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Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

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There's a religion for everything nowadays.. so why not?

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Get used to it kiddo, world doesn't revolve around your wants. I'll dignify you with intelligence when I SEE some, until then you'll take nonsensical berating and LIKE IT. ;P

Same goes for you, all mighty mod.
But seeing as this a topic of debate, I'd should expect a tad less attitude and a bit more class.
And as for laughing at myself, I gracefully admitted I was wrong about Nostradamus.
You also misunderstood what I meant about interpretting the book. I simply meant read it over, and take a look at research that has been with it, so you can understand where these predictions come from. I wouldn't believe in something if I thought it was fraud. And had you even BOTHERED to read through my other post, I SAID it is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.
Would you mind coming down to earth with the rest of us for a change?
The fact that you won't even bother trying to prove me wrong makes your argument fall to pieces.

Posts: 1818
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The fact that you won't even bother trying to prove me wrong makes your argument fall to pieces.
No, it really doesn't. Anyone who tries will just be wasting their breath because you'll either come up with some weaselly excuse like the verse in question wasn't translated right, or could be interpreted some other way, or you'll just respond by saying "be patient and it will be proven" or some other, equally obnoxious bullsh-t.

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No, it really doesn't. Anyone who tries will just be wasting their breath because you'll either come up with some weaselly excuse like the verse in question wasn't translated right, or could be interpreted some other way, or you'll just respond by saying "be patient and it will be proven" or some other, equally obnoxious bullsh-t.

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No, it really doesn't. Anyone who tries will just be wasting their breath because you'll either come up with some weaselly excuse like the verse in question wasn't translated right, or could be interpreted some other way, or you'll just respond by saying "be patient and it will be proven" or some other, equally obnoxious bullsh-t.

Posts: 1583
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I'm no expert on Nostradomus, I only know what he predicted.

Obviously you don't because many of his "accurate predictions" were made up by people purposely combining different lines or incorrectly translating it. The ones that supposedly have come true all relate to Europe/Asia/Africa and only amounts to about 10% accuracy.


The Bible, on the other hand, has failed to be wrong. Read up on the Book of Revelations, translate it correctly (which has hardly ever been done), then talk to me.

If something has rarely been translated correctly, then how can you know what people that are going by the translations say is accurate?


Read my first post again, I already stated that. It's the events that came before it that make it adhere to what the Bible said.

If that's what you're supposedly referring to then perhaps. However, considering everything else in your post supposedly happened in order with your Isreal comment coming last, that logically would lead one to believe you would be referring to something much more recent--not decades ago.

Posts: 1758
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When someone tells you some guy that had never heard of toilet paper predicts all the computers in the world will shutdown on a given day. You snicker.

When the SAME people tell you 2 years LATER that he predicted a terrorist attack in a country that didn't exist in his time, which later turns out to be a fraud. You cackle.

When the VERY SAME people tell you SIX years later that he's predicting a nuclear holocaust courtesy a third world country who's only weapons were bought BY the US. The only answer left is nothing civil, I made it as civil as possible without just deleting your post.

LMAO that's like a summary of every Nostradamus prediction I've had quoted at me. Apparently everything he predicted was projected to occur every 2 years.

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When the SAME people tell you 2 years LATER that he predicted a terrorist attack in a country that didn't exist in his time, which later turns out to be a fraud. You cackle.


Posts: 170
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Even religiously, it can't yet be the end of the world... All sorts of stuff have to be fulfilled; like all the major countries of the world are supposed to speak the same language, aren't they? I once read a list... I'll see if I can pull it up.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

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Let's just say this. The world will eventually end. Whether it will be because of the Anti Christ, World War III, or the sun becoming a red giant, we don't know for sure.

Posts: 1758
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No you've got it off. The Bible says you're supposed to jump into the bottomless pit at the big mountain on level 5 while singing Natural Woman 100 times. Then a pink lemur is unlocked and gives you the ultimate weapon, the nuke gun, if you press X while chewing gum and patting your head at the same time. Every shot is like a nuke and it's so awesome it actually makes the graphics even better, like infinity bit graphics. You get a side quest as the hidden character, Bush, a large bush that has sucky attack but he can heal and buff your party to a ludicrous degree so that everybody blows up a planet when they burp. He has to save the Holy Borscht from Stalin in a secret level and you can get unlimited gold and every weapon there. Stalin is so tough he kills Sephiroth by insinuating that his sword is overcompensation. When you beat him he says "You fools have only unlocked my true power!" and turns into a cockroach and you step on him. Then you unlock the secret ending, end of the world, by pressing the Jesus button when somebody in your party burps and blows up the world.

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Will someone tell me what question mark period question mark means?

It's code isn't it. The secret to Ultra's real identity is hidden in the Mona Lisa isn't it.

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Don't bother trying to find it. The Illuminati will kill you if you try.

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It's code isn't it. The secret to Ultra's real identity is hidden in the Mona Lisa isn't it.


My identity is hidden in the Sistine Chapel painting.

Posts: 489
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Back on topic... It's a good thing I'll be in vancouver when the 22nd comes. XD i know they wont attack canada. They dont even know canada exists.

Posts: 159
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For all they know it's just another part of the US.


Posts: 489
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I'm sure all of north america is the target. o.o; well... let's hope not. Maybe they'll get it wrong and send them to south america instead. Actually... i dont think ide like them nuking the rainforests.

Posts: 1818
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It's been 5 days and so far, no nukes. Funny, that.

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Eh. The Bible AND Nostradamus predicted these events.


The Bible, on the other hand, has failed to be wrong.


Be patient and it will be proven.

You have to wait till the 22nd. 😮


Posts: 37
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Wake me up when it's over.

After the 29th, that is. :p

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Cyc did you like, uh, read the thread? It's on the 22nd. I've been updating the title.

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Duh, they had to push the launch date back because walmart ran outta towels and a ceremony of this magnitude demands ceremonial headwear. :3


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No that's NASA duh.

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This thread title needs another update >>. Anyway, this could be a reviting novel oppurtinity!

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Ekkk.. the day is approching YET it isn't going to happen there so no one has to worry anymore.

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Day after tomorrow. You know, if they actually DO nuke Isreal and/or us, I'm going to feel really really bad about making jokes about this. Or I'll feel really, really dead. Atlanta is a nice big fat target for the big bombs, being how it's one of the biggest cities in the Great Satan.

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Yeah you'll feel a bit down ... but then you can go play some super smash bros. and joke around with your firends saying "hey man?, can you believe that actually happened" and they would be all like "lol...yeah".

Posts: 1818
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Day after tomorrow. You know, if they actually DO nuke Isreal and/or us, I'm going to feel really really bad about making jokes about this. Or I'll feel really, really dead. Atlanta is a nice big fat target for the big bombs, being how it's one of the biggest cities in the Great Satan.

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And we said the northeastern elites were bad.


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Oh sorry. I didn't know Atlanta wasn't a big city. D:

Honestly. It's not a first target, but if I was a crazyguy wanting to kill all of us, Atlanta'd be somewhere on the list.

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Much like Oklahoma, I think you should be more worried about pissy little white guys in Ryder trucks than psychotic Jihaders.

~Rico (was under a mile from that little beauty)

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lol tomorrow is the BIG day SX go into your bombshelter.

Posts: 1396
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Actually, today is the big day, it'll be morning in the middle east already.

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Well it has passed and good ol sx was wrong again.



part 2


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Tussy have you read a single post in this thread? And by "read" I mean understand and acknowledge the words, not glance at the pretty shapes on the monitor.

I never believed there would be a nuclear attack.

But, Iran did issue their response to our questions. Kinda. CNN link for those of us just so convinced Fox News can't tell a story straight. Added on the request of several anonymous lazy Democrats.

Sure, they don't hav eany nukes! They're just playing hard to get with the AEA and UN inspectors. They're flirting, obviously.

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I think I've already asked TUS that question at least once already. ;)

~Rico (Da Bomb)

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What's question? =)

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What's a question? =)

ah damn it.... sorry this this was an accident the double post that is.

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Posts: 2928
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Tussy have you read a single post in this thread? And by "read" I mean understand and acknowledge the words, not glance at the pretty shapes on the monitor.


What's question? =)


Posts: 1583
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Atlanta is only on the list of someone that wants to exterminate Black people due the fact that it's the "new Black mecca" starting (if not already) surpassing NYC in that regard. ;p

Pretty much any city in the North, the West, and then mid-West would beat most Southern cities. The only Southern cities that would be relatively high would be in places like Texas (which can count as West to some people, but I'm counting it as South) or bordering the gulf/Atlantic for their oil/refining capabilities. Though considering I haven't heard of an attack for Atlanta, but have for many other cities around the country (mainly in the North & West and Chicago), no it's not that high on the list.

I'm keeping my comments about anything else to myself lest I get charged with being cruel instead of just mean.

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I enjoy the rewards of both.


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TR it doesn't matter. We're Americans. They hate us. I think the only place they would hesistate to nuke (If they could get a nuke into every city in America or something) is Dearborn or similar cities. In their twisted minds, all they want is casualty rates for something like that. If a nuclear attack was to ever happen, I think a message sent by what city was targeted would be tertiary to "Cause as much damage as possible to wound the Infidels" and if Muslims die in the attacks (Like Spt. 11) then they're inadvertent martyrs and will thank them in Paradise (they say.) They don't care about black or white. They care about hurting and/or killing as many people as they can.

Atlanta may not be very high on the list, but it's definately in the top 15 or so.

Posts: 1818
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Also, SX, we already know you're a hysterical, alarmist git. There's no need to continually remind us.

Posts: 1827
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You know when Britian ruled the world we never had nuclear threats thrown at us. The fact here were no nuclear bombs at the time is meaningless.

Lol American Medias

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Now since this isn't up for discussion anymore, the topic can be closed now.

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Did they blow up Atlanta and I missed it? :(


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No, I think they got new jersey instead.

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Long as Ben got outta there they didn't hit any important. But by your god if he didn't I'll SHOW you Jihad.


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