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Illegal Immigration...
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Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

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Posts: 4336
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Would you be insulted if Mexicans also put the United States flags on their buttocks?

Of course! But would they get arrested?


I have seen American flags waving.

At political rallies?


English is spoken wherever Americans are.

Does that suddenly mean the Mexicans who converse in English with Americans (who I'm sure are rich enough to actually live in Mexico, as I pointed out) can no longer speak the native tongue of Mexico?


After all, I am a living proof. I can argue, discuss,debate...with you in English.

You missed my point. Since when did Mexico's immigration laws forbid you from learning a second language (or more)? I'm sure you know Spanish, right (or, if you want to be technical, Espanol)?

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

El Nino is spanish for THE Nino.

*whipped by Vector for trying to bring funny to MG*




Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Come on, Ultra. You're only angry about this because it's Fox News' thme du jour.

Seriously, common American culture? Whose? Yours?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Is it too much to ask for the illegals to come...oh, I don't know, legally?

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Not everyone came legally, Ultra. Probally, a estiamte of maybe half during the 1890s to 1930s were illegal in todays terms. I mean god, some people even now that come illegally are comming maybe- to flee something they cant flee legally?

Posts: 2928
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Bah, I'll post something ontopic.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

How about this?

And just for good measure...

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Well I AGREE with the first one. It's along the same lines as mine.

And for the second one... I also agree with. But it really doesn't have much to do with your little rantfest here. Mexico IT stupid for whining about us guarding the border and we SHOULD turn off that switch.


Posts: 129
Estimable Member

El Nino is Spanish for The Child (m). La Nina is the same thing, but female.

I have no problem with putting up better walls around the border. If the government doesn't secure all the different parts border(some parts only being a barbed wire fence), then I have no problem with privatizing border sections with it being funded by state and local taxes.

As for the laws getting into the country. Yes they are a little strict. Especially if you marry outside the U.S. and then try to bring your spouse into the country.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

You still don't get it, guys.

Most people come with visas which later expire than through the border.

That's how Asians do it. That is why they don't get caught. Their numbers went from 3.7 million in the 1980 census, to 10.5 in 2000, to about 14 millio today. That was a 10 million plus increase.

The United States population went from 249 in 1980 to 281 million in 2000 to 299 million now. That's a 51 million increase. Thus, Asian accounted for 20% plus of the increase from 1980 until now. Yet, they are only close to 4% of the United States population.

There were almost 13 million Asians in 2004 (12.9 million) see US census bureau

People of European ancestry and Jews tend to have low birth rates, except for Mormons and some Baptists. Whites are 196 million now (195 in 2004), about 75% of the population. They were close to 90% in 1950.

See this on an Asian site


Racial/Ethnic Group Growth Rate, 1980-1990 Growth Rate, 1990-2000
Whites 4.09% 5.08%
Blacks 11.98% 15.26%
American Indians 35.44% 14.42%
Latinos/Hispanics 53.02% 39.42%
Asian Americans 96.13% 63.24%

Who they are


Largest Asian American Ethnic Groups, 2000 Census
Ethnic Group

Asian alone
Asian & at least One Other Race (i.e., Filipino-White) Total Population, Alone or in Any Combination
Single Ethnicity Two or More Asian Ethnicities (i.e., Chinese-Vietnamese)
Chinese 2,314,537 130,826 289,478 2,734,841
Filipino 1,850,314 57,811 456,690 2,364,815
Asian Indian 1,678,765 40,013 180,821 1,899,599

Korean 1,076,872 22,550 129,005 1,228,427
Vietnamese 1,122,528 47,144 54,064 1,223,736
Japanese 796,700 55,537 296,695 1,148,932
Cambodian 171,937 11,832 22,283 206,052
Pakistani 153,533 11,095 39,681 204,309
Laotian 168,707 10,396 19,100 198,203
Hmong 169,428 5,284 11,598 186,310
Thai 112,989 7,929 29,365 150,293
Taiwanese 118,048 14,096 12,651 144,795
Indonesian 39,757 4,429 18,887 63,073
Bangladeshi 41,280 5,625 10,507 57,412

By percentages


Asian Ethnic Group Growth Rate1980-1990 Growth Rate
1990-2000 % of Asian
Asian Indian 125.6% 113.4% 16.4
Bangladeshi n/a 350.3% 0.1
Cambodian n/a 20.8% 0.2
Chinese 104.1% 39.8% 22.6
Filipino 81.6% 32.5% 18.3
Hmong n/a 88.8% 1.7
Japanese 20.9% -9.4% 7.8
Korean 134.8% 34.3% 10.6
Laotian n/a 12.6% 1.7
Pakistani n/a 124.7% 1.5
Taiwanese n/a 80.5% 1.2
Thai n/a 21.5% 1.1
Vietnamese 125.3% 80.7% 10.9

In terms of growth among the six major Asian American ethnic groups, the Vietnamese were the fastest growing from 1980 to 1990. However, since 1990, Bangladeshis have become the fastest growing, largely because their population was very small to begin with. The next fastest-growing Asian ethnic groups from 1990 to 2000 were Pakistanis and Asian Indians. ........
As you can see, all the Asian ethnic groups listed above grew at a rather healthy rate between 1990 and 2000, except for Japanese Americans. Their population actually declined by almost 10%. Why? Several reasons, actually. First, there are very few Japanese who immigrate .......

Now you see why I get upset when only my people are targeted, not the canadians and the Candaian border for a fence, and Asians are not scrutized about visas like Mexicans are. It is very hard for a Mexican 18-55 to get a visa.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Americans have mastered it, and speak it all the time, and those goddamned illegals should do the same.

Fake nails and womens shoes were flying as a bloody claw fight erupted at a Dorchester salon after one primping patron allegedly screamed at a woman bantering in Spanish, Speak English! This is America!

Ten years in this country, I never seen anything like this. The lady says Speak English, I dont want to hear Spanish! and big fight happens, Win told the Herald last night. There was blood in here and everything. There were a lot of customers in here. It (was) crazy.

Ok, so we dont know if they were illegals or not, but the point stands. This is America, and Americans will be damned if they cant eavesdrop on private conversations wtih ease. What does "this is America!" mean? It means exactly that, and its the most useful phrase ever. Like "Hey, motherf--kers, this is America. Dont stick it in him." and "This is America, slut. Only raped virgins get abortions." You should never try to explain what you mean by "this is America!" cause dammit, this is America!

Could you say "This is America, mind your own f--king business"? Is minding your own business American? I think not.

Prichard allegedly pulled off her pump and began beating Pina with it. She explained away that action by telling cops, I accidentally took my shoe off and hit her with it after she punched me.

Nakeisha has drawn the line; if theres any taco talking, shoes will be accidentally taken off. This is a life or death issue. Seriously, next time that b*tch Pina will end up in intensive care. Do you hear me, Mexicans? For too long Americans have stood by while others had their private conversations in peace, but no more. The Lou-Dobbs-I-Totally-Love-Mexican-People-Revolution has begun.

No imaginary threat will be left undeclared. No laws will be left uncluttered. No minority left undemonized. And no private space will be left uninvaded, because this is America!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I find that funny for some reason.

But seriously, I'd appreciate it if immigrants would learn the predominant language of the country they're living in (though there's no problem with speaking in a different language mind you). Would you expect anyone else to go to say, Germany (Insert France, Russia, or China in here too, if you wish), and demand that they adapt signs, booklets, official texts and whatnot in your original tongue?

As for Prichard...anger management?

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

When in the late 1820's Mexico allowed some Catholics coming from the United States into Texas they never imagined many more would enter illegally.

Then, by 1836 they had declared independance with the help of more illegal people from the USA. By 1846 they invaded Mexico and in 1848 they annexed half of it.

That is why we get offended.

For the same reason Ucranians got offended with the Russians, the Palestinians with the Jewish Israelis, The Armenians with the Turks,...

We are an annexed people,....African Americans were imported...and Native Americans had their lands taken and their people massacred. Everybody else came as immigrants.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


When in the late 1820's Mexico allowed some Catholics coming from the United States into Texas they never imagined many more would enter illegally.

Even before Texas declared independence, the Texans there were becoming disillusioned with Mexico. Many of the Mexican soldiers garrisoned in Texas were convicted criminals that had chosen army service instead of jail (the increased military presence in Texas, if you recall, was a result of the April 6 laws enacted after the Fredonian Rebellion and US attempts to buy Texas). Mexico also forced people into Roman Catholicism, which was unsettling to people from the US who had Freedom of Religion.

Santa Anna, after overthrowing the Mexican government and declaring himself dictator in 1834, began dissolving state legislatures, disarming local militias, and (pay attention here) abolishing the Constitution of 1824. This triggered tremendous outrage throughout Mexico, including Texas. This, overall, was a greater reason for Texas' desire for independence.


Then, by 1836 they had declared independance with the help of more illegal people from the USA.

Texas as a whole was still loyal to Santa Anna back then. But when a Mexican soldier killed a Texan settler during an could call that the spark that set off the keg.

Hence the whole Texas Revolution (which includes the Alamo battle, in which its defenders became martyrs and heroes to the Texans and rallied more people to their cause). Eventually, it ended when Santa Anna - now a prisoner - signed the Treaty of Velasco, which granted Texas independence while guaranteeing his life and safety. Mexico never recognized Texas as its own nation. They continued to dispute over the border (which was kind of settled to be the Rio Grande river in the Treaty of Velasco), which wasn't settled until the Mexican War.

America wasn't recognized by Britain either, you know. Not until after the War of 1812.

And besides, Texas wasn't the only Mexican colony to rebel as a result of the Constitution of 1824's abolishment. Republic of the Rio Grande, San Luis Potos, Quertaro, Durango, Guanajuato, and Zacatecas among others. Texas was the only one successful.

Since the Treaty of Velasco regarded the Texas-Mexican border to be at the Rio Grande, President Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to the northern border of the Rio Grande with soldiers (and remember, this was at the time Texas was seeking to be annexed into the US). They built Fort Brown. Also at this time, Polk sent diplomat John Slidell to Mexico to offer 30,000,000 dollars for the territories of California and New Mexico.

This didn't make Mexico happy, and Slidell's arrival only caused more arrival.

Why the history lesson?

Because apparently, you need it.


That is why we get offended.


April 24th, 1846: The Thornton Affair. 2,000 Mexican cavalrymen crossed the Rio Grande and attacked 63 American soldiers. 11 were killed, and all but a few were captured. The few that escaped related what happened to those at Fort Brown.

May 3: artillery at Matamoros begins bombarding Fort Brown. As they fire back and forth, Mexican soldiers begin to surround the fort.

May 8: General Taylor and 2,400 men come to relieve the fort. They forced General Arista and his force of 3,400 to retreat at the Battle of Resaca de la Palma.

When news of the Thornton affair reached Washington, Polk asked Congress to declare war. They did.

Get it? In the Mexican-American War, the first shots were fired by MEXICO.

By the end of the war, American forces had occupied Mexico City after US soldiers had forced Santa Anna that far south, inflicting more casualties than Mexico inflicted on American troops. Heck, some Mexicans were so disillusioned with Santa Anna, the city of Puebla willingly capitulated to the American military.

Remember the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? It ended the war and gave the US control of Texas, California, Nevada, and Utah, along with parts of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming in return for 18,250,000 dollars (which today would be worth over $620,000,000).

Mexico started the Mexican-American War. Mexico LOST the Mexican-American War. Tough cookies.

Though if you think America deserves punishment for it (and if I were a Mexican living back then, I would've been ticked by the illegal immigration as well), we already got that with the Civil War.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Ultra, get your conquering butt off my land.

Or I'll scalp you.

Yeah, take that.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Oh yeah? Well my level 31 Paladin has a powerful counter capable of delivering +20 damage if I get a roll of fifteen or higher!

*rolls two dice, gets snake eyes*


Posts: 41
Eminent Member

You just said it, the settlers were not Mexican.


Mexico also forced people into Roman Catholicism, which was unsettling to people from the US who had Freedom of Religion

What upset them too was that they had slaves and Mexico had abolished slavery. Our second President had been half black: Vicente Guerrero.


April 24th, 1846: The Thornton Affair. 2,000 Mexican cavalrymen crossed the Rio Grande and attacked 63 American soldiers. 11 were killed, and all but a few were captured. The few that escaped related what happened to those at Fort Brown


It was just a provocation to induce Mexico to into a war since Mexico refused to sell California and other future states.

The line did not extend to the Rio Grande but North of it, see Map from Wikipedia Just enlarge it and focus on Texas (Tejas).

I call this stealing someone else's land.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Edit: Bah. Ezboard ate it.



What upset them too was that they had slaves and Mexico had abolished slavery.

Mexico was rather ambiguous on the slavery issue. They were rather lenient on the holding of slaves, but not the sale of slaves.


The line did not extend to the Rio Grande but North of it, see Map from Wikipedia Just enlarge it and focus on Texas (Tejas).

Actually (as I told you already), according to the Treaty of Velasco, the line DID extend to the Rio Grande. Mexico simply refused to recognize it as such, hence leading to the whole dispute about the Mexican-Texan border to begin with.


It was just a provocation to induce Mexico to into a war since Mexico refused to sell California and other future states.

Regardless, under the Treaty of Velasco, the Mexican military had no business crossing the Rio Grande to begin with. And it doesn't erase the fact that they made the first move.


I call this stealing someone else's land.

I call this losing your own land in a war. And even then you got paid for it.

But let's look at this from another perspective.

You've heard the quote 'those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it', yes?

I can see history repeating itself right now.

Illegal immigration into Texas was one of the steps that led to the rebellion of Texas from Mexico. Despite the fact that the whole border issue was settled in the Treaty of Velasco, Mexico refused to recognize it as such. And they refused to recognize Texas either. It eventually culminated in the Mexican-American War (in which Mexico attacked FIRST), which Mexico lost.

Now let's fast-forward.

Illegal immigration into America was one of the steps that led to ????

I'd rather not find out what's behind the question marks.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member


I call this losing your own land in a war. And even then you got paid for it.

So it would be OK if we take it back?

Posts: 1
New Member


So it would be OK if we take it back?

I guess it would be OK if you could.

. . . right now Mexico can't even take care of their drug cartels.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


So it would be OK if we take it back?

If Mexico could beat the US in a war and demand its old territory, sure thing. :p

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

This site (Americans living abroad)
shows there are over 1 million United States citizens living in Mexico. Since most of them don't have "green cards " or are citizens of mexico, they must have renewed or expired visas. Meanig that most are undocumented (illegal) in Mexico. They represent just over 1% of Mexico's population.

Some Mexican Americans.....I wonder what they would do without us....can we take theuir Mexican blood out?

Jessica Alba, Apollonia kotero,Iyari Limon,Sara Paxton,Sheila E,Joy Page,Natalia Livingston,Laura Harring,Alexis Bledel,Alana UbaJaci Velasquez,Victria Wyndham,Catherine Bach,Lupe Velez,
Linda carter, Nancy Lopez,Vikki Carr,, Eva Longoria, ], Joan Baez,Selena,
Charisma Carpenter,Vanessa MarcilGeorge Lopez, Fernando Vargas,Oscar de La hoya.Freddy Fender,Robert Beltran,Anthony Quinn, Ramon Novarro,Paul Rodriguez,Edward James Olmos,Dany Trejo,Cheech MarinMario Lopez,Ricardo Montalban,Jesse Borrego,AB Quintanilla and the Kumbia Kings,Carlos santana,Cesar chavez,Luis valdez, Robert Rodriguez[/ newwindow]Carlos boc,Rudy Galindo,Eddie guerrero,Ted Williams,Lee Trevino,Jeff garcia,

.....without forgetting Speedy Gonzalez, my alter ego.

...even Republicans like Alberto Gonzales,John Gavin,Linda Chavez,......George Bush's sister-in law Columba Bush and her children like George Prescot Bush who will one day run for President in the 2020s....

We come in all sizes, shapes,...actors, actresses, sports people, politicians, musicians,....We are Mexicans in some way or another , and proud of it.:thumbsup

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I have no problem with Mexicans. I have no problem with people taking pride in their heritage.

I have a problem with people coming here illegally. I also have a problem with those that support it.

And yes, that applies to the Americans living illegally in Mexico as well. Illegal is illegal. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

That is not what I have read these past months here or in other places in EZ board. I see an attack primarily on Mexicans and the mexican border. The canadian is even bigger.Since the great (vast) majority come with visas (tourist and student) and not across the Mexican border by swimming across the river or across the fence , but come from primarily from China, Korea, India, Pakistan,...then overstay there visas becoming illegal. Other have restaurants (chinese, Thai,...) ...or other businesses owned by Asians to sponsor them. They have found the loopholes necessary to remain in the United states while Mexicans get blamed for most of the problems.

I have shown that there are over 8 million undocumented Asians living here and less than 3 Million Mexicans. I think is about time everyone cracks down on the illegal use of visas, the Canadian border,...and so on.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I'm going to paste this from earlier, just so we're clear:

I would estimate, conservatively, that 80% of the people who illegally cross the border into the States from Canada are smuggling pot. Moving to the States is not exactly something a lot of Canadians do voluntarily.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

A lot of the people crossing the Canadian or Mexican borders are neither Canadian nor Mexican. Those with Al Qaida connections have been caught along the Canadian side.



Border crackdown has netted snarls, but not terrorists

By Niko Price
The Associated Press
...............See Several Border Patrol agents along the Arizona-Mexico line said that although they have become increasingly vigilant toward the possibility of terrorists using established people-smuggling routes, they have found none.

"The people who are coming across this border are people who can only pay $1,500 to a smuggler. A terrorist can pay $30,000 or $40,000 and go to the northern border where we don't have the resources to stop them," said agent Matt Roggow. "I'd be willing to bet that a terrorist isn't

going to take the chance of coming across this border."

See those not Mexican being arrested.
From the Nation


Non-Mexican Arrests Triple, But
Since the founding of the Department of Homeland Security, which sought to deter illegal crossings with a show of force, arrests of non-Mexican border crossers have tripled, from 49,545 in 2003 to 155,000 in 2005.....Federal statistics show the result, which has enraged border communities. Once arrested and released, the number of illegal immigrants who failed to appear in court more than tripled from 29,550 in 2003 to 97,868 in 2005, or 60 percent of cases, up from 32 percent.


All of those were not Mexican. Mexicans signed to get out rather than to go to court,


June 4, 2006
Border Patrol Draws Scrutiny as Its Role Grows
Last year, with 11,106 agents, the Border Patrol arrested 1.2 million people on charges of illegally crossing into the United States; in 1995, with 4,876 agents, it arrested 1.3 million. Arrests peaked in 2000, with 1.6 million made by 9,078 agents, and have swung up and down since even as the ranks of agents has swelled. The Border Patrol estimates that 98 percent of the arrests each year are made on the Mexico border

Putting it in perspective: those arrested were also rearrested, thus, less than half a million.
Also, the number of arrests declined even though the number of agents more than doubled.

The small amount caught along the Canadian border, twice as big as the Mexican shows is less protected. Besides, cqanadians most of the time are not stopped.

from the November 29, 2002 edition - Restrictions grow along US-Canada line
A Quebec man faces trial after crossing into Maine without okay from the border patrol.
By Eric Beaudan | Special to The Christian Science Monitor


Canada and the US signed a "smart border" agreement last December to improve the processing of the 200 million people who cross the border each year. Congress authorized the INS to triple the number of border patrol personnel and inspectors. Before the increase, the INS had 334 border patrol agents and 498 inspectors working on the 4,000-mile Canadian border, compared with 9,500 agents and inspectors assigned to the Mexican border.

Prevously I had shown that the number of Mexicans entering the Unitesd States legally or undocumented is less than 300,000 a year. The Mexican governmnt estimates that at 350,000-400,000.

The main problem is the airports who allow many people on tourists visas. These people overstay. They are primarily from Asia , The Middle east,and Europe.
9 million more Asians since 1980, why weren't they deported?

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