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Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

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Apocalypse Now?
Is Iran planning a cataclysmic strike for August 22?

By Joel C. Rosenberg

Is Iran planning an apocalyptic strike against Israel and/or the United States for August 22? If so, what should the U.S. do to protect Americans and our ally? Such questions are worrying a growing number of officials in the White House, at the CIA, and at the Pentagon, and for good reason.

As a devout Shiite Muslim, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is telling colleagues in Tehran that he believes the end of the world is rapidly approaching. He also believes that the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah known as the Hidden Imam or the Mahdi is to launch a catastrophic global jihad, first against Israel (the little Satan) and then against the U.S. (the Great Satan). Whats more, Ahmadinejad is widely believed to be pursuing nuclear weapons that would give him the ability to carry out his apocalyptic religious views. Some experts even speculate that Iran may already have several atomic bombs and the means to deliver them.

In recent days, Ahmadinejad and his advisers have said that Iran will answer the world regarding the future of its nuclear program on August 22. That happens to be a very significant date for Muslims: It is the anniversary of the supposed night flight by Mohammed from Saudi Arabia to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to heaven and back again. There is a worry that Ahmadinejad is planning some sort of apocalyptic attack as his response on August 22. If so, time is short and the clock is ticking.

It is hard for many Americans to imagine an Iranian leader (or any other world leader) actually trying to bring about the end of the world by launching a nuclear attack to destroy millions of Jews and Christians. But it is precisely this type of attack that I wrote about in my recent political thrillers, The Ezekiel Option and The Copper Scroll. One of my goals was to help people understand this brand of radical Islamic thinking and its implications for Western civilization. On page 358 of The Ezekiel Option, a fictional Islamic character insists that Israel is going to be wiped off the face of the map forever. Five months after Option was published last June, Ahmadinejad gave a speech vowing to wipe Israel off the map forever. In the novel, Iran forms a military alliance with Russia and starts buying state-of-the-art weaponry from Moscow to accomplish its apocalyptic objectives. Last December, fiction again became reality, when Iran signed a $1 billion deal with Russia to buy missiles and others weapons.

Muslims are not the only ones who have apocalyptic end-times views, of course. As an evangelical Christian from an Orthodox Jewish heritage, my novels are based on a number of end times prophecies that the Bible says will be fulfilled in the last days. For example, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel writing 2,500 years ago described a future Middle Eastern war to annihilate Israel that is known today by Bible scholars as the War of Gog and Magog. Jews and Christians who take Ezekiels prophecies seriously believe that at the last minute the God of Israel will supernaturally intervene to defeat Israels enemies in this war. By contrast, the Muslim version of the War of Gog and Magog found in the Koran concludes with Muslims winning. The Ezekiel Option and The Copper Scroll imagine how such prophecies could play themselves out in modern times. But suddenly this is no longer the stuff of fiction. Ahmadinejad actually seems intent on launching the War of Gog and Magog.

Bernard Lewis of Princeton University, arguably the worlds foremost expert on Middle Eastern history, wrote an essay for the Wall Street Journal last Tuesday warning that Ahmadinejads apocalyptic objectives could lead to a cataclysmic attack on August 22. Lewis observed that there it is not possible to say with any certainty that such an attack is planned, but he felt compelled to explain to Americans just how dangerous Ahmadinejads thinking is, especially in light of Islamic, Jewish, and Christian end times theology, such as the War of Gog and Magog and Armageddon. How, Lewis asked, can you negotiate with a man who believes it is his religious duty and mission to bring about the end of the world? How can you deter a man who wants to die and go to paradise, but believes he wont actually die in such a war because Allah is on his side to kill millions of infidels?

Lewiss warning was prudent and needed, as was his careful explanation of the apocalyptic thinking driving the Iranian leadership at present. But Lewiss conclusion was puzzling. He writes:

How then can one confront such an enemy, with such a view of life and death? he wrote. Some immediate precautions are obviously possible and necessary. In the long term, it would seem that the best, perhaps the only hope is to appeal to those Muslims, Iranians, Arabs and others who do not share these apocalyptic perceptions and aspirations, and feel as much threatened, indeed even more threatened, than we are. There must be many such, probably even a majority in the lands of Islam. Now is the time for them to save their countries, their societies and their religion from the madness of MAD [the Cold War policy of Mutual Assured Destruction].

This is indeed a wise long-term strategy, trying to win over Islamic moderates, but Lewis writes as if the danger posed by Iran is not an immediate one, as if we have the luxury of relying on far-sighted strategies. But Lewis himself is suggesting that Iran may be planning cataclysmic attacks to begin as early as August 22. That doesnt leave a lot of time for long-term planning. We all hope and pray that August 22 is not the day Ahmadinejad has chosen to launch the apocalypse, but there is little doubt in the White House and at the CIA that the Iranian leader is feverishly trying to build, buy, or steal nuclear weapons, and that he will quite likely use them once he has them.

All of this raises very serious questions for the president and the nation. How much time do we have to pursue a diplomatic track with Iran? At what point do we have to conclude that negotiations are going nowhere? Are we prepared to live with a nuclear-armed Iran? If so, how? If not, what is the president prepared to do to protect Americans and our allies from an Iranian nuclear-strike, or nuclear blackmail?

In his famous axis of evil speech on January 29, 2002, President Bush made the following case:

We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction. We will develop and deploy effective missile defenses to protect America and our allies from sudden attack. And all nations should know: America will do what is necessary to ensure our nations security. Well be deliberate, yet time is not on our side. I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer. The United States of America will not permit the worlds most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the worlds most destructive weapons.

Today, the country is deeply divided over whether using military force in Iraq was the right thing to do. But the Iranian nuclear threat is now far worse than the Iraqi threat of having or obtaining weapons of mass destruction was then. President Bush has a decision to make and precious little time to make it. For lets be clear: should Iran go nuclear on this presidents watch, all the gains made to date in the War on Terror will be wiped out overnight. That is not a legacy this president wants, nor one this nation can afford.

Joel C. Rosenberg, a one-time aide to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, is a New York Times best-selling author of Middle East-based political thrillers. His new novel is The Copper Scroll. His forthcoming non-fiction book is entitled Epicenter: Why The Current Rumblings In The Middle East Will Change Your World.
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This is pretty interesting. It also, for those of us that are devout Christian, fulfills more than one prophecy in the Book of Revelations. However, I'm more interestedin some things the Koran/Quran says about August 22nd. I've heard, more than anything else, the quote about "Fire will rain in the skies" and the infidels will be destroyed as Mohammed comes. I'm not sure on this, all I've heard, honestly, is from a TV host, named Glenn Beck. Am I the only one who is kinda creeped out that all of this is coming ten days? It's probably nothing, honestly, but more than one kind of Bible talk about this, and more and more of it is coming true.

Now, before you start calling me paranoid or crazy, note that I don't really believe this. Honestly, I don't believe Aug. 22nd will be the end of the world. But if anything, Iran and co. are certainly trying to lead us to this. "Fire raining in the skies" sounds a lot like a nuclear airburst, y'know. And Iran is saying that they'll answer our questions about their nukes on the 22nd, the day fire will rain from the skies, apparently.


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I hate being paranoid about these things. ><

I myself never tell myself what will happen in the future, I just wait until something happens. That's not saying I don't prepare myself for all possibilities though.

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This is big news, I don't really believe this is going to happen... I mean It can't surely the americans can figure something out... can't they? Anyway I find it hard to believe this WILL happen but if does, then ... eh it was bound to happen anyways. And their technology ... isnt that great over there.

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I doubt they have the technology to shoot a nuke all the way to us. However I would worry a tad if I was Israel. And besides, Iran sounds liek their bluffing. Dunno why.

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Either way, something will happen on August 22nd.

The question is whether that something is what Mamhoud Ahmadinejad is planning, or nothing more than a bluff.

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Technological issues are not a factor, really, Tus. Except for nuclear material, all you need is a Radioshack and a few hundred dollars US, and the Internet, and you know how to make a nuke! You just don't have nuclear material.

Iran does! #^^#

and actually I don't know if that's a fact. I heard that somewhere...

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You heard it from The Simpsons.

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Arn't we still waiting on North Korea to launch some missles at the united states for testing.

and @ topic if this issss true then you will see it on teh news most likely.

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Um, no? If North Korea can even GET a missile to the US (Currently they've been bombing Japan's sushi sources.) we'd not just sit and watch as they launch missiles at us. If that ballistic missile defense thingie doesn't work, that is.

But no, we're not waiting for them to launch at us for testing. We would not allow them to test a missile on our soil.

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I'm going to have to be a BIT objectional and ask, if they really were going to plan a strike on August the come no one else is reporting this other than right leaning media?

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Yeah, will see in the next few day's torn.

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I know Beck is conservative (However, he swears to not be a Republican), but I still find it funny that you classified a show on CNN as right-leaning.

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IMHO, I wouldn't classify 95% of the shows about politics as right leaning... As for the the tech., I figured if all Korea could do was make a few waves off the coast of Japan with there missles, what can Iran do? But again, I wonder if they don't have the technology to make a short distance (realivity) strike happen?

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SX, if you don't actually realize that CNN and its affiliations have "right-leaning" shows then you're way behind the times. There's not a single news station that doesn't have at least one.

Of course, one can be a Republican and "left-leaning" (ex: Republicans with "left-leaning" views, particularly on social issues). Conservative doesn't equal Republican, but conservative does pretty much equal "right-leaning." That's why one can be a Democrat and "right-leaning" as well.

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I know. It's just that most people see "conservative" and "right leaning" and "Republican" to be the same thing, and they aren't. And I swear I just said that he WAS conservative.

I just see humor in it.

Tranny, no, Iran does not have ICBMs. That doesn't change wether or not they have nukes. There are other ways to deliver nuclear weapons, and Isreal is not that far away.

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I don't know where I disputed anything you said other than the idea that someone would classify a CNN-related show as right-leaning. That's the only thing I found worth commenting on. You're just being defensive if you can't see that. ;p

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I'm just saying that you pointed out something I just said. I know CNN has a right-leaning show, I was just talking about it.

You don't have a comment on the whole "The world may end soon" thing? Hmm.

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You should watch something fair and balanced like Fox News.




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I just figured out the reason for these calls of 'doomsday'.

August 22nd is the day I start college!


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but I still find it funny that you classified a show on CNN as right-leaning.

That's what you said that I responded to: that you found it "funny" that someone would call a show right-leaning on CNN, which to me is just weird and I pointed out why. Nothing you've said seems to get that is what I'm commenting on at all. ;p

As for the main idea of the thread... who cares? I've been alive for 25 years and I've seen/heard about the "end of the world" every year of it due to some event or the other ever since I was 12. Let's just say that I lost a long time ago any reason to care about what anyone thinks is the when/where/why/what/how about the "end of the world." I have my house in order as far as I'm concerned and that's all that matters to me.

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Indeed, you can only hear so many religious and media doomsday screams before you just tune them out like you do car alarms... or Rush Limbaugh.


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No, no, no. I hate the whole "The world is ending this [insert event here] is proof!!11" nutjob stuff. Im only posting this because there's actually a lot of biblical evidence from the Bible and the Koran supporting this, a lot of real-world intelligence suggesting it, and Iran's even hinting at it. All of this combined, it seems more than the standard "THIS IS THE LAST DAYZ!!!1" crap.

I'll repeat for those of us stupid enough to not recognise it from the first post. You know who you are. <b>I do not believe this is true.</b>

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Im going to also go out on a limb and say ... 99.9% of me doesn't believe this is true and will not happen then there's that .1% that says it is true and will happen.

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I'll just be a good little peon and accept my fate to die from the dreaded Jihad bomb. :p


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No, no, no. I hate the whole "The world is ending this [insert event here] is proof!!11" nutjob stuff. Im only posting this because there's actually a lot of biblical evidence from the Bible and the Koran supporting this
God damn it.

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No, no, no. I hate the whole "The world is ending this [insert event here] is proof!!11" nutjob stuff. Im only posting this because there's actually a lot of biblical evidence from the Bible and the Koran supporting this
God damn it.

What... was the point of copying all of what he said cyc?

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You really don't read posts do you. You skim them. I destinctly see a italicized "God DAMN it."


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What... was the point of copying all of what he said cyc?

I should probably use the quote feature from now on. Still, I should mention that in another forum I troll we tend to just quote someone to express agreement with what they said. So if I do that without any kind of profane comment below it then you'll know what the point of it was.

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I'll just be a good little peon and accept my fate to die from the dreaded Jihad bomb.

Did you move to NY? ^_~

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No, but the bible thumpers out here like to think they're that important. :3


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That's why I said "a lot." As in, there's actually biblical references to these things, instead of the standard nutjob arguement of "this comma here means this is the end of the world!!!!1" No, there's just a very high amount of information about this in more than one religion's bible. Incidentally, several leading Islamic scholars - US and MidEast ones - seem to agree. I'm not gonna bother name dropping, you're all big boys now and can Google just fine. I heard on the show there's a clip available for podcast - I don't have an iPod - that has a lot more information on this. Note I didn't look for this, so I dunno where it is.


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SX, there's only one religion that has a Bible--unless you're referring to denominations of one religion.

Also, if you're referring to "evidence" based on the Bible (or Koran or Torah or just others), those are the "end of the world" scenarios I was talking about that I keep hearing every year. The only thing that differs is the actual "bombing," "who" does the "bombing," "where" the "bombing" occurs, and the date. Otherwise, it's the same basic story and it's always peddled by right-leaning people. The only other "end of the world" scenario (which actually took off more than all the others in terms of people taking it seriously--and driving me crazy by doing so) was the "new millenium" junk.

One year, maybe someone'll get it right... but that'll just be due to being persistent or lucky. ;p

Oh, and Rico, no one's more important than us "elites" in the Northeast. 😉

Posts: 1818
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I heard on the show there's a clip available for podcast - I don't have an iPod - that has a lot more information on this.
You don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts. Anything that plays mp3s will do.

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Bible or it's equivalent. Dammit you know what I mean. D:

Oh really Cyc? I didn't know that. ...Now to figure it out sometime.

And TR, I believe I've made clear most - I've probably missed a few points. You're all capable of doing research, honestly, I don't feel I should research that which I don't believe anyway. Not on a topic as unprovable as religion. I don't believe the Koran (Well, it's somewhat more complicated. That's for another thread), I don't believe the Bible is talking about this, I don't believe that this is the final doomsday scenario. I simply wanted opinions and thought on this.

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That bible, its full and crazy @#!@. Did you know Jesus was a Jew?!


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That bible, its full and crazy @#!@. Did you know Jesus was a Jew?!

Eh. The Bible AND Nostradamus predicted these events. The twins falling, Babylon (Iraq) falling, Israel going to war...
All events predicted by both. And it's not the end of the world, the Bible actually says it will the beginning of a thousand year peace.

Israel has taken so much crap from other countries for as long as it's existed. I'm hardly surprised that they've had enough.

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The Bible AND Nostradamus predicted these events. The twins falling, Babylon (Iraq) falling, Israel going to war...
Why do I still come here? Honestly.

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Yeah! Did you know he predict the end of the world in the year 2000 too?


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Heh, that was the day the earth was supossed to esplode and all the robots would turn against us or something...
or was that judgement day?

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Not more Nostradamus believers. If you're going to believe in him, make sure that you're actually getting his predictions, not ones that people have made up or twisted, such as the "September 11, 2001" example (or pretty much anything that supposedly references the U.S. as his work is pretty much strictly European, African, & Asian--or in other words dealing with what they knew of the world at the time).

Oh, and Isreal has been at war ever since it existed with a few breaks in between.

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Yes, the middle east is indeed a shinging example of religion at its finest. ;)


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Well, thank you for ungracefully critisizing my beliefs, however, I'm no expert on Nostradomus, I only know what he predicted.
The Bible, on the other hand, has failed to be wrong. Read up on the Book of Revelations, translate it correctly (which has hardly ever been done), then talk to me.


Oh, and Isreal has been at war ever since it existed with a few breaks in between.

Read my first post again, I already stated that. It's the events that came before it that make it adhere to what the Bible said.
Rico, you're use of sarcasm makes it difficult to speak to you in a civilized way. The least you could do is dignify me with an intelligent response.
And Cycle, just because of my beliefs, do you automatically assume I am some extreme, religious zealot? Honestly, if you don't like it, then do not come here. I'm afraid that is the only solution to you're frustration over something that should not cause such. Is it honestly that threatening to you that someone believes in something so different from you?

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I don't think he was critisizing it as much as he was simply pointing out that a rumor wasn't true.

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I don't think he was critisizing it as much as he was simply pointing out that a rumor wasn't true.

My point exactly. If they bothered researching it AT ALL, they'd find the Bible's predictions are not rumor.
Okay, I may be wrong about Nostradomus, yay for me.
But did they really need to automatically assume it's not true?

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The Bible has never in any way been proven (I can't believe I'm saying this next part) beyond a shadow of a doubt, some sort of psychic magical book to me, you, or anyone alive today. So yes, that would be a natural and common response.

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The Bible has never in any way been proven (I can't believe I'm saying this next part) beyond a shadow of a doubt, some sort of psychic magical book to me, you, or anyone alive today. So yes, that would be a natural and common response.

Be patient and it will be proven. And by psychic, magical book, you make it seem that it is an inpossibility. Which only proves ones arrogance.
Also, not even TRYING to provew me wrong by RESEARCHING it is only more proof that I am dealing with arrogant, stubborn people. So stuck in their beliefs that they won't try to prove me wrong.

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What? who? where? My god man, why would anyone in their right mind tell me, "You make it hard to respond civilly." I mean thats like telling a gradeschooler, "I bet you won't throw a paper wad at the principal." I'll SHOW you hard to respond civilly!

Your mother went to college, is in the PTA, school board, and is a well respected member of SOCIETY! :crazy

Okay that aside. I hate to quote and reply but Vec has this thing about reasoning with users before I start beating them. Silly, I know, but its the rule and you forced my furry paw.

Ok... lets that a look here.


Rico, you're use of sarcasm makes it difficult to speak to you in a civilized way. The least you could do is dignify me with an intelligent response.

Get used to it kiddo, world doesn't revolve around your wants. I'll dignify you with intelligence when I SEE some, until then you'll take nonsensical berating and LIKE IT. ;P


Well, thank you for ungracefully critisizing my beliefs, however, I'm no expert on Nostradomus, I only know what he predicted.

Learn to laugh at yourself or you will not get far in this life my friend. Oh and everytime you goto church you "ungracefully critisiz[e] my beliefs". Get used to people not all being Christian, ya silly mook.


The Bible, on the other hand, has failed to be wrong. Read up on the Book of Revelations, translate it correctly (which has hardly ever been done), then talk to me.

So all that stoning little kids and women for wearing knee-high skirts, jihading non-believers, not eating fish, pork, etc. I.E. the Old Testament. All true? :3

Oh and if it's never been translated, might that mean you are ALL wrong?


My point exactly. If they bothered researching it AT ALL, they'd find the Bible's predictions are not rumor.

Is that before or after it tells you love everyone except arabs, mormons, gays, hindus, etc? Which predictions came true? We all know y2k was absolutely true, that end of the world thing was awesome.


Okay, I may be wrong about Nostradomus, yay for me.
But did they really need to automatically assume it's not true?

When someone tells you some guy that had never heard of toilet paper predicts all the computers in the world will shutdown on a given day. You snicker.

When the SAME people tell you 2 years LATER that he predicted a terrorist attack in a country that didn't exist in his time, which later turns out to be a fraud. You cackle.

When the VERY SAME people tell you SIX years later that he's predicting a nuclear holocaust courtesy a third world country who's only weapons were bought BY the US. The only answer left is nothing civil, I made it as civil as possible without just deleting your post.

A final parting note from your benelovent Bastard Moderator from Hell
The beatings will continue until morale improves, as long as its ok with Veccypoo. :3

Good DAY sir! Or ma'am =3

~Ricky Dotikki TaviDaki Luvaci Banana Foo Fana Momana the Third

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I'm not waiting until the end of time to make my decision. Also, by "psychic magical book" I mean a book that predicts the future. The thing you're talking about. =O

It proves my disbelief in psychic magical books, not my arrogance. My arrogance proves that.

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We need to make a new religion that worships arrogance. I would be like Jesus, but white.


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