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I'm in a rush, but....
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I'm in a rush, but...

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Posts: 2928
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Bigots everywhere... I wonder what happened to that weird forgotten ideal about coming to the new world to practice religion freely.

Guess this "judge" assumes you aren't human till you reach 18.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Simple denial of Constutional rights and biast opinions. I bet this judge thinks the only relligion that exists is the one with big colorful books that had big golden words across them. Also, What Rico said, simply bigotory.

Eh, traditional American Judges....bah.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Simply setting a double-standard on what constitutes a "valid religion" to teach to children. If that ruling is to be considered legal, then you shouldn't see any children in church on Sundays, as that would also be religious indoctrinisation.

Granted, had there been some disagreement between the parents as to whether this was appropriate, or if the rituals being taught are illegal in some way, there may be some possible case, but as it is, this is nothing different from taking a child to church and letting them see a communion service/mass/eucharist (or whatever you want to call it) take place.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I'm shocked and appalled at the same time. People should be able to choose whatever religion they want. And I'm more shocked that the judge is basically telling them how they should raise their child.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

People applaud when an activist Judge's rule in their favor, and boo when they do something like this.

I agree that that the ruling is wrong, and I think that Judges should be stripped of their authority to re-interpret law instead of simply saying that the law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

Thomas Jefferson feared that one day our courts would take over and rule us as an oligarchy. His fears were justified, which is why the Dems have been trying to block every Bush judicial candidate, the revisionist power of judges is something they want to control.


Posts: 403
Reputable Member


This will not be stood for. This is a direct violation of the Constitutional Rights of that family.

See, it's mindless B-S like this that make my blood boil.

(To Judge) You are forfeit.

*violence ensues*

Posts: 286
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The only freedom anyone has is choice, and even then that is very restricted. We should have the right to choose the faith that we want to follow, not have some guy with a mop on his head decide.:">

Posts: 1367
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Impossible Box, why did you bump this?

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Why was it bumped? Because it's an interesting topic, silly.

I myself agree totally that it's unconstitutional to limit someone's religious freedom. After all, religious freedom is one of the reasons the US was founded.

And what's this about "mainstream" religion? The Unity church isn't mainstream at all, and it's everywhere.

Tell me, if Wicca is so "bad", why isn't the government preventing people from teaching Satanism to each other? Wicca is a harmless practice. I see no reason why the worship of nature should be forbidden. I'm no tree hugger, but I am definitely thankful for the planet we live on.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

I took one look at it.
And personally? I don't really care. People are going to believe what they want to anyway, no matter how you raise them. You can raise them athiest and they'll become christians, you can raise them christians and they'll become buddhists.
Still, on a personal note, I do think that parents have a right to teach their kids certain beliefs, and however they raise their kids is their business. It'd be different if it were their own kids, I see nothing wrong with that...
but then again I didn't read the whole article because I'm lazy. :nn; But that's my two cents, people have no right to teach other kids that aren't there's. I can see if the kid's old enough to decide for themselves what they want to learn, but until that time comes, sorry guys but I agree with the other parents.
Or something o.o;; Not that anyone should be arrested or anything but...
in any case...I think people are old enough to decide for themselves when they're...old enough to decide for themselves XD Whenever that is. I know 13 year olds who have decided to be athiests so y'know whatever.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member


Bigots everywhere... I wonder what happened to that weird forgotten ideal about coming to the new world to practice religion freely.

Pretty much what Rico said. Religion is a scarry thing. Thanks to our social way of life now this little issue isnt being fought over with knives and guns, instead a court. Words are the wepons now, and people can be so shallow it still amazes me, even after i hit puberty. XD

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Tell me, if Wicca is so "bad", why isn't the government preventing people from teaching Satanism to each other?
Because Satanism, like Wicca, is a completely harmless religion that simply claims that every individual can be his or her own god and is responsible for his or her own destiny.

Words are the wepons now, and people can be so shallow it still amazes me, even after i hit puberty.
What does puberty have to do with it?

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

lol, puberty doesnt have anyhting to do with it, im just being goofy
