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Music Bashing - Wha...
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Music Bashing - What is the Point?

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Originally from the Muisc Revolution:

"Please someone, someone tell me why bashing is so coherantly popular in today's culture? With inflamatory remarks like "gay, sucks, officially @#%$." I just don't get it. Why would people on a site designed to let a community share their intrests and love in music- succumb to this? It really annoys me to no end when someone bashes someone for having Backstreet Boys, or Green Day in their top 50 artists. Is it wrong? No. Is it their right to have them there? Yes.
I've been loving music for a long time, and there is not a single genre you can say that sucks and I will not get offended. There is at least one band per genre I like, and one I dislike. Does that mean I bash them? No. Does that mean I hate them? No. Does that mean I tag them as Offically @#%$? Hell No.
The society is to love music, not hate. Sure, its not ever in this world going to be perfect. But why for one day, can't we all get along without targeting someones culture?

Yes. Culture. Music is a part of it, right?

So why bash? As many of my peers have said, it is to increase their ego. To idealize that their music is superior. If you ask me which is better- Simple Plan or Ragnarok. I would say they are the same. Wether their lyrics are more innovative or their instruments are well tuned or what have you.

This is a Bad Religion. This Bashing of Musicial Taste and Pride.

And these bashers, these officially @#%$ taggers.....they say they love music. Who are they kidding if they loved music- they would love it all with no line. They would not bash because they hate no music. They would not tag artists hurtfully, because they hate no music.

And to anyone who thinks I'm being a "girl" or whatever @#%$ they want to increase their ego with- go bugger elsewhere please. Wether you listen to Slipknot, Johann Sebastian Bach, Chuck Berry, Hypocrisy, or Stellar Kart- you deserve the idea that you won't get hated for it. I don't want to hear it. I have no respect for bashers, wether it is music or real people. But wait, isn't music composed by real people. Holy amazing @#%$ batman! Jsut think of it this way. Would you go to Johnny Smith and call him names until he columbines you and your whole schools ass? No.

Then why music?

We must learn to love the music, and never hate. There will never be a perfect picture, but maybe we can have a perfect frame."

This topic fitted the forum, in my judgement.

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I hate you, and the music you like!

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Because if the cool people didn't tell us what was cool and what was lame, how would we know? :D


Posts: 170
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Pretty much Mike said. Other than sub-genres, there's not a type of music I don't like at least five songs from. There are a few exceptions... but these are usually for the morally inept.

There's a type of rap centered around male dominance in a variety of... fashions. Let your imagination take hold of that as it would. LOTS of old-time Southern songs (Pre-1900's) deal with racism. I specifically remember this old tune that was the song for this one college a while back, and the chorus line was something like, "Down in ole' Mississippi, down in the fields, whippin' blacks and pickin' cotton."

So. Take this as you would.

-Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

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The only genre that really irritates me is country. And I think thats just that I associate that with Oklahoma in all of its stupidity. Probably has nothing to do with its musical merits.


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The only time I listen to country is when I'm driving, because it's relaxing. Everything else just sounds too 'RARARARAR' for me to drive to.

Now the rap subgenre called 'gangsta rap'...I'm just it okay to bash something that's technically not music to begin with? >->

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Rap is actually pure music if you want to get technical. It's a beat and spoken word. It's simple.

You just don't think is it because you don't like it. Just like I feel about country and my mother feels about alternative.


Posts: 4336
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Technically, that's true...but gangsta rap is usually such a flaming stream of profanity that it just sounds icky. Hence why I casually refer to it as non-music.

Posts: 1818
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I think it's perfectly reasonable to bash certain kinds of music and the people who listen to it. Like Good Charlotte. What the f--k kind of loser listens to that garbage? Seriously. And Simple Plan? Absolutely nauseating.

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I listen to GC. Am I going to get another berating IM for that, ya dumb moosejockey? We can fire preschool insults back and forth all day if you want. ;)


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I think Cycle just ignored the whole topic of the disscussion.

Posts: 233
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Why is music-bashing popular? Because people make subjective judgements about what music counts as good music, and what counts as noise. Personally, I'm generally very tolerant of most styles of music - preferring certain examples to others, naturally, but that's only to be expected.

I'm interested in Rico's definition of [pure] music as "beat and spoken word". Where does orchestral music fit into this? How about singing, or other pitch, or is music essentially the same as poetry? There are more extreme examples I could refer to, but these should do for now...

Posts: 12
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Look, music is annoying to some people. When something is popular enough to force itself on people, they get pissed off and resent the sheep who made it popular in the first place. If I met a Cheeky Girls fan, I'd ram my fist into their stomach and demand they repay me for all the councilling I had to get to purge that song from my head.

People praising cookie cutter bands who just represent a shallow stereotype, rather than musical integrity (your typical pop singers = sex. New age rock mostly = emo etc). People rewarding this is freaking infuriating. Listening to these bands and advertising your love for them is like being the guy who wears a badge saying "Hi, I'm a clich" and let me tell you, Bobby. No one likes that guy. Not a soul.

So, if people wish to define themselves by music which is dedicated to highlighting a clich, then insulting it is fine.

Most of the time people have excuses, just can't be arsed to list them. Linkin Park for example, need to stop whining about all their problems in life being the fault of their significant other, if you listen to the lyrics there is not a single song where they accept responsibility for their own actions or circumstances, it's either on "you", fate or a second side of themselves which they have no control over.

Teaching teens that it's ok to shy away from their responsibilities, blame their life on their loved ones and runaway from problems is total bull. Not to mention they do this while having a total schizophrenic styling which cannot decide if it's hard rock, rap, ghetto and so forth, but no matter what they settle on, it's still such a standard time signiture, that like Nickleback, you could probably play 2 of their songs at the same time and hear almost the same thing.

See... that's hard to type.

I prefer "Linkin Park suck!"

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I disagree. Hating something just because of a crowd or cliche' is stupid and just being ignorant if you proclaim you love music. And Im sure you would not punch your best friend if they told you they liked Fall Out Boy or whatever.

My point.

Posts: 2928
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Hi! I'm cliche'


Posts: 1367
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While I don't do it to the extreme I used to, I firmly believe that most music these days sucks, even if taste is subjective. In fact, a lot of people would say that the stuff I listen to sucks. It's their right, they can go ahead and do that--I'm not stopping them. If people just wouldn't be so pissy about other people dissing what they listen to, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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You know what?
I DON'T love music.
I love MY music, and I tend to think everyone else's is gratingly annoying and hurts my ears.
Do I tell them that?
Only if A)They ask me my opinion or
B) They are putting me in a situation where I am forced to listen to it.
Do I care when people insult my music? Only when A) Never.

So basically, my philosophy is "Live and let Live" When it comes to music, unless you are expressly asked to tell the other person what they think or it is directly affecting you.

Now I think that if everyone could just do pretty much the same thing and not go around making fun of everyone else's tastes and getting their panties in a bunch when people insult their,s the world would be a whole lot better and we could all just listen to our music in peace.

Posts: 1818
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I love MY music, and I tend to think everyone else's is gratingly annoying and hurts my ears.
Thank you.

Do I tell them that? Only if A)They ask me my opinion or B) They are putting me in a situation where I am forced to listen to it.
Pretty much the same here, except for this one time I saw a girl wearing a My Chemical Romance T-shirt and I crushed her larynx.

Posts: 2928
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Ah SHQ, the board where our users admit to felony's in public.


Posts: 1818
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Didn't you know? Listening to My Chemical Romance will get you six months and probation in Canada.

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Looks like you guys are learning from the US government very quickly.


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Oh, and I just noticed this:


And Im sure you would not punch your best friend if they told you they liked Fall Out Boy or whatever

No, first I would beat him with a lead pipe until he passed out, then I would steal his entire music collection, his shoes, and his car keys.

Friends don't let friends listen to emo.

Posts: 2928
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I blame Japan for the anti-emo movement. All those emotionless anime bishie's these kids emulate.


Hehehe, they're Emu.


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I don't love all music. I don't feel obligated too. NOBODY should feel obligated to like something that sounds like a cat being fed to a garbage disposal tail first.

I do, however, feel obligated to let someone know that I believe they have sh*tty taste in things like music and movies. You see, there are two kind of 'sh*tty taste' in the world. #1: The 'Everyone else likes it so I will too' people. Y'know, the trend-followers, the MTV whores, the late-comers. These are the worst, because they can't actually TELL you why they like something, they just throw out a preprogrammed response that's five kinds of asinine. #2: The people who have broken eyes and ears. These people are just cursed with genuinely liking horrible things. Examples: liking Good Charlotte more than NOFX or The Clash, thinking that rap today is better than it was 15 years ago, thinking that Nickelback makes "good music" and listening to Yanni of your own free will. These are better than the first because at least they can defend their busted opinions without sounding like a robot everytime.

Yes, bad taste exists. It's what helps Shrek 2 outgross The Incredibles at the box office, Limp Bizkit sell CDs and ensures that someone, somewhere, regardless of their own personal health, listens to 'St Anger' more than 'Kill Em All'.

Posts: 1367
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I love you, Troy.

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NOBODY should feel obligated to like something that sounds like a cat being fed to a garbage disposal tail first.

And I shouldn't feel obligated to hold my tongue when morons speak as if their opinion is a god given fact, ay?

Do I need awards to say a kind or band of music is good? I'm a musician. I was section leader for 2 years in concert band and marching band. Lead soloist in Jazz Band, outstanding Junior, receipient of the John Philips Sousa Award.

Does any of that mean I can say what people should and shouldn't like? No.

I like what I like. Personally unless the artist has a nasal twang I can always find some merit in it. But really it all is good in some way to somebody.

Whether it be Sonata Arctica's guitar work and fluidity, Good Charolette's harmonic style, Green Day's fantastic use of time signature, or even the tech in me just going "wow' at the audiophile technology's ability to turn crappy out of tune Three Doors Down into something that actually resembles "music". Lets even take Rap. It's simplistic mix of beat and words is very appealing to some people.

I can go from Manson to Yanni and point out their qualities and strengths, Castor. So if you want, when you don't understand why someone likes a band, ask me. ;)

EDIT: I should iterate the best response to "I love 'Band X'! They are SOOO cool!" Where Band X is a band you hate, is the tried and true "@#%$ and Ignore" reply. It should be something like this.

Rico: I don't do Country Music.
Rico: *wander off*

See in this example we can clearly see the @#%$:


And they Ignore:

"Rico: *wander off*"

It avoided an arguement that would have only made me look as stupid as the fanboy. It's very effective.


Posts: 1818
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I dunno rico. Simple Plan makes the kind of music even a mother couldn't love.

Posts: 2928
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Fallout Boy like most "emo" bands draws attention because of three things. The main draw is of course the artists themselves, emo is just the new word for "boyband", but the trendy kids like to mix up the names once in awhile.

The musical side of these new boy bands is something different. I'm not sure which ones are playing and not being manipulated electronically but musically the main points are two things.

1) Harmonized vocals with dissonance added in just the right spots. It gives the vocals a musical quality but yet adds in the disonance and non-standard vocals that are characteristic of Rock music.

2) Musically both the bands you guys fired off seem to combine the standard boyband harmonization with a more alternative style aggressive instrumental.

Neither is anything out of the ordinary. The vocal sound is nothing The Beatles or Nsync hasn't done before and the guitar work is the same as Weezer, Bush, Green Day, etc.

It's Pop Rock guys. Nothing more. It's a little more fruity than Weezer and a little more rock than NSYNC. Not my thing but it's not more "crap" than anything else.

EDIT: Missed a major point, gracis Cyke.

A fourth thing is lyrics. This is were bands like Weezer and Green Day seperate from the two listed. "boyband" or "emo" lyrics tend to be very simple and almost aways about their girl/boyfriends.

Lyrics. The two differ. "Fallout Boy" is the standard "emo" band with mainly girlfriend. love. breakup. songs.

"Simple Plan" seems to be more focused on youthful rebellion and all the immaturity it entails.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Let it be known that Good Charlotte is really only responsible for spawning the whole emo thing and is not really a good example of the monster we see before us today. Before we go on I'm just going to let a good friend of mine outline the definition of "emo" so we know the ground rules. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Doctor David Thorpe.

Identification: To refer to emo as an entire subculture centered on being vain, melodramatic, pathetic, self-absorbed, and emotionally histrionic would be unfair. There's more to it than that. There's also all the terrible music, stupid haircuts, and fantastically complex MySpace profiles. While we can all conjure up a mental image of a stereotypical Emo kid, with a tight sweater, hair dyed black, tiny jeans, and converse with "deep" lyrics Sharpied on, it can be difficult these days to tell emo kids from any other scenester morons. Asking vanilla hipsters and emo kids to list their favorite bands would net similar results: a list of bands youve never heard of. However, an emo kid's band list would contain telltale patterns. First of all, watch out for bands with melodramatic, complete-sentence names, like "I Die in Agony" or "His Heart is Sour." Secondly, the list of bands will quickly transmogrify into a diatribe about how the emo kid doesn't really want to be there because he or she is feeling very depressed over a girl/boy and Hawthorne Heights really helped him or her out during tough times and maybe you'd like to go back to his/her place and see his/her zines and maybe make out a little bit, no big deal. The great thing about emo kids is that they're both promiscuous and emotionally crippled (except for the weird Christian ones).

Musical Taste: A broad banquet of crap. Some emo kids hate the other emo kids because they listen to new fake mall emo instead of the good stuff which was by bands from twenty years ago who never actually released any albums but were quite good nonetheless, according to third-hand recollection. Other emo kids listen to the fake mall emo and love it. Ive met quite a few who never actually admit that they listen to emo: oh, they sort of used to be emo, but theyre basically just indie pop now; oh, thats not emo, its just sort of slightly emo-ish hardcore. Jesus, you idiot, if you listen to six hundred bands that skirt the borders of emo, you basically just listen to emo. @#%$.

How to Tame an Emo Kid: Leave them flattering comments on MySpace. Listen to their problems. Be a member of the opposite sex and reject them (they love unrequited love more than most people love sex, so theyll hang around you for-ev-er).

Benefits of Friendship: Theyll listen to your problems (for about three minutes, before turning the conversation back to their own problems). Theyll write you really bad poetry if they fall in love with you, which you can share with your sane friends for a classic chortle.

Drawbacks of Friendship: They are really, really into the terrible music they listen to. This is true of any hipster subculture, but a lot of emo kids have absurd tunnel-vision taste: they listen to only their sh*tty lttle niche of emo, and youll never get a moments respite from it. Regular hipsters will turn off the Wolf Parade once in a while and throw on some David Bowie, but emo kids will offer no such breaks: itll be straight from His Dying Words to She is Cruelly Dying to This is My Pain Area to He Cuts Me Deep.

Posts: 2928
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Hmm, interesting. Well if this is the case them I'd rather BE emo. The alternative is Macho. Sorry, but getting sloshed and banging chicks isn't my idea of a life. I'll taking crying in a corner if I have to do an extreme. ;)

Though as interesting as it is, can we gravitate off the emo tangent?


Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Am I honestly the only one who can listen to 'emo music,' (Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park; not the lesser extremes) and be completely and unadulteratingly unaffected by it? (Once again, I like most all forms of music, so...)

You'll never find a more giddy, spastic, or overall... *insert adjective here* person in all the world. (Well... Richard Simmons...)

But I'd sooner jump off a cliff than even think of slitting my wrists. Wait... That'd be rather counter-productive to my attempts, but you get my point. In fact, unless it's speaking out against the act, the songs I like from these people don't have that. (Breaking The Habit is anti-drug, for instance) I'm literally in absolutely no danger here; I just like my music to have conflict. It's like a miniature story of good vs. evil. And while we're at it...


thinking that Nickelback makes "good music" and


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Am I honestly the only one who can listen to 'emo music,' (Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park; not the lesser extremes) and be completely and unadulteratingly unaffected by it? (Once again, I like most all forms of music, so...)

I can. =D


Hmm, interesting. Well if this is the case them I'd rather BE emo. The alternative is Macho. Sorry, but getting sloshed and banging chicks isn't my idea of a life. I'll taking crying in a corner if I have to do an extreme.

Apparently Emo-kids attract chicks. Heres some example from a convo:

Drew: *washes his face out*
Mike: Huh?
Drew: My girlfriend and her friend's made me "emo" today.
Mike: Holy Hell Dude. That sucks.
Drew: Tell me about it. They were all like "your so hawt!"
Mike: Boosts your self confidence, eh?


But I'd sooner jump off a cliff than even think of slitting my wrists. Wait... That'd be rather counter-productive to my attempts, but you get my point. In fact, unless it's speaking out against the act, the songs I like from these people don't have that. (Breaking The Habit is anti-drug, for instance) I'm literally in absolutely no danger here; I just like my music to have conflict. It's like a miniature story of good vs. evil. And while we're at it...

Breaking the Habbit is also about War. But yeah, Cutter is apparently Emo now. *shiver* Meh. I'd rather be Punk Rawk or Metalhead then Emo. =P

Stereotypes are fun when you can choose what you want. XD

Posts: 1396
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I agree with Rico, no one has the authority to tell poeple not to like certain bands or genres, or has the god given right to judge what's crap and what's gold. The worst thing is when people will personally attack others (verbally or physically) just because of their taste in music, or any other media likes TV shows, movies, comics or games.

It's like kids auguing whether Thunder Cats is better than He Man toys.

My taste in music is quite varied, my Mother is a professional singer and teaches in two colleges, and my Father is a violinist who has played on TV a few times, my Brother and Sister are in bands of their own, and almost every Uncle and Aunt and both of my Grandmothers are musicians and/or singers, and have worked proffessionally in the business. Because of this I've exerienced a great deal of different sonds, bands and genres and there's pretty much something in each that I like. I can't stand someone saying "All rock is crap" or "All rap is crap" as I hear too often, when the fact is you'll probably find that there's a rock track or rap track that you'll like or influenced one of your favourite songs.

My favourite music would be something by Queen or Led Zeppolin, so I would say I'm more of a rocker than nything anyway.

Posts: 1818
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I agree with Rico, no one has the authority to tell poeple not to like certain bands or genres, or has the god given right to judge what's crap and what's gold.
It's as much your right to listen to sh*tty music as it is mine to tell you how sh*tty it is.

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Hate is a unessicary emotion.

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It's as much your right to listen to sh*tty music as it is mine to tell you how sh*tty it is.

True, but I doubt you'd like me coming up to you when your listening to you're music telling you how crap it is, and as such insulting it and your taste in it. Why do that when you cauld just not listen? And you could just ignore me when I complain, but then that just makes insulting it in the first place redundant.

Posts: 2928
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Ah well, see, people don't WANT peace. Humans LOVE war.

So, when they whine about my music, I'll just respond with some of equal intelligence. "Oh yeah, well lemme tell you a little story. It's about your mom."


Posts: 1367
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Am I honestly the only one who can listen to 'emo music,' (Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park; not the lesser extremes) and be completely and unadulteratingly unaffected by it? (Once again, I like most all forms of music, so...)

Linkin Park is nu-metal, not emo. Although nu-metal sucks pretty hard, too.

Posts: 1818
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Linkin Park is nu-metal, not emo. Although nu-metal sucks pretty hard, too.
LP would be way better if their lyrics weren't such melodramatic, self-obsessed bullsh*t.

Posts: 1367
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That may be true, but I don't like them either way, sound-wise or lyrically.

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That's because every one of their songs' melodies are almost exactly alike, Wesley.

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The variation in music between linkin park's songs is actually not that small in comparison to a lot of popular bands. But variation of musical styles is relaly no basis for how "good" something is.


Posts: 276
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Okay. I love my music. MY music. The bands that I like, are awesome to me. To some other people, they may suck. The Distillers, The Sex Pistols, Nirvana, The Clash, The Misfits, The Delegates, The Fractions, The Ramones. I love them. All of them. Good ol' Punk Rock & Roll is my medicine. But it isn't everybody elses and I understand this.

There are certain bands that I don't like however and I will express my distaste for them. I really don't like the whole "Pop-punk" thing. It pisses me right off. Simple Plan, for example. Fairly talented musicians, but more of a marketing tool if you ask me. They got their image so damned perfect. They were the "ooh, ooh. I'm just a kid. WAAH!" thing goin' on and kids ate it up. They were sellin' records faster than bullets in Detroit. Same goes for My Chemical Romance, or Fallout Boy, or Good Charlotte.

We all know Punk Rock. It was something different. A rebellion and, hey let's face it, a revolution. The last breath of fresh air before the MTV era. But after it was discovered, it became capitolized. Punk was musical freedom, but music can't be freedom when you sign your soul away to some loser in a business suit. He calls the shots, and you hafta do what he says because you signed a contract. did I get on this topic? OH!

Anyway, I don't think it's wrong to sho your feelings about disliking music. I don't like rap. Just not into it. I think it's lame. Don't like 'pop-punk'. Don't like that new 'metal'. Like that AS I LAY DYING kinda stuff. Can't understand what they're saying.

If I got a problem with something, I'll say something. Nothin' wrong with that.

Posts: 534
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Haha classic punk rock was just as much about fashion and image as current pop-punk, we're just not supposed to talk about it. :p

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Shhh, stumbleina.
He's a young'un and doesn't need to be told of things that happened before he was born. ;)

Posts: 1241
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Because I love all you Linkin Park haters. ;)

Music is music. Judge the person on who they are, not what music they listen to. You don't like their music? Don't listen to it.


Bashing the 'band of the moment' doesn't make you cool. Instead, it makes you look like a bit of a dick. Awesome if you're at GameFAQs or 4Chan. Silly for the rest of the internets, and indeed, the real world.

Thank you, I'm here all week! Try the steak, it's amazing!

Posts: 8
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I like music. It's good at altering moods and is a way of zoning out and when it is loud and good it's awesome. Lot's of music is good.

Music = Good stuff. Gooooooooooood.

Posts: 2928
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I love you Gyser. Marry me and I'll never look at another neon multicolored cartoon hedgehog.


Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I had no idea people even threw around the word 'emo' anymore. Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance? That's not emo, that's mainstream. 'Sides, those bands were actually quite enjoyable 3 or 4 years ago. I'd put money that most bashers would like their older CDs. I'm not ashamed to say I own MCR's first CD, 'You brought me your bullets, I brought you my love'. Why? It was overall more Indie than anything.

But would you know that? I admit, I'm not very fond of them anymore, as they've become everything they once used to be against. Same for FOB, though, I still love their older CDs, too. I just think it's quite unfair to judge a bad soley for what you've heard recently. You could easily be bashing a possible band you'd like.

As for hating genre's? What's the point, honestly? For all you know, a rock band you like could be covering a country song you would normally 'hate' out of instinct. Or vice versa. Example? Johnny Cash covering a NIN song. Or, Atreyu covering a Bon Jovi song. One of my favorite bands, who happen to be indie/hardcore just recently recorded a cover of a Reba McEntire song. Look it up.

I like my music, and I'm always open to other people's opinions. But if the only opinion you have is 'YOUR MUSIC SUXXORS BECAUSE IT'S PLAYED ON THE RADIO LOLZ' then the conversation won't get far. It's sad that people hate alot of music, just because they think if they liked it, they wouldn't be cool.

But, whatever, I should be getting choked right now for wearing a Senses Fail t-shirt, right?

I'm still getting used to all this 'logic'.

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