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George Bush's Land Mine

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Posts: 85
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If the Iraqi people get revenue sharing, they lose their oil to Exxon.

Ultra, SX, and others like them can say this is smearing, but that's all right.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member any source that even TRIES to be neutral? Seriously, this is too left for freaking See BS News, almost.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


This bizarre circumstance is the end-game of the brilliant, ever-deceitful maneuvering by the Bush Administration in conducting the entire scenario of the "global war on terror."

In one breath he's brilliant. In the next, he's a total idiot.

Trouble making up your mind?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Or it's sarcastic maybe?

Or just congratulating him on how he's got everyone playing along to the tune.

For the record, I'm entirely neutral to this topic. I'm indecisive enough with British politics, thank you very much. No one try to drag me into this.

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British politics don't count for anything, though =(

Posts: 3468
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I'm serious. That's the worst source I've ever heard of.

It makes the people who quote about 'facts' on the PS3 look unbiased.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


Holy hell, it's a FOX News article! Just ignore the "Associated Press" tag. It doesn't mean anything.

Quote: any source that even TRIES to be neutral? Seriously, this is too left for freaking See BS News, almost.


The source is obviously an editorial, too. You're condemning an editorial by saying it's opinionated.

I will actually address the argument and say that this is less likely a conspiracy than a product of the usual Bush policy of finding any opportunity for corporate welfare. The real reason behind the war was more likely a belief in militarism as cultural engineering (aka fascism), both domestic and foreign.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Thing is Vec, there's a reason for your material to be suspect if the only websites that'll bother hosting it are:

CounterPunch. The Center for Research on Globalization.
The Common Dreams link that OSU posted.

And, my favorite one...


Why? Well, look at the front page. Say hi to "President Saddam Hussein."

If these are the only five news sites (not counting messageboards) that'll bother to carry your editorial (and it's an editorial with a negative take on Bush and the Iraq War, so you KNOW there's a market for this sort of thing), then you've probably got some factual issues to deal with.

I mean, if this was true, it'd be on the front page of the New York Times.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I couldn't stomach reading that slanderous piece of trash to the end. C'mon, now, seriously, can't you find a source with this news story that doesn't insult Bush or the war in every single freaking sentence?

Anyway, what's up with AP, Vec?
