When we think of someone getting raped, what is the first thing people automatically tend to think of? Usually it's situations where a woman is on a date, and doesn't want to conform to sex, the man doesn't understand that no means no and goes for it anyway.
Most cases of rape deal with women being the victum. And while it's true that women usually ARE a victum, it kind of makes me wonder why then, it wouldn't be made such a big deal if the situation were reversed!?
It's not impossible, and it has happened before. It just doesn't happen as often. When it does, the situation is often very emotionally scarring for a man, and in my opinion it's worse. Because no only does he feel the same or similiar reprocussions a woman faces when she's victumized, but he may also question his sexuality and men, this may be a steriotype but, they do tend to be more prideful about these things, and the thought of being dominated by a woman like that could be devistating.
Yet I'm surprized that when it does happen that it isn't breaking news! We always here about a woman that's raped by another guy, whatever the reason be it date rape or being attacked in the street. I think the reason being is that men are typically taught to hide their feelings, and are too afraid and embarressed to talk about it. Not to say a woman is also, but if you look at society, it just doesn't seem socially acceptable. Men are expected to just shrug it off and go on with life. So what? But that's just the thing. Men should talk about it, these are one of these things that just wouldn't be healthy if they kept these hurtful feelings deep inside.
I suppose another point I could bring up is that if a person thinks of a man being raped, they automatically think of a man raping a man. It's true that this happens, but it also encourages the steriotype that hanging around a gay man could make you liable of being raped by another man. The same could be said of being a girl that hangs out with a lesbien. It could happen, I don't deny that, but you can't automatically assume that hanging out with a gay or lesbien means they're going to jump you, I KNOW a lesbien and some bi girls personally. They're far more respectable than that. Granted, I'm not entirely supportive of gays and lesbiens, I'm neutral, but that's besides my point. Just thought I'd make that clear.
I guess my point with gays and lesbiens also, is that you can't automatically assume a man took advantage of another man. Sometimes it really is a woman that dominates a woman. It doesn't make it any more or less right. It certainly doesn't mean that this man is lesser than others. But it does happen and I think people should realize this and take the matter seriously.
What do you guys think? oO If this is too personal an issue you can delete it but I really think it's something that should be addressed, especially when people think of rape they automatically think of a guy forcing a woman into sex.
People don't take men being raped by women seriously enough in my opinion and I think that sort of thing should be addressed when it comes to basic self defense, or when the issue is brought up entirely.
Not exactly rape, but Michael Chricton's novel Disclosure details the subject of a man being oppressed by a woman (somewhat) in a business.
I'd rephrase it to "female rapists" does anyone care? If a man is raped by another man, it's just as big an issue as if a female were.
The main issue with the reason female>male rape isn't spoken about much is because it is rare, the female organs are less equipt to deal with something like that, especially when regarding a male victim.
Female>Male domestic violence, however. That is a big and widely ignored issue which goes on constantly and victims do not recieve as much help as they should, whereas there are places set up for female victims of domestic abuse, no such service is offered for males and in terms of legal action a male would recieve less priority, as in most relationship cases such as child custody and so forth.
Female>Male domestic violence huh? Hm. I didn't even think of that. But it's true, most people nowadays try to make women look like they're the victums. What about male victums? I honestly think it's unfair, no matter what the circumstances are.
Just out of curiousity, in what cases have you seem women abusing men before? oo
I read this over, and it instantly set my neurons on fire.
I instantly began typing, and my fingers were a flurry of rapidness.
I had it all written up.
It was a long and intelligent essay.
Unfortunately, it was above the board limit so I guess you kiddies will never see it as it will inevitably warp your fragile little minds.
Too bad.
EDIT: Pffft. Just kidding. This thread is retarded.
Wonderbat, your post adds absolute crap. Don't spam and don't post in this topic again unless it actually has to deal with the subject matter.
So I'm not the only one who thought about this.
I agree pretty much with Craig though the only times I think of a man being raped by women would involve drugs, the women being stronger, and statutory rape (child/handicap).
Yeah same here. Though what about gang raping a guy? I've heard about women in prisens who get really desparate and lonesome that will do that to a guy. It's not pretty either.
But I do quite agree with you. Not like she could do anything to a guy stronger than her..but she may attempt to which is still pretty bad in my opinion.
Child molestation is a whole 'nother ball game though but I suppose if it involved a woman molesting a young boy it would fall under that catagory.
Add having weapons or threats. There are a lot of ways for men to be overcome by women. You don't have to be fully conscious for a rape to occur either.
But yeah, I agree that domestic abuse is probably more common than rape. Either way, the women = weak and men = strong theme of our society is the underlying "problem."
I kind of want to jump into this topic, but I kind of don't. I don't really talk about what happened to me because it was a long time ago and to be honest, I never really got worked up about it because I knew this woman was sick.
When I was 17 or so our work crew had a party in which one larger 32-year old woman "molested" me, if that's the right word, while I was passed out. I didn't do anything about it, I just quit my job and moved on to something better. I never really wanted to make an issue out of it.
(Just a note; Being 17 and passed out makes it easy to point the finger at me for being underaged; But I was a big 16 year old, it could just as easily been a 19 year old, which is the legal age.)
So yes, if not rape, but sexual assault for sure is done by females as well as males, but no, I don't think people care as much. I didn't make a Kobe Bryant case out of this.
My mindset after the incident wasn't "I'm scarred for life", it was more... man, what a sick **** that woman is, and never really spoke of it.
Wow...that's just...oh my God. *hugs Clouded* I'm really sorry to hear that I didn't know. I'm glad you're ok. I agree with ya, that's just sick. But regardless of how you felt I think it should've been reported. That sick ***** should be arrested. >.< That takes a lot of courage for you to bring that up in public. *hugs* I really mean that in a sincere way.
Wow. That's just wrong right there...my God this world is sick.
Well just so you guys know, I do care if a guy gets raped or sexually assualted. Whether it happens to a man or a woman, it's still something people should take seriously. It doesn't make it any less wrong if it happens to a man, and I really think men should be aware of the dangers just like women are.
Queen, you sound a lot more concerned for me than you really ought to... I really appreciate it, but really, don't worry about it. It just passes through my head every so often.
Geez.. now that you got me thinking about it, I never really connected my timidness for dating and sexual contact while I was in high school with the confrontation I had with this woman, but I guess in retrospect, that's probably why it happened. Interesting.
I guess the only damaging thing that happened to me was that I look at rape and sexual assault a bit differently than most. It's hard for me to watch people denounce males for these crimes as openly as they do. Females can point the finger at males all they want for the problem behind these issues, but I think that rape and sexual assault are problems that stem from society as a whole, not just males.
*first post here*
I feel bad for you clouded.
i too feel a little differently about rape then most. but the reason why reportings of rape against a male are so rare is because they don't happen that often. (as previously disscussed.)
My mom however was victim to rape. and i'll the first to admit that if i ever find that man i'll kill him with my bear hands. (my sister and i are NOT the result of this FYI)
what i find to be completely unfair is the fact that Women have alot more to lose then men do. while it's unfair for everyone (male and female) i think it's more unfair for women.
... but the reason why reportings of rape against a male are so rare is because they don't happen that often. (as previously disscussed.)
Male rape maybe rare but remember the case we hear are the ones that are reported. Most men aren't known for being open or confronting certain problems or even possible problems (ex. Not going to doctors). Out of the men raped, do you honestly think all of them would report being raped or beaten up by women to the police? For all we know it could be more common then most people think.
When we think of someone getting raped, what is the first thing people automatically tend to think of?
Well, if we were already thinking about someone getting raped in the first place, then I'd say we'll be thinking about somebody getting raped.
Usually it's situations where a woman is on a date, and doesn't want to conform to sex, the man doesn't understand that no means no and goes for it anyway.
Most cases of rape deal with women being the victum.
Oh come on, how the hell could anyone misspell "victim"?
And while it's true that women usually ARE a victum
Yes, you just said this in the last sentence.
It's not impossible
and it has happened before. It just doesn't happen as often.
Okay, you said women are usually the "victums" a little while ago. Why are you stating it again in a different way?
When it does, the situation is often very emotionally scarring for a man, and in my opinion it's worse.
Are you a man?
he may also question his sexuality
He will? I'll have you know that most men fantasize about being dominated (or, as you said, "raped") by a member of the opposite sex. Especially if it involves peanut butter and chocolate.
this may be a steriotype
the thought of being dominated by a woman like that could be devistating.
Devastating... or... DEJACULATING?!?/11//1/1
We always here about a woman that's raped by another guy
Another guy? THERE'S MORE THAN ONE?!?1/1/
whatever the reason be it date rape or being attacked in the street
Gang Member 1: Look boss, female!
Gang Member 2: Let's rape her, boss!
Gang Boss: On the count of three, we jump her in the street!
I think the reason being is that men are typically taught to hide their feelings
What century were you born in? Come on, it's the 90s.
I suppose another point I could bring up is that if a person thinks of a man being raped, they automatically think of a man raping a man.
It's true that this happens, but it also encourages the steriotype that hanging around a gay man could make you liable of being raped by another man.
This is a stereotype? I've never heard it.
The same could be said of being a girl that hangs out with a lesbien.
Who misspells "lesbian"?
I KNOW a lesbien and some bi girls personally.
Have you and your fellow conservatives chased them out of the town yet?
They're far more respectable than that.
Granted, I'm not entirely supportive of gays and lesbiens, I'm neutral, but that's besides my point. Just thought I'd make that clear.
Okay! Now, what the hell were we talking about before this?
I guess my point with gays and lesbiens also, is that you can't automatically assume a man took advantage of another man.
You just made this "point" about three times. And I use the term loosely since that isn't a point, it's common sense.
Sometimes it really is a woman that dominates a woman.
What century were you born in? Come on, it's the 90s.
I didn't know the year 2005 was part of the 90s.
BTW, picking on someone's spelling is a bit much. If you understand, it's not necessary. Do you correct your own friends when they make grammatical errors while speaking even though you understand them clearly? ;p
This is an interesting topic I think. The whole women raping men issue is never discussed all that much.
I think part of the reason it doesn't come up all that much is, as was mentioned above, it's not something that perhaps happens as often, but also it's not reported as much. There probably are more instances of it going on than are reported.
And yeah, there's a massive inequality balance between men and women when it comes to such issues as domestic violence. There are practically no safe havens for male victims, yet there are loads for women. I think what the law and the public commonly overlook is that women are as capable of abusing men as men are of women. We're all human after all, and so we're all as capable as the next person of abusing each other regardless of the gender we are.
Men are commonly taught to be more "tough" than women when it comes to their emotions and their personal problems. This is why it's far less common for you to see men talking to each other about their personal lives than it is for you to see women doing so. But that's the way society as a whole tends to be. That said, it may have something to do with the inherent male psyche too. But I digress; if I start discussing that now my post is gonna gro to epic proportions. (Though I will recommend, despite it not being exactly related, the book "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge. Fantastic book!)
Oh, finally, one other mildly off-topic note. To blackmamba678: Click here!
~LightStrike, aka SilverShadow.
Well, since a man getting raped by a woman is an incredibly rare occurance and a woman getting raped by a man happens tons of times everyday, I can see why one might not think about it. Sure, it happens, and when it does, maybe there's a news story about it. But it's not a major problem.
A man getting raped by a woman is rare, but it seems like dudes will like it..homie gettin' up off the ground like ...and get tested the next day...
But the only big issue with dude's getting raped is prolly....getting raped by other men...in jail..don't drop the soap.
A man getting raped by a woman is rare, but it seems like dudes will like it..
And that's the attitude that makes it harder for men than women to report rape (though all forms of rape are underreported).