, she had the time to reach over and manually roll down the window to do all this while she took that turn. And it was done because my sister, who was on Atkins at the time, could eat two loads of pizza and a bucket of chicken wings from that place.

...Strange, though, that the call came from the pizza place itself, several hours after the pizza had been dumped and somehow, the pizzeria owner managed to get her license plate despite the fact that Jocelyn never even knew the pizza place was on the corner. And of course the pizzeria's reputation was on the line for this, so of course Jocelyn HAD to confess to it or else a reputable business would be in trouble!

Fortunately, Jocelyn (and myself, because he tried to say I was in the car with her when I was online with you guys) stuck to her guns, no matter how many times the cop tried to change the story on her (because we ourselves figured out that someone from the pizzaria had actually followed Jocelyn to the house her friend lived in a block down, as she had been there for a half hour, so it wasn't too hard for them to get her number...much to this cop's chagrin) and no matter that she broke down after the cop threatened to arrest her if she didn't confess.

That's when the family swung into action. My mom, pissed beyond all imaginings, went to the police station and reamed him a new one. The way she did it was to politely go to the front desk and outline everything that had happened, and to this the front officer (who obviously had more sense than the cop who tried to frame my sister) decided on a compromise: all we had to do was pick up the garbage. Since all of us (desk person included) knew that the cop was being an idiot and that the pizzaria was just trying not to lose money (because heaven forbid the dive actually be in TROUBLE!) we figured it was probably the best course of action that didn't involve getting lawyers into the room over something so blatantly obvious.

It was a filthy mess to clean up. Some of the stuff was cemented to the ground by rain, indicating that the garbage had been there for untold hours, if not for days. On top of that, the garbage was conveniently by the left side curb where the pizzaria was - which made no sense, because Jocelyn, making a right turn on the road, had thrown the garbage out of her passenger's seat according to the officer - which would mean that the garbage was supposed to be on the right side. It was a classic case of scapgoat, with the cop trying to protect his favorite pizza place from dumping charges.

So, after taking about twenty pictures of the mess, us cleaning the mess and where the mess was, even took a picture of a car taking the very turn that Joc had taken (which showed the impossibility of the cop's claim - we took the photos and developed them, brought the photos - AND the five dripping, greasy garbage bags we had esconsed - to the front desk. We then told the front desk officer to give all the evidence to the pain in the ass cop who had harassed us, and asked him if he could relay to the cop if he actually thought it humanly possible for my sister to have thrown all of this out of the window on her own. Then we asked if that cop could throw it away for us, and left the station after bidding the amused front desk officer adieu. And the incompetent cop never bothered us again.

Justice. Gotta love it.

Posts: 276
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What the hell does avoiding the cops have to do with being a friggin' emo? All skaetrs aren't emo ya know! That's a ridculous thing to say.

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Argument's over, and Cyc is the winner.
Go write a poem about it or something, you Emo.

Posts: 2928
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boys, boys, settle down. Or I'm going to remake the emokid ytmnd thing with all three of you on it.

~Rico (I must be emu.)

Posts: 276
Reputable Member

What the hell is your problem Batty? I ain't been nothing but nice to you, and The Cycle I don't even talk to!

And where the hell do you get off calling people emo that you've never met in your entire life? Do you even know what an emo is? Are you just being one of those idots who has to put everyone in a group? If so, that's a pretty lame life you guys got there.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

No one is above the law, in theory anyways.

The system of checks and balances built into our government make it so that those who abuse power usually get caught. Police have to deal with the DA (judicial), Internal Affairs, FBI (federal), citizens groups, etc.

So basically, Mau, you got what was coming to you, and if a Cop is abusing his "power" he will get what is coming to him, or her.


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

What the hell is your problem Batty? I ain't been nothing but nice to you, and The Cycle I don't even talk to! And where the hell do you get off calling people emo that you've never met in your entire life? Do you even know what an emo is? Are you just being one of those idots who has to put everyone in a group? If so, that's a pretty lame life you guys got there.
I'm just messing with you. Don't take it the wrong way.

Posts: 4336
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The problem is that people these days have very poor senses of humor...and/or are too easily offended.

(calls Rico a man)

(is promptly sued by ACLU for calling Rico a man when it should be 'person')


(goes to jail)

{And if no one gets the joke, I'm referring to the old thread with the list of banned words}

Posts: 276
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Okay, I'm sorry guys. That's a very touchy subject for me. Everyone is everything and I hate being labeled and classified. I'm not offended, just a little shooken.

And, no, I wasn't joking. All of that was true. Kind of a lame story,but a story none the less.

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*Sues Ultra*


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Too bad. I'm broke. :O

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