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Dear GOP re: 2012
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Dear GOP re: 2012

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Yeah, Bobby Jindal? Not gonna be your guy in 2012.

Look, I know you're all happy that you found yourself a not-white guy because OBVIOUSLY the only reason we elected Obama is because of his skin color and not because he doesn't treat us like idiot children when he speaks to us. You know, because obviously to us race is far more important than ideas or action or implied respect.

But unfortunately for your boy Bobby, the man's a block of wood. And not a dynamic interesting wood like cedar or hickory. No, he's more of a particle board. That stiff demeanor, the educational-video delivery ("Here is where paper gets made, Johnny!"), the complete regurgitation of talk radio talking points and his accent (good lord, I'd heard him talk before and he sounded nothing like last night! Who told him to turn up the 'folksy'?) are, to put it bluntly, sub-par. Below-par. Has-no-idea-what-par looks like. Almost like listening to a high-school election speech. In fact, I half expected him to say "SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES" to end the speech, and I wish he had. It certainly would've been more interesting than the bland droning of badly-researched material we got.

As for the speech... well, that wasn't his fault. He got handed a s&#* sandwich and was told to sell to us without first putting mustard or hot sauce on it. The speech as written was... DUMB. It's bad enough that it tried to ignore history, but then it tried to rewrite history (NOTE TO REPUBLICANS: DON'T TRY TO USE THE KATRINA AFTERMATH AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS. IT IS A TRAP). It's not Bobby's fault he got handed such a giant s&#* sandwich, but it is his fault that he was unable to sell it. Y'see, that's a politician's chief job: selling s&#* sandwiches. And if Jindal can't do it, than he hasn't a single prayer for the highest office in America.

Quite frankly, you'd have a better chance with Palin (who Romney will crush at the first opportunity anyway). Just giving you GOP guys some healthy advice. God knows you seem unable to figure this crap out on your own...

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The first thing the GOP needs to do is divorce itself from the Religious Reich. That's their biggest failure.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Thats actually... wrong. The blindly religious are the only reason the GOP has as much power as it does. Without that the only GOP members would be the top 5 or 10%. They rely on using fear of God and fear of "abnormality" to draw the middle class and poverty level to them. You know, "Liberals are commies, Liberals support the gay agenda, If you vote republican you will goto heaven," those implied and sometimes VOICED *coughBushcough* inferrences.


Posts: 163
Estimable Member

I'd say Jindal still has time to become the next Republican presidential candidate. He's as good as any face there is to be had (among Palin, Barbour, Romney, Huckabee, and every other posturing governor trying to reject stimulus money his/her state desperately needs).

2012 will be contingent more on what the economy and security of the United States is by that time. If either or both are in a deplorable state, then it will be less that whichever Republican won and more that Obama lost. However, the GOP could run a puppet figurine and still have an equal shot at the White House in comparison to using its frontrunner if it does not present a message to rally the public to its side. Jindal's high water mark of upbraiding wasteful spending is only resonating in the ears of the compulsively anti-Keynesian, laissez-faire crowd. For the present, though, the greater majority of the people seem leery of retreading the "government is the problem" ground that is made all the more paradoxic when heard from the lips of the people in the government.

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Perry and Sandford are posturing because their pasty white arses are already lame ducks. Neither can stand in 2010 because of term limits.

The GOP was able to gain office without the Falwell/Robertson types. That's the millstone that will drag the GOP down.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Quit trying to burst my bubble. I'd rather believe that these people with minimal income down here is voting republican because of some diehard belief they will go to hell if they don't and the world will fall in sin and evil, not that they're just complete and utter idiots.


Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Same thing, really. Religion really shouldn't have anything to do with government, just as government shouldn't have anything to do with religion. The latter half has been upheld, last I checked. The former half... we've got a long way to go. People voting due to religion-related intolerance and such really aren't doing our country any favors.

Not that all voters are doing that, of course. Of course they're not, only the minority are. But man, that minority is scary.

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It's because they've stupidly tied themselves to jackoffs like Dobson/Falwell/Robertson that the GOP has begun to fail. It's the inherent conflict between traditional GOP dogma and pseudo-christian dogma that has made the GOP rather schizophrenic.

Posts: 781
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I don't know much about Bobby Jindal, (not inclined to look into him right now) but I wouldn't rule out that Obama's skin colour might've been a contributing factor to his victory. Consider this video about people from Harlem interviewed about Obama, supporting policies that weren't even his:

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The GOP simply have no new ideas.

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Mildly amusing pics there, Ichigo.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Meh, if you're going to be posting political cartoons as a response, try to keep it to the best ones, that are related to the topic or are communicating some kind of message that can be discussed. Most of those aren't either. The fiscal document is the only one that is particularly insightful IMO.

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The topic involves the GOP. I'd say they were completely relevant.
