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Iran to launch a nu...
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Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

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lol @ Rico.

Ben's in London.

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No he's not.


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TR it doesn't matter. We're Americans. They hate us.



I think the only place they would hesistate to nuke (If they could get a nuke into every city in America or something) is Dearborn or similar cities.



In their twisted minds, all they want is casualty rates for something like that.

For the first semi-rational comment made (though this has nothing to with Iran, but with al Qaeda--and there's a huge difference between the two in terms of how they see themselves and what they want), I won't giggle. I just giggle at the way you've seemingly twisted that semi-rational thought in your mind. ^_^


If a nuclear attack was to ever happen, I think a message sent by what city was targeted would be tertiary to "Cause as much damage as possible to wound the Infidels" and if Muslims die in the attacks (Like Spt. 11) then they're inadvertent martyrs and will thank them in Paradise (they say.)



They don't care about black or white.

It depends on your version of "they" (and I'm only pointing this out because it's obvious my previous post went over your head). I have a lot more to worry about (even living in NY--in one of the most segregated places in the US I'll add ^_^) from racists than I do from al Qaeda (and similar) terrorists. I have more to fear from drunk drivers than both types combined by a large margin--and so do most people, even if they seem to get "afraid" any time they hear the word "terrorists." If I moved back into NYC (where I lived from Sept 1999 to May 2003) that would still be true, even though most know that NYC is the top of everyone's list that actually wants to "harm" the USA due to the fact that it has 1) people and 2) money.


Atlanta may not be very high on the list, but it's definately in the top 15 or so.

It would trail all the major Northeastern cities, DC, all the major West coast cities, the remaining port cities not accounted for in the northeast/west, and Chicago easily in terms of foreign terrorism.

Now if you're conflating domestic terrorism with foreign terrorism, only then could Atlanta rise on the list--but that would be due to domestic terrorism for domestic reasons (i.e. Oklahoma City).

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Atlanta Terrorist Plot Foiled


Agents were working on a tip that terrorists would strike August 22. However, they knew only that these terrorists were hiding out in Atlanta. They had this in common with their targets. The terrorists roamed Atlanta looking for a landmark. "We drove across this entire city" said Shariq Ansara. "Do you have any idea how expensive gas is? Damn terrorists." They tried the Coca Cola HQ. "WTF? I'm not blowing myself up for Coke. Are we trying to help the Americans diet?" The airport? It is a rather big airport. "No way." The terrorists were eventually captured at a waffle house.

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TR that's why I said top 15 instead of top 5 or so. Like I said, Atlanta is a big city. There's no two ways around it. Terrorists aren't going to start blowing up Nowhere, Arizona, as long as Atlanta exists. As for the rest, giggling doesn't get much of a point across. And yeah, terrorism is a threat, but more Americans die by driving than they do by errant airplanes. But we're not talking about driving. We're talking about, if terrosts had the means, the people, the money, and the oppertunity, would Atlanta be good target? Not the BEST target, not even top ten - 15 is somewhat of a stretch. -, but definately a target. Like I said. They're terrorists. They cause terror. Are you honestly trying to say that if Atlanta was suddenly removed, in all honesty, people wouldn't feel a little afraid? I'm not saying it's very likely. IF I was a terrorist, I wuldn't give Atlanta a very close look in the face of Chicago, Boston, NYC, LA (They hate hollywood for corrupting the youth. They've said that before.), who knows. Can one really explain how a terrorist thinks?

TR, it's not easy responding to giggling. You're a smart person. Surely you can explain things in more detailed terms.

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I think it's very detailed that a smart person is giggling at you.

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She's giggling at you to avoid hurting your feelings by making you look stupid like she does with Matt =(

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[sing]It don't matta if you're black or white![/sing]

I'd give SX a lap dance but I think thats illegal in most states. So he'll have to settle for Acrio.


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Vec: lol ^_^ Yes, Carroll's story has been an interesting one. I haven't gotten around to reading all of it yet though. 🙂

Wonderbat: How did you get to know me so well? 😀


Like I said, Atlanta is a big city. There's no two ways around it.

The point that continues to escape you is that you need to be more than a big city to attract the attention of foreign terrorists, i.e. Al Qaeda. Though you might want to evaluate how big Atlanta really is (New Orleans can be dropped as its population is currently about half that number now). They've outlined what they're after in terms of targets. When you start naming all the high profile targets (including financial) in Atlanta you'll get somewhere. But I still find it hilarious how you've gone from talking about Iran to Al Qaeda in this topic.


Terrorists aren't going to start blowing up Nowhere, Arizona, as long as Atlanta exists.



And yeah, terrorism is a threat, but more Americans die by driving than they do by errant airplanes.

Glad you understand that. Maybe one day you'll let logic help you re-assess what you should worry about actually harming you.


We're talking about, if terrosts had the means, the people, the money, and the oppertunity


SX is talking about fairy-tale scenarios, but not situations that are remotely likely to occur. TR continues to giggle because she rather only be considered mean and not cruel.


Are you honestly trying to say that if Atlanta was suddenly removed, in all honesty, people wouldn't feel a little afraid?

I'll repeat what I said to Ultra recently. I don't play straw games where people put words in my mouth. So, try again. 😉


Can one really explain how a terrorist thinks?

Yes, just read/listen to what they say... Their leaders, the ones who get caught, and then think about human nature in terms of what people do when put in certain situations. Obviously many can say that "I wouldn't do this or that," but the same can be said for serial killers (as an example). It is known what makes them tick to a certain degree. The only thing that no one can predict is "who" will actually go down the path. ;p

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I'll repeat what I said to Ultra recently. I don't play straw games where people put words in my mouth. So, try again. ;)

Looks like YOU have forgotten the purpose of marble garden.

The official MG FORMAT is this.









Witty remark

And repeat until all half sentences save the ones that actually pertain to the real topic are taken care of. If you need an example to jog your memory just go look at Wraith and I in the "Keeping Religion Alive" aka "Gays Suck thread #86"


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<i>Glad you understand that. Maybe one day you'll let logic help you re-assess what you should worry about actually harming you.</i>

I'm sorry, you seem to have the opinion that I'm concerned.

I don't have any comment on any other of your giggling.

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lol @ Rico

But... it wasn't a snippet... I never even said it. ^_^

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Hey guys since Iran didn't nuke us and/or Isreal, isn't this thread pointless?

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Now since this isn't up for discussion anymore, the topic can be closed now.

I will edit that statement and say Now since this isn't up for discussion anymore, shouldn't it be closed off?

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They're just waiting till we don't suspect it.

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Naw, crank that timer back up and let's go again.


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Hey guys since Iran didn't nuke us and/or Isreal, isn't this thread pointless?



I will edit that statement and say Now since this isn't up for discussion anymore, shouldn't it be closed off?

If a thread being pointless was a reason to lock it, most everything in SPA wouldn't exist. A ton of other threads would be locked just due to being "old" or whatever. You want a thread to go away, stop posting in it and hope everyone else feels the same way. As long as someone wants to post in it and it isn't horrendous spam, it'll continue. Don't like it, ignore the thread. It won't hurt you.

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I didn't say to lock it. I jsut pointed out that it's pointless.

And you're comparing MG to the SPA. I'd like to say there's a difference, but yeah.

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I could compare MG to MFC, but SPA made more sense because it's filled with pointless topics unlike MFC which has some non-pointless ones mixed in.

However, had I chose to rationalize, I could compare MG to any forum on the board and mention how a pointless topic to one person wouldn't be a pointless topic to another. But I decided against rationalization and just went for the obvious.

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The only difference between MG and the SPA is that there's less religion in the SPA ^.^

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YEAH! There is a difference! SPA doesn't have religiously pointless topics!

Oh and SPA is meant for pointless topics. >>

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SPA is meant for pointless topics, but MG is full of 'em anyway =.

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Yes, that's what I'm implying.

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Alot of them are pointless because we have half-attempts at thoughtful posts or apathy and useless droll. Good work. ^_^

Posts: 377
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That Nuclear Strike sure did the trick. Glad we're all dea -- oh, wait.

Yeah, if such an event ever did happen, I'm sure we'd defend ourselves well against it. Well, we better.

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In other news the blackberry handheld is starting to dominate electronics, aka known as the Crackberry.

Posts: 4336
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I like berries. =.

Slightly on-topic though...

Iran Opens Nuclear Plant

Oh, and Rico:


No he's not.

Yes he is.

Posts: 2928
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Thats a clock, silly.


Posts: 4336
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I know. Who do you think I was referring to? ;3

Yeah, but seriously, who's Ben?

Posts: 2928
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Oh! Well actually you were right, about a day after I made that post I got ahold of that little turd. It's a friend of mine, he's in texas now anyway. Yet another air force loser like Fexus. XD


Posts: 1044
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I see no Ben, all I see is St. Stephen's Tower. And all them routemasters are gone D: (Big Ben = bell)

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